# $FreeBSD$
# The Broadcom 470x/471x/535x series of processors and boards is very commonly
# used in COTS hardware including the ASUS RT-N12, RT-N16, RT-N53.

ident		BCM
cpu		CPU_MIPS74K

hints		"BCM.hints"
include		"../broadcom/std.broadcom"

# ships with cfe firmware
options 	CFE
options		BOOTVERBOSE=0

makeoptions	TRAMPLOADADDR=0x80800000
makeoptions	DEBUG="-g3"		#Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols
makeoptions	MODULES_OVERRIDE=""

options 	DDB
options 	KDB

options 	SCHED_4BSD		#4BSD scheduler
options 	INET			#InterNETworking
options 	NFSCL			#Network Filesystem Client
#options 	NFS_ROOT		#NFS usable as /, requires NFSCL
options 	PSEUDOFS		#Pseudo-filesystem framework
options 	_KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING #Posix P1003_1B real-time extensions

options         FFS                     #Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options         SOFTUPDATES             #Enable FFS soft updates support
options         UFS_ACL                 #Support for access control lists
options         UFS_DIRHASH             #Improve performance on big directories

device		geom_uzip
options		GEOM_UZIP
options		GEOM_LABEL		# Providers labelization.
options		ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:ufs/FBSD\"	# assumes FW built by 
					# freebsd-build-wifi

# Debugging for use in -current
#options 	DEADLKRES

#options 	BUS_DEBUG
#makeoptions	BUS_DEBUG
#makeoptions	VERBOSE_SYSINIT

# bhnd(4)
device		bhnd
device		bcma			# bcma backplane
device		bcma_nexus

device		pci
device		bhnd_pcib		# PCIe-G1 core

#device		bgmac			# Broadcom GMAC - not yet

device		mdio

device		spibus
device		mx25l			# Serial Flash
device		cfi			# Parallel Flash
device		cfid

device		uart

device		loop
device		ether
device 		random
device		md

#options 	HWPMC_HOOKS
#device		hwpmc
#device	 	hwpmc_mips74k

# device 	bfe			# XXX will build both pci and siba
device 		miibus			# attachments

# pci devices

# USB is not yet ready
#options 	USB_DEBUG		# enable debug msgs
#device		usb			# USB Bus (required)
#device		uhci			# UHCI PCI->USB interface
#device		ehci			# EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0)