/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc */ #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <rte_common.h> #include <cryptodev_pmd.h> #include <rte_debug.h> #include <dev_driver.h> #include <rte_eal.h> #include <ethdev_driver.h> #include <rte_event_eth_rx_adapter.h> #include <rte_kvargs.h> #include <rte_lcore.h> #include <rte_log.h> #include <rte_malloc.h> #include <rte_memory.h> #include <bus_vdev_driver.h> #include "ssovf_evdev.h" #include "timvf_evdev.h" #include "otx_cryptodev_hw_access.h" static uint8_t timvf_enable_stats; RTE_LOG_REGISTER_DEFAULT(otx_logtype_ssovf, NOTICE); /* SSOPF Mailbox messages */ struct ssovf_mbox_dev_info { uint64_t min_deq_timeout_ns; uint64_t max_deq_timeout_ns; uint32_t max_num_events; }; static int ssovf_mbox_dev_info(struct ssovf_mbox_dev_info *info) { struct octeontx_mbox_hdr hdr = {0}; uint16_t len = sizeof(struct ssovf_mbox_dev_info); hdr.coproc = SSO_COPROC; hdr.msg = SSO_GET_DEV_INFO; hdr.vfid = 0; memset(info, 0, len); return octeontx_mbox_send(&hdr, NULL, 0, info, len); } struct ssovf_mbox_getwork_wait { uint64_t wait_ns; }; static int ssovf_mbox_getwork_tmo_set(uint32_t timeout_ns) { struct octeontx_mbox_hdr hdr = {0}; struct ssovf_mbox_getwork_wait tmo_set; uint16_t len = sizeof(struct ssovf_mbox_getwork_wait); int ret; hdr.coproc = SSO_COPROC; hdr.msg = SSO_SET_GETWORK_WAIT; hdr.vfid = 0; tmo_set.wait_ns = timeout_ns; ret = octeontx_mbox_send(&hdr, &tmo_set, len, NULL, 0); if (ret) ssovf_log_err("Failed to set getwork timeout(%d)", ret); return ret; } struct ssovf_mbox_grp_pri { uint8_t vhgrp_id; uint8_t wgt_left; /* Read only */ uint8_t weight; uint8_t affinity; uint8_t priority; }; static int ssovf_mbox_priority_set(uint8_t queue, uint8_t prio) { struct octeontx_mbox_hdr hdr = {0}; struct ssovf_mbox_grp_pri grp; uint16_t len = sizeof(struct ssovf_mbox_grp_pri); int ret; hdr.coproc = SSO_COPROC; hdr.msg = SSO_GRP_SET_PRIORITY; hdr.vfid = queue; grp.vhgrp_id = queue; grp.weight = 0xff; grp.affinity = 0xff; grp.priority = prio / 32; /* Normalize to 0 to 7 */ ret = octeontx_mbox_send(&hdr, &grp, len, NULL, 0); if (ret) ssovf_log_err("Failed to set grp=%d prio=%d", queue, prio); return ret; } struct ssovf_mbox_convert_ns_getworks_iter { uint64_t wait_ns; uint32_t getwork_iter;/* Get_work iterations for the given wait_ns */ }; static int ssovf_mbox_timeout_ticks(uint64_t ns, uint64_t *tmo_ticks) { struct octeontx_mbox_hdr hdr = {0}; struct ssovf_mbox_convert_ns_getworks_iter ns2iter; uint16_t len = sizeof(ns2iter); int ret; hdr.coproc = SSO_COPROC; hdr.msg = SSO_CONVERT_NS_GETWORK_ITER; hdr.vfid = 0; memset(&ns2iter, 0, len); ns2iter.wait_ns = ns; ret = octeontx_mbox_send(&hdr, &ns2iter, len, &ns2iter, len); if (ret < 0 || (ret != len)) { ssovf_log_err("Failed to get tmo ticks ns=%"PRId64"", ns); return -EIO; } *tmo_ticks = ns2iter.getwork_iter; return 0; } static void ssovf_info_get(struct rte_eventdev *dev, struct rte_event_dev_info *dev_info) { struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); dev_info->driver_name = RTE_STR(EVENTDEV_NAME_OCTEONTX_PMD); dev_info->min_dequeue_timeout_ns = edev->min_deq_timeout_ns; dev_info->max_dequeue_timeout_ns = edev->max_deq_timeout_ns; dev_info->max_event_queues = edev->max_event_queues; dev_info->max_event_queue_flows = (1ULL << 20); dev_info->max_event_queue_priority_levels = 8; dev_info->max_event_priority_levels = 1; dev_info->max_event_ports = edev->max_event_ports; dev_info->max_event_port_dequeue_depth = 1; dev_info->max_event_port_enqueue_depth = 1; dev_info->max_num_events = edev->max_num_events; dev_info->event_dev_cap = RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_QUEUE_QOS | RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_DISTRIBUTED_SCHED | RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_QUEUE_ALL_TYPES| RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_RUNTIME_PORT_LINK | RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_MULTIPLE_QUEUE_PORT | RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_NONSEQ_MODE | RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_CARRY_FLOW_ID | RTE_EVENT_DEV_CAP_MAINTENANCE_FREE; } static int ssovf_configure(const struct rte_eventdev *dev) { struct rte_event_dev_config *conf = &dev->data->dev_conf; struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); uint64_t deq_tmo_ns; ssovf_func_trace(); deq_tmo_ns = conf->dequeue_timeout_ns; if (deq_tmo_ns == 0) deq_tmo_ns = edev->min_deq_timeout_ns; if (conf->event_dev_cfg & RTE_EVENT_DEV_CFG_PER_DEQUEUE_TIMEOUT) { edev->is_timeout_deq = 1; deq_tmo_ns = edev->min_deq_timeout_ns; } edev->nb_event_queues = conf->nb_event_queues; edev->nb_event_ports = conf->nb_event_ports; return