# Routerstation Pro: boot from on-board flash
# $FreeBSD$


include		"AR71XX_BASE"
ident		"RSPRO"
hints		"RSPRO.hints"

# RTC - requires hackery in the spibus code to work
device		pcf2123_rtc

# GEOM modules
device		geom_redboot	# to get access to the SPI flash partitions
device		geom_uzip	# compressed in-memory filesystem support
options 	GEOM_UZIP

# For DOS
options 	MSDOSFS

# For etherswitch support
options 	ARGE_MDIO
device		miiproxy
device		etherswitch
device		arswitch

# Boot off of flash
options 	ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:redboot/rootfs.uzip\"