/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Kip Macy. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2017 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Derived in part from libplebnet's pn_veth.c. * */ #include <sys/ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/socketvar.h> #include <sys/module.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/kthread.h> #include <sys/sched.h> #include <sys/sockio.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_var.h> #include <net/if_types.h> #include <net/ethernet.h> #include <net/if_arp.h> #include <net/if_tap.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #include <net/route.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/in_var.h> #include <netinet6/nd6.h> #include <machine/atomic.h> #include "ff_veth.h" #include "ff_config.h" #include "ff_dpdk_if.h" struct ff_veth_softc { struct ifnet *ifp; uint8_t mac[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; char host_ifname[IF_NAMESIZE]; in_addr_t ip; in_addr_t netmask; in_addr_t broadcast; in_addr_t gateway; #ifdef INET6 struct in6_addr ip6; struct in6_addr gateway6; uint8_t prefix_length; #endif /* INET6 */ struct ff_dpdk_if_context *host_ctx; }; static int ff_veth_config(struct ff_veth_softc *sc, struct ff_port_cfg *cfg) { memcpy(sc->mac, cfg->mac, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); inet_pton(AF_INET, cfg->addr, &sc->ip); inet_pton(AF_INET, cfg->netmask, &sc->netmask); inet_pton(AF_INET, cfg->broadcast, &sc->broadcast); inet_pton(AF_INET, cfg->gateway, &sc->gateway); #ifdef INET6 if (cfg->addr6_str) { inet_pton(AF_INET6_LINUX, cfg->addr6_str, &sc->ip6); printf("%s: Addr6: %s\n", sc->host_ifname, cfg->addr6_str); if (cfg->gateway6_str) { inet_pton(AF_INET6_LINUX, cfg->gateway6_str, &sc->gateway6); printf("%s: Gateway6: %s\n", sc->host_ifname, cfg->gateway6_str); } else { printf("%s: No gateway6 config found.\n", sc->host_ifname); } sc->prefix_length = cfg->prefix_len == 0 ? 64 : cfg->prefix_len; } else { printf("%s: No addr6 config found.\n", sc->host_ifname); } #endif /* INET6 */ return 0; } static void ff_veth_init(void *arg) { struct ff_veth_softc *sc = arg; struct ifnet *ifp = sc->ifp; ifp->if_drv_flags |= IFF_DRV_RUNNING; ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~IFF_DRV_OACTIVE; } static void ff_veth_start(struct ifnet *ifp) { /* nothing to do */ } static void ff_veth_stop(struct ff_veth_softc *sc) { struct ifnet *ifp = sc->ifp; ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~(IFF_DRV_RUNNING|IFF_DRV_OACTIVE); } static int ff_veth_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifp, u_long cmd, caddr_t data) { int error = 0; struct ff_veth_softc *sc = ifp->if_softc; switch (cmd) { case SIOCSIFFLAGS: if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) { ff_veth_init(sc); } else if (ifp->if_drv_flags & IFF_DRV_RUNNING) ff_veth_stop(sc); break; default: error = ether_ioctl(ifp, cmd, data); break; } return (error); } int ff_mbuf_copydata(void *m, void *data, int off, int len) { int ret; struct mbuf *mb = (struct mbuf *)m; if (off + len > mb->m_pkthdr.len) { return -1; } m_copydata(mb, off, len, data); return 0; } void ff_mbuf_tx_offload(void *m, struct ff_tx_offload *offload) { struct mbuf *mb = (struct mbuf *)m; if (mb->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_IP) { offload->ip_csum = 1; } if (mb->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_TCP) { offload->tcp_csum = 1; } if (mb->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_UDP) { offload->udp_csum = 1; } if (mb->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_SCTP) { offload->sctp_csum = 1; } if (mb->m_pkthdr.csum_flags & CSUM_TSO) { offload->tso_seg_size = mb->m_pkthdr.tso_segsz; } } void ff_mbuf_free(void *m) { m_freem((struct mbuf *)m); } static void ff_mbuf_ext_free(struct mbuf *m, void *arg1, void *arg2) { ff_dpdk_pktmbuf_free(arg1); } void * ff_mbuf_gethdr(void *pkt, uint16_t