/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). 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THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * Interface to the SMI/MDIO hardware, including support for both IEEE 802.3 * clause 22 and clause 45 operations. * * <hr>$Revision: 70030 $<hr> */ #ifndef __CVMX_MIO_H__ #define __CVMX_MIO_H__ #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL #include <asm/octeon/octeon.h> #include <asm/octeon/cvmx-clock.h> #else #include "cvmx-clock.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * PHY register 0 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_CONTROL 0 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t reset : 1; uint16_t loopback : 1; uint16_t speed_lsb : 1; uint16_t autoneg_enable : 1; uint16_t power_down : 1; uint16_t isolate : 1; uint16_t restart_autoneg : 1; uint16_t duplex : 1; uint16_t collision_test : 1; uint16_t speed_msb : 1; uint16_t unidirectional_enable : 1; uint16_t reserved_0_4 : 5; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_control_t; /** * PHY register 1 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_STATUS 1 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t capable_100base_t4 : 1; uint16_t capable_100base_x_full : 1; uint16_t capable_100base_x_half : 1; uint16_t capable_10_full : 1; uint16_t capable_10_half : 1; uint16_t capable_100base_t2_full : 1; uint16_t capable_100base_t2_half : 1; uint16_t capable_extended_status : 1; uint16_t capable_unidirectional : 1; uint16_t capable_mf_preamble_suppression : 1; uint16_t autoneg_complete : 1; uint16_t remote_fault : 1; uint16_t capable_autoneg : 1; uint16_t link_status : 1; uint16_t jabber_detect : 1; uint16_t capable_extended_registers : 1; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_status_t; /** * PHY register 2 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_ID1 2 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t oui_bits_3_18; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_id1_t; /** * PHY register 3 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_ID2 3 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t oui_bits_19_24 : 6; uint16_t model : 6; uint16_t revision : 4; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_id2_t; /** * PHY register 4 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_AUTONEG_ADVER 4 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t next_page : 1; uint16_t reserved_14 : 1; uint16_t remote_fault : 1; uint16_t reserved_12 : 1; uint16_t asymmetric_pause : 1; uint16_t pause : 1; uint16_t advert_100base_t4 : 1; uint16_t advert_100base_tx_full : 1; uint16_t advert_100base_tx_half : 1; uint16_t advert_10base_tx_full : 1; uint16_t advert_10base_tx_half : 1; uint16_t selector : 5; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_autoneg_adver_t; /** * PHY register 5 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_LINK_PARTNER_ABILITY 5 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t next_page : 1; uint16_t ack : 1; uint16_t remote_fault : 1; uint16_t reserved_12 : 1; uint16_t asymmetric_pause : 1; uint16_t pause : 1; uint16_t advert_100base_t4 : 1; uint16_t advert_100base_tx_full : 1; uint16_t advert_100base_tx_half : 1; uint16_t advert_10base_tx_full : 1; uint16_t advert_10base_tx_half : 1; uint16_t selector : 5; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_link_partner_ability_t; /** * PHY register 6 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_AUTONEG_EXPANSION 6 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t reserved_5_15 : 11; uint16_t parallel_detection_fault : 1; uint16_t link_partner_next_page_capable : 1; uint16_t local_next_page_capable : 1; uint16_t page_received : 1; uint16_t link_partner_autoneg_capable : 1; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_autoneg_expansion_t; /** * PHY register 9 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_CONTROL_1000 9 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t test_mode : 3; uint16_t manual_master_slave : 1; uint16_t master : 1; uint16_t port_type : 1; uint16_t advert_1000base_t_full : 1; uint16_t advert_1000base_t_half : 1; uint16_t reserved_0_7 : 8; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_control_1000_t; /** * PHY register 10 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_STATUS_1000 10 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t master_slave_fault : 1; uint16_t is_master : 1; uint16_t local_receiver_ok : 1; uint16_t remote_receiver_ok : 1; uint16_t remote_capable_1000base_t_full : 1; uint16_t remote_capable_1000base_t_half : 1; uint16_t reserved_8_9 : 2; uint16_t idle_error_count : 8; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_status_1000_t; /** * PHY register 15 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_EXTENDED_STATUS 15 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t capable_1000base_x_full : 1; uint16_t capable_1000base_x_half : 1; uint16_t capable_1000base_t_full : 1; uint16_t capable_1000base_t_half : 1; uint16_t reserved_0_11 : 12; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_extended_status_t; /** * PHY register 13 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_MMD_CONTROL 13 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t function : 2; uint16_t reserved_5_13 : 9; uint16_t devad : 5; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_mmd_control_t; /** * PHY register 14 from the 802.3 spec */ #define CVMX_MDIO_PHY_REG_MMD_ADDRESS_DATA 14 typedef union { uint16_t u16; struct { uint16_t address_data : 16; } s; } cvmx_mdio_phy_reg_mmd_address_data_t; /* Operating request encodings. */ #define MDIO_CLAUSE_22_WRITE 0 #define MDIO_CLAUSE_22_READ 1 #define MDIO_CLAUSE_45_ADDRESS 0 #define MDIO_CLAUSE_45_WRITE 1 #define MDIO_CLAUSE_45_READ_INC 2 #define MDIO_CLAUSE_45_READ 3 /* MMD identifiers, mostly for accessing devices within XENPAK modules. */ #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_PMA_PMD 1 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_WIS 2 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_PCS 3 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_PHY_XS 4 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_DTS_XS 5 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_TC 6 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_CL22_EXT 29 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_VENDOR_1 30 #define CVMX_MMD_DEVICE_VENDOR_2 31 #define CVMX_MDIO_TIMEOUT 100000 /* 100 millisec */ /* Helper function to put MDIO interface into clause 45 mode */ static inline void __cvmx_mdio_set_clause45_mode(int bus_id) { cvmx_smix_clk_t smi_clk; /* Put bus into clause 45 mode */ smi_clk.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CLK(bus_id)); smi_clk.s.mode = 1; smi_clk.s.preamble = 1; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CLK(bus_id), smi_clk.u64); } /* Helper function to put MDIO interface into clause 22 mode */ static inline void __cvmx_mdio_set_clause22_mode(int bus_id) { cvmx_smix_clk_t smi_clk; /* Put bus into clause 22 mode */ smi_clk.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CLK(bus_id)); smi_clk.s.mode = 0; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CLK(bus_id), smi_clk.u64); } /** * @INTERNAL * Function to read SMIX_RD_DAT and check for timeouts. This * code sequence is done fairly often, so put in in one spot. * * @param bus_id SMI/MDIO bus to read * * @return Value of SMIX_RD_DAT. pending will be set on * a timeout. */ static inline cvmx_smix_rd_dat_t __cvmx_mdio_read_rd_dat(int bus_id) { cvmx_smix_rd_dat_t smi_rd; uint64_t done = cvmx_get_cycle() + (uint64_t)CVMX_MDIO_TIMEOUT * cvmx_clock_get_rate(CVMX_CLOCK_CORE) / 1000000; do { cvmx_wait(1000); smi_rd.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_SMIX_RD_DAT(bus_id)); } while (smi_rd.s.pending && (cvmx_get_cycle() < done)); return smi_rd; } /** * Perform an MII read. This function is used to read PHY * registers controlling auto negotiation. * * @param bus_id MDIO bus number. Zero on most chips, but some chips (ex CN56XX) * support multiple busses. * @param phy_id The MII phy id * @param location Register location to read * * @return Result from the read or -1 on failure */ static inline int cvmx_mdio_read(int bus_id, int phy_id, int location) { #if defined(CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL) && defined(CONFIG_PHYLIB) struct mii_bus *bus; int rv; BUG_ON(bus_id > 3 || bus_id < 0); bus = octeon_mdiobuses[bus_id]; if (bus == NULL) return -1; rv = mdiobus_read(bus, phy_id, location); if (rv < 0) return -1; return rv; #else cvmx_smix_cmd_t smi_cmd; cvmx_smix_rd_dat_t smi_rd; if (octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_MDIO_CLAUSE_45)) __cvmx_mdio_set_clause22_mode(bus_id); smi_cmd.u64 = 0; smi_cmd.s.phy_op = MDIO_CLAUSE_22_READ; smi_cmd.s.phy_adr = phy_id; smi_cmd.s.reg_adr = location; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CMD(bus_id), smi_cmd.u64); smi_rd = __cvmx_mdio_read_rd_dat(bus_id); if (smi_rd.s.val) return smi_rd.s.dat; else return -1; #endif } /** * Perform an MII write. This function is used to write PHY * registers controlling auto negotiation. * * @param bus_id MDIO bus number. Zero on most chips, but some chips (ex CN56XX) * support multiple busses. * @param phy_id The MII phy id * @param location Register location to write * @param val