/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright (c) 2021 NVIDIA Corporation & Affiliates */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "devices.h" #define CUDA_DRIVER_MIN_VERSION 11040 #define CUDA_API_MIN_VERSION 3020 /* CUDA Driver functions loaded with dlsym() */ static CUresult CUDAAPI (*sym_cuInit)(unsigned int flags); static CUresult CUDAAPI (*sym_cuDriverGetVersion)(int *driverVersion); static CUresult CUDAAPI (*sym_cuGetProcAddress)(const char *symbol, void **pfn, int cudaVersion, uint64_t flags); /* CUDA Driver functions loaded with cuGetProcAddress for versioning */ static PFN_cuGetErrorString pfn_cuGetErrorString; static PFN_cuGetErrorName pfn_cuGetErrorName; static PFN_cuPointerSetAttribute pfn_cuPointerSetAttribute; static PFN_cuDeviceGetAttribute pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute; static PFN_cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId pfn_cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId; static PFN_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain pfn_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain; static PFN_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease pfn_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease; static PFN_cuDeviceTotalMem pfn_cuDeviceTotalMem; static PFN_cuDeviceGetName pfn_cuDeviceGetName; static PFN_cuCtxGetApiVersion pfn_cuCtxGetApiVersion; static PFN_cuCtxSetCurrent pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent; static PFN_cuCtxGetCurrent pfn_cuCtxGetCurrent; static PFN_cuCtxGetDevice pfn_cuCtxGetDevice; static PFN_cuCtxGetExecAffinity pfn_cuCtxGetExecAffinity; static PFN_cuMemAlloc pfn_cuMemAlloc; static PFN_cuMemFree pfn_cuMemFree; static PFN_cuMemHostRegister pfn_cuMemHostRegister; static PFN_cuMemHostUnregister pfn_cuMemHostUnregister; static PFN_cuMemHostGetDevicePointer pfn_cuMemHostGetDevicePointer; static PFN_cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites pfn_cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites; static void *cudalib; static unsigned int cuda_api_version; static int cuda_driver_version; static gdr_t gdrc_h; #define CUDA_MAX_ALLOCATION_NUM 512 #define GPU_PAGE_SHIFT 16 #define GPU_PAGE_SIZE (1UL << GPU_PAGE_SHIFT) RTE_LOG_REGISTER_DEFAULT(cuda_logtype, NOTICE); /* NVIDIA GPU address map */ static const struct rte_pci_id pci_id_cuda_map[] = { { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A40_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A30_24GB_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A30X_24GB_DPU_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A10_24GB_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A10G_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A10M_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A100_40GB_SXM4_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A100_40GB_PCIE_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A100_80GB_SXM4_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A100_80GB_PCIE_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_A100X_80GB_DPU_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_GA100_PG506_207) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_GA100_PCIE) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_GA100_PG506_217) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_16GB_SXM2_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_16GB_DGXS_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_16GB_FHHL_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_16GB_PCIE_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_32GB_SXM2_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_32GB_PCIE_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_32GB_DGXS_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_32GB_SXM3_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_32GB_SXM3_H_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100_SXM2) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_V100S_PCIE) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_TITAN_V_CEO_ED) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_GV100GL_PG500_216) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_GV100GL_PG503_216) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_TU102_TITAN_RTX) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_TU102GL_QUADRO_RTX) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_GV100_QUADRO_DEVICE_ID) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_4000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_5000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_6000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_8000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_A4000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_A6000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_A5000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_A4500) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_A5500) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_A2000) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_QUADRO_RTX_A2000_12GB) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_T4G) }, { RTE_PCI_DEVICE(NVIDIA_GPU_VENDOR_ID, NVIDIA_GPU_T4) }, { .device_id = 0 } }; /* Device private info */ struct cuda_info { char gpu_name[RTE_DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN]; CUdevice cu_dev; int gdr_supported; int gdr_write_ordering; int gdr_flush_type; }; /* Type of memory allocated by CUDA driver */ enum mem_type { GPU_MEM = 0, CPU_REGISTERED, GPU_REGISTERED }; /* key associated to a memory address */ typedef uintptr_t cuda_ptr_key; /* Single entry of the memory list */ struct mem_entry { CUdeviceptr ptr_d; CUdeviceptr ptr_orig_d; void *ptr_h; size_t size; size_t size_orig; struct rte_gpu *dev; CUcontext ctx; cuda_ptr_key pkey; enum mem_type mtype; gdr_mh_t mh; struct mem_entry *prev; struct mem_entry *next; }; static struct mem_entry *mem_alloc_list_head; static struct mem_entry *mem_alloc_list_tail; static uint32_t mem_alloc_list_last_elem; /* Load the CUDA symbols */ static int cuda_loader(void) { char cuda_path[1024]; if (getenv("CUDA_PATH_L") == NULL) snprintf(cuda_path, 1024, "%s", "libcuda.so"); else snprintf(cuda_path, 1024, "%s/%s", getenv("CUDA_PATH_L"), "libcuda.so"); cudalib = dlopen(cuda_path, RTLD_LAZY); if (cudalib == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to find CUDA library in %s (CUDA_PATH_L=%s)", cuda_path, getenv("CUDA_PATH_L")); return -1; } return 0; } static int cuda_sym_func_loader(void) { if (cudalib == NULL) return -1; sym_cuInit = dlsym(cudalib, "cuInit"); if (sym_cuInit == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to load CUDA missing symbol cuInit"); return -1; } sym_cuDriverGetVersion = dlsym(cudalib, "cuDriverGetVersion"); if (sym_cuDriverGetVersion == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to load CUDA missing symbol cuDriverGetVersion"); return -1; } sym_cuGetProcAddress = dlsym(cudalib, "cuGetProcAddress"); if (sym_cuGetProcAddress == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to load CUDA missing symbol cuGetProcAddress"); return -1; } return 0; } static int cuda_pfn_func_loader(void) { CUresult res; res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuGetErrorString", (void **) (&pfn_cuGetErrorString), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuGetErrorString failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuGetErrorName", (void **)(&pfn_cuGetErrorName), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuGetErrorName failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuPointerSetAttribute", (void **)(&pfn_cuPointerSetAttribute), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuPointerSetAttribute failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuDeviceGetAttribute", (void **)(&pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId", (void **)(&pfn_cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuDeviceGetName", (void **)(&pfn_cuDeviceGetName), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuDeviceGetName failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain", (void **)(&pfn_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease", (void **)(&pfn_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuDeviceTotalMem", (void **)(&pfn_cuDeviceTotalMem), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuDeviceTotalMem failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuCtxGetApiVersion", (void **)(&pfn_cuCtxGetApiVersion), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuCtxGetApiVersion failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuCtxGetDevice", (void **)(&pfn_cuCtxGetDevice), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuCtxGetDevice failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuCtxSetCurrent", (void **)(&pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuCtxGetCurrent", (void **)(&pfn_cuCtxGetCurrent), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuCtxGetCurrent failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuCtxGetExecAffinity", (void **)(&pfn_cuCtxGetExecAffinity), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuCtxGetExecAffinity failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuMemAlloc", (void **)(&pfn_cuMemAlloc), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuMemAlloc failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuMemFree", (void **)(&pfn_cuMemFree), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuMemFree failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuMemHostRegister", (void **)(&pfn_cuMemHostRegister), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuMemHostRegister failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuMemHostUnregister", (void **)(&pfn_cuMemHostUnregister), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuMemHostUnregister failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuMemHostGetDevicePointer", (void **)(&pfn_cuMemHostGetDevicePointer), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve pfn_cuMemHostGetDevicePointer failed with %d", res); return -1; } res = sym_cuGetProcAddress("cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites", (void **)(&pfn_cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites), cuda_driver_version, 0); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Retrieve cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites failed with %d", res); return -1; } return 0; } /* Generate a key from a memory pointer */ static cuda_ptr_key get_hash_from_ptr(void *ptr) { return (uintptr_t)ptr; } static uint32_t mem_list_count_item(void) { return mem_alloc_list_last_elem; } /* Initiate list of memory allocations if not done yet */ static struct mem_entry * mem_list_add_item(void) { /* Initiate list of memory allocations if not done yet */ if (mem_alloc_list_head == NULL) { mem_alloc_list_head = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct mem_entry), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (mem_alloc_list_head == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate memory for memory list"); return NULL; } mem_alloc_list_head->next = NULL; mem_alloc_list_head->prev = NULL; mem_alloc_list_tail = mem_alloc_list_head; } else { struct mem_entry *mem_alloc_list_cur = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct mem_entry), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (mem_alloc_list_cur == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate memory for memory list"); return NULL; } mem_alloc_list_tail->next = mem_alloc_list_cur; mem_alloc_list_cur->prev = mem_alloc_list_tail; mem_alloc_list_tail = mem_alloc_list_tail->next; mem_alloc_list_tail->next = NULL; } mem_alloc_list_last_elem++; return mem_alloc_list_tail; } static struct mem_entry * mem_list_find_item(cuda_ptr_key pk) { struct mem_entry *mem_alloc_list_cur = NULL; if (mem_alloc_list_head == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory list doesn't exist"); return NULL; } if (mem_list_count_item() == 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "No items in memory list"); return NULL; } mem_alloc_list_cur = mem_alloc_list_head; while (mem_alloc_list_cur != NULL) { if (mem_alloc_list_cur->pkey == pk) return mem_alloc_list_cur; mem_alloc_list_cur = mem_alloc_list_cur->next; } return mem_alloc_list_cur; } static int mem_list_del_item(cuda_ptr_key pk) { struct mem_entry *mem_alloc_list_cur = NULL; mem_alloc_list_cur = mem_list_find_item(pk); if (mem_alloc_list_cur == NULL) return -EINVAL; /* if key is in head */ if (mem_alloc_list_cur->prev == NULL) { mem_alloc_list_head = mem_alloc_list_cur->next; if (mem_alloc_list_head != NULL) mem_alloc_list_head->prev = NULL; } else { mem_alloc_list_cur->prev->next = mem_alloc_list_cur->next; if (mem_alloc_list_cur->next != NULL) mem_alloc_list_cur->next->prev = mem_alloc_list_cur->prev; } rte_free(mem_alloc_list_cur); mem_alloc_list_last_elem--; return 0; } static int cuda_dev_info_get(struct rte_gpu *dev, struct rte_gpu_info *info) { int ret = 0; CUresult res; struct rte_gpu_info parent_info; CUexecAffinityParam affinityPrm; const char *err_string; struct cuda_info *private; CUcontext current_ctx; CUcontext input_ctx; if (dev == NULL) { rte_errno = ENODEV; return -rte_errno; } /* Child initialization time probably called by rte_gpu_add_child() */ if (dev->mpshared->info.parent != RTE_GPU_ID_NONE && dev->mpshared->dev_private == NULL) { /* Store current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxGetCurrent(¤t_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxGetCurrent failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Set child ctx as current ctx */ input_ctx = (CUcontext)((uintptr_t)dev->mpshared->info.context); res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(input_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent input failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* * Ctx capacity info */ /* MPS compatible */ res = pfn_cuCtxGetExecAffinity(&affinityPrm, CU_EXEC_AFFINITY_TYPE_SM_COUNT); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxGetExecAffinity failed with %s", err_string); } dev->mpshared->info.processor_count = (uint32_t)affinityPrm.param.smCount.val; ret = rte_gpu_info_get(dev->mpshared->info.parent, &parent_info); if (ret) { rte_errno = ENODEV; return -rte_errno; } dev->mpshared->info.total_memory = parent_info.total_memory; dev->mpshared->info.page_size = parent_info.page_size; /* * GPU Device private info */ dev->mpshared->dev_private = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct cuda_info), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (dev->mpshared->dev_private == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate memory for GPU process private"); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } private = (struct cuda_info *)dev->mpshared->dev_private; res = pfn_cuCtxGetDevice(&(private->cu_dev)); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxGetDevice failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } res = pfn_cuDeviceGetName(private->gpu_name, RTE_DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN, private->cu_dev); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetName failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Restore original ctx as current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(current_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } } *info = dev->mpshared->info; return 0; } /* * GPU Memory */ static int cuda_mem_alloc(struct rte_gpu *dev, size_t size, unsigned int align, void **ptr) { CUresult res; const char *err_string; CUcontext current_ctx; CUcontext input_ctx; unsigned int flag = 1; if (dev == NULL) return -ENODEV; /* Store current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxGetCurrent(¤t_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxGetCurrent failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Set child ctx as current ctx */ input_ctx = (CUcontext)((uintptr_t)dev->mpshared->info.context); res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(input_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent input failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Get next memory list item */ mem_alloc_list_tail = mem_list_add_item(); if (mem_alloc_list_tail == NULL) { rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Allocate memory */ mem_alloc_list_tail->size = size; mem_alloc_list_tail->size_orig = size + align; res = pfn_cuMemAlloc(&(mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_orig_d), mem_alloc_list_tail->size_orig); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Align memory address */ mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d = mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_orig_d; if (align && ((uintptr_t)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d) % align) mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d += (align - (((uintptr_t)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d) % align)); /* GPUDirect RDMA attribute required */ res = pfn_cuPointerSetAttribute(&flag, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS, mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Could not set SYNC MEMOP attribute for " "GPU memory at %"PRIu32", err %d", (uint32_t)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d, res); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } mem_alloc_list_tail->pkey = get_hash_from_ptr((void *)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d); mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h = NULL; mem_alloc_list_tail->dev = dev; mem_alloc_list_tail->ctx = (CUcontext)((uintptr_t)dev->mpshared->info.context); mem_alloc_list_tail->mtype = GPU_MEM; /* Restore original ctx as current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(current_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } *ptr = (void *)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d; return 0; } static int cuda_mem_register(struct rte_gpu *dev, size_t size, void *ptr) { CUresult res; const char *err_string; CUcontext current_ctx; CUcontext input_ctx; unsigned int flag = 1; int use_ptr_h = 0; if (dev == NULL) return -ENODEV; /* Store current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxGetCurrent(¤t_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxGetCurrent failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Set child ctx as current ctx */ input_ctx = (CUcontext)((uintptr_t)dev->mpshared->info.context); res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(input_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent input failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Get next memory list item */ mem_alloc_list_tail = mem_list_add_item(); if (mem_alloc_list_tail == NULL) { rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Allocate memory */ mem_alloc_list_tail->size = size; mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h = ptr; res = pfn_cuMemHostRegister(mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h, mem_alloc_list_tail->size, CU_MEMHOSTREGISTER_PORTABLE | CU_MEMHOSTREGISTER_DEVICEMAP); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuMemHostRegister failed with %s ptr %p size %zd", err_string, mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h, mem_alloc_list_tail->size); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } res = pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute(&(use_ptr_h), CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_USE_HOST_POINTER_FOR_REGISTERED_MEM, ((struct cuda_info *)(dev->mpshared->dev_private))->cu_dev); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetAttribute failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (use_ptr_h == 0) { res = pfn_cuMemHostGetDevicePointer(&(mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d), mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h, 0); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuMemHostGetDevicePointer failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if ((uintptr_t)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d != (uintptr_t)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Host input pointer is different wrt GPU registered pointer"); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } } else { mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d = (CUdeviceptr)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h; } /* GPUDirect RDMA attribute required */ res = pfn_cuPointerSetAttribute(&flag, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS, mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Could not set SYNC MEMOP attribute for GPU memory at %"PRIu32 ", err %d", (uint32_t)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d, res); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } mem_alloc_list_tail->pkey = get_hash_from_ptr((void *)mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_h); mem_alloc_list_tail->size = size; mem_alloc_list_tail->dev = dev; mem_alloc_list_tail->ctx = (CUcontext)((uintptr_t)dev->mpshared->info.context); mem_alloc_list_tail->mtype = CPU_REGISTERED; mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_orig_d = mem_alloc_list_tail->ptr_d; /* Restore original ctx as current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(current_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } return 0; } static int cuda_mem_cpu_map(struct rte_gpu *dev, __rte_unused size_t size, void *ptr_in, void **ptr_out) { struct mem_entry *mem_item; cuda_ptr_key hk; if (dev == NULL) return -ENODEV; hk = get_hash_from_ptr((void *)ptr_in); mem_item = mem_list_find_item(hk); if (mem_item == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory address 0x%p not found in driver memory.", ptr_in); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (mem_item->mtype != GPU_MEM) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory address 0x%p is not GPU memory type.", ptr_in); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (mem_item->size != size) rte_cuda_log(WARNING, "Can't expose memory area with size (%zd) different from original size (%zd).", size, mem_item->size); if (gdrcopy_pin(&gdrc_h, &(mem_item->mh), (uint64_t)mem_item->ptr_d, mem_item->size, &(mem_item->ptr_h))) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Error exposing GPU memory address 0x%p.", ptr_in); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } mem_item->mtype = GPU_REGISTERED; *ptr_out = mem_item->ptr_h; return 0; } static int cuda_mem_unregister(struct rte_gpu *dev, void *ptr) { CUresult res; struct mem_entry *mem_item; const char *err_string; cuda_ptr_key hk; if (dev == NULL) return -ENODEV; hk = get_hash_from_ptr((void *)ptr); mem_item = mem_list_find_item(hk); if (mem_item == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory address 0x%p not found in driver memory", ptr); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (mem_item->mtype == CPU_REGISTERED) { res = pfn_cuMemHostUnregister(ptr); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuMemHostUnregister current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } return mem_list_del_item(hk); } rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory type %d not supported", mem_item->mtype); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } static int cuda_mem_cpu_unmap(struct rte_gpu *dev, void *ptr_in) { struct mem_entry *mem_item; cuda_ptr_key hk; if (dev == NULL) return -ENODEV; hk = get_hash_from_ptr((void *)ptr_in); mem_item = mem_list_find_item(hk); if (mem_item == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory address 0x%p not found in driver memory.", ptr_in); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (mem_item->mtype == GPU_REGISTERED) { if (gdrcopy_unpin(gdrc_h, mem_item->mh, (void *)mem_item->ptr_d, mem_item->size)) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Error unexposing GPU memory address 0x%p.", ptr_in); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } mem_item->mtype = GPU_MEM; } else { rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } return 0; } static int cuda_mem_free(struct rte_gpu *dev, void *ptr) { CUresult res; struct mem_entry *mem_item; const char *err_string; cuda_ptr_key hk; if (dev == NULL) return -ENODEV; hk = get_hash_from_ptr((void *)ptr); mem_item = mem_list_find_item(hk); if (mem_item == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory address 0x%p not found in driver memory", ptr); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* * If a GPU memory area that's CPU mapped is being freed * without calling cpu_unmap, force the unmapping. */ if (mem_item->mtype == GPU_REGISTERED) cuda_mem_cpu_unmap(dev, ptr); if (mem_item->mtype == GPU_MEM) { res = pfn_cuMemFree(mem_item->ptr_orig_d); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuMemFree current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } return mem_list_del_item(hk); } rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Memory type %d not supported", mem_item->mtype); return -EPERM; } static int cuda_dev_close(struct rte_gpu *dev) { if (dev == NULL) return -EINVAL; rte_free(dev->mpshared->dev_private); return 0; } static int cuda_wmb(struct rte_gpu *dev) { CUresult res; const char *err_string; CUcontext current_ctx; CUcontext input_ctx; struct cuda_info *private; if (dev == NULL) { rte_errno = ENODEV; return -rte_errno; } private = (struct cuda_info *)dev->mpshared->dev_private; if (private->gdr_write_ordering != CU_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_WRITES_ORDERING_NONE) { /* * No need to explicitly force the write ordering because * the device natively supports it */ return 0; } if (private->gdr_flush_type != CU_FLUSH_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_WRITES_OPTION_HOST) { /* * Can't flush GDR writes with cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites CUDA function. * Application needs to use alternative methods. */ rte_cuda_log(WARNING, "Can't flush GDR writes with cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites CUDA function." "Application needs to use alternative methods."); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } /* Store current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxGetCurrent(¤t_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxGetCurrent failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Set child ctx as current ctx */ input_ctx = (CUcontext)((uintptr_t)dev->mpshared->info.context); res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(input_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent input failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } res = pfn_cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites(CU_FLUSH_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_WRITES_TARGET_CURRENT_CTX, CU_FLUSH_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_WRITES_TO_ALL_DEVICES); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } /* Restore original ctx as current ctx */ res = pfn_cuCtxSetCurrent(current_ctx); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxSetCurrent current failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } return 0; } static int cuda_gpu_probe(__rte_unused struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv, struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev) { struct rte_gpu *dev = NULL; CUresult res; CUdevice cu_dev_id; CUcontext pctx; char dev_name[RTE_DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN]; const char *err_string; int processor_count = 0; struct cuda_info *private; if (pci_dev == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "NULL PCI device"); rte_errno = ENODEV; return -rte_errno; } rte_pci_device_name(&pci_dev->addr, dev_name, sizeof(dev_name)); /* Allocate memory to be used privately by drivers */ dev = rte_gpu_allocate(pci_dev->device.name); if (dev == NULL) { rte_errno = ENODEV; return -rte_errno; } /* Initialize values only for the first CUDA driver call */ if (dev->mpshared->info.dev_id == 0) { mem_alloc_list_head = NULL; mem_alloc_list_tail = NULL; mem_alloc_list_last_elem = 0; /* Load libcuda.so library */ if (cuda_loader()) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "CUDA Driver library not found"); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } /* Load initial CUDA functions */ if (cuda_sym_func_loader()) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "CUDA functions not found in library"); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } /* * Required to initialize the CUDA Driver. * Multiple calls of cuInit() will return immediately * without making any relevant change */ sym_cuInit(0); res = sym_cuDriverGetVersion(&cuda_driver_version); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDriverGetVersion failed with %d", res); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } if (cuda_driver_version < CUDA_DRIVER_MIN_VERSION) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "CUDA Driver version found is %d. " "Minimum requirement is %d", cuda_driver_version, CUDA_DRIVER_MIN_VERSION); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } if (cuda_pfn_func_loader()) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "CUDA PFN functions not found in library"); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } gdrc_h = NULL; } /* Fill HW specific part of device structure */ dev->device = &pci_dev->device; dev->mpshared->info.numa_node = pci_dev->device.numa_node; /* Get NVIDIA GPU Device descriptor */ res = pfn_cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId(&cu_dev_id, dev->device->name); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId name %s failed with %d: %s", dev->device->name, res, err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } res = pfn_cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(&pctx, cu_dev_id); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain name %s failed with %d: %s", dev->device->name, res, err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } res = pfn_cuCtxGetApiVersion(pctx, &cuda_api_version); if (res != 0) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuCtxGetApiVersion failed with %d", res); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } if (cuda_api_version < CUDA_API_MIN_VERSION) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "CUDA API version found is %d Minimum requirement is %d", cuda_api_version, CUDA_API_MIN_VERSION); rte_errno = ENOTSUP; return -rte_errno; } dev->mpshared->info.context = (uint64_t)pctx; /* * GPU Device generic info */ /* Processor count */ res = pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute(&(processor_count), CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT, cu_dev_id); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetAttribute failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } dev->mpshared->info.processor_count = (uint32_t)processor_count; /* Total memory */ res = pfn_cuDeviceTotalMem(&dev->mpshared->info.total_memory, cu_dev_id); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceTotalMem failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } dev->mpshared->info.page_size = (size_t)GPU_PAGE_SIZE; /* * GPU Device private info */ dev->mpshared->dev_private = rte_zmalloc(NULL, sizeof(struct cuda_info), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); if (dev->mpshared->dev_private == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Failed to allocate memory for GPU process private"); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } private = (struct cuda_info *)dev->mpshared->dev_private; private->cu_dev = cu_dev_id; res = pfn_cuDeviceGetName(private->gpu_name, RTE_DEV_NAME_MAX_LEN, cu_dev_id); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetName failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } res = pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute(&(private->gdr_supported), CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_SUPPORTED, cu_dev_id); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetAttribute failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (private->gdr_supported == 0) rte_cuda_log(WARNING, "GPU %s doesn't support GPUDirect RDMA", pci_dev->device.name); res = pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute(&(private->gdr_write_ordering), CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_WRITES_ORDERING, cu_dev_id); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetAttribute failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (private->gdr_write_ordering == CU_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_WRITES_ORDERING_NONE) { res = pfn_cuDeviceGetAttribute(&(private->gdr_flush_type), CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_FLUSH_WRITES_OPTIONS, cu_dev_id); if (res != 0) { pfn_cuGetErrorString(res, &(err_string)); rte_cuda_log(ERR, "cuDeviceGetAttribute failed with %s", err_string); rte_errno = EPERM; return -rte_errno; } if (private->gdr_flush_type != CU_FLUSH_GPU_DIRECT_RDMA_WRITES_OPTION_HOST) rte_cuda_log(ERR, "GPUDirect RDMA flush writes API is not supported"); } dev->ops.dev_info_get = cuda_dev_info_get; dev->ops.dev_close = cuda_dev_close; dev->ops.mem_alloc = cuda_mem_alloc; dev->ops.mem_free = cuda_mem_free; dev->ops.mem_register = cuda_mem_register; dev->ops.mem_unregister = cuda_mem_unregister; dev->ops.mem_cpu_map = cuda_mem_cpu_map; dev->ops.mem_cpu_unmap = cuda_mem_cpu_unmap; dev->ops.wmb = cuda_wmb; rte_gpu_complete_new(dev); rte_cuda_debug("dev id = %u name = %s", dev->mpshared->info.dev_id, private->gpu_name); return 0; } static int cuda_gpu_remove(struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev) { struct rte_gpu *dev; int ret; uint8_t gpu_id; if (pci_dev == NULL) { rte_errno = ENODEV; return -rte_errno; } dev = rte_gpu_get_by_name(pci_dev->device.name); if (dev == NULL) { rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Couldn't find HW dev \"%s\" to uninitialise it", pci_dev->device.name); rte_errno = ENODEV; return -rte_errno; } gpu_id = dev->mpshared->info.dev_id; /* release dev from library */ ret = rte_gpu_release(dev); if (ret) rte_cuda_log(ERR, "Device %i failed to uninit: %i", gpu_id, ret); rte_cuda_debug("Destroyed dev = %u", gpu_id); return 0; } static struct rte_pci_driver rte_cuda_driver = { .id_table = pci_id_cuda_map, .drv_flags = RTE_PCI_DRV_WC_ACTIVATE, .probe = cuda_gpu_probe, .remove = cuda_gpu_remove, }; RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI(gpu_cuda, rte_cuda_driver); RTE_PMD_REGISTER_PCI_TABLE(gpu_cuda, pci_id_cuda_map); RTE_PMD_REGISTER_KMOD_DEP(gpu_cuda, "* nvidia & (nv_peer_mem | nvpeer_mem)");