/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation */ /* * Routing Table (RT) */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <rte_lpm.h> #include <rte_lpm6.h> #include <rte_errno.h> #include <rte_ip.h> #include "ipsec.h" #include "parser.h" #define RT_IPV4_MAX_RULES 1024 #define RT_IPV6_MAX_RULES 1024 struct ip4_route { uint32_t ip; uint8_t depth; uint8_t if_out; }; struct ip6_route { uint8_t ip[16]; uint8_t depth; uint8_t if_out; }; struct ip4_route rt_ip4[RT_IPV4_MAX_RULES]; uint32_t nb_rt_ip4; struct ip6_route rt_ip6[RT_IPV4_MAX_RULES]; uint32_t nb_rt_ip6; void parse_rt_tokens(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, struct parse_status *status) { uint32_t ti; uint32_t *n_rts = NULL; struct ip4_route *route_ipv4 = NULL; struct ip6_route *route_ipv6 = NULL; if (strcmp(tokens[0], "ipv4") == 0) { n_rts = &nb_rt_ip4; route_ipv4 = &rt_ip4[*n_rts]; APP_CHECK(*n_rts <= RT_IPV4_MAX_RULES - 1, status, "too many rt rules, abort insertion\n"); if (status->status < 0) return; } else if (strcmp(tokens[0], "ipv6") == 0) { n_rts = &nb_rt_ip6; route_ipv6 = &rt_ip6[*n_rts]; APP_CHECK(*n_rts <= RT_IPV6_MAX_RULES - 1, status, "too many rt rules, abort insertion\n"); if (status->status < 0) return; } else { APP_CHECK(0, status, "unrecognized input \"%s\"", tokens[0]); return; } for (ti = 1; ti < n_tokens; ti++) { if (strcmp(tokens[ti], "dst") == 0) { INCREMENT_TOKEN_INDEX(ti, n_tokens, status); if (status->status < 0) return; if (route_ipv4 != NULL) { struct in_addr ip; uint32_t depth = 0; APP_CHECK(parse_ipv4_addr(tokens[ti], &ip, &depth) == 0, status, "unrecognized input \"%s\", " "expect valid ipv4 addr", tokens[ti]); if (status->status < 0) return; route_ipv4->ip = rte_bswap32( (uint32_t)ip.s_addr); route_ipv4->depth = (uint8_t)depth; } else { struct in6_addr ip; uint32_t depth; APP_CHECK(parse_ipv6_addr(tokens[ti], &ip, &depth) == 0, status, "unrecognized input \"%s\", " "expect valid ipv6 address", tokens[ti]); if (status->status < 0) return; memcpy(route_ipv6->ip, ip.s6_addr, 16); route_ipv6->depth = (uint8_t)depth; } } if (strcmp(tokens[ti], "port") == 0) { INCREMENT_TOKEN_INDEX(ti, n_tokens, status); if (status->status < 0) return; APP_CHECK_TOKEN_IS_NUM(tokens, ti, status); if (status->status < 0) return; if (route_ipv4 != NULL) route_ipv4->if_out = atoi(tokens[ti]); else route_ipv6->if_out = atoi(tokens[ti]); } } *n_rts = *n_rts + 1; } void rt_init(struct socket_ctx *ctx, int32_t socket_id) { char name[PATH_MAX]; uint32_t i; int32_t ret; struct rte_lpm *lpm; struct rte_lpm6 *lpm6; char a, b, c, d; struct rte_lpm_config conf = { 0 }; struct rte_lpm6_config conf6 = { 0 }; if (ctx == NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "NULL context.\n"); if (ctx->rt_ip4 != NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "IPv4 Routing Table for socket %u " "already initialized\n", socket_id); if (ctx->rt_ip6 != NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "IPv6 Routing Table for socket %u " "already initialized\n", socket_id); if (nb_rt_ip4 == 0 && nb_rt_ip6 == 0) RTE_LOG(WARNING, IPSEC, "No Routing rule specified\n"); printf("Creating IPv4 Routing Table (RT) context with %u max routes\n", RT_IPV4_MAX_RULES); /* create the LPM table */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%u", "rt_ip4", socket_id); conf.max_rules = RT_IPV4_MAX_RULES; conf.number_tbl8s = RTE_LPM_TBL8_NUM_ENTRIES; lpm = rte_lpm_create(name, socket_id, &conf); if (lpm == NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to create %s LPM table " "on socket %d\n", name, socket_id); /* populate the LPM table */ for (i = 0; i < nb_rt_ip4; i++) { ret = rte_lpm_add(lpm, rt_ip4[i].ip, rt_ip4[i].depth, rt_ip4[i].if_out); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Fail to add entry num %u to %s " "LPM table on socket %d\n", i, name, socket_id); uint32_t_to_char(rt_ip4[i].ip, &a, &b, &c, &d); printf("LPM: Adding route %hhu.%hhu.%hhu.%hhu/%hhu (%hhu)\n", a, b, c, d, rt_ip4[i].depth, rt_ip4[i].if_out); } snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_%u", "rt_ip6", socket_id); conf6.max_rules = RT_IPV6_MAX_RULES; conf6.number_tbl8s = RTE_LPM_TBL8_NUM_ENTRIES; lpm6 = rte_lpm6_create(name, socket_id, &conf6); if (lpm6 == NULL) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to create %s LPM table " "on socket %d\n", name, socket_id); /* populate the LPM table */ for (i = 0; i < nb_rt_ip6; i++) { ret = rte_lpm6_add(lpm6, rt_ip6[i].ip, rt_ip6[i].depth, rt_ip6[i].if_out); if (ret < 0) rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Fail to add entry num %u to %s " "LPM table on socket %d\n", i, name, socket_id); printf("LPM6: Adding route " " %hx:%hx:%hx:%hx:%hx:%hx:%hx:%hx/%hhx (%hhx)\n", (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[0] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[1]), (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[2] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[3]), (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[4] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[5]), (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[6] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[7]), (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[8] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[9]), (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[10] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[11]), (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[12] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[13]), (uint16_t)((rt_ip6[i].ip[14] << 8) | rt_ip6[i].ip[15]), rt_ip6[i].depth, rt_ip6[i].if_out); } ctx->rt_ip4 = (struct rt_ctx *)lpm; ctx->rt_ip6 = (struct rt_ctx *)lpm6; }