/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM INC. MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "executive-config.h" #include "cvmx-config.h" #include "cvmx.h" #include "cvmx-spinlock.h" #include <octeon-app-init.h> #include "cvmx-sysinfo.h" #include "cvmx-bootmem.h" #include "cvmx-uart.h" #include "cvmx-coremask.h" #include "cvmx-core.h" #include "cvmx-interrupt.h" #include "cvmx-ebt3000.h" #include "cvmx-sim-magic.h" #include "cvmx-debug.h" #include "cvmx-qlm.h" #include "cvmx-scratch.h" #include "cvmx-helper-cfg.h" #include "cvmx-helper-jtag.h" #include <octeon_mem_map.h> #include "libfdt.h" int cvmx_debug_uart = -1; /** * @file * * Main entry point for all simple executive based programs. */ extern void cvmx_interrupt_initialize(void); /** * Main entry point for all simple executive based programs. * This is the first C function called. It completes * initialization, calls main, and performs C level cleanup. * * @param app_desc_addr * Address of the application description structure passed * brom the boot loader. */ EXTERN_ASM void __cvmx_app_init(uint64_t app_desc_addr); /** * Set up sysinfo structure from boot descriptor versions 6 and higher. * In these versions, the interesting data in not in the boot info structure * defined by the toolchain, but is in the cvmx_bootinfo structure defined in * the simple exec. * * @param app_desc_ptr * pointer to boot descriptor block * * @param sys_info_ptr * pointer to sysinfo structure to fill in */ static void process_boot_desc_ver_6(octeon_boot_descriptor_t *app_desc_ptr, cvmx_sysinfo_t *sys_info_ptr) { cvmx_bootinfo_t *cvmx_bootinfo_ptr = CASTPTR(cvmx_bootinfo_t, app_desc_ptr->cvmx_desc_vaddr); /* copy application information for simple exec use */ /* Populate the sys_info structure from the boot descriptor block created by the bootloader. ** The boot descriptor block is put in the top of the heap, so it will be overwritten when the ** heap is fully used. Information that is to be used must be copied before that. ** Applications should only use the sys_info structure, not the boot descriptor */ if (cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->major_version == 1) { sys_info_ptr->core_mask = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->core_mask; sys_info_ptr->heap_base = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->heap_base; sys_info_ptr->heap_size = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->heap_end - cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->heap_base; sys_info_ptr->stack_top = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->stack_top; sys_info_ptr->stack_size = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->stack_size; sys_info_ptr->init_core = cvmx_get_core_num(); sys_info_ptr->phy_mem_desc_addr = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->phy_mem_desc_addr; sys_info_ptr->exception_base_addr = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->exception_base_addr; sys_info_ptr->cpu_clock_hz = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->eclock_hz; sys_info_ptr->dram_data_rate_hz = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->dclock_hz * 2; sys_info_ptr->board_type = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->board_type; sys_info_ptr->board_rev_major = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->board_rev_major; sys_info_ptr->board_rev_minor = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->board_rev_minor; memcpy(sys_info_ptr->mac_addr_base, cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->mac_addr_base, 6); sys_info_ptr->mac_addr_count = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->mac_addr_count; memcpy(sys_info_ptr->board_serial_number, cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->board_serial_number, CVMX_BOOTINFO_OCTEON_SERIAL_LEN); sys_info_ptr->console_uart_num = 0; if (cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->flags & OCTEON_BL_FLAG_CONSOLE_UART1) sys_info_ptr->console_uart_num = 1; if (cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->dram_size > 32*1024*1024) sys_info_ptr->system_dram_size = (uint64_t)cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->dram_size; /* older bootloaders incorrectly gave this in bytes, so don't convert */ else sys_info_ptr->system_dram_size = (uint64_t)cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->dram_size * 1024 * 1024; /* convert from Megabytes to bytes */ if (cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->minor_version >= 1) { sys_info_ptr->compact_flash_common_base_addr = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->compact_flash_common_base_addr; sys_info_ptr->compact_flash_attribute_base_addr = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->compact_flash_attribute_base_addr; sys_info_ptr->led_display_base_addr = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->led_display_base_addr; } else if (sys_info_ptr->board_type == CVMX_BOARD_TYPE_EBT3000 || sys_info_ptr->board_type == CVMX_BOARD_TYPE_EBT5800 || sys_info_ptr->board_type == CVMX_BOARD_TYPE_EBT5810) { /* Default these variables so that users of structure can be the same no ** matter what version fo boot info block the bootloader passes */ sys_info_ptr->compact_flash_common_base_addr = 0x1d000000 + 0x800; sys_info_ptr->compact_flash_attribute_base_addr = 0x1d010000; if (sys_info_ptr->board_rev_major == 1) sys_info_ptr->led_display_base_addr = 0x1d020000; else sys_info_ptr->led_display_base_addr = 0x1d020000 + 0xf8; } else { sys_info_ptr->compact_flash_common_base_addr = 0; sys_info_ptr->compact_flash_attribute_base_addr = 0; sys_info_ptr->led_display_base_addr = 0; } if (cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->minor_version >= 2) { sys_info_ptr->dfa_ref_clock_hz = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->dfa_ref_clock_hz; sys_info_ptr->bootloader_config_flags = cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->config_flags; } else { sys_info_ptr->dfa_ref_clock_hz = 0; sys_info_ptr->bootloader_config_flags = 0; if (app_desc_ptr->flags & OCTEON_BL_FLAG_DEBUG) sys_info_ptr->bootloader_config_flags |= CVMX_BOOTINFO_CFG_FLAG_DEBUG; if (app_desc_ptr->flags & OCTEON_BL_FLAG_NO_MAGIC) sys_info_ptr->bootloader_config_flags |= CVMX_BOOTINFO_CFG_FLAG_NO_MAGIC; } } else { printf("ERROR: Incompatible CVMX descriptor passed by bootloader: %d.%d\n", (int)cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->major_version, (int)cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->minor_version); exit(-1); } if ((cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->minor_version >= 3) && (cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->fdt_addr != 0)) { sys_info_ptr->fdt_addr = UNMAPPED_PTR(cvmx_bootinfo_ptr->fdt_addr); if (fdt_check_header((const void *)sys_info_ptr->fdt_addr)) { printf("ERROR : Corrupt Device Tree.\n"); exit(-1); } printf("Using device tree\n"); } else { sys_info_ptr->fdt_addr = 0; } } /** * Interrupt handler for calling exit on Control-C interrupts. * * @param irq_number IRQ interrupt number * @param registers CPU registers at the time of the interrupt * @param user_arg Unused user argument */ static void process_break_interrupt(int irq_number, uint64_t registers[32], void *user_arg) { /* Exclude new functionality when building with older toolchains */ #if OCTEON_APP_INIT_H_VERSION >= 3 int uart = irq_number - CVMX_IRQ_UART0; cvmx_uart_lsr_t lsrval; /* Check for a Control-C interrupt from the console. This loop will eat all input received on the uart */ lsrval.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_MIO_UARTX_LSR(uart)); while (lsrval.s.dr) { int c = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_MIO_UARTX_RBR(uart)); if (c == '\003') { register uint64_t tmp; /* Wait for an another Control-C if right now we have no access to the console. After this point we hold the lock and use a different lock to synchronize between the memfile dumps from different cores. As a consequence regular printfs *don't* work after this point! */ if (__octeon_uart_trylock () == 1) return; /* Pulse MCD0 signal on Ctrl-C to stop all the cores. Also set the MCD0 to be not masked by this core so we know the signal is received by someone */ asm volatile ( "dmfc0 %0, $22\n" "ori %0, %0, 0x1110\n" "dmtc0 %0, $22\n" : "=r" (tmp)); } lsrval.