/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd */ #ifndef _HINIC_PMD_ETHDEV_H_ #define _HINIC_PMD_ETHDEV_H_ #include <rte_ethdev.h> #include <rte_ethdev_core.h> #include <ethdev_driver.h> #include "base/hinic_compat.h" #include "base/hinic_pmd_cfg.h" #define HINIC_DEV_NAME_LEN 32 #define HINIC_MAX_RX_QUEUES 64 /* mbuf pool for copy invalid mbuf segs */ #define HINIC_COPY_MEMPOOL_DEPTH 128 #define HINIC_COPY_MBUF_SIZE 4096 #define SIZE_8BYTES(size) (ALIGN((u32)(size), 8) >> 3) #define HINIC_ETH_DEV_TO_PRIVATE_NIC_DEV(dev) \ ((struct hinic_nic_dev *)(dev)->data->dev_private) #define HINIC_MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH 4096 #define HINIC_MIN_QUEUE_DEPTH 128 #define HINIC_TXD_ALIGN 1 #define HINIC_RXD_ALIGN 1 #define HINIC_UINT32_BIT_SIZE (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(uint32_t)) #define HINIC_VFTA_SIZE (4096 / HINIC_UINT32_BIT_SIZE) #define HINIC_MAX_MTU_SIZE 9600 #define HINIC_MIN_MTU_SIZE 256 #define HINIC_ETH_OVERHEAD \ (RTE_ETHER_HDR_LEN + RTE_ETHER_CRC_LEN + RTE_VLAN_HLEN * 2) #define HINIC_MIN_FRAME_SIZE (HINIC_MIN_MTU_SIZE + HINIC_ETH_OVERHEAD) #define HINIC_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE (HINIC_MAX_MTU_SIZE + HINIC_ETH_OVERHEAD) #define HINIC_MTU_TO_PKTLEN(mtu) ((mtu) + HINIC_ETH_OVERHEAD) #define HINIC_PKTLEN_TO_MTU(pktlen) ((pktlen) - HINIC_ETH_OVERHEAD) /* The max frame size with default MTU */ #define HINIC_ETH_MAX_LEN (RTE_ETHER_MTU + HINIC_ETH_OVERHEAD) enum hinic_dev_status { HINIC_DEV_INIT, HINIC_DEV_CLOSE, HINIC_DEV_START, HINIC_DEV_INTR_EN, }; #define HINIC_MAX_Q_FILTERS 64 /* hinic just support 64 filter types */ #define HINIC_PKT_TYPE_FIND_ID(pkt_type) ((pkt_type) - HINIC_MAX_Q_FILTERS) /* 5tuple filter info */ struct hinic_5tuple_filter_info { uint32_t dst_ip; uint32_t src_ip; uint16_t dst_port; uint16_t src_port; uint8_t proto; /* l4 protocol. */ /* * seven levels (001b-111b), 111b is highest, * used when more than one filter matches. */ uint8_t priority; /* if mask is 1b, do not compare the response bit domain */ uint8_t dst_ip_mask:1, src_ip_mask:1, dst_port_mask:1, src_port_mask:1, proto_mask:1; }; /* 5tuple filter structure */ struct hinic_5tuple_filter { TAILQ_ENTRY(hinic_5tuple_filter) entries; uint16_t index; /* the index of 5tuple filter */ struct hinic_5tuple_filter_info filter_info; uint16_t queue; /* rx queue assigned to */ }; TAILQ_HEAD(hinic_5tuple_filter_list, hinic_5tuple_filter); /* * If this filter is added by configuration, * it should not be removed. */ struct hinic_pkt_filter { uint16_t pkt_proto; uint8_t qid; bool enable; }; /* Structure to store filters' info. */ struct hinic_filter_info { uint8_t pkt_type; uint8_t qid; uint64_t type_mask; /* Bit mask for every used filter */ struct hinic_5tuple_filter_list fivetuple_list; struct hinic_pkt_filter pkt_filters[HINIC_MAX_Q_FILTERS]; }; /* Information about the fdir mode. */ struct hinic_hw_fdir_mask { uint32_t src_ipv4_mask; uint32_t dst_ipv4_mask; uint16_t src_port_mask; uint16_t dst_port_mask; uint16_t proto_mask; uint16_t tunnel_flag; uint16_t tunnel_inner_src_port_mask; uint16_t tunnel_inner_dst_port_mask; uint16_t dst_ipv6_mask; }; /* Flow Director attribute */ struct hinic_atr_input { uint32_t dst_ip; uint32_t src_ip; uint16_t src_port; uint16_t dst_port; uint16_t proto; uint16_t tunnel_flag; uint16_t tunnel_inner_src_port; uint16_t tunnel_inner_dst_port; uint8_t dst_ipv6[16]; }; enum hinic_fdir_mode { HINIC_FDIR_MODE_NORMAL = 0, HINIC_FDIR_MODE_TCAM = 1, }; #define HINIC_PF_MAX_TCAM_FILTERS 1024 #define HINIC_VF_MAX_TCAM_FILTERS 128 #define HINIC_SUPPORT_PF_MAX_NUM 4 #define HINIC_TOTAL_PF_MAX_NUM 16 #define HINIC_SUPPORT_VF_MAX_NUM 32 #define HINIC_TCAM_BLOCK_TYPE_PF 0 /* 1024 tcam index of a block */ #define HINIC_TCAM_BLOCK_TYPE_VF 1 /* 128 tcam index of a block */ #define HINIC_PKT_VF_TCAM_INDEX_START(block_index) \ (HINIC_PF_MAX_TCAM_FILTERS * HINIC_SUPPORT_PF_MAX_NUM + \ HINIC_VF_MAX_TCAM_FILTERS * (block_index)) TAILQ_HEAD(hinic_tcam_filter_list, hinic_tcam_filter); struct hinic_tcam_info { struct hinic_tcam_filter_list tcam_list; u8 tcam_index_array[HINIC_PF_MAX_TCAM_FILTERS]; u16 tcam_block_index; u16 tcam_rule_nums; }; struct tag_tcam_key_mem { #if (RTE_BYTE_ORDER == RTE_BIG_ENDIAN) u32 rsvd0:16; u32 function_id:16; u32 protocol:8; /* * tunnel packet, mask must be 0xff, spec value is 1; * normal packet, mask must be 0, spec value is 0; * if tunnel packet, ucode use * sip/dip/protocol/src_port/dst_dport from inner packet */ u32 tunnel_flag:8; u32 sip_h:16; u32 sip_l:16; u32 dip_h:16; u32 dip_l:16; u32 src_port:16; u32 dst_port:16; /* * tunnel packet and normal packet, * ext_dip mask must be 0xffffffff */ u32 ext_dip_h:16; u32 ext_dip_l:16; u32 rsvd2:16; #else u32 function_id:16; u32 rsvd0:16; u32 sip_h:16; u32 tunnel_flag:8; u32 protocol:8; u32 dip_h:16; u32 sip_l:16; u32 src_port:16; u32 dip_l:16; u32 ext_dip_h:16; u32 dst_port:16; u32 rsvd2:16; u32 ext_dip_l:16; #endif }; struct tag_tcam_key_ipv6_mem { #if (RTE_BYTE_ORDER == RTE_BIG_ENDIAN) u32 rsvd0:16; u32 ipv6_flag:1; u32 protocol:7; u32 function_id:8; u32 dst_port:16; u32 ipv6_key0:16; u32 ipv6_key1:16; u32 ipv6_key2:16; u32 ipv6_key3:16; u32 ipv6_key4:16; u32 ipv6_key5:16; u32 ipv6_key6:16; u32 ipv6_key7:16; u32 rsvd2:16; #else u32 function_id:8; u32 protocol:7; u32 ipv6_flag:1; u32 rsvd0:16; u32 ipv6_key0:16; u32 dst_port:16; u32 ipv6_key2:16; u32 ipv6_key1:16; u32 ipv6_key4:16; u32 ipv6_key3:16; u32 ipv6_key6:16; u32 ipv6_key5:16; u32 rsvd2:16; u32 ipv6_key7:16; #endif }; struct tag_tcam_key { union { struct