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Negative on failure */ extern int cvmx_helper_setup_red_queue(int queue, int pass_thresh, int drop_thresh); /** * Setup Random Early Drop to automatically begin dropping packets. * * @param pass_thresh * Packets will begin slowly dropping when there are less than * this many packet buffers free in FPA 0. * @param drop_thresh * All incomming packets will be dropped when there are less * than this many free packet buffers in FPA 0. * @return Zero on success. Negative on failure */ extern int cvmx_helper_setup_red(int pass_thresh, int drop_thresh); /** * Get the version of the CVMX libraries. * * @return Version string. Note this buffer is allocated statically * and will be shared by all callers. */ extern const char *cvmx_helper_get_version(void); /** * @INTERNAL * Setup the common GMX settings that determine the number of * ports. These setting apply to almost all configurations of all * chips. * * @param interface Interface to configure * @param num_ports Number of ports on the interface * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ extern int __cvmx_helper_setup_gmx(int interface, int num_ports); /** * @INTERNAL * Get the number of ipd_ports on an interface. * * @param interface * * @return the number of ipd_ports on the interface and -1 for error. */ extern int __cvmx_helper_get_num_ipd_ports(int interface); /** * @INTERNAL * Get the number of pko_ports on an interface. * * @param interface * * @return the number of pko_ports on the interface. */ extern int __cvmx_helper_get_num_pko_ports(int interface); /* * @INTERNAL * * @param interface * @param port * @param link_info * * @return 0 for success and -1 for failure */ extern int __cvmx_helper_set_link_info(int interface, int port, cvmx_helper_link_info_t link_info); /** * @INTERNAL * * @param interface * @param port * * @return valid link_info on success or -1 on failure */ extern cvmx_helper_link_info_t __cvmx_helper_get_link_info(int interface, int port); enum cvmx_pko_padding { CVMX_PKO_PADDING_NONE = 0, CVMX_PKO_PADDING_60 = 1, }; /** * @INTERNAL * * @param interface * @param num_ipd_ports is the number of ipd_ports on the interface * @param has_fcs indicates if PKO does FCS for the ports on this * @param pad The padding that PKO should apply. * interface. * * @return 0 for success and -1 for failure */ extern int __cvmx_helper_init_interface(int interface, int num_ipd_ports, int has_fcs, enum cvmx_pko_padding pad); /** * @INTERNAL * * @param interface * * @return 0 if PKO does not do FCS and 1 otherwise. */ extern int __cvmx_helper_get_has_fcs(int interface); extern enum cvmx_pko_padding __cvmx_helper_get_pko_padding(int interface); /** * Returns the IPD port number for a port on the given * interface. * * @param interface Interface to use * @param port Port on the interface * * @return IPD port number */ extern int cvmx_helper_get_ipd_port(int interface, int port); /** * Returns the PKO port number for a port on the given interface, * This is the base pko_port for o68 and ipd_port for older models. * * @param interface Interface to use * @param port Port on the interface * * @return PKO port number and -1 on error. */ extern int cvmx_helper_get_pko_port(int interface, int port); /** * Returns the IPD/PKO port number for the first port on the given * interface. * * @param interface Interface to use * * @return IPD/PKO port number */ static inline int cvmx_helper_get_first_ipd_port(int interface) { return (cvmx_helper_get_ipd_port (interface, 0)); } /** * Returns the IPD/PKO port number for the last port on the given * interface. * * @param interface Interface to use * * @return IPD/PKO port number */ static inline int cvmx_helper_get_last_ipd_port (int interface) { return (cvmx_helper_get_first_ipd_port (interface) + cvmx_helper_ports_on_interface (interface) - 1); } /** * Free the packet buffers contained in a work queue entry. * The work queue entry is not freed. * * @param work Work queue entry with packet to free */ static inline void cvmx_helper_free_packet_data(cvmx_wqe_t *work) { uint64_t number_buffers; cvmx_buf_ptr_t buffer_ptr; cvmx_buf_ptr_t next_buffer_ptr; uint64_t start_of_buffer; number_buffers = work->word2.s.bufs; if (number_buffers == 0) return; buffer_ptr = work->packet_ptr; /* Since the number of buffers is not zero, we know this is not a dynamic short packet. We need to check if it is a packet received with IPD_CTL_STATUS[NO_WPTR]. If this is true, we need to free all buffers except for the first one. The caller doesn't expect their WQE pointer to be freed */ start_of_buffer = ((buffer_ptr.s.addr >> 7) - buffer_ptr.s.back) << 7; if (cvmx_ptr_to_phys(work) == start_of_buffer) { next_buffer_ptr = *(cvmx_buf_ptr_t*)cvmx_phys_to_ptr(buffer_ptr.s.addr - 8); buffer_ptr = next_buffer_ptr; number_buffers--; } while (number_buffers--) { /* Remember the back pointer is in cache lines, not 64bit words */ start_of_buffer = ((buffer_ptr.s.addr >> 7) - buffer_ptr.s.back) << 7; /* Read pointer to next buffer before we free the current buffer. */ next_buffer_ptr = *(cvmx_buf_ptr_t*)cvmx_phys_to_ptr(buffer_ptr.s.addr - 8); cvmx_fpa_free(cvmx_phys_to_ptr(start_of_buffer), buffer_ptr.s.pool, 0); buffer_ptr = next_buffer_ptr; } } #endif /* CVMX_ENABLE_HELPER_FUNCTIONS */ /** * Returns the interface number for an IPD/PKO port number. * * @param ipd_port IPD/PKO port number * * @return Interface number */ extern int cvmx_helper_get_interface_num(int ipd_port); /** * Returns the interface index number for an IPD/PKO port * number. * * @param ipd_port IPD/PKO port number * * @return Interface index number */ extern int cvmx_helper_get_interface_index_num(int ipd_port); /** * Get port kind for a given port in an interface. * * @param interface Interface * @param port index of the port in the interface * * @return port kind on sucicess and -1 on failure */ extern int cvmx_helper_get_pknd(int interface, int port); /** * Get bpid for a given port in an interface. * * @param interface Interface * @param port index of the port in the interface * * @return port kind on sucicess and -1 on failure */ extern int cvmx_helper_get_bpid(int interface, int port); /** * Internal functions. */ extern int __cvmx_helper_post_init_interfaces(void); extern void __cvmx_helper_shutdown_interfaces(void); extern void cvmx_helper_show_stats(int port); #endif /* __CVMX_HELPER_H__ */