/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. */ #include <pthread.h> #include <string.h> #include <rte_common.h> #include <rte_errno.h> #include <rte_lcore.h> #include "test.h" struct thread_context { enum { Thread_INIT, Thread_ERROR, Thread_DONE } state; bool lcore_id_any; pthread_t id; unsigned int *registered_count; }; static void *thread_loop(void *arg) { struct thread_context *t = arg; unsigned int lcore_id; lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); if (lcore_id != LCORE_ID_ANY) { printf("Error: incorrect lcore id for new thread %u\n", lcore_id); t->state = Thread_ERROR; } if (rte_thread_register() < 0) printf("Warning: could not register new thread (this might be expected during this test), reason %s\n", rte_strerror(rte_errno)); lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); if ((t->lcore_id_any && lcore_id != LCORE_ID_ANY) || (!t->lcore_id_any && lcore_id == LCORE_ID_ANY)) { printf("Error: could not register new thread, got %u while %sexpecting %u\n", lcore_id, t->lcore_id_any ? "" : "not ", LCORE_ID_ANY); t->state = Thread_ERROR; } /* Report register happened to the control thread. */ __atomic_add_fetch(t->registered_count, 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); /* Wait for release from the control thread. */ while (__atomic_load_n(t->registered_count, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) != 0) ; rte_thread_unregister(); lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); if (lcore_id != LCORE_ID_ANY) { printf("Error: could not unregister new thread, %u still assigned\n", lcore_id); t->state = Thread_ERROR; } if (t->state != Thread_ERROR) t->state = Thread_DONE; return NULL; } static int test_non_eal_lcores(unsigned int eal_threads_count) { struct thread_context thread_contexts[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; unsigned int non_eal_threads_count; unsigned int registered_count; struct thread_context *t; unsigned int i; int ret; non_eal_threads_count = 0; registered_count = 0; /* Try to create as many threads as possible. */ for (i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_LCORE - eal_threads_count; i++) { t = &thread_contexts[i]; t->state = Thread_INIT; t->registered_count = ®istered_count; t->lcore_id_any = false; if (pthread_create(&t->id, NULL, thread_loop, t) != 0) break; non_eal_threads_count++; } printf("non-EAL threads count: %u\n", non_eal_threads_count); /* Wait all non-EAL threads to register. */ while (__atomic_load_n(®istered_count, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) != non_eal_threads_count) ; /* We managed to create the max number of threads, let's try to create * one more. This will allow one more check. */ if (eal_threads_count + non_eal_threads_count < RTE_MAX_LCORE) goto skip_lcore_any; t = &thread_contexts[non_eal_threads_count]; t->state = Thread_INIT; t->registered_count = ®istered_count; t->lcore_id_any = true; if (pthread_create(&t->id, NULL, thread_loop, t) == 0) { non_eal_threads_count++; printf("non-EAL threads count: %u\n", non_eal_threads_count); while (__atomic_load_n(®istered_count, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) != non_eal_threads_count) ; } skip_lcore_any: /* Release all threads, and check their states. */ __atomic_store_n(®istered_count, 0, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < non_eal_threads_count; i++) { t = &thread_contexts[i]; pthread_join(t->id, NULL); if (t->state != Thread_DONE) ret = -1; } return ret; } struct limit_lcore_context { unsigned int init; unsigned int max; unsigned int uninit; }; static int limit_lcores_init(unsigned int lcore_id __rte_unused, void *arg) { struct limit_lcore_context *l = arg; l->init++; if (l->init > l->max) return -1; return 0; } static void limit_lcores_uninit(unsigned int lcore_id __rte_unused, void *arg) { struct limit_lcore_context *l = arg; l->uninit++; } static int test_lcores_callback(unsigned int eal_threads_count) { struct limit_lcore_context l; void *handle; /* Refuse last lcore => callback register error. */ memset(&l, 0, sizeof(l)); l.max = eal_threads_count - 1; handle = rte_lcore_callback_register("limit", limit_lcores_init, limit_lcores_uninit, &l); if (handle != NULL) { printf("Error: lcore callback register should have failed\n"); goto error; } /* Refusal happens at the n th call to the init callback. * Besides, n - 1 were accepted, so we expect as many uninit calls when * the rollback happens. */ if (l.init != eal_threads_count) { printf("Error: lcore callback register failed but incorrect init calls, expected %u, got %u\n", eal_threads_count, l.init); goto error; } if (l.uninit != eal_threads_count - 1) { printf("Error: lcore callback register failed but incorrect uninit calls, expected %u, got %u\n", eal_threads_count - 1, l.uninit); goto error; } /* Accept all lcore and unregister. */ memset(&l, 0, sizeof(l)); l.max = eal_threads_count; handle = rte_lcore_callback_register("limit", limit_lcores_init, limit_lcores_uninit, &l); if (handle == NULL) { printf("Error: lcore callback register failed\n"); goto error; } if (l.uninit != 0) { printf("Error: lcore callback register succeeded but incorrect uninit calls, expected 0, got %u\n", l.uninit); goto error; } rte_lcore_callback_unregister(handle); handle = NULL; if (l.init != eal_threads_count) { printf("Error: lcore callback unregister done but incorrect init calls, expected %u, got %u\n", eal_threads_count, l.init); goto error; } if (l.uninit != eal_threads_count) { printf("Error: lcore callback unregister done but incorrect uninit calls, expected %u, got %u\n", eal_threads_count, l.uninit); goto error; } return 0; error: if (handle != NULL) rte_lcore_callback_unregister(handle); return -1; } static int test_non_eal_lcores_callback(unsigned int eal_threads_count) { struct thread_context thread_contexts[2]; unsigned int non_eal_threads_count = 0; struct limit_lcore_context l[2] = {}; unsigned int registered_count = 0; struct thread_context *t; void *handle[2] = {}; unsigned int i; int ret; /* This test requires two empty slots to be sure lcore init refusal is * because of callback execution. */ if (eal_threads_count + 2 >= RTE_MAX_LCORE) return 0; /* Register two callbacks: * - first one accepts any lcore, * - second one accepts all EAL lcore + one more for the first non-EAL * thread, then refuses the next lcore. */ l[0].max = UINT_MAX; handle[0] = rte_lcore_callback_register("no_limit", limit_lcores_init, limit_lcores_uninit, &l[0]); if (handle[0] == NULL) { printf("Error: lcore callback [0] register failed\n"); goto error; } l[1].max = eal_threads_count + 1; handle[1] = rte_lcore_callback_register("limit", limit_lcores_init, limit_lcores_uninit, &l[1]); if (handle[1] == NULL) { printf("Error: lcore callback [1] register failed\n"); goto error; } if (l[0].init != eal_threads_count || l[1].init != eal_threads_count) { printf("Error: lcore callbacks register succeeded but incorrect init calls, expected %u, %u, got %u, %u\n", eal_threads_count, eal_threads_count, l[0].init, l[1].init); goto error; } if (l[0].uninit != 0 || l[1].uninit != 0) { printf("Error: lcore callbacks register succeeded but incorrect uninit calls, expected 0, 1, got %u, %u\n", l[0].uninit, l[1].uninit); goto error; } /* First thread that expects a valid lcore id. */ t = &thread_contexts[0]; t->state = Thread_INIT; t->registered_count = ®istered_count; t->lcore_id_any = false; if (pthread_create(&t->id, NULL, thread_loop, t) != 0) goto cleanup_threads; non_eal_threads_count++; while (__atomic_load_n(®istered_count, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) != non_eal_threads_count) ; if (l[0].init != eal_threads_count + 1 || l[1].init != eal_threads_count + 1) { printf("Error: incorrect init calls, expected %u, %u, got %u, %u\n", eal_threads_count + 1, eal_threads_count + 1, l[0].init, l[1].init); goto cleanup_threads; } if (l[0].uninit != 0 || l[1].uninit != 0) { printf("Error: incorrect uninit calls, expected 0, 0, got %u, %u\n", l[0].uninit, l[1].uninit); goto cleanup_threads; } /* Second thread, that expects LCORE_ID_ANY because of init refusal. */ t = &thread_contexts[1]; t->state = Thread_INIT; t->registered_count = ®istered_count; t->lcore_id_any = true; if (pthread_create(&t->id, NULL, thread_loop, t) != 0) goto cleanup_threads; non_eal_threads_count++; while (__atomic_load_n(®istered_count, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) != non_eal_threads_count) ; if (l[0].init != eal_threads_count + 2 || l[1].init != eal_threads_count + 2) { printf("Error: incorrect init calls, expected %u, %u, got %u, %u\n", eal_threads_count + 2, eal_threads_count + 2, l[0].init, l[1].init); goto cleanup_threads; } if (l[0].uninit != 1 || l[1].uninit != 0) { printf("Error: incorrect uninit calls, expected 1, 0, got %u, %u\n", l[0].uninit, l[1].uninit); goto cleanup_threads; } rte_lcore_dump(stdout); /* Release all threads, and check their states. */ __atomic_store_n(®istered_count, 0, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < non_eal_threads_count; i++) { t = &thread_contexts[i]; pthread_join(t->id, NULL); if (t->state != Thread_DONE) ret = -1; } if (ret < 0) goto error; rte_lcore_dump(stdout); if (l[0].uninit != 2 || l[1].uninit != 1) { printf("Error: threads reported having successfully registered and unregistered, but incorrect uninit calls, expected 2, 1, got %u, %u\n", l[0].uninit, l[1].uninit); goto error; } rte_lcore_callback_unregister(handle[0]); rte_lcore_callback_unregister(handle[1]); return 0; cleanup_threads: /* Release all threads */ __atomic_store_n(®istered_count, 0, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); for (i = 0; i < non_eal_threads_count; i++) { t = &thread_contexts[i]; pthread_join(t->id, NULL); } error: if (handle[1] != NULL) rte_lcore_callback_unregister(handle[1]); if (handle[0] != NULL) rte_lcore_callback_unregister(handle[0]); return -1; } static void *ctrl_thread_loop(void *arg) { struct thread_context *t = arg; printf("Control thread running successfully\n"); /* Set the thread state to DONE */ t->state = Thread_DONE; return NULL; } static int test_ctrl_thread(void) { struct thread_context ctrl_thread_context; struct thread_context *t; /* Create one control thread */ t = &ctrl_thread_context; t->state = Thread_INIT; if (rte_ctrl_thread_create(&t->id, "test_ctrl_threads", NULL, ctrl_thread_loop, t) != 0) return -1; /* Wait till the control thread exits. * This also acts as the barrier such that the memory operations * in control thread are visible to this thread. */ pthread_join(t->id, NULL); /* Check if the control thread set the correct state */ if (t->state != Thread_DONE) return -1; return 0; } static int test_lcores(void) { unsigned int eal_threads_count = 0; unsigned int i; if (RTE_EXEC_ENV_IS_WINDOWS) return TEST_SKIPPED; for (i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_LCORE; i++) { if (!rte_lcore_has_role(i, ROLE_OFF)) eal_threads_count++; } if (eal_threads_count == 0) { printf("Error: something is broken, no EAL thread detected.\n"); return TEST_FAILED; } printf("EAL threads count: %u, RTE_MAX_LCORE=%u\n", eal_threads_count, RTE_MAX_LCORE); rte_lcore_dump(stdout); if (test_non_eal_lcores(eal_threads_count) < 0) return TEST_FAILED; if (test_lcores_callback(eal_threads_count) < 0) return TEST_FAILED; if (test_non_eal_lcores_callback(eal_threads_count) < 0) return TEST_FAILED; if (test_ctrl_thread() < 0) return TEST_FAILED; return TEST_SUCCESS; } REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(lcores_autotest, test_lcores);