tag_tcam_key_mem key_info; struct tag_tcam_key_ipv6_mem key_info_ipv6; }; union { struct tag_tcam_key_mem key_mask; struct tag_tcam_key_ipv6_mem key_mask_ipv6; }; }; struct hinic_fdir_rule { struct hinic_hw_fdir_mask mask; struct hinic_atr_input hinic_fdir; /* key of fdir filter */ uint8_t queue; /* queue assigned when matched */ enum hinic_fdir_mode mode; /* fdir type */ u16 tcam_index; }; /* ntuple filter list structure */ struct hinic_ntuple_filter_ele { TAILQ_ENTRY(hinic_ntuple_filter_ele) entries; struct rte_eth_ntuple_filter filter_info; }; /* ethertype filter list structure */ struct hinic_ethertype_filter_ele { TAILQ_ENTRY(hinic_ethertype_filter_ele) entries; struct rte_eth_ethertype_filter filter_info; }; /* fdir filter list structure */ struct hinic_fdir_rule_ele { TAILQ_ENTRY(hinic_fdir_rule_ele) entries; struct hinic_fdir_rule filter_info; }; struct hinic_tcam_filter { TAILQ_ENTRY(hinic_tcam_filter) entries; uint16_t index; /* tcam index */ struct tag_tcam_key tcam_key; uint16_t queue; /* rx queue assigned to */ }; struct rte_flow { enum rte_filter_type filter_type; void *rule; }; /* hinic_flow memory list structure */ struct hinic_flow_mem { TAILQ_ENTRY(hinic_flow_mem) entries; struct rte_flow *flow; }; TAILQ_HEAD(hinic_ntuple_filter_list, hinic_ntuple_filter_ele); TAILQ_HEAD(hinic_ethertype_filter_list, hinic_ethertype_filter_ele); TAILQ_HEAD(hinic_fdir_rule_filter_list, hinic_fdir_rule_ele); TAILQ_HEAD(hinic_flow_mem_list, hinic_flow_mem); extern const struct rte_flow_ops hinic_flow_ops; /* hinic nic_device */ struct hinic_nic_dev { /* hardware device */ struct hinic_hwdev *hwdev; struct hinic_txq **txqs; struct hinic_rxq **rxqs; struct rte_mempool *cpy_mpool; u16 num_qps; u16 num_sq; u16 num_rq; u16 mtu_size; u8 rss_tmpl_idx; u8 rss_indir_flag; u8 num_rss; u8 rx_queue_list[HINIC_MAX_RX_QUEUES]; bool pause_set; struct nic_pause_config nic_pause; u32 vfta[HINIC_VFTA_SIZE]; /* VLAN bitmap */ struct rte_ether_addr default_addr; struct rte_ether_addr *mc_list; /* info */ unsigned int flags; struct nic_service_cap nic_cap; u32 rx_mode_status; /* promisc or allmulticast */ pthread_mutex_t rx_mode_mutex; u32 dev_status; char proc_dev_name[HINIC_DEV_NAME_LEN]; /* PF0->COS4, PF1->COS5, PF2->COS6, PF3->COS7, * vf: the same with associate pf */ u32 default_cos; u32 rx_csum_en; struct hinic_filter_info filter; struct hinic_tcam_info tcam; struct hinic_ntuple_filter_list filter_ntuple_list; struct hinic_ethertype_filter_list filter_ethertype_list; struct hinic_fdir_rule_filter_list filter_fdir_rule_list; struct hinic_flow_mem_list hinic_flow_list; }; void hinic_free_fdir_filter(struct hinic_nic_dev *nic_dev); void hinic_destroy_fdir_filter(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); #endif /* _HINIC_PMD_ETHDEV_H_ */