Value to write * * @return -1 on error * 0 on success */ static inline int cvmx_mdio_write(int bus_id, int phy_id, int location, int val) { #if defined(CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL) && defined(CONFIG_PHYLIB) struct mii_bus *bus; int rv; BUG_ON(bus_id > 3 || bus_id < 0); bus = octeon_mdiobuses[bus_id]; if (bus == NULL) return -1; rv = mdiobus_write(bus, phy_id, location, (u16)val); if (rv < 0) return -1; return 0; #else cvmx_smix_cmd_t smi_cmd; cvmx_smix_wr_dat_t smi_wr; if (octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_MDIO_CLAUSE_45)) __cvmx_mdio_set_clause22_mode(bus_id); smi_wr.u64 = 0; smi_wr.s.dat = val; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), smi_wr.u64); smi_cmd.u64 = 0; smi_cmd.s.phy_op = MDIO_CLAUSE_22_WRITE; smi_cmd.s.phy_adr = phy_id; smi_cmd.s.reg_adr = location; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CMD(bus_id), smi_cmd.u64); if (CVMX_WAIT_FOR_FIELD64(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), cvmx_smix_wr_dat_t, pending, ==, 0, CVMX_MDIO_TIMEOUT)) return -1; return 0; #endif } #ifndef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL /** * Perform an IEEE 802.3 clause 45 MII read. This function is used to read PHY * registers controlling auto negotiation. * * @param bus_id MDIO bus number. Zero on most chips, but some chips (ex CN56XX) * support multiple busses. * @param phy_id The MII phy id * @param device MDIO Managable Device (MMD) id * @param location Register location to read * * @return Result from the read or -1 on failure */ static inline int cvmx_mdio_45_read(int bus_id, int phy_id, int device, int location) { cvmx_smix_cmd_t smi_cmd; cvmx_smix_rd_dat_t smi_rd; cvmx_smix_wr_dat_t smi_wr; if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_MDIO_CLAUSE_45)) return -1; __cvmx_mdio_set_clause45_mode(bus_id); smi_wr.u64 = 0; smi_wr.s.dat = location; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), smi_wr.u64); smi_cmd.u64 = 0; smi_cmd.s.phy_op = MDIO_CLAUSE_45_ADDRESS; smi_cmd.s.phy_adr = phy_id; smi_cmd.s.reg_adr = device; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CMD(bus_id), smi_cmd.u64); if (CVMX_WAIT_FOR_FIELD64(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), cvmx_smix_wr_dat_t, pending, ==, 0, CVMX_MDIO_TIMEOUT)) { cvmx_dprintf ("cvmx_mdio_45_read: bus_id %d phy_id %2d device %2d register %2d TIME OUT(address)\n", bus_id, phy_id, device, location); return -1; } smi_cmd.u64 = 0; smi_cmd.s.phy_op = MDIO_CLAUSE_45_READ; smi_cmd.s.phy_adr = phy_id; smi_cmd.s.reg_adr = device; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CMD(bus_id), smi_cmd.u64); smi_rd = __cvmx_mdio_read_rd_dat(bus_id); if (smi_rd.s.pending) { cvmx_dprintf ("cvmx_mdio_45_read: bus_id %d phy_id %2d device %2d register %2d TIME OUT(data)\n", bus_id, phy_id, device, location); return -1; } if (smi_rd.s.val) return smi_rd.s.dat; else { cvmx_dprintf ("cvmx_mdio_45_read: bus_id %d phy_id %2d device %2d register %2d INVALID READ\n", bus_id, phy_id, device, location); return -1; } } /** * Perform an IEEE 802.3 clause 45 MII write. This function is used to write PHY * registers controlling auto negotiation. * * @param bus_id MDIO bus number. Zero on most chips, but some chips (ex CN56XX) * support multiple busses. * @param phy_id The MII phy id * @param device MDIO Managable Device (MMD) id * @param location Register location to write * @param val Value to write * * @return -1 on error * 0 on success */ static inline int cvmx_mdio_45_write(int bus_id, int phy_id, int device, int location, int val) { cvmx_smix_cmd_t smi_cmd; cvmx_smix_wr_dat_t smi_wr; if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_MDIO_CLAUSE_45)) return -1; __cvmx_mdio_set_clause45_mode(bus_id); smi_wr.u64 = 0; smi_wr.s.dat = location; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), smi_wr.u64); smi_cmd.u64 = 0; smi_cmd.s.phy_op = MDIO_CLAUSE_45_ADDRESS; smi_cmd.s.phy_adr = phy_id; smi_cmd.s.reg_adr = device; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CMD(bus_id), smi_cmd.u64); if (CVMX_WAIT_FOR_FIELD64(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), cvmx_smix_wr_dat_t, pending, ==, 0, CVMX_MDIO_TIMEOUT)) return -1; smi_wr.u64 = 0; smi_wr.s.dat = val; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), smi_wr.u64); smi_cmd.u64 = 0; smi_cmd.s.phy_op = MDIO_CLAUSE_45_WRITE; smi_cmd.s.phy_adr = phy_id; smi_cmd.s.reg_adr = device; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_SMIX_CMD(bus_id), smi_cmd.u64); if (CVMX_WAIT_FOR_FIELD64(CVMX_SMIX_WR_DAT(bus_id), cvmx_smix_wr_dat_t, pending, ==, 0, CVMX_MDIO_TIMEOUT)) return -1; return 0; } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif