/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making MSEC available. * * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ /** * @filename mt_sys_call.cpp */ #include "kqueue_proxy.h" #include "micro_thread.h" #include "mt_connection.h" #include "mt_api.h" #include "ff_api.h" #include "mt_sys_hook.h" namespace NS_MICRO_THREAD { int mt_udpsendrcv(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, void* rcv_buf, int& buf_size, int timeout) { int ret = 0; int rc = 0; int flags = 1; struct sockaddr_in from_addr = {0}; int addr_len = sizeof(from_addr); if(len<1 || buf_size<1 ||!dst || !pkg || !rcv_buf) { MTLOG_ERROR("mt_udpsendrcv input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], rcv_buf[%p], len[%d], buf_size[%d]", dst, pkg, rcv_buf, len, buf_size); return -10; } int sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if ((sock < 0) || (ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, &flags) < 0)) { MT_ATTR_API(320842, 1); MTLOG_ERROR("mt_udpsendrcv new sock failed, sock: %d, errno: %d (%m)", sock, errno); ret = -1; goto EXIT_LABEL; } rc = MtFrame::sendto(sock, pkg, len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)dst, (int)sizeof(*dst), timeout); if (rc < 0) { MT_ATTR_API(320844, 1); MTLOG_ERROR("mt_udpsendrcv send failed, rc: %d, errno: %d (%m)", rc, errno); ret = -2; goto EXIT_LABEL; } rc = MtFrame::recvfrom(sock, rcv_buf, buf_size, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&from_addr, (socklen_t*)&addr_len, timeout); if (rc < 0) { MT_ATTR_API(320845, 1); MTLOG_ERROR("mt_udpsendrcv recv failed, rc: %d, errno: %d (%m)", rc, errno); ret = -3; goto EXIT_LABEL; } buf_size = rc; EXIT_LABEL: if (sock > 0) { close(sock); sock = -1; } return ret; } int mt_tcp_create_sock(void) { int fd; int flag; fd = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("create tcp socket failed, error: %m"); return -1; } flag = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); if (flag == -1) { ::close(fd); MTLOG_ERROR("get fd flags failed, error: %m"); return -2; } if (flag & O_NONBLOCK) return fd; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK | O_NDELAY) == -1) { ::close(fd); MTLOG_ERROR("set fd flags failed, error: %m"); return -3; } return fd; } static TcpKeepConn* mt_tcp_get_keep_conn(struct sockaddr_in* dst, int& sock) { KqueuerObj* ntfy_obj = NtfyObjMgr::Instance()->GetNtfyObj(NTFY_OBJ_THREAD, 0); if (NULL == ntfy_obj) { MTLOG_ERROR("get notify failed, logit"); return NULL; } TcpKeepConn* conn = dynamic_cast<TcpKeepConn*>(ConnectionMgr::Instance()->GetConnection(OBJ_TCP_KEEP, dst)); if (NULL == conn) { MTLOG_ERROR("get connection failed, dst[%p]", dst); NtfyObjMgr::Instance()->FreeNtfyObj(ntfy_obj); return NULL; } conn->SetNtfyObj(ntfy_obj); int osfd = conn->CreateSocket(); if (osfd < 0) { ConnectionMgr::Instance()->FreeConnection(conn, true); MTLOG_ERROR("create socket failed, ret[%d]", osfd); return NULL; } sock = osfd; return conn; } static int mt_tcp_check_recv(int sock, char* rcv_buf, int &len, int flags, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgLen func) { int recv_len = 0; utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); do { utime64_t cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; if (cost_time > (utime64_t)timeout) { errno = ETIME; MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] recv not ok, timeout", sock); return -3; } int rc = MtFrame::recv(sock, (rcv_buf + recv_len), (len - recv_len), 0, (timeout - (int)cost_time)); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] recv failed ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); return -3; } else if (rc == 0) { len = recv_len; MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] remote close", sock); return -7; } recv_len += rc; rc = func(rcv_buf, recv_len); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] user check pkg error[%d]", sock, rc); return -5; } else if (rc == 0) { if (len == recv_len) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] user check pkg not ok, but no more buff", sock); return -6; } continue; } else { if (rc > recv_len) { continue; } else { len = rc; break; } } } while (true); return 0; } int mt_tcpsendrcv(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, void* rcv_buf, int& buf_size, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgLen func) { if (!dst || !pkg || !rcv_buf || !func || len<1 || buf_size<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], rcv_buf[%p], fun[%p], len[%d], buf_size[%d]", dst, pkg, rcv_buf, func, len, buf_size); return -10; } int ret = 0, rc = 0; int addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t cost_time = 0; int time_left = timeout; int sock = -1; TcpKeepConn* conn = mt_tcp_get_keep_conn(dst, sock); if ((conn == NULL) || (sock < 0)) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] get conn failed, ret[%m]", sock); ret = -1; goto EXIT_LABEL; } rc = MtFrame::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)dst, addr_len, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] connect failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -4; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = MtFrame::send(sock, pkg, len, 0, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] send failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -2; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = mt_tcp_check_recv(sock, (char*)rcv_buf, buf_size, 0, time_left, func); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] rcv failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = rc; goto EXIT_LABEL; } ret = 0; EXIT_LABEL: if (conn != NULL) { ConnectionMgr::Instance()->FreeConnection(conn, (ret < 0)); } return ret; } int mt_tcpsendrcv_short(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, void* rcv_buf, int& buf_size, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgLen func) { int ret = 0, rc = 0; int addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t cost_time = 0; int time_left = timeout; if (!dst || !pkg || !rcv_buf || !func || len<1 || buf_size<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], rcv_buf[%p], fun[%p], len[%d], buf_size[%d]", dst, pkg, rcv_buf, func, len, buf_size); return -10; } int sock; sock = mt_tcp_create_sock(); if (sock < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("create tcp socket failed, ret: %d", sock); return -1; } rc = MtFrame::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)dst, addr_len, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] connect failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -4; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = MtFrame::send(sock, pkg, len, 0, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] send failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -2; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = mt_tcp_check_recv(sock, (char*)rcv_buf, buf_size, 0, time_left, func); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] rcv failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = rc; goto EXIT_LABEL; } ret = 0; EXIT_LABEL: if (sock >= 0) ::close(sock); return ret; } int mt_tcpsend(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, int timeout) { if (!dst || !pkg || len<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], len[%d]", dst, pkg, len); return -10; } int ret = 0, rc = 0; int addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t cost_time = 0; int time_left = timeout; int sock = -1; TcpKeepConn* conn = mt_tcp_get_keep_conn(dst, sock); if ((conn == NULL) || (sock < 0)) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] get conn failed, ret[%m]", sock); ret = -1; goto EXIT_LABEL; } rc = MtFrame::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)dst, addr_len, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] connect failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -4; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = MtFrame::send(sock, pkg, len, 0, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] send failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -2; goto EXIT_LABEL; } ret = 0; EXIT_LABEL: if (conn != NULL) { ConnectionMgr::Instance()->FreeConnection(conn, (ret < 0)); } return ret; } int mt_tcpsend_short(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, int timeout) { if (!dst || !pkg || len<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], len[%d]", dst, pkg, len); return -10; } int ret = 0, rc = 0; int addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t cost_time = 0; int time_left = timeout; int sock = -1; sock = mt_tcp_create_sock(); if (sock < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("create tcp socket failed, ret: %d", sock); ret = -1; goto EXIT_LABEL; } rc = MtFrame::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)dst, addr_len, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] connect failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -4; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = MtFrame::send(sock, pkg, len, 0, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] send failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -2; goto EXIT_LABEL; } ret = 0; EXIT_LABEL: if (sock >= 0) ::close(sock); return ret; } int mt_tcpsendrcv_ex(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, void* rcv_buf, int* buf_size, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgLen func, MT_TCP_CONN_TYPE type) { if(!dst || !pkg || len<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], rcv_buf[%p], fun[%p], len[%d], buf_size[%p]type[%d]", dst, pkg, rcv_buf, func, len, buf_size,type); return -10; } switch (type) { case MT_TCP_LONG: { return mt_tcpsendrcv(dst, pkg, len, rcv_buf, *buf_size, timeout, func); } case MT_TCP_LONG_SNDONLY: { return mt_tcpsend(dst, pkg, len, timeout); } case MT_TCP_SHORT: { return mt_tcpsendrcv_short(dst, pkg, len, rcv_buf, *buf_size, timeout, func); } case MT_TCP_SHORT_SNDONLY: { return mt_tcpsend_short(dst, pkg, len, timeout); } default: { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], rcv_buf[%p], fun[%p], len[%d], buf_size[%p]type[%d]", dst, pkg, rcv_buf, func, len, buf_size,type); return -10; } } return 0; } static void mt_task_process(void* arg) { int rc = 0; IMtTask* task = (IMtTask*)arg; if (!task) { MTLOG_ERROR("Invalid arg, error"); return; } rc = task->Process(); if (rc != 0) { MTLOG_DEBUG("task process failed(%d), log", rc); } task->SetResult(rc); return; }; int mt_exec_all_task(IMtTaskList& req_list) { MtFrame* mtframe = MtFrame::Instance(); MicroThread* thread = mtframe->GetActiveThread(); IMtTask* task = NULL; MicroThread* sub = NULL; MicroThread* tmp = NULL; int rc = -1; MicroThread::SubThreadList list; TAILQ_INIT(&list); if (0 == req_list.size()) { MTLOG_DEBUG("no task for execult"); return 0; } for (IMtTaskList::iterator it = req_list.begin(); it != req_list.end(); ++it) { task = *it; sub = MtFrame::CreateThread(mt_task_process, task, false); if (NULL == sub) { MTLOG_ERROR("create sub thread failed"); goto EXIT_LABEL; } sub->SetType(MicroThread::SUB_THREAD); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&list, sub, _sub_entry); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(sub, &list, _sub_entry, tmp) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&list, sub, _sub_entry); thread->AddSubThread(sub); mtframe->InsertRunable(sub); } thread->Wait(); rc = 0; EXIT_LABEL: TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(sub, &list, _sub_entry, tmp) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&list, sub, _sub_entry); mtframe->FreeThread(sub); } return rc; } void mt_set_msg_private(void *data) { MicroThread *msg_thread = MtFrame::Instance()->GetRootThread(); if (msg_thread != NULL) msg_thread->SetPrivate(data); } void* mt_get_msg_private() { MicroThread *msg_thread = MtFrame::Instance()->GetRootThread(); if (NULL == msg_thread) { return NULL; } return msg_thread->GetPrivate(); } bool mt_init_frame(int argc, char * const argv[]) { if (argc) { ff_init(argc, argv); ff_set_hook_flag(); } memset(&g_mt_syscall_tab, 0, sizeof(g_mt_syscall_tab)); return MtFrame::Instance()->InitFrame(); } void mt_set_stack_size(unsigned int bytes) { ThreadPool::SetDefaultStackSize(bytes); } int mt_recvfrom(int fd, void *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen, int timeout) { return MtFrame::recvfrom(fd, buf, len, flags, from, fromlen, timeout); } int mt_sendto(int fd, const void *msg, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, int tolen, int timeout) { return MtFrame::sendto(fd, msg, len, flags, to, tolen, timeout); } int mt_connect(int fd, const struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen, int timeout) { return MtFrame::connect(fd, addr, addrlen, timeout); } int mt_accept(int fd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen, int timeout) { return MtFrame::accept(fd, addr, addrlen, timeout); } ssize_t mt_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbyte, int timeout) { return MtFrame::read(fd, buf, nbyte, timeout); } ssize_t mt_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte, int timeout) { return MtFrame::write(fd, buf, nbyte, timeout); } ssize_t mt_recv(int fd, void *buf, int len, int flags, int timeout) { return MtFrame::recv(fd, buf, len, flags, timeout); } ssize_t mt_send(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte, int flags, int timeout) { return MtFrame::send(fd, buf, nbyte, flags, timeout); } void mt_sleep(int ms) { MtFrame::sleep(ms); } unsigned long long mt_time_ms(void) { return MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); } int mt_wait_events(int fd, int events, int timeout) { return MtFrame::Instance()->WaitEvents(fd, events, timeout); } void* mt_start_thread(void* entry, void* args) { return MtFrame::Instance()->CreateThread((ThreadStart)entry, args, true); } #define BUF_ALIGNMENT_SIZE 4096 #define BUF_ALIGN_SIZE(x) (((x)+BUF_ALIGNMENT_SIZE-1)&~(BUF_ALIGNMENT_SIZE-1)) #define BUF_DEFAULT_SIZE 4096 class ScopedBuf { public: ScopedBuf(void*& buf_keeper, bool keep) :buf_keeper_(buf_keeper),buf_(0),len_(0),len_watermark_(0),keep_(keep) {} int Alloc(int len) { if(len<len_) { return -1; } if(len==0) { len = BUF_ALIGNMENT_SIZE; } if(len_==len) { return 0; } len_ = BUF_ALIGN_SIZE(len); if(len_==0) { len_ = BUF_DEFAULT_SIZE; } len_watermark_ = len_-BUF_ALIGNMENT_SIZE; char* tmp = (char*)realloc(buf_, len_); if(tmp==NULL) { return -2; } buf_ = tmp; return 0; } void reset() { if(keep_) { buf_keeper_ = (void*)buf_; buf_ = NULL; } } ~ScopedBuf() { if(buf_!=NULL) { free(buf_); buf_ = NULL; } } public: void* &buf_keeper_; char* buf_; int len_; int len_watermark_; bool keep_; }; static int mt_tcp_check_recv(int sock, void*& rcv_buf, int &len, int flags, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgChecker check_func, void* msg_ctx, bool keep_rcv_buf) { int recv_len = 0; utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); int rc = 0; int ret = 0; int pkg_len = 0; bool msg_len_detected = false; ScopedBuf sbuf(rcv_buf, keep_rcv_buf); ret = sbuf.Alloc(len); if(ret!=0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] recv failed ret[%d], alloc rcv buf failed, [%m]", sock, ret); return -11; } do { utime64_t cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; if (cost_time > (utime64_t)timeout) { errno = ETIME; MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] recv not ok, timeout", sock); return -3; } rc = MtFrame::recv(sock, (sbuf.buf_ + recv_len), (sbuf.len_ - recv_len), 0, (timeout - (int)cost_time)); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] recv failed ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); return -3; } else if (rc == 0) { if(recv_len==0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] remote close", sock); return -7; } rc = check_func(sbuf.buf_, recv_len, true, msg_ctx, msg_len_detected); if(rc!=recv_len) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] remote close", sock); return -7; } len = recv_len; break; } recv_len += rc; if((!msg_len_detected)||recv_len==pkg_len) { rc = check_func(sbuf.buf_, recv_len, false, msg_ctx,msg_len_detected); if(msg_len_detected) { pkg_len = rc; } } else { rc = pkg_len; } if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] user check pkg error[%d]", sock, rc); return -5; } else if (rc == 0) { if(sbuf.len_ > recv_len) { continue; } ret = sbuf.Alloc(sbuf.len_<<1); if(ret!=0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] recv failed ret[%d], alloc rcv buf failed, [%m]", sock, ret); return -11; } } else { if (rc > recv_len) { if(sbuf.len_ > recv_len) { continue; } ret = sbuf.Alloc(rc); if(ret!=0) { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] recv failed ret[%d], alloc rcv buf failed, [%m]", sock, ret); return -11; } } else if(rc==recv_len) { len = rc; break; } else { MTLOG_ERROR("tcp socket[%d] user check pkg error, pkg len < recv_len", sock); return -5; } } } while (true); sbuf.reset(); return 0; } int mt_tcpsendrcv(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, void*& rcv_buf, int& recv_pkg_size, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgChecker check_func, void* msg_ctx, bool keep_rcv_buf) { if(!dst || !pkg || len<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], len[%d], fun[%p]", dst, pkg, len, check_func); return -10; } int ret = 0, rc = 0; int addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t cost_time = 0; int time_left = timeout; int sock = -1; TcpKeepConn* conn = mt_tcp_get_keep_conn(dst, sock); if ((conn == NULL) || (sock < 0)) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] get conn failed, ret[%m]", sock); ret = -1; goto EXIT_LABEL; } rc = MtFrame::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)dst, addr_len, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] connect failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -4; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = MtFrame::send(sock, pkg, len, 0, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] send failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -2; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = mt_tcp_check_recv(sock, rcv_buf, recv_pkg_size, 0, time_left, check_func, msg_ctx, keep_rcv_buf); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] rcv failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = rc; goto EXIT_LABEL; } ret = 0; EXIT_LABEL: if (conn != NULL) { ConnectionMgr::Instance()->FreeConnection(conn, (ret < 0)); } return ret; } int mt_tcpsendrcv_short(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, void*& rcv_buf, int& recv_pkg_size, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgChecker check_func, void* msg_ctx, bool keep_rcv_buf) { int ret = 0, rc = 0; int addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); utime64_t start_ms = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock(); utime64_t cost_time = 0; int time_left = timeout; if(!dst || !pkg || len<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], len[%d], fun[%p]", dst, pkg, len, check_func); return -10; } int sock; sock = mt_tcp_create_sock(); if (sock < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("create tcp socket failed, ret: %d", sock); return -1; } rc = MtFrame::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)dst, addr_len, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] connect failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -4; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = MtFrame::send(sock, pkg, len, 0, time_left); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] send failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = -2; goto EXIT_LABEL; } cost_time = MtFrame::Instance()->GetLastClock() - start_ms; time_left = (timeout > (int)cost_time) ? (timeout - (int)cost_time) : 0; rc = mt_tcp_check_recv(sock, rcv_buf, recv_pkg_size, 0, time_left, check_func, msg_ctx, keep_rcv_buf); if (rc < 0) { MTLOG_ERROR("socket[%d] rcv failed, ret[%d][%m]", sock, rc); ret = rc; goto EXIT_LABEL; } ret = 0; EXIT_LABEL: if (sock >= 0) ::close(sock); return ret; } int mt_tcpsendrcv_ex(struct sockaddr_in* dst, void* pkg, int len, void*& rcv_buf, int& rcv_pkg_size, int timeout, MtFuncTcpMsgChecker check_func, void* msg_ctx, MT_TCP_CONN_TYPE type, bool keep_rcv_buf) { if(!dst || !pkg || len<1) { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], len[%d], fun[%p], msg_ctx[%p], type[%d]", dst, pkg, len, check_func, msg_ctx, type); return -10; } switch (type) { case MT_TCP_LONG: { return mt_tcpsendrcv(dst, pkg, len, rcv_buf, rcv_pkg_size, timeout, check_func, msg_ctx, keep_rcv_buf); } case MT_TCP_LONG_SNDONLY: { return mt_tcpsend(dst, pkg, len, timeout); } case MT_TCP_SHORT: { return mt_tcpsendrcv_short(dst, pkg, len, rcv_buf, rcv_pkg_size, timeout, check_func, msg_ctx, keep_rcv_buf); } case MT_TCP_SHORT_SNDONLY: { return mt_tcpsend_short(dst, pkg, len, timeout); } default: { MTLOG_ERROR("input params invalid, dst[%p], pkg[%p], len[%d], fun[%p], msg_ctx[%p], type[%d]", dst, pkg, len, check_func, msg_ctx, type); return -10; } } return 0; } }