# $FreeBSD$
# Specific board setup for the D-Link DIR-825C1 router.
# The DIR-825C1 has the following hardware:
# + AR9344 CPU SoC 74k MIPS
# + ARxxx 2.4GHz 11n
# + ARXXX 5GHz 11n
# + AR8327 Gigabit switch
# + m25p80 based 16MB flash
# + 128MB RAM
# + uboot environment


# Include the default AR934x parameters
include         "AR934X_BASE"
ident           DIR825C1

# Override hints with board values
hints           "DIR-825C1.hints"

# Force the board memory - the base DB120 has 128MB RAM
options         AR71XX_REALMEM=(128*1024*1024)

# i2c GPIO bus
device		gpioiic
device		iicbb
device		iicbus
device		iic

# Options required for miiproxy and mdiobus
options 	ARGE_MDIO	# Export an MDIO bus separate from arge
device		miiproxy	# MDIO bus <-> MII PHY rendezvous

device		etherswitch
device		arswitch

# read MSDOS formatted disks - USB
options		MSDOSFS

# Enable the uboot environment stuff rather then the
# redboot stuff.
options		AR71XX_ENV_UBOOT

# Used for the static uboot partition map
device          geom_map

# uzip - to boot natively from flash
options 	GEOM_UZIP
options         GEOM_PART_GPT

# yes, this board has a PCI connected atheros device
device          ath_pci
options         AR71XX_ATH_EEPROM
device          firmware                # Used by the above
options         ATH_EEPROM_FIRMWARE

# Boot off of the rootfs, as defined in the geom_map setup.
options         ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:map/rootfs.uzip\"

# In order to netboot, you have to build the mfsroot into the kernel
# 19443712 or 19M is the biggest rootfs via netboot this thing supports
#options         MD_ROOT         # md device usable as a potential root device
#options         MD_ROOT_SIZE=19444
#makeoptions     MFS_IMAGE=/tftpboot/mfsroot-dir825c1.img.ulzma
#options         ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:md0.uzip\"