# $FreeBSD$

machine		arm armv6
makeoptions	CONF_CFLAGS="-march=armv7a"

# Physical memory starts at 0x80000000.  We assume the kernel is loaded
# at 0x80100000 by u-boot (which doesn't support ubldr since it's missing
# CONFIG_API).  The kernel must be supplied as a binary since u-boot is
# also missing CONFIG_CMD_ELF.
options 	KERNVIRTADDR=0xc0100000		# Used in ldscript.arm
makeoptions	KERNVIRTADDR=0xc0100000

device		fdt_pinctrl

files		"../amlogic/aml8726/files.aml8726"

# Set all global interrupts to be edge triggered, active high.
options		GIC_DEFAULT_ICFGR_INIT=0xffffffff

options		IPI_IRQ_START=0
options		IPI_IRQ_END=15

#options 	EARLY_PRINTF
#options 	SOCDEV_PA=0xc8100000
#options 	SOCDEV_VA=0xd8100000