/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rte_swx_pipeline_spec.h" #ifndef MAX_LINE_LENGTH #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 2048 #endif #ifndef MAX_TOKENS #define MAX_TOKENS 256 #endif #define STRUCT_BLOCK 0 #define ACTION_BLOCK 1 #define TABLE_BLOCK 2 #define TABLE_KEY_BLOCK 3 #define TABLE_ACTIONS_BLOCK 4 #define SELECTOR_BLOCK 5 #define SELECTOR_SELECTOR_BLOCK 6 #define LEARNER_BLOCK 7 #define LEARNER_KEY_BLOCK 8 #define LEARNER_ACTIONS_BLOCK 9 #define LEARNER_TIMEOUT_BLOCK 10 #define APPLY_BLOCK 11 /* * extobj. */ static void extobj_spec_free(struct extobj_spec *s) { if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; free(s->extern_type_name); s->extern_type_name = NULL; free(s->pragma); s->pragma = NULL; } static int extobj_statement_parse(struct extobj_spec *s, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if (((n_tokens != 4) && (n_tokens != 6)) || ((n_tokens == 4) && strcmp(tokens[2], "instanceof")) || ((n_tokens == 6) && (strcmp(tokens[2], "instanceof") || strcmp(tokens[4], "pragma")))) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid extobj statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); s->extern_type_name = strdup(tokens[3]); s->pragma = (n_tokens == 6) ? strdup(tokens[5]) : NULL; if (!s->name || !s->extern_type_name || ((n_tokens == 6) && !s->pragma)) { free(s->name); free(s->extern_type_name); free(s->pragma); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } /* * struct. * */ static void struct_spec_free(struct struct_spec *s) { uint32_t i; if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; for (i = 0; i < s->n_fields; i++) { uintptr_t name = (uintptr_t)s->fields[i].name; free((void *)name); } free(s->fields); s->fields = NULL; s->n_fields = 0; s->varbit = 0; } static int struct_statement_parse(struct struct_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[2], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid struct statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << STRUCT_BLOCK; return 0; } static int struct_block_parse(struct struct_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_field_params *new_fields; char *p = tokens[0], *name = NULL; uint32_t n_bits; int varbit = 0, error = 0, error_size_invalid = 0, error_varbit_not_last = 0; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << STRUCT_BLOCK); return 0; } /* Check format. */ if (n_tokens != 2) { error = -EINVAL; goto error; } if (s->varbit) { error = -EINVAL; error_varbit_not_last = 1; goto error; } if (!strncmp(p, "bit<", strlen("bit<"))) { size_t len = strlen(p); if ((len < strlen("bit< >")) || (p[len - 1] != '>')) { error = -EINVAL; goto error; } /* Remove the "bit<" and ">". */ p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; p += strlen("bit<"); } else if (!strncmp(p, "varbit<", strlen("varbit<"))) { size_t len = strlen(p); if ((len < strlen("varbit< >")) || (p[len - 1] != '>')) { error = -EINVAL; goto error; } /* Remove the "varbit<" and ">". */ p[strlen(p) - 1] = 0; p += strlen("varbit<"); /* Set the varbit flag. */ varbit = 1; } else { error = -EINVAL; goto error; } n_bits = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if ((p[0]) || !n_bits || (n_bits % 8)) { error = -EINVAL; error_size_invalid = 1; goto error; } /* spec. */ name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!name) { error = -ENOMEM; goto error; } new_fields = realloc(s->fields, (s->n_fields + 1) * sizeof(struct rte_swx_field_params)); if (!new_fields) { error = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->fields = new_fields; s->fields[s->n_fields].name = name; s->fields[s->n_fields].n_bits = n_bits; s->n_fields++; s->varbit = varbit; return 0; error: free(name); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) { *err_msg = "Invalid struct field statement."; if ((error == -EINVAL) && error_varbit_not_last) *err_msg = "Varbit field is not the last struct field."; if ((error == -EINVAL) && error_size_invalid) *err_msg = "Invalid struct field size."; if (error == -ENOMEM) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; } return error; } /* * header. * */ static void header_spec_free(struct header_spec *s) { if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; free(s->struct_type_name); s->struct_type_name = NULL; } static int header_statement_parse(struct header_spec *s, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 4) || strcmp(tokens[2], "instanceof")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid header statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); s->struct_type_name = strdup(tokens[3]); if (!s->name || !s->struct_type_name) { free(s->name); free(s->struct_type_name); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } /* * metadata. * */ static void metadata_spec_free(struct metadata_spec *s) { if (!s) return; free(s->struct_type_name); s->struct_type_name = NULL; } static int metadata_statement_parse(struct metadata_spec *s, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[1], "instanceof")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid metadata statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->struct_type_name = strdup(tokens[2]); if (!s->struct_type_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } /* * action. * */ static void action_spec_free(struct action_spec *s) { uint32_t i; if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; free(s->args_struct_type_name); s->args_struct_type_name = NULL; for (i = 0; i < s->n_instructions; i++) { uintptr_t instr = (uintptr_t)s->instructions[i]; free((void *)instr); } free(s->instructions); s->instructions = NULL; s->n_instructions = 0; } static int action_statement_parse(struct action_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if (((n_tokens != 5) && (n_tokens != 6)) || ((n_tokens == 5) && (strcmp(tokens[2], "args") || strcmp(tokens[3], "none") || strcmp(tokens[4], "{"))) || ((n_tokens == 6) && (strcmp(tokens[2], "args") || strcmp(tokens[3], "instanceof") || strcmp(tokens[5], "{")))) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid action statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); s->args_struct_type_name = (n_tokens == 6) ? strdup(tokens[4]) : NULL; if ((!s->name) || ((n_tokens == 6) && !s->args_struct_type_name)) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << ACTION_BLOCK; return 0; } static int action_block_parse(struct action_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { char buffer[RTE_SWX_INSTRUCTION_SIZE], *instr; const char **new_instructions; uint32_t i; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << ACTION_BLOCK); return 0; } /* spec. */ buffer[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_tokens; i++) { if (i) strcat(buffer, " "); strcat(buffer, tokens[i]); } instr = strdup(buffer); if (!instr) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } new_instructions = realloc(s->instructions, (s->n_instructions + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!new_instructions) { free(instr); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } s->instructions = new_instructions; s->instructions[s->n_instructions] = instr; s->n_instructions++; return 0; } /* * table. * */ static void table_spec_free(struct table_spec *s) { uintptr_t default_action_name, default_action_args, hash_func_name; uint32_t i; if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; for (i = 0; i < s->params.n_fields; i++) { uintptr_t name = (uintptr_t)s->params.fields[i].name; free((void *)name); } free(s->params.fields); s->params.fields = NULL; s->params.n_fields = 0; for (i = 0; i < s->params.n_actions; i++) { uintptr_t name = (uintptr_t)s->params.action_names[i]; free((void *)name); } free(s->params.action_names); s->params.action_names = NULL; s->params.n_actions = 0; default_action_name = (uintptr_t)s->params.default_action_name; free((void *)default_action_name); s->params.default_action_name = NULL; default_action_args = (uintptr_t)s->params.default_action_args; free((void *)default_action_args); s->params.default_action_args = NULL; free(s->params.action_is_for_table_entries); s->params.action_is_for_table_entries = NULL; free(s->params.action_is_for_default_entry); s->params.action_is_for_default_entry = NULL; s->params.default_action_is_const = 0; hash_func_name = (uintptr_t)s->params.hash_func_name; free((void *)hash_func_name); s->params.hash_func_name = NULL; free(s->recommended_table_type_name); s->recommended_table_type_name = NULL; free(s->args); s->args = NULL; s->size = 0; } static int table_key_statement_parse(uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[1], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid key statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << TABLE_KEY_BLOCK; return 0; } static int table_key_block_parse(struct table_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_match_field_params *new_fields; enum rte_swx_table_match_type match_type = RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_WILDCARD; char *name; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << TABLE_KEY_BLOCK); return 0; } /* Check input arguments. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || (strcmp(tokens[1], "exact") && strcmp(tokens[1], "wildcard") && strcmp(tokens[1], "lpm"))) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid match field statement."; return -EINVAL; } if (!strcmp(tokens[1], "wildcard")) match_type = RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_WILDCARD; if (!strcmp(tokens[1], "lpm")) match_type = RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_LPM; if (!strcmp(tokens[1], "exact")) match_type = RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_EXACT; name = strdup(tokens[0]); if (!name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } new_fields = realloc(s->params.fields, (s->params.n_fields + 1) * sizeof(struct rte_swx_match_field_params)); if (!new_fields) { free(name); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } s->params.fields = new_fields; s->params.fields[s->params.n_fields].name = name; s->params.fields[s->params.n_fields].match_type = match_type; s->params.n_fields++; return 0; } static int table_actions_statement_parse(uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[1], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid actions statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << TABLE_ACTIONS_BLOCK; return 0; } static int table_actions_block_parse(struct table_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { const char **new_action_names = NULL; int *new_action_is_for_table_entries = NULL, *new_action_is_for_default_entry = NULL; char *name = NULL; int action_is_for_table_entries = 1, action_is_for_default_entry = 1; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << TABLE_ACTIONS_BLOCK); return 0; } /* Check input arguments. */ if ((n_tokens > 2) || ((n_tokens == 2) && strcmp(tokens[1], "@tableonly") && strcmp(tokens[1], "@defaultonly"))) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid action name statement."; return -EINVAL; } name = strdup(tokens[0]); if (n_tokens == 2) { if (!strcmp(tokens[1], "@tableonly")) action_is_for_default_entry = 0; if (!strcmp(tokens[1], "@defaultonly")) action_is_for_table_entries = 0; } new_action_names = realloc(s->params.action_names, (s->params.n_actions + 1) * sizeof(char *)); new_action_is_for_table_entries = realloc(s->params.action_is_for_table_entries, (s->params.n_actions + 1) * sizeof(int)); new_action_is_for_default_entry = realloc(s->params.action_is_for_default_entry, (s->params.n_actions + 1) * sizeof(int)); if (!name || !new_action_names || !new_action_is_for_table_entries || !new_action_is_for_default_entry) { free(name); free(new_action_names); free(new_action_is_for_table_entries); free(new_action_is_for_default_entry); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } s->params.action_names = new_action_names; s->params.action_names[s->params.n_actions] = name; s->params.action_is_for_table_entries = new_action_is_for_table_entries; s->params.action_is_for_table_entries[s->params.n_actions] = action_is_for_table_entries; s->params.action_is_for_default_entry = new_action_is_for_default_entry; s->params.action_is_for_default_entry[s->params.n_actions] = action_is_for_default_entry; s->params.n_actions++; return 0; } static int table_default_action_statement_parse(struct table_spec *s, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { uint32_t i; int status = 0, duplicate = 0; /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens < 4) || strcmp(tokens[2], "args")) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } if (s->params.default_action_name) { duplicate = 1; status = -EINVAL; goto error; } s->params.default_action_name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->params.default_action_name) { status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } if (strcmp(tokens[3], "none")) { char buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; uint32_t n_tokens_args = n_tokens - 3; if (!strcmp(tokens[n_tokens - 1], "const")) n_tokens_args--; if (!n_tokens_args) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } buffer[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_tokens_args; i++) { if (i) strcat(buffer, " "); strcat(buffer, tokens[3 + i]); } s->params.default_action_args = strdup(buffer); if (!s->params.default_action_args) { status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } } else { if (((n_tokens != 4) && (n_tokens != 5)) || ((n_tokens == 5) && (strcmp(tokens[4], "const")))) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } } if (!strcmp(tokens[n_tokens - 1], "const")) s->params.default_action_is_const = 1; return 0; error: if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) switch (status) { case -ENOMEM: *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; break; default: if (duplicate) *err_msg = "Duplicate default_action statement."; *err_msg = "Invalid default_action statement."; } return status; } static int table_statement_parse(struct table_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[2], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid table statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << TABLE_BLOCK; return 0; } static int table_block_parse(struct table_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { if (*block_mask & (1 << TABLE_KEY_BLOCK)) return table_key_block_parse(s, block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (*block_mask & (1 << TABLE_ACTIONS_BLOCK)) return table_actions_block_parse(s, block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << TABLE_BLOCK); return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "key")) return table_key_statement_parse(block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "actions")) return table_actions_statement_parse(block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "default_action")) return table_default_action_statement_parse(s, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "hash")) { if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid hash statement."; return -EINVAL; } if (s->params.hash_func_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Duplicate hash statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->params.hash_func_name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->params.hash_func_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "instanceof")) { if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid instanceof statement."; return -EINVAL; } if (s->recommended_table_type_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Duplicate instanceof statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->recommended_table_type_name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->recommended_table_type_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "pragma")) { if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid pragma statement."; return -EINVAL; } if (s->args) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Duplicate pragma statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->args = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->args) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "size")) { char *p = tokens[1]; if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid pragma statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->size = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if (p[0]) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid size argument."; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /* Anything else. */ if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* * selector. * */ static void selector_spec_free(struct selector_spec *s) { uintptr_t field_name; uint32_t i; if (!s) return; /* name. */ free(s->name); s->name = NULL; /* params->group_id_field_name. */ field_name = (uintptr_t)s->params.group_id_field_name; free((void *)field_name); s->params.group_id_field_name = NULL; /* params->selector_field_names. */ for (i = 0; i < s->params.n_selector_fields; i++) { field_name = (uintptr_t)s->params.selector_field_names[i]; free((void *)field_name); } free(s->params.selector_field_names); s->params.selector_field_names = NULL; s->params.n_selector_fields = 0; /* params->member_id_field_name. */ field_name = (uintptr_t)s->params.member_id_field_name; free((void *)field_name); s->params.member_id_field_name = NULL; /* params->n_groups_max. */ s->params.n_groups_max = 0; /* params->n_members_per_group_max. */ s->params.n_members_per_group_max = 0; } static int selector_statement_parse(struct selector_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[2], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid selector statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << SELECTOR_BLOCK; return 0; } static int selector_selector_statement_parse(uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[1], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid selector statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << SELECTOR_SELECTOR_BLOCK; return 0; } static int selector_selector_block_parse(struct selector_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { const char **new_fields; char *name; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << SELECTOR_SELECTOR_BLOCK); return 0; } /* Check input arguments. */ if (n_tokens != 1) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid selector field statement."; return -EINVAL; } name = strdup(tokens[0]); if (!name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } new_fields = realloc(s->params.selector_field_names, (s->params.n_selector_fields + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!new_fields) { free(name); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } s->params.selector_field_names = new_fields; s->params.selector_field_names[s->params.n_selector_fields] = name; s->params.n_selector_fields++; return 0; } static int selector_block_parse(struct selector_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { if (*block_mask & (1 << SELECTOR_SELECTOR_BLOCK)) return selector_selector_block_parse(s, block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << SELECTOR_BLOCK); return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "group_id")) { if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid group_id statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->params.group_id_field_name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->params.group_id_field_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "selector")) return selector_selector_statement_parse(block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "member_id")) { if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid member_id statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->params.member_id_field_name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->params.member_id_field_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "n_groups_max")) { char *p = tokens[1]; if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid n_groups statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->params.n_groups_max = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if (p[0]) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid n_groups argument."; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "n_members_per_group_max")) { char *p = tokens[1]; if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid n_members_per_group statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->params.n_members_per_group_max = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if (p[0]) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid n_members_per_group argument."; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /* Anything else. */ if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* * learner. * */ static void learner_spec_free(struct learner_spec *s) { uintptr_t default_action_name, default_action_args, hash_func_name; uint32_t i; if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; for (i = 0; i < s->params.n_fields; i++) { uintptr_t name = (uintptr_t)s->params.field_names[i]; free((void *)name); } free(s->params.field_names); s->params.field_names = NULL; s->params.n_fields = 0; for (i = 0; i < s->params.n_actions; i++) { uintptr_t name = (uintptr_t)s->params.action_names[i]; free((void *)name); } free(s->params.action_names); s->params.action_names = NULL; s->params.n_actions = 0; default_action_name = (uintptr_t)s->params.default_action_name; free((void *)default_action_name); s->params.default_action_name = NULL; default_action_args = (uintptr_t)s->params.default_action_args; free((void *)default_action_args); s->params.default_action_args = NULL; free(s->params.action_is_for_table_entries); s->params.action_is_for_table_entries = NULL; free(s->params.action_is_for_default_entry); s->params.action_is_for_default_entry = NULL; s->params.default_action_is_const = 0; hash_func_name = (uintptr_t)s->params.hash_func_name; free((void *)hash_func_name); s->params.hash_func_name = NULL; s->size = 0; free(s->timeout); s->timeout = NULL; s->n_timeouts = 0; } static int learner_key_statement_parse(uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[1], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid key statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << LEARNER_KEY_BLOCK; return 0; } static int learner_key_block_parse(struct learner_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { const char **new_field_names = NULL; char *field_name = NULL; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << LEARNER_KEY_BLOCK); return 0; } /* Check input arguments. */ if (n_tokens != 1) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid match field statement."; return -EINVAL; } field_name = strdup(tokens[0]); new_field_names = realloc(s->params.field_names, (s->params.n_fields + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!field_name || !new_field_names) { free(field_name); free(new_field_names); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } s->params.field_names = new_field_names; s->params.field_names[s->params.n_fields] = field_name; s->params.n_fields++; return 0; } static int learner_actions_statement_parse(uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[1], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid actions statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << LEARNER_ACTIONS_BLOCK; return 0; } static int learner_actions_block_parse(struct learner_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { const char **new_action_names = NULL; int *new_action_is_for_table_entries = NULL, *new_action_is_for_default_entry = NULL; char *name = NULL; int action_is_for_table_entries = 1, action_is_for_default_entry = 1; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << LEARNER_ACTIONS_BLOCK); return 0; } /* Check input arguments. */ if ((n_tokens > 2) || ((n_tokens == 2) && strcmp(tokens[1], "@tableonly") && strcmp(tokens[1], "@defaultonly"))) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid action name statement."; return -EINVAL; } name = strdup(tokens[0]); if (n_tokens == 2) { if (!strcmp(tokens[1], "@tableonly")) action_is_for_default_entry = 0; if (!strcmp(tokens[1], "@defaultonly")) action_is_for_table_entries = 0; } new_action_names = realloc(s->params.action_names, (s->params.n_actions + 1) * sizeof(char *)); new_action_is_for_table_entries = realloc(s->params.action_is_for_table_entries, (s->params.n_actions + 1) * sizeof(int)); new_action_is_for_default_entry = realloc(s->params.action_is_for_default_entry, (s->params.n_actions + 1) * sizeof(int)); if (!name || !new_action_names || !new_action_is_for_table_entries || !new_action_is_for_default_entry) { free(name); free(new_action_names); free(new_action_is_for_table_entries); free(new_action_is_for_default_entry); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } s->params.action_names = new_action_names; s->params.action_names[s->params.n_actions] = name; s->params.action_is_for_table_entries = new_action_is_for_table_entries; s->params.action_is_for_table_entries[s->params.n_actions] = action_is_for_table_entries; s->params.action_is_for_default_entry = new_action_is_for_default_entry; s->params.action_is_for_default_entry[s->params.n_actions] = action_is_for_default_entry; s->params.n_actions++; return 0; } static int learner_default_action_statement_parse(struct learner_spec *s, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { uint32_t i; int status = 0, duplicate = 0; /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens < 4) || strcmp(tokens[2], "args")) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } if (s->params.default_action_name) { duplicate = 1; status = -EINVAL; goto error; } s->params.default_action_name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->params.default_action_name) { status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } if (strcmp(tokens[3], "none")) { char buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; uint32_t n_tokens_args = n_tokens - 3; if (!strcmp(tokens[n_tokens - 1], "const")) n_tokens_args--; if (!n_tokens_args) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } buffer[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_tokens_args; i++) { if (i) strcat(buffer, " "); strcat(buffer, tokens[3 + i]); } s->params.default_action_args = strdup(buffer); if (!s->params.default_action_args) { status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } } else { if (((n_tokens != 4) && (n_tokens != 5)) || ((n_tokens == 5) && (strcmp(tokens[4], "const")))) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } } if (!strcmp(tokens[n_tokens - 1], "const")) s->params.default_action_is_const = 1; return 0; error: if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) switch (status) { case -ENOMEM: *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; break; default: if (duplicate) *err_msg = "Duplicate default_action statement."; *err_msg = "Invalid default_action statement."; } return status; } static int learner_timeout_statement_parse(uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[1], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid timeout statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << LEARNER_TIMEOUT_BLOCK; return 0; } static int learner_timeout_block_parse(struct learner_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { uint32_t *new_timeout = NULL; char *str; uint32_t val; int status = 0; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << LEARNER_TIMEOUT_BLOCK); return 0; } /* Check input arguments. */ if (n_tokens != 1) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } str = tokens[0]; val = strtoul(str, &str, 0); if (str[0]) { status = -EINVAL; goto error; } new_timeout = realloc(s->timeout, (s->n_timeouts + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!new_timeout) { status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->timeout = new_timeout; s->timeout[s->n_timeouts] = val; s->n_timeouts++; return 0; error: free(new_timeout); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) switch (status) { case -ENOMEM: *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; break; default: *err_msg = "Invalid timeout value statement."; break; } return status; } static int learner_statement_parse(struct learner_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[2], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid learner statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << LEARNER_BLOCK; return 0; } static int learner_block_parse(struct learner_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { if (*block_mask & (1 << LEARNER_KEY_BLOCK)) return learner_key_block_parse(s, block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (*block_mask & (1 << LEARNER_ACTIONS_BLOCK)) return learner_actions_block_parse(s, block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (*block_mask & (1 << LEARNER_TIMEOUT_BLOCK)) return learner_timeout_block_parse(s, block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << LEARNER_BLOCK); return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "key")) return learner_key_statement_parse(block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "actions")) return learner_actions_statement_parse(block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "default_action")) return learner_default_action_statement_parse(s, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "hash")) { if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid hash statement."; return -EINVAL; } if (s->params.hash_func_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Duplicate hash statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->params.hash_func_name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->params.hash_func_name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "size")) { char *p = tokens[1]; if (n_tokens != 2) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid size statement."; return -EINVAL; } s->size = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if (p[0]) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid size argument."; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "timeout")) return learner_timeout_statement_parse(block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); /* Anything else. */ if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* * regarray. * */ static void regarray_spec_free(struct regarray_spec *s) { if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; } static int regarray_statement_parse(struct regarray_spec *s, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { char *p; /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 6) || strcmp(tokens[2], "size") || strcmp(tokens[4], "initval")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid regarray statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } p = tokens[3]; s->size = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if (p[0] || !s->size) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid size argument."; return -EINVAL; } p = tokens[5]; s->init_val = strtoull(p, &p, 0); if (p[0]) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid initval argument."; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /* * metarray. * */ static void metarray_spec_free(struct metarray_spec *s) { if (!s) return; free(s->name); s->name = NULL; } static int metarray_statement_parse(struct metarray_spec *s, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { char *p; /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 4) || strcmp(tokens[2], "size")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid metarray statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* spec. */ s->name = strdup(tokens[1]); if (!s->name) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } p = tokens[3]; s->size = strtoul(p, &p, 0); if (p[0] || !s->size) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid size argument."; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /* * apply. * */ static void apply_spec_free(struct apply_spec *s) { uint32_t i; if (!s) return; for (i = 0; i < s->n_instructions; i++) { uintptr_t instr = (uintptr_t)s->instructions[i]; free((void *)instr); } free(s->instructions); s->instructions = NULL; s->n_instructions = 0; } static int apply_statement_parse(uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { /* Check format. */ if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[1], "{")) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid apply statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* block_mask. */ *block_mask |= 1 << APPLY_BLOCK; return 0; } static int apply_block_parse(struct apply_spec *s, uint32_t *block_mask, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, uint32_t n_lines, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { char buffer[RTE_SWX_INSTRUCTION_SIZE], *instr; const char **new_instructions; uint32_t i; /* Handle end of block. */ if ((n_tokens == 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "}")) { *block_mask &= ~(1 << APPLY_BLOCK); return 0; } /* spec. */ buffer[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_tokens; i++) { if (i) strcat(buffer, " "); strcat(buffer, tokens[i]); } instr = strdup(buffer); if (!instr) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } new_instructions = realloc(s->instructions, (s->n_instructions + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!new_instructions) { free(instr); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return -ENOMEM; } s->instructions = new_instructions; s->instructions[s->n_instructions] = instr; s->n_instructions++; return 0; } /* * Pipeline. */ void pipeline_spec_free(struct pipeline_spec *s) { if (!s) return; free(s->extobjs); free(s->structs); free(s->headers); free(s->metadata); free(s->actions); free(s->tables); free(s->selectors); free(s->learners); free(s->regarrays); free(s->metarrays); free(s->apply); memset(s, 0, sizeof(struct pipeline_spec)); } static const char * match_type_string_get(enum rte_swx_table_match_type match_type) { switch (match_type) { case RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_WILDCARD: return "RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_WILDCARD"; case RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_LPM: return "RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_LPM"; case RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_EXACT: return "RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_EXACT"; default: return "RTE_SWX_TABLE_MATCH_UNKNOWN"; } } void pipeline_spec_codegen(FILE *f, struct pipeline_spec *s) { uint32_t i; /* Check the input arguments. */ if (!f || !s) return; /* extobj. */ fprintf(f, "static struct extobj_spec extobjs[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_extobjs; i++) { struct extobj_spec *extobj_spec = &s->extobjs[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", extobj_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.extern_type_name = \"%s\",\n", extobj_spec->extern_type_name); if (extobj_spec->pragma) fprintf(f, "\t\t.pragma = \"%s\",\n", extobj_spec->pragma); else fprintf(f, "\t\t.pragma = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* regarray. */ fprintf(f, "static struct regarray_spec regarrays[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_regarrays; i++) { struct regarray_spec *regarray_spec = &s->regarrays[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", regarray_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.init_val = %" PRIu64 ",\n", regarray_spec->init_val); fprintf(f, "\t\t.size = %u,\n", regarray_spec->size); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* metarray. */ fprintf(f, "static struct metarray_spec metarrays[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_metarrays; i++) { struct metarray_spec *metarray_spec = &s->metarrays[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", metarray_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.size = %u,\n", metarray_spec->size); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* struct. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_structs; i++) { struct struct_spec *struct_spec = &s->structs[i]; uint32_t j; fprintf(f, "static struct rte_swx_field_params struct_%s_fields[] = {\n", struct_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < struct_spec->n_fields; j++) { struct rte_swx_field_params *field = &struct_spec->fields[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", j); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", field->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.n_bits = %u,\n", field->n_bits); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } fprintf(f, "static struct struct_spec structs[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_structs; i++) { struct struct_spec *struct_spec = &s->structs[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", struct_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.fields = struct_%s_fields,\n", struct_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.n_fields = " "sizeof(struct_%s_fields) / sizeof(struct_%s_fields[0]),\n", struct_spec->name, struct_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.varbit = %d,\n", struct_spec->varbit); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* header. */ fprintf(f, "static struct header_spec headers[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_headers; i++) { struct header_spec *header_spec = &s->headers[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", header_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.struct_type_name = \"%s\",\n", header_spec->struct_type_name); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* metadata. */ fprintf(f, "static struct metadata_spec metadata[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_metadata; i++) { struct metadata_spec *metadata_spec = &s->metadata[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.struct_type_name = \"%s\",\n", metadata_spec->struct_type_name); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* action. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_actions; i++) { struct action_spec *action_spec = &s->actions[i]; uint32_t j; fprintf(f, "static const char *action_%s_initial_instructions[] = {\n", action_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < action_spec->n_instructions; j++) { const char *instr = action_spec->instructions[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = \"%s\",\n", j, instr); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } fprintf(f, "static struct action_spec actions[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_actions; i++) { struct action_spec *action_spec = &s->actions[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", action_spec->name); if (action_spec->args_struct_type_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t.args_struct_type_name = \"%s\",\n", action_spec->args_struct_type_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t.args_struct_type_name = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t.instructions = action_%s_initial_instructions,\n", action_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.n_instructions = " "sizeof(action_%s_initial_instructions) / " "sizeof(action_%s_initial_instructions[0]),\n", action_spec->name, action_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* table. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_tables; i++) { struct table_spec *table_spec = &s->tables[i]; uint32_t j; /* fields. */ if (table_spec->params.fields && table_spec->params.n_fields) { fprintf(f, "static struct rte_swx_match_field_params " "table_%s_fields[] = {\n", table_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < table_spec->params.n_fields; j++) { struct rte_swx_match_field_params *field = &table_spec->params.fields[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", j); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", field->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.match_type = %s,\n", match_type_string_get(field->match_type)); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } /* action_names. */ if (table_spec->params.action_names && table_spec->params.n_actions) { fprintf(f, "static const char *table_%s_action_names[] = {\n", table_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < table_spec->params.n_actions; j++) { const char *action_name = table_spec->params.action_names[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = \"%s\",\n", j, action_name); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } /* action_is_for_table_entries. */ if (table_spec->params.action_is_for_table_entries && table_spec->params.n_actions) { fprintf(f, "static int table_%s_action_is_for_table_entries[] = {\n", table_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < table_spec->params.n_actions; j++) { int value = table_spec->params.action_is_for_table_entries[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = %d,\n", j, value); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } /* action_is_for_default_entry. */ if (table_spec->params.action_is_for_default_entry && table_spec->params.n_actions) { fprintf(f, "static int table_%s_action_is_for_default_entry[] = {\n", table_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < table_spec->params.n_actions; j++) { int value = table_spec->params.action_is_for_default_entry[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = %d,\n", j, value); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } } fprintf(f, "static struct table_spec tables[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_tables; i++) { struct table_spec *table_spec = &s->tables[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", table_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.params = {\n"); if (table_spec->params.fields && table_spec->params.n_fields) { fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.fields = table_%s_fields,\n", table_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_fields = " "sizeof(table_%s_fields) / sizeof(table_%s_fields[0]),\n", table_spec->name, table_spec->name); } else { fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.fields = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_fields = 0,\n"); } if (table_spec->params.action_names && table_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_names = table_%s_action_names,\n", table_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_names = NULL,\n"); if (table_spec->params.action_is_for_table_entries && table_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_table_entries = " "table_%s_action_is_for_table_entries,\n", table_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_table_entries = NULL,\n"); if (table_spec->params.action_is_for_default_entry && table_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_default_entry = " "table_%s_action_is_for_default_entry,\n", table_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_default_entry = NULL,\n"); if (table_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_actions = sizeof(table_%s_action_names) / " "sizeof(table_%s_action_names[0]),\n", table_spec->name, table_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_actions = 0,\n"); if (table_spec->params.default_action_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_name = \"%s\",\n", table_spec->params.default_action_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_name = NULL,\n"); if (table_spec->params.default_action_args) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_args = \"%s\",\n", table_spec->params.default_action_args); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_args = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_is_const = %d,\n", table_spec->params.default_action_is_const); if (table_spec->params.hash_func_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.hash_func_name = \"%s\",\n", table_spec->params.hash_func_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.hash_func_name = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t},\n"); if (table_spec->recommended_table_type_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t.recommended_table_type_name = \"%s\",\n", table_spec->recommended_table_type_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t.recommended_table_type_name = NULL,\n"); if (table_spec->args) fprintf(f, "\t\t.args = \"%s\",\n", table_spec->args); else fprintf(f, "\t\t.args = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t.size = %u,\n", table_spec->size); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* selector. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_selectors; i++) { struct selector_spec *selector_spec = &s->selectors[i]; uint32_t j; if (selector_spec->params.selector_field_names && selector_spec->params.n_selector_fields) { fprintf(f, "static const char *selector_%s_field_names[] = {\n", selector_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < selector_spec->params.n_selector_fields; j++) { const char *field_name = selector_spec->params.selector_field_names[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = \"%s\",\n", j, field_name); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } } fprintf(f, "static struct selector_spec selectors[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_selectors; i++) { struct selector_spec *selector_spec = &s->selectors[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", selector_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.params = {\n"); if (selector_spec->params.group_id_field_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.group_id_field_name = \"%s\",\n", selector_spec->params.group_id_field_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.group_id_field_name = NULL,\n"); if (selector_spec->params.selector_field_names && selector_spec->params.n_selector_fields) { fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.selector_field_names = selector_%s_field_names,\n", selector_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_selector_fields = " "sizeof(selector_%s_field_names) / sizeof(selector_%s_field_names[0]),\n", selector_spec->name, selector_spec->name); } else { fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.selector_field_names = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_selector_fields = 0,\n"); } if (selector_spec->params.member_id_field_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.member_id_field_name = \"%s\",\n", selector_spec->params.member_id_field_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.member_id_field_name = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_groups_max = %u,\n", selector_spec->params.n_groups_max); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_members_per_group_max = %u,\n", selector_spec->params.n_members_per_group_max); fprintf(f, "\t\t},\n"); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* learner. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_learners; i++) { struct learner_spec *learner_spec = &s->learners[i]; uint32_t j; /* field_names. */ if (learner_spec->params.field_names && learner_spec->params.n_fields) { fprintf(f, "static const char *learner_%s_field_names[] = {\n", learner_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < learner_spec->params.n_fields; j++) { const char *field_name = learner_spec->params.field_names[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = \"%s\",\n", j, field_name); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } /* action_names. */ if (learner_spec->params.action_names && learner_spec->params.n_actions) { fprintf(f, "static const char *learner_%s_action_names[] = {\n", learner_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < learner_spec->params.n_actions; j++) { const char *action_name = learner_spec->params.action_names[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = \"%s\",\n", j, action_name); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } /* action_is_for_table_entries. */ if (learner_spec->params.action_is_for_table_entries && learner_spec->params.n_actions) { fprintf(f, "static int learner_%s_action_is_for_table_entries[] = {\n", learner_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < learner_spec->params.n_actions; j++) { int value = learner_spec->params.action_is_for_table_entries[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = %d,\n", j, value); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } /* action_is_for_default_entry. */ if (learner_spec->params.action_is_for_default_entry && learner_spec->params.n_actions) { fprintf(f, "static int learner_%s_action_is_for_default_entry[] = {\n", learner_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < learner_spec->params.n_actions; j++) { int value = learner_spec->params.action_is_for_default_entry[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = %d,\n", j, value); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } /* timeout. */ if (learner_spec->timeout && learner_spec->n_timeouts) { fprintf(f, "static uint32_t learner_%s_timeout[] = {\n", learner_spec->name); for (j = 0; j < learner_spec->n_timeouts; j++) { uint32_t value = learner_spec->timeout[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = %u,\n", j, value); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } } fprintf(f, "static struct learner_spec learners[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_learners; i++) { struct learner_spec *learner_spec = &s->learners[i]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t\t.name = \"%s\",\n", learner_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t.params = {\n"); if (learner_spec->params.field_names && learner_spec->params.n_fields) { fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.field_names = learner_%s_field_names,\n", learner_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_fields = " "sizeof(learner_%s_field_names) / " "sizeof(learner_%s_field_names[0]),\n", learner_spec->name, learner_spec->name); } else { fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.field_names = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_fields = 0,\n"); } if (learner_spec->params.action_names && learner_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_names = learner_%s_action_names,\n", learner_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_names = NULL,\n"); if (learner_spec->params.action_is_for_table_entries && learner_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_table_entries = " "learner_%s_action_is_for_table_entries,\n", learner_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_table_entries = NULL,\n"); if (learner_spec->params.action_is_for_default_entry && learner_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_default_entry = " "learner_%s_action_is_for_default_entry,\n", learner_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.action_is_for_default_entry = NULL,\n"); if (learner_spec->params.action_names && learner_spec->params.n_actions) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_actions = " "sizeof(learner_%s_action_names) / sizeof(learner_%s_action_names[0]),\n", learner_spec->name, learner_spec->name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_actions = NULL,\n"); if (learner_spec->params.default_action_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_name = \"%s\",\n", learner_spec->params.default_action_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_name = NULL,\n"); if (learner_spec->params.default_action_args) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_args = \"%s\",\n", learner_spec->params.default_action_args); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_args = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.default_action_is_const = %d,\n", learner_spec->params.default_action_is_const); if (learner_spec->params.hash_func_name) fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.hash_func_name = \"%s\",\n", learner_spec->params.hash_func_name); else fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.hash_func_name = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t},\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t.size = %u,\n", learner_spec->size); if (learner_spec->timeout && learner_spec->n_timeouts) { fprintf(f, "\t\t.timeout = learner_%s_timeout,\n", learner_spec->name); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_timeouts = " "sizeof(learner_%s_timeout) / sizeof(learner_%s_timeout[0]),\n", learner_spec->name, learner_spec->name); } else { fprintf(f, "\t\t.timeout = NULL,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t\t\t.n_timeouts = 0,\n"); } fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* apply. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_apply; i++) { struct apply_spec *apply_spec = &s->apply[i]; uint32_t j; fprintf(f, "static const char *apply%u_initial_instructions[] = {\n", i); for (j = 0; j < apply_spec->n_instructions; j++) { const char *instr = apply_spec->instructions[j]; fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = \"%s\",\n", j, instr); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); } fprintf(f, "static struct apply_spec apply[] = {\n"); for (i = 0; i < s->n_apply; i++) { fprintf(f, "\t[%d] = {\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t.instructions = apply%u_initial_instructions,\n", i); fprintf(f, "\t.n_instructions = " "sizeof(apply%u_initial_instructions) / " "sizeof(apply%u_initial_instructions[0]),\n", i, i); fprintf(f, "\t},\n"); } fprintf(f, "};\n\n"); /* pipeline. */ fprintf(f, "struct pipeline_spec pipeline_spec = {\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.extobjs = extobjs,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.structs = structs,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.headers = headers,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.metadata = metadata,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.actions = actions,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.tables = tables,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.selectors = selectors,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.learners = learners,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.regarrays = regarrays,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.metarrays = metarrays,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.apply = apply,\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_extobjs = sizeof(extobjs) / sizeof(extobjs[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_structs = sizeof(structs) / sizeof(structs[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_headers = sizeof(headers) / sizeof(headers[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_metadata = sizeof(metadata) / sizeof(metadata[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_actions = sizeof(actions) / sizeof(actions[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_tables = sizeof(tables) / sizeof(tables[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_selectors = sizeof(selectors) / sizeof(selectors[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_learners = sizeof(learners) / sizeof(learners[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_regarrays = sizeof(regarrays) / sizeof(regarrays[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_metarrays = sizeof(metarrays) / sizeof(metarrays[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "\t.n_apply = sizeof(apply) / sizeof(apply[0]),\n"); fprintf(f, "};\n"); } struct pipeline_spec * pipeline_spec_parse(FILE *spec, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { struct extobj_spec extobj_spec = {0}; struct struct_spec struct_spec = {0}; struct header_spec header_spec = {0}; struct metadata_spec metadata_spec = {0}; struct action_spec action_spec = {0}; struct table_spec table_spec = {0}; struct selector_spec selector_spec = {0}; struct learner_spec learner_spec = {0}; struct regarray_spec regarray_spec = {0}; struct metarray_spec metarray_spec = {0}; struct apply_spec apply_spec = {0}; struct pipeline_spec *s = NULL; uint32_t n_lines = 0; uint32_t block_mask = 0; int status = 0; /* Check the input arguments. */ if (!spec) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid input argument."; status = -EINVAL; goto error; } /* Memory allocation. */ s = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pipeline_spec)); if (!s) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } for (n_lines = 1; ; n_lines++) { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char *tokens[MAX_TOKENS], *ptr = line; uint32_t n_tokens = 0; /* Read next line. */ if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), spec)) break; /* Parse the line into tokens. */ for ( ; ; ) { char *token; /* Get token. */ token = strtok_r(ptr, " \f\n\r\t\v", &ptr); if (!token) break; /* Handle comments. */ if ((token[0] == '#') || (token[0] == ';') || ((token[0] == '/') && (token[1] == '/'))) { break; } /* Handle excessively long lines. */ if (n_tokens >= RTE_DIM(tokens)) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Too many tokens."; status = -EINVAL; goto error; } /* Handle excessively long tokens. */ if (strnlen(token, RTE_SWX_NAME_SIZE) >= RTE_SWX_NAME_SIZE) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Token too big."; status = -EINVAL; goto error; } /* Save token. */ tokens[n_tokens] = token; n_tokens++; } /* Handle empty lines. */ if (!n_tokens) continue; /* struct block. */ if (block_mask & (1 << STRUCT_BLOCK)) { struct struct_spec *new_structs; status = struct_block_parse(&struct_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; if (block_mask & (1 << STRUCT_BLOCK)) continue; /* End of block. */ new_structs = realloc(s->structs, (s->n_structs + 1) * sizeof(struct struct_spec)); if (!new_structs) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->structs = new_structs; memcpy(&s->structs[s->n_structs], &struct_spec, sizeof(struct struct_spec)); s->n_structs++; memset(&struct_spec, 0, sizeof(struct struct_spec)); continue; } /* action block. */ if (block_mask & (1 << ACTION_BLOCK)) { struct action_spec *new_actions; status = action_block_parse(&action_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; if (block_mask & (1 << ACTION_BLOCK)) continue; /* End of block. */ new_actions = realloc(s->actions, (s->n_actions + 1) * sizeof(struct action_spec)); if (!new_actions) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->actions = new_actions; memcpy(&s->actions[s->n_actions], &action_spec, sizeof(struct action_spec)); s->n_actions++; memset(&action_spec, 0, sizeof(struct action_spec)); continue; } /* table block. */ if (block_mask & (1 << TABLE_BLOCK)) { struct table_spec *new_tables; status = table_block_parse(&table_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; if (block_mask & (1 << TABLE_BLOCK)) continue; /* End of block. */ new_tables = realloc(s->tables, (s->n_tables + 1) * sizeof(struct table_spec)); if (!new_tables) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->tables = new_tables; memcpy(&s->tables[s->n_tables], &table_spec, sizeof(struct table_spec)); s->n_tables++; memset(&table_spec, 0, sizeof(struct table_spec)); continue; } /* selector block. */ if (block_mask & (1 << SELECTOR_BLOCK)) { struct selector_spec *new_selectors; status = selector_block_parse(&selector_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; if (block_mask & (1 << SELECTOR_BLOCK)) continue; /* End of block. */ new_selectors = realloc(s->selectors, (s->n_selectors + 1) * sizeof(struct selector_spec)); if (!new_selectors) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->selectors = new_selectors; memcpy(&s->selectors[s->n_selectors], &selector_spec, sizeof(struct selector_spec)); s->n_selectors++; memset(&selector_spec, 0, sizeof(struct selector_spec)); continue; } /* learner block. */ if (block_mask & (1 << LEARNER_BLOCK)) { struct learner_spec *new_learners; status = learner_block_parse(&learner_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; if (block_mask & (1 << LEARNER_BLOCK)) continue; /* End of block. */ new_learners = realloc(s->learners, (s->n_learners + 1) * sizeof(struct learner_spec)); if (!new_learners) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->learners = new_learners; memcpy(&s->learners[s->n_learners], &learner_spec, sizeof(struct learner_spec)); s->n_learners++; memset(&learner_spec, 0, sizeof(struct learner_spec)); continue; } /* apply block. */ if (block_mask & (1 << APPLY_BLOCK)) { struct apply_spec *new_apply; status = apply_block_parse(&apply_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; if (block_mask & (1 << APPLY_BLOCK)) continue; /* End of block. */ new_apply = realloc(s->apply, (s->n_apply + 1) * sizeof(struct apply_spec)); if (!new_apply) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->apply = new_apply; memcpy(&s->apply[s->n_apply], &apply_spec, sizeof(struct apply_spec)); s->n_apply++; memset(&apply_spec, 0, sizeof(struct apply_spec)); continue; } /* extobj. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "extobj")) { struct extobj_spec *new_extobjs; status = extobj_statement_parse(&extobj_spec, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; new_extobjs = realloc(s->extobjs, (s->n_extobjs + 1) * sizeof(struct extobj_spec)); if (!new_extobjs) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->extobjs = new_extobjs; memcpy(&s->extobjs[s->n_extobjs], &extobj_spec, sizeof(struct extobj_spec)); s->n_extobjs++; memset(&extobj_spec, 0, sizeof(struct extobj_spec)); continue; } /* struct. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "struct")) { status = struct_statement_parse(&struct_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; continue; } /* header. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "header")) { struct header_spec *new_headers; status = header_statement_parse(&header_spec, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; new_headers = realloc(s->headers, (s->n_headers + 1) * sizeof(struct header_spec)); if (!new_headers) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->headers = new_headers; memcpy(&s->headers[s->n_headers], &header_spec, sizeof(struct header_spec)); s->n_headers++; memset(&header_spec, 0, sizeof(struct header_spec)); continue; } /* metadata. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "metadata")) { struct metadata_spec *new_metadata; status = metadata_statement_parse(&metadata_spec, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; new_metadata = realloc(s->metadata, (s->n_metadata + 1) * sizeof(struct metadata_spec)); if (!new_metadata) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->metadata = new_metadata; memcpy(&s->metadata[s->n_metadata], &metadata_spec, sizeof(struct metadata_spec)); s->n_metadata++; memset(&metadata_spec, 0, sizeof(struct metadata_spec)); continue; } /* action. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "action")) { status = action_statement_parse(&action_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; continue; } /* table. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "table")) { status = table_statement_parse(&table_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; continue; } /* selector. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "selector")) { status = selector_statement_parse(&selector_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; continue; } /* learner. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "learner")) { status = learner_statement_parse(&learner_spec, &block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; continue; } /* regarray. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "regarray")) { struct regarray_spec *new_regarrays; status = regarray_statement_parse(®array_spec, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; new_regarrays = realloc(s->regarrays, (s->n_regarrays + 1) * sizeof(struct regarray_spec)); if (!new_regarrays) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->regarrays = new_regarrays; memcpy(&s->regarrays[s->n_regarrays], ®array_spec, sizeof(struct regarray_spec)); s->n_regarrays++; memset(®array_spec, 0, sizeof(struct regarray_spec)); continue; } /* metarray. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "metarray")) { struct metarray_spec *new_metarrays; status = metarray_statement_parse(&metarray_spec, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; new_metarrays = realloc(s->metarrays, (s->n_metarrays + 1) * sizeof(struct metarray_spec)); if (!new_metarrays) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; status = -ENOMEM; goto error; } s->metarrays = new_metarrays; memcpy(&s->metarrays[s->n_metarrays], &metarray_spec, sizeof(struct metarray_spec)); s->n_metarrays++; memset(&metarray_spec, 0, sizeof(struct metarray_spec)); continue; } /* apply. */ if (!strcmp(tokens[0], "apply")) { status = apply_statement_parse(&block_mask, tokens, n_tokens, n_lines, err_line, err_msg); if (status) goto error; continue; } /* Anything else. */ if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Unknown statement."; status = -EINVAL; goto error; } /* Handle unfinished block. */ if (block_mask) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Missing }."; status = -EINVAL; goto error; } return s; error: extobj_spec_free(&extobj_spec); struct_spec_free(&struct_spec); header_spec_free(&header_spec); metadata_spec_free(&metadata_spec); action_spec_free(&action_spec); table_spec_free(&table_spec); selector_spec_free(&selector_spec); learner_spec_free(&learner_spec); regarray_spec_free(®array_spec); metarray_spec_free(&metarray_spec); apply_spec_free(&apply_spec); pipeline_spec_free(s); return NULL; } int pipeline_spec_configure(struct rte_swx_pipeline *p, struct pipeline_spec *s, const char **err_msg) { uint32_t i; int status = 0; /* extobj. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_extobjs; i++) { struct extobj_spec *extobj_spec = &s->extobjs[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_extern_object_config(p, extobj_spec->name, extobj_spec->extern_type_name, extobj_spec->pragma); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Extern object configuration error."; return status; } } /* regarray. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_regarrays; i++) { struct regarray_spec *regarray_spec = &s->regarrays[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_regarray_config(p, regarray_spec->name, regarray_spec->size, regarray_spec->init_val); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Register array configuration error."; return status; } } /* metarray. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_metarrays; i++) { struct metarray_spec *metarray_spec = &s->metarrays[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_metarray_config(p, metarray_spec->name, metarray_spec->size); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Meter array configuration error."; return status; } } /* struct. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_structs; i++) { struct struct_spec *struct_spec = &s->structs[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_struct_type_register(p, struct_spec->name, struct_spec->fields, struct_spec->n_fields, struct_spec->varbit); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Struct type registration error."; return status; } } /* header. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_headers; i++) { struct header_spec *header_spec = &s->headers[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_packet_header_register(p, header_spec->name, header_spec->struct_type_name); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Header configuration error."; return status; } } /* metadata. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_metadata; i++) { struct metadata_spec *metadata_spec = &s->metadata[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_packet_metadata_register(p, metadata_spec->struct_type_name); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Meta-data registration error."; return status; } } /* action. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_actions; i++) { struct action_spec *action_spec = &s->actions[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_action_config(p, action_spec->name, action_spec->args_struct_type_name, action_spec->instructions, action_spec->n_instructions); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Action configuration error."; return status; } } /* table. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_tables; i++) { struct table_spec *table_spec = &s->tables[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_table_config(p, table_spec->name, &table_spec->params, table_spec->recommended_table_type_name, table_spec->args, table_spec->size); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Table configuration error."; return status; } } /* selector. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_selectors; i++) { struct selector_spec *selector_spec = &s->selectors[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_selector_config(p, selector_spec->name, &selector_spec->params); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Selector table configuration error."; return status; } } /* learner. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_learners; i++) { struct learner_spec *learner_spec = &s->learners[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_learner_config(p, learner_spec->name, &learner_spec->params, learner_spec->size, learner_spec->timeout, learner_spec->n_timeouts); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Learner table configuration error."; return status; } } /* apply. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_apply; i++) { struct apply_spec *apply_spec = &s->apply[i]; status = rte_swx_pipeline_instructions_config(p, apply_spec->instructions, apply_spec->n_instructions); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Pipeline instructions configuration error."; return status; } } return 0; } static void port_in_params_free(void *params, const char *port_type) { uintptr_t dev_name; if (!params || !port_type) return; if (!strcmp(port_type, "ethdev")) { struct rte_swx_port_ethdev_reader_params *p = params; dev_name = (uintptr_t)p->dev_name; } else if (!strcmp(port_type, "ring")) { struct rte_swx_port_ring_reader_params *p = params; dev_name = (uintptr_t)p->name; } else if (!strcmp(port_type, "source")) { struct rte_swx_port_source_params *p = params; dev_name = (uintptr_t)p->file_name; } else dev_name = (uintptr_t)NULL; free((void *)dev_name); free(params); } static void port_out_params_free(void *params, const char *port_type) { uintptr_t dev_name; if (!params || !port_type) return; if (!strcmp(port_type, "ethdev")) { struct rte_swx_port_ethdev_writer_params *p = params; dev_name = (uintptr_t)p->dev_name; } else if (!strcmp(port_type, "ring")) { struct rte_swx_port_ring_writer_params *p = params; dev_name = (uintptr_t)p->name; } else if (!strcmp(port_type, "sink")) { struct rte_swx_port_sink_params *p = params; dev_name = (uintptr_t)p->file_name; } else dev_name = (uintptr_t)NULL; free((void *)dev_name); free(params); } void pipeline_iospec_free(struct pipeline_iospec *s) { uint32_t i; if (!s) return; /* Input ports. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_ports_in; i++) { uintptr_t name = (uintptr_t)s->port_in_type[i]; port_in_params_free(s->port_in_params[i], s->port_in_type[i]); free((void *)name); } free(s->port_in_type); free(s->port_in_params); /* Output ports. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_ports_out; i++) { uintptr_t name = (uintptr_t)s->port_out_type[i]; port_out_params_free(s->port_out_params[i], s->port_out_type[i]); free((void *)name); } free(s->port_out_type); free(s->port_out_params); free(s); } static int mirroring_parse(struct rte_swx_pipeline_mirroring_params *p, char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { char *token; if ((n_tokens != 4) || strcmp(tokens[0], "slots") || strcmp(tokens[2], "sessions")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return -EINVAL; } /* . */ token = tokens[1]; p->n_slots = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return -EINVAL; } /* . */ token = tokens[3]; p->n_sessions = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static void * port_in_ethdev_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_ethdev_reader_params *p = NULL; char *token, *dev_name = NULL; uint32_t queue_id, burst_size; if ((n_tokens != 5) || strcmp(tokens[1], "rxq") || strcmp(tokens[3], "bsz")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[2]; queue_id = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[4]; burst_size = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ dev_name = strdup(tokens[0]); p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_ethdev_reader_params)); if (!dev_name || !p) { free(dev_name); free(p); if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->dev_name = dev_name; p->queue_id = queue_id; p->burst_size = burst_size; return p; } static void * port_in_ring_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_ring_reader_params *p = NULL; char *token, *name = NULL; uint32_t burst_size; if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[1], "bsz")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[2]; burst_size = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ name = strdup(tokens[0]); p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_ring_reader_params)); if (!name || !p) { free(name); free(p); if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->name = name; p->burst_size = burst_size; return p; } static void * port_in_source_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_source_params *p = NULL; struct rte_mempool *pool = NULL; char *token, *file_name = NULL; uint32_t n_loops, n_pkts_max; if ((n_tokens != 8) || strcmp(tokens[0], "mempool") || strcmp(tokens[2], "file") || strcmp(tokens[4], "loop") || strcmp(tokens[6], "packets")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* . */ pool = rte_mempool_lookup(tokens[1]); if (!pool) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[5]; n_loops = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[7]; n_pkts_max = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ file_name = strdup(tokens[3]); p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_source_params)); if (!file_name || !p) { free(file_name); free(p); if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->pool = pool; p->file_name = file_name; p->n_loops = n_loops; p->n_pkts_max = n_pkts_max; return p; } static void * port_in_fd_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_fd_reader_params *p = NULL; struct rte_mempool *mempool = NULL; char *token; uint32_t mtu, burst_size; int fd; if ((n_tokens != 7) || strcmp(tokens[1], "mtu") || strcmp(tokens[3], "mempool") || strcmp(tokens[5], "bsz")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[0]; fd = strtol(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[2]; mtu = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ mempool = rte_mempool_lookup(tokens[4]); if (!mempool) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[6]; burst_size = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_fd_reader_params)); if (!p) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->fd = fd; p->mtu = mtu; p->mempool = mempool; p->burst_size = burst_size; return p; } static void * port_out_ethdev_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_ethdev_writer_params *p = NULL; char *token, *dev_name = NULL; uint32_t queue_id, burst_size; if ((n_tokens != 5) || strcmp(tokens[1], "txq") || strcmp(tokens[3], "bsz")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[2]; queue_id = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[4]; burst_size = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ dev_name = strdup(tokens[0]); p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_ethdev_writer_params)); if (!dev_name || !p) { free(dev_name); free(p); if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->dev_name = dev_name; p->queue_id = queue_id; p->burst_size = burst_size; return p; } static void * port_out_ring_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_ring_writer_params *p = NULL; char *token, *name = NULL; uint32_t burst_size; if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[1], "bsz")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[2]; burst_size = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ name = strdup(tokens[0]); p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_ring_writer_params)); if (!name || !p) { free(name); free(p); if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->name = name; p->burst_size = burst_size; return p; } static void * port_out_sink_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_sink_params *p = NULL; char *file_name = NULL; int file_name_valid = 0; if ((n_tokens != 2) || strcmp(tokens[0], "file")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ if (strcmp(tokens[1], "none")) { file_name_valid = 1; file_name = strdup(tokens[1]); } p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_ring_writer_params)); if ((file_name_valid && !file_name) || !p) { free(file_name); free(p); if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->file_name = file_name; return p; } static void * port_out_fd_parse(char **tokens, uint32_t n_tokens, const char **err_msg) { struct rte_swx_port_fd_writer_params *p = NULL; char *token; uint32_t burst_size; int fd; if ((n_tokens != 3) || strcmp(tokens[1], "bsz")) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid statement."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[0]; fd = strtol(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* . */ token = tokens[2]; burst_size = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid parameter."; return NULL; } /* Memory allocation. */ p = malloc(sizeof(struct rte_swx_port_fd_writer_params)); if (!p) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; return NULL; } /* Initialization. */ p->fd = fd; p->burst_size = burst_size; return p; } struct pipeline_iospec * pipeline_iospec_parse(FILE *spec, uint32_t *err_line, const char **err_msg) { struct pipeline_iospec *s = NULL; uint32_t n_lines = 0; /* Check the input arguments. */ if (!spec) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid input argument."; goto error; } /* Memory allocation. */ s = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pipeline_iospec)); if (!s) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; goto error; } /* Initialize with the default values. */ s->mirroring_params.n_slots = RTE_SWX_PACKET_MIRRORING_SLOTS_DEFAULT; s->mirroring_params.n_sessions = RTE_SWX_PACKET_MIRRORING_SESSIONS_DEFAULT; for (n_lines = 1; ; n_lines++) { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char *tokens[MAX_TOKENS], *ptr = line; uint32_t n_tokens = 0; /* Read next line. */ if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), spec)) break; /* Parse the line into tokens. */ for ( ; ; ) { char *token; /* Get token. */ token = strtok_r(ptr, " \f\n\r\t\v", &ptr); if (!token) break; /* Handle comments. */ if ((token[0] == '#') || (token[0] == ';') || ((token[0] == '/') && (token[1] == '/'))) { break; } /* Handle excessively long lines. */ if (n_tokens >= RTE_DIM(tokens)) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Too many tokens."; goto error; } /* Handle excessively long tokens. */ if (strnlen(token, RTE_SWX_NAME_SIZE) >= RTE_SWX_NAME_SIZE) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Token too big."; goto error; } /* Save token. */ tokens[n_tokens] = token; n_tokens++; } /* Handle empty lines. */ if (!n_tokens) continue; /* mirroring. */ if ((n_tokens >= 1) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "mirroring")) { int status = 0; status = mirroring_parse(&s->mirroring_params, &tokens[1], n_tokens - 1, err_msg); if (status) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; goto error; } continue; } /* port in. */ if ((n_tokens >= 4) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "port") && !strcmp(tokens[1], "in")) { char *token = tokens[2]; uint32_t *new_id = NULL; const char **new_type = NULL, *port_type = NULL; void **new_params = NULL, *p = NULL; uint32_t port_id; /* . */ port_id = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid port ID."; goto error; } /* . */ if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "ethdev")) p = port_in_ethdev_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "ring")) p = port_in_ring_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "source")) p = port_in_source_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "fd")) p = port_in_fd_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else { p = NULL; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid port type."; } if (!p) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; goto error; } /* New port. */ port_type = strdup(tokens[3]); new_id = realloc(s->port_in_id, (s->n_ports_in + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); new_type = realloc(s->port_in_type, (s->n_ports_in + 1) * sizeof(char *)); new_params = realloc(s->port_in_params, (s->n_ports_in + 1) * sizeof(void *)); if (!port_type || !new_id || !new_type || !new_params) { uintptr_t pt = (uintptr_t)port_type; port_in_params_free(p, tokens[3]); free((void *)pt); free(new_id); free(new_type); free(new_params); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; goto error; } s->port_in_id = new_id; s->port_in_type = new_type; s->port_in_params = new_params; s->port_in_id[s->n_ports_in] = port_id; s->port_in_type[s->n_ports_in] = port_type; s->port_in_params[s->n_ports_in] = p; s->n_ports_in++; continue; } /* port out. */ if ((n_tokens >= 4) && !strcmp(tokens[0], "port") && !strcmp(tokens[1], "out")) { char *token = tokens[2]; uint32_t *new_id = NULL; const char **new_type = NULL, *port_type = NULL; void **new_params = NULL, *p = NULL; uint32_t port_id; /* . */ port_id = strtoul(token, &token, 0); if (token[0]) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid port ID."; goto error; } /* . */ if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "ethdev")) p = port_out_ethdev_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "ring")) p = port_out_ring_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "sink")) p = port_out_sink_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else if (!strcmp(tokens[3], "fd")) p = port_out_fd_parse(&tokens[4], n_tokens - 4, err_msg); else { p = NULL; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid port type."; } if (!p) { if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; goto error; } /* New port. */ port_type = strdup(tokens[3]); new_id = realloc(s->port_out_id, (s->n_ports_out + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); new_type = realloc(s->port_out_type, (s->n_ports_out + 1) * sizeof(char *)); new_params = realloc(s->port_out_params, (s->n_ports_out + 1) * sizeof(void *)); if (!port_type || !new_id || !new_type || !new_params) { uintptr_t pt = (uintptr_t)port_type; port_out_params_free(p, tokens[3]); free((void *)pt); free(new_id); free(new_type); free(new_params); if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Memory allocation failed."; goto error; } s->port_out_id = new_id; s->port_out_type = new_type; s->port_out_params = new_params; s->port_out_id[s->n_ports_out] = port_id; s->port_out_type[s->n_ports_out] = port_type; s->port_out_params[s->n_ports_out] = p; s->n_ports_out++; continue; } /* Anything else. */ if (err_line) *err_line = n_lines; if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Unknown I/O statement."; goto error; } return s; error: pipeline_iospec_free(s); return NULL; } int pipeline_iospec_configure(struct rte_swx_pipeline *p, struct pipeline_iospec *s, const char **err_msg) { uint32_t i; int status = 0; /* Check input arguments. */ if (!p || !s) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Invalid input argument"; return -EINVAL; } /* Mirroring. */ status = rte_swx_pipeline_mirroring_config(p, &s->mirroring_params); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Pipeline mirroring configuration error."; return status; } /* Input ports. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_ports_in; i++) { status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_in_config(p, i, s->port_in_type[i], s->port_in_params[i]); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Pipeline input port configuration error."; return status; } } /* Output ports. */ for (i = 0; i < s->n_ports_out; i++) { status = rte_swx_pipeline_port_out_config(p, i, s->port_out_type[i], s->port_out_params[i]); if (status) { if (err_msg) *err_msg = "Pipeline output port configuration error."; return status; } } return 0; }