ssovf_mbox_getwork_tmo_set(deq_tmo_ns); } static void ssovf_queue_def_conf(struct rte_eventdev *dev, uint8_t queue_id, struct rte_event_queue_conf *queue_conf) { RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(queue_id); queue_conf->nb_atomic_flows = (1ULL << 20); queue_conf->nb_atomic_order_sequences = (1ULL << 20); queue_conf->event_queue_cfg = RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_ALL_TYPES; queue_conf->priority = RTE_EVENT_DEV_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } static void ssovf_queue_release(struct rte_eventdev *dev, uint8_t queue_id) { RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(queue_id); } static int ssovf_queue_setup(struct rte_eventdev *dev, uint8_t queue_id, const struct rte_event_queue_conf *queue_conf) { RTE_SET_USED(dev); ssovf_func_trace("queue=%d prio=%d", queue_id, queue_conf->priority); return ssovf_mbox_priority_set(queue_id, queue_conf->priority); } static void ssovf_port_def_conf(struct rte_eventdev *dev, uint8_t port_id, struct rte_event_port_conf *port_conf) { struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); RTE_SET_USED(port_id); port_conf->new_event_threshold = edev->max_num_events; port_conf->dequeue_depth = 1; port_conf->enqueue_depth = 1; port_conf->event_port_cfg = 0; } static void ssovf_port_release(void *port) { rte_free(port); } static int ssovf_port_setup(struct rte_eventdev *dev, uint8_t port_id, const struct rte_event_port_conf *port_conf) { struct ssows *ws; uint32_t reg_off; uint8_t q; struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); ssovf_func_trace("port=%d", port_id); RTE_SET_USED(port_conf); /* Free memory prior to re-allocation if needed */ if (dev->data->ports[port_id] != NULL) { ssovf_port_release(dev->data->ports[port_id]); dev->data->ports[port_id] = NULL; } /* Allocate event port memory */ ws = rte_zmalloc_socket("eventdev ssows", sizeof(struct ssows), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, dev->data->socket_id); if (ws == NULL) { ssovf_log_err("Failed to alloc memory for port=%d", port_id); return -ENOMEM; } ws->base = ssovf_bar(OCTEONTX_SSO_HWS, port_id, 0); if (ws->base == NULL) { rte_free(ws); ssovf_log_err("Failed to get hws base addr port=%d", port_id); return -EINVAL; } reg_off = SSOW_VHWS_OP_GET_WORK0; reg_off |= 1 << 4; /* Index_ggrp_mask (Use maskset zero) */ reg_off |= 1 << 16; /* Wait */ ws->getwork = ws->base + reg_off; ws->port = port_id; ws->lookup_mem = octeontx_fastpath_lookup_mem_get(); for (q = 0; q < edev->nb_event_queues; q++) { ws->grps[q] = ssovf_bar(OCTEONTX_SSO_GROUP, q, 2); if (ws->grps[q] == NULL) { rte_free(ws); ssovf_log_err("Failed to get grp%d base addr", q); return -EINVAL; } } dev->data->ports[port_id] = ws; ssovf_log_dbg("port=%d ws=%p", port_id, ws); return 0; } static int ssovf_port_link(struct rte_eventdev *dev, void *port, const uint8_t queues[], const uint8_t priorities[], uint16_t nb_links) { uint16_t link; uint64_t val; struct ssows *ws = port; ssovf_func_trace("port=%d nb_links=%d", ws->port, nb_links); RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(priorities); for (link = 0; link < nb_links; link++) { val = queues[link]; val |= (1ULL << 24); /* Set membership */ ssovf_write64(val, ws->base + SSOW_VHWS_GRPMSK_CHGX(0)); } return (int)nb_links; } static int ssovf_port_unlink(struct rte_eventdev *dev, void *port, uint8_t queues[], uint16_t nb_unlinks) { uint16_t unlink; uint64_t val; struct ssows *ws = port; ssovf_func_trace("port=%d nb_links=%d", ws->port, nb_unlinks); RTE_SET_USED(dev); for (unlink = 0; unlink < nb_unlinks; unlink++) { val = queues[unlink]; val &= ~(1ULL << 24); /* Clear membership */ ssovf_write64(val, ws->base + SSOW_VHWS_GRPMSK_CHGX(0)); } return (int)nb_unlinks; } static int ssovf_timeout_ticks(struct rte_eventdev *dev, uint64_t ns, uint64_t *tmo_ticks) { RTE_SET_USED(dev); return ssovf_mbox_timeout_ticks(ns, tmo_ticks); } static void ssows_dump(struct ssows *ws, FILE *f) { uint8_t *base = ws->base; uint64_t val; fprintf(f, "\t---------------port%d---------------\n", ws->port); val = ssovf_read64(base + SSOW_VHWS_TAG); fprintf(f, "\ttag=0x%x tt=%d head=%d tail=%d grp=%d index=%d tail=%d\n", (uint32_t)(val & 0xffffffff), (int)(val >> 32) & 0x3, (int)(val >> 34) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 35) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 36) & 0x3ff, (int)(val >> 48) & 0x3ff, (int)(val >> 63) & 0x1); val = ssovf_read64(base + SSOW_VHWS_WQP); fprintf(f, "\twqp=0x%"PRIx64"\n", val); val = ssovf_read64(base + SSOW_VHWS_LINKS); fprintf(f, "\tindex=%d valid=%d revlink=%d tail=%d head=%d grp=%d\n", (int)(val & 0x3ff), (int)(val >> 10) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 11) & 