total, void *data, uint16_t len, uint8_t rx_csum) { struct mbuf *m = m_gethdr(M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m == NULL) { return NULL; } if (m_pkthdr_init(m, M_NOWAIT) != 0) { return NULL; } m_extadd(m, data, len, ff_mbuf_ext_free, pkt, NULL, 0, EXT_DISPOSABLE); m->m_pkthdr.len = total; m->m_len = len; m->m_next = NULL; m->m_nextpkt = NULL; if (rx_csum) { m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags = CSUM_IP_CHECKED | CSUM_IP_VALID | CSUM_DATA_VALID | CSUM_PSEUDO_HDR; m->m_pkthdr.csum_data = 0xffff; } return (void *)m; } void * ff_mbuf_get(void *p, void *m, void *data, uint16_t len) { struct mbuf *prev = (struct mbuf *)p; struct mbuf *mb = m_get(M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA); if (mb == NULL) { return NULL; } m_extadd(mb, data, len, ff_mbuf_ext_free, m, NULL, 0, EXT_DISPOSABLE); mb->m_next = NULL; mb->m_nextpkt = NULL; mb->m_len = len; if (prev != NULL) { prev->m_next = mb; } return (void *)mb; } void ff_veth_process_packet(void *arg, void *m) { struct ifnet *ifp = (struct ifnet *)arg; struct mbuf *mb = (struct mbuf *)m; mb->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp; ifp->if_input(ifp, mb); } static int ff_veth_transmit(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m) { struct ff_veth_softc *sc = (struct ff_veth_softc *)ifp->if_softc; return ff_dpdk_if_send(sc->host_ctx, (void*)m, m->m_pkthdr.len); } static void ff_veth_qflush(struct ifnet *ifp) { } static int ff_veth_setaddr(struct ff_veth_softc *sc) { struct in_aliasreq req; bzero(&req, sizeof req); strcpy(req.ifra_name, sc->ifp->if_dname); struct sockaddr_in sa; bzero(&sa, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_len = sizeof(sa); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_addr.s_addr = sc->ip; bcopy(&sa, &req.ifra_addr, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_addr.s_addr = sc->netmask; bcopy(&sa, &req.ifra_mask, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_addr.s_addr = sc->broadcast; bcopy(&sa, &req.ifra_broadaddr, sizeof(sa)); struct socket *so = NULL; socreate(AF_INET, &so, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, curthread->td_ucred, curthread); int ret = ifioctl(so, SIOCAIFADDR, (caddr_t)&req, curthread); sofree(so); return ret; } static int ff_veth_set_gateway(struct ff_veth_softc *sc) { struct sockaddr_in gw; bzero(&gw, sizeof(gw)); gw.sin_len = sizeof(gw); gw.sin_family = AF_INET; gw.sin_addr.s_addr = sc->gateway; struct sockaddr_in dst; bzero(&dst, sizeof(dst)); dst.sin_len = sizeof(dst); dst.sin_family = AF_INET; dst.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; struct sockaddr_in nm; bzero(&nm, sizeof(nm)); nm.sin_len = sizeof(nm); nm.sin_family = AF_INET; nm.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; return rtrequest_fib(RTM_ADD, (struct sockaddr *)&dst, (struct sockaddr *)&gw, (struct sockaddr *)&nm, RTF_GATEWAY, NULL, RT_DEFAULT_FIB); } #ifdef INET6 static int ff_veth_setaddr6(struct ff_veth_softc *sc) { struct in6_aliasreq ifr6; bzero(&ifr6, sizeof(ifr6)); strcpy(ifr6.ifra_name, sc->ifp->if_dname); ifr6.ifra_addr.sin6_len = sizeof ifr6.ifra_addr; ifr6.ifra_addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; ifr6.ifra_addr.sin6_addr = sc->ip6; ifr6.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_len = sizeof ifr6.ifra_prefixmask; memset(&ifr6.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_addr, 0xff, sc->prefix_length / 8); uint8_t mask_size_mod = sc->prefix_length % 8; if (mask_size_mod) { ifr6.ifra_prefixmask.sin6_addr.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8[sc->prefix_length / 8] = ((1 << mask_size_mod) - 1) << (8 - mask_size_mod); } ifr6.ifra_lifetime.ia6t_pltime = ifr6.ifra_lifetime.ia6t_vltime = ND6_INFINITE_LIFETIME; struct socket *so = NULL; socreate(AF_INET6, &so, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, curthread->td_ucred, curthread); int ret = ifioctl(so, SIOCAIFADDR_IN6, (caddr_t)&ifr6, curthread); sofree(so); return ret; } static int ff_veth_set_gateway6(struct ff_veth_softc *sc) { struct sockaddr_in6 gw, dst, nm; bzero(&gw, sizeof(gw)); bzero(&dst, sizeof(dst)); bzero(&nm, sizeof(nm)); gw.sin6_len = dst.sin6_len = nm.