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_MIO_UARTX_LSR(uart)); } #endif } /** * This is the debug exception handler with "break". Before calling exit to * dump the profile-feedback output it releases the lock on the console. * This way if there is buffered data in stdout it can still be flushed. * stdio is required to flush all output during an fread. */ static void exit_on_break(void) { #if OCTEON_APP_INIT_H_VERSION >= 4 unsigned int coremask = cvmx_sysinfo_get()->core_mask; cvmx_coremask_barrier_sync(coremask); if (cvmx_coremask_first_core(coremask)) __octeon_uart_unlock(); #endif exit(0); } /* Add string signature to applications so that we can easily tell what ** Octeon revision they were compiled for. Don't make static to avoid unused ** variable warning. */ #define xstr(s) str(s) #define str(s) #s int octeon_model_version_check(uint32_t chip_id); #define OMS xstr(OCTEON_MODEL) char octeon_rev_signature[] = #ifdef USE_RUNTIME_MODEL_CHECKS "Compiled for runtime Octeon model checking"; #else "Compiled for Octeon processor id: "OMS; #endif #define OCTEON_BL_FLAG_HPLUG_CORES (1 << 6) void __cvmx_app_init(uint64_t app_desc_addr) { /* App descriptor used by bootloader */ octeon_boot_descriptor_t *app_desc_ptr = CASTPTR(octeon_boot_descriptor_t, app_desc_addr); /* app info structure used by the simple exec */ cvmx_sysinfo_t *sys_info_ptr = cvmx_sysinfo_get(); int breakflag = 0; //printf("coremask=%08x flags=%08x \n", app_desc_ptr->core_mask, app_desc_ptr->flags); if (cvmx_coremask_first_core(app_desc_ptr->core_mask)) { /* Intialize the bootmem allocator with the descriptor that was provided by * the bootloader * IMPORTANT: All printfs must happen after this since PCI console uses named * blocks. */ cvmx_bootmem_init(CASTPTR(cvmx_bootinfo_t, app_desc_ptr->cvmx_desc_vaddr)->phy_mem_desc_addr); /* do once per application setup */ if (app_desc_ptr->desc_version < 6) { printf("Obsolete bootloader, can't run application\n"); exit(-1); } else { /* Handle all newer versions here.... */ if (app_desc_ptr->desc_version > 7) { printf("Warning: newer boot descripter version than expected\n"); } process_boot_desc_ver_6(app_desc_ptr,sys_info_ptr); } /* * set up the feature map and config. */ octeon_feature_init(); __cvmx_helper_cfg_init(); } /* The flags varibale get copied over at some places and tracing the origins found that ** In octeon_setup_boot_desc_block . cvmx_bootinfo_array[core].flags is initialized and the various bits are set . cvmx_bootinfo_array[core].flags gets copied to boot_desc[core].flags . Then boot_desc then get copied over to the end of the application heap and boot_info_block_array[core].boot_descr_addr is set to point to the boot_desc in heap. ** In start_app boot_vect->boot_info_addr->boot_desc_addr is referenced and passed on to octeon_setup_crt0_tlb() and this puts it into r16 ** In ctr0.S of the toolchain r16 is picked up and passed on as a parameter to __cvmx_app_init Note : boot_vect->boot_info_addr points to boot_info_block_array[core] and this pointer is setup in octeon_setup_boot_vector() */ if (!(app_desc_ptr->flags & OCTEON_BL_FLAG_HPLUG_CORES)) cvmx_coremask_barrier_sync(app_desc_ptr->core_mask); breakflag = sys_info_ptr->bootloader_config_flags & CVMX_BOOTINFO_CFG_FLAG_BREAK; /* No need to initialize bootmem, interrupts, interrupt handler and error handler if version does not match. */ if (cvmx_coremask_first_core(sys_info_ptr->core_mask)) { /* Check to make sure the Chip version matches the configured version */ uint32_t chip_id = cvmx_get_proc_id(); /* Make sure we can properly run on this chip */ octeon_model_version_check(chip_id); } cvmx_interrupt_initialize(); if (cvmx_coremask_first_core(sys_info_ptr->core_mask)) { int break_uart = 0; unsigned int i; if (breakflag && cvmx_debug_booted()) { printf("ERROR: Using debug and break together in not supported.