/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ /** * @file mt_mbuf_pool.cpp * @time 20130924 **/ #include "micro_thread.h" #include "mt_mbuf_pool.h" using namespace std; using namespace NS_MICRO_THREAD; MsgBuffPool* MsgBuffPool::_instance = NULL; MsgBuffPool* MsgBuffPool::Instance (void) { if (NULL == _instance) { _instance = new MsgBuffPool; } return _instance; } void MsgBuffPool::Destroy() { if( _instance != NULL ) { delete _instance; _instance = NULL; } } MsgBuffPool::MsgBuffPool(int max_free) { _max_free = max_free; _hash_map = new HashList(10000); } MsgBuffPool::~MsgBuffPool() { if (!_hash_map) { return; } MsgBufMap* msg_map = NULL; HashKey* hash_item = _hash_map->HashGetFirst(); while (hash_item) { _hash_map->HashRemove(hash_item); msg_map = dynamic_cast<MsgBufMap*>(hash_item); delete msg_map; hash_item = _hash_map->HashGetFirst(); } delete _hash_map; _hash_map = NULL; } MtMsgBuf* MsgBuffPool::GetMsgBuf(int max_size) { if (!_hash_map) { MTLOG_ERROR("MsgBuffPoll not init! hash %p,", _hash_map); return NULL; } MsgBufMap* msg_map = NULL; MsgBufMap msg_key(max_size); HashKey* hash_item = _hash_map->HashFind(&msg_key); if (hash_item) { msg_map = (MsgBufMap*)hash_item->GetDataPtr(); if (msg_map) { return msg_map->GetMsgBuf(); } else { MTLOG_ERROR("Hash item: %p, msg_map: %p impossible, clean it", hash_item, msg_map); _hash_map->HashRemove(hash_item); delete hash_item; return NULL; } } else { msg_map = new MsgBufMap(max_size, _max_free); if (!msg_map) { MTLOG_ERROR("maybe no more memory, failed. size: %d", max_size); return NULL; } _hash_map->HashInsert(msg_map); return msg_map->GetMsgBuf(); } } void MsgBuffPool::FreeMsgBuf(MtMsgBuf* msg_buf) { if (!_hash_map || !msg_buf) { MTLOG_ERROR("MsgBuffPoll not init or input error! hash %p, msg_buf %p", _hash_map, msg_buf); delete msg_buf; return; } msg_buf->Reset(); MsgBufMap* msg_map = NULL; MsgBufMap msg_key(msg_buf->GetMaxLen()); HashKey* hash_item = _hash_map->HashFind(&msg_key); if (hash_item) { msg_map = (MsgBufMap*)hash_item->GetDataPtr(); } if (!hash_item || !msg_map) { MTLOG_ERROR("MsgBuffPoll find no queue, maybe error: %d", msg_buf->GetMaxLen()); delete msg_buf; return; } msg_map->FreeMsgBuf(msg_buf); return; }