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); gw.sin6_family = dst.sin6_family = AF_INET6; gw.sin6_addr = sc->gateway6; //dst.sin6_addr = nm.sin6_addr = 0; return rtrequest_fib(RTM_ADD, (struct sockaddr *)&dst, (struct sockaddr *)&gw, (struct sockaddr *)&nm, RTF_GATEWAY, NULL, RT_DEFAULT_FIB); } #endif /* INET6 */ static int ff_veth_setup_interface(struct ff_veth_softc *sc, struct ff_port_cfg *cfg) { struct ifnet *ifp; ifp = sc->ifp = if_alloc(IFT_ETHER); ifp->if_init = ff_veth_init; ifp->if_softc = sc; if_initname(ifp, sc->host_ifname, IF_DUNIT_NONE); ifp->if_flags = IFF_BROADCAST | IFF_SIMPLEX | IFF_MULTICAST; ifp->if_ioctl = ff_veth_ioctl; ifp->if_start = ff_veth_start; ifp->if_transmit = ff_veth_transmit; ifp->if_qflush = ff_veth_qflush; ether_ifattach(ifp, sc->mac); if (cfg->hw_features.rx_csum) { ifp->if_capabilities |= IFCAP_RXCSUM; } if (cfg->hw_features.tx_csum_ip) { ifp->if_capabilities |= IFCAP_TXCSUM; ifp->if_hwassist |= CSUM_IP; } if (cfg->hw_features.tx_csum_l4) { ifp->if_hwassist |= CSUM_DELAY_DATA; } if (cfg->hw_features.tx_tso) { ifp->if_capabilities |= IFCAP_TSO; ifp->if_hwassist |= CSUM_TSO; } ifp->if_capenable = ifp->if_capabilities; sc->host_ctx = ff_dpdk_register_if((void *)sc, (void *)sc->ifp, cfg); if (sc->host_ctx == NULL) { printf("%s: Failed to register dpdk interface\n", sc->host_ifname); return -1; } //set ip int ret = ff_veth_setaddr(sc); if (ret != 0) { printf("ff_veth_setaddr failed\n"); } ret = ff_veth_set_gateway(sc); if (ret != 0) { printf("ff_veth_set_gateway failed\n"); } #ifdef INET6 // Set IPv6 if (cfg->addr6_str) { ret = ff_veth_setaddr6(sc); if (ret != 0) { printf("ff_veth_setaddr6 failed\n"); } if (cfg->gateway6_str) { ret = ff_veth_set_gateway6(sc); if (ret != 0) { printf("ff_veth_set_gateway6 failed\n"); } } } #endif /* INET6 */ return (0); } void * ff_veth_attach(struct ff_port_cfg *cfg) { struct ff_veth_softc *sc = NULL; int error; sc = malloc(sizeof(struct ff_veth_softc), M_DEVBUF, M_WAITOK); if (NULL == sc) { printf("ff_veth_softc allocation failed\n"); goto fail; } memset(sc, 0, sizeof(struct ff_veth_softc)); snprintf(sc->host_ifname, sizeof(sc->host_ifname), ff_IF_NAME, cfg->port_id); error = ff_veth_config(sc, cfg); if (0 != error) { goto fail; } if (0 != ff_veth_setup_interface(sc, cfg)) { goto fail; } return sc->host_ctx; fail: if (sc) { if (sc->host_ctx) ff_dpdk_deregister_if(sc->host_ctx); free(sc, M_DEVBUF); } return NULL; } int ff_veth_detach(void *arg) { struct ff_veth_softc *sc = (struct ff_veth_softc *)arg; if (sc) { ff_dpdk_deregister_if(sc->host_ctx); free(sc, M_DEVBUF); } return (0); } void * ff_veth_softc_to_hostc(void *softc) { struct ff_veth_softc *sc = (struct ff_veth_softc *)softc; return (void *)sc->host_ctx; } /******************** * get next mbuf's addr, current mbuf's data and datalen. * ********************/ int ff_next_mbuf(void **mbuf_bsd, void **data, unsigned *len) { struct mbuf *mb = *(struct mbuf **)mbuf_bsd; *len = mb->m_len; *data = mb->m_data; if (mb->m_next) *mbuf_bsd = mb->m_next; else *mbuf_bsd = NULL; return 0; } void * ff_mbuf_mtod(void* bsd_mbuf) { if ( !bsd_mbuf ) return NULL; return (void*)((struct mbuf *)bsd_mbuf)->m_data; } // get source rte_mbuf from ext cluster, which carry rte_mbuf while recving pkt, such as arp. void* ff_rte_frm_extcl(void* mbuf) { struct mbuf *bsd_mbuf = mbuf; if ( (bsd_mbuf->m_flags & M_EXT) && bsd_mbuf->m_ext.ext_type == EXT_DISPOSABLE && bsd_mbuf->m_ext.ext_free == ff_mbuf_ext_free ) { return bsd_mbuf->m_ext.ext_arg1; } else return NULL; } void ff_mbuf_set_vlan_info(void *hdr, uint16_t vlan_tci) { struct mbuf *m = (struct mbuf *)hdr; m->m_pkthdr.ether_vtag = vlan_tci; m->m_flags |= M_VLANTAG; return; }