\n"); while (1) ; } /* Search through the arguments for a break=X or a debug=X. */ for (i = 0; i < app_desc_ptr->argc; i++) { const char *argv = CASTPTR(const char, CVMX_ADD_SEG32(CVMX_MIPS32_SPACE_KSEG0, app_desc_ptr->argv[i])); if (strncmp(argv, "break=", 6) == 0) break_uart = atoi(argv + 6); else if (strncmp(argv, "debug=", 6) == 0) cvmx_debug_uart = atoi(argv + 6); } if (breakflag) { int32_t *trampoline = CASTPTR(int32_t, CVMX_ADD_SEG32(CVMX_MIPS32_SPACE_KSEG0, BOOTLOADER_DEBUG_TRAMPOLINE)); /* On debug exception, call exit_on_break from all cores. */ *trampoline = (int32_t)(long)&exit_on_break; cvmx_uart_enable_intr(break_uart, process_break_interrupt); } } if ( !(app_desc_ptr->flags & OCTEON_BL_FLAG_HPLUG_CORES)) cvmx_coremask_barrier_sync(app_desc_ptr->core_mask); /* Clear BEV now that we have installed exception handlers. */ uint64_t tmp; asm volatile ( " .set push \n" " .set mips64 \n" " .set noreorder \n" " .set noat \n" " mfc0 %[tmp], $12, 0 \n" " li $at, 1 << 22 \n" " not $at, $at \n" " and %[tmp], $at \n" " mtc0 %[tmp], $12, 0 \n" " .set pop \n" : [tmp] "=&r" (tmp) : ); /* Set all cores to stop on MCD0 signals */ asm volatile( "dmfc0 %0, $22, 0\n" "or %0, %0, 0x1100\n" "dmtc0 %0, $22, 0\n" : "=r" (tmp)); CVMX_SYNC; /* Now intialize the debug exception handler as BEV is cleared. */ if ((!breakflag) && (!(app_desc_ptr->flags & OCTEON_BL_FLAG_HPLUG_CORES))) cvmx_debug_init(); /* Synchronise all cores at this point */ if ( !(app_desc_ptr->flags & OCTEON_BL_FLAG_HPLUG_CORES)) cvmx_coremask_barrier_sync(app_desc_ptr->core_mask); } int cvmx_user_app_init(void) { uint64_t bist_val; uint64_t mask; int bist_errors = 0; uint64_t tmp; uint64_t base_addr; /* Put message on LED display */ if (cvmx_sysinfo_get()->board_type != CVMX_BOARD_TYPE_SIM) ebt3000_str_write("CVMX "); /* Check BIST results for COP0 registers, some values only meaningful in pass 2 */ CVMX_MF_CACHE_ERR(bist_val); mask = (0x3fULL<<32); // Icache;BHT;AES;HSH/GFM;LRU;register file bist_val &= mask; if (bist_val) { printf("BIST FAILURE: COP0_CACHE_ERR: 0x%llx\n", (unsigned long long)bist_val); bist_errors++; } mask = 0xfc00000000000000ull; CVMX_MF_CVM_MEM_CTL(bist_val); bist_val &= mask; if (bist_val) { printf("BIST FAILURE: COP0_CVM_MEM_CTL: 0x%llx\n", (unsigned long long)bist_val); bist_errors++; } /* Set up 4 cache lines of local memory, make available from Kernel space */ CVMX_MF_CVM_MEM_CTL(tmp); tmp &= ~0x1ffull; tmp |= 0x104ull; /* Set WBTHRESH=4 as per Core-14752 errata in cn63xxp1.X. */ if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN63XX_PASS1_X)) { tmp &= ~(0xfull << 11); tmp |= 4 << 11; } CVMX_MT_CVM_MEM_CTL(tmp); if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN63XX_PASS2_X)) { /* Clear the lines of scratch memory configured, for ** 63XX pass 2 errata Core-15169. */ uint64_t addr; unsigned num_lines; CVMX_MF_CVM_MEM_CTL(tmp); num_lines = tmp & 0x3f; for (addr = 0; addr < CVMX_CACHE_LINE_SIZE * num_lines; addr += 8) cvmx_scratch_write64(addr, 0); } #if CVMX_USE_1_TO_1_TLB_MAPPINGS /* Check to see if the bootloader is indicating that the application is outside ** of the 0x10000000 0x20000000 range, in which case we can't use 1-1 mappings */ if (cvmx_sysinfo_get()->bootloader_config_flags & CVMX_BOOTINFO_CFG_FLAG_OVERSIZE_TLB_MAPPING) { printf("ERROR: 1-1 TLB mappings configured and oversize application loaded.\n"); printf("ERROR: Either 1-1 TLB mappings must be disabled or application size reduced.\n"); exit(-1); } /* Create 1-1 Mappings for all DRAM up to 8 gigs, excluding the low 1 Megabyte. This area ** is reserved for the bootloader and exception vectors. By not mapping this area, NULL pointer ** dereferences will be caught with TLB exceptions. Exception handlers should be written ** using XKPHYS or KSEG0 addresses. */ #if CVMX_NULL_POINTER_PROTECT /* Exclude low 1 MByte from mapping to detect NULL pointer accesses. ** The only down side of this is it uses more TLB mappings */ cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping_bits(0x0, 0x0, 0x100000 | TLB_DIRTY | TLB_VALID | TLB_GLOBAL, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_1M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x200000, 0x200000, 0x300000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_1M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x400000, 0x400000, 0x500000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_1M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x600000, 0x600000, 0x700000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_1M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x800000, 0x800000, 0xC00000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_4M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x1000000, 0x1000000, 0x1400000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_4M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x1800000, 0x1800000, 0x1c00000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_4M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x2000000, 0x2000000, 0x3000000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_16M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x4000000, 0x4000000, 0x5000000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_16M); cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x6000000, 0x6000000, 0x7000000, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_16M); #else /* Map entire low 128 Megs, including 0x0 */ cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x0, 0x0, 0x4000000ULL, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_64M); #endif cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(0x8000000ULL, 0x8000000ULL, 0xc000000ULL, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_64M); if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX)) { for (base_addr = 0x20000000ULL; base_addr < (cvmx_sysinfo_get()->system_dram_size + 0x10000000ULL); base_addr += 0x20000000ULL) { if (0 > cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(base_addr, base_addr, base_addr + 0x10000000ULL, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_256M)) { printf("ERROR adding 1-1 TLB mapping for address 0x%llx\n", (unsigned long long)base_addr); /* Exit from here, as expected memory mappings aren't set up if this fails */ exit(-1); } } } else { /* Create 1-1 mapping for next 256 megs ** bottom page is not valid */ cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping_bits(0x400000000ULL, 0, 0x410000000ULL | TLB_DIRTY | TLB_VALID | TLB_GLOBAL, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_256M); /* Map from 0.5 up to the installed memory size in 512 MByte chunks. If this loop runs out of memory, ** the NULL pointer detection can be disabled to free up more TLB entries. */ if (cvmx_sysinfo_get()->system_dram_size > 0x20000000ULL) { for (base_addr = 0x20000000ULL; base_addr <= (cvmx_sysinfo_get()->system_dram_size - 0x20000000ULL); base_addr += 0x20000000ULL) { if (0 > cvmx_core_add_fixed_tlb_mapping(base_addr, base_addr, base_addr + 0x10000000ULL, CVMX_TLB_PAGEMASK_256M)) { printf("ERROR adding 1-1 TLB mapping for address 0x%llx\n", (unsigned long long)base_addr); /* Exit from here, as expected memory mappings aren't set up if this fails */ exit(-1); } } } } #endif cvmx_sysinfo_t *sys_info_ptr = cvmx_sysinfo_get(); cvmx_bootmem_init(sys_info_ptr->phy_mem_desc_addr); /* Initialize QLM and JTAG settings. Also apply any erratas. */ if (cvmx_coremask_first_core(cvmx_sysinfo_get()->core_mask)) cvmx_qlm_init(); return(0); } void __cvmx_app_exit(void) { cvmx_debug_finish(); if (cvmx_sysinfo_get()->board_type == CVMX_BOARD_TYPE_SIM) { CVMX_BREAK; } /* Hang forever, until more appropriate stand alone simple executive exit() is implemented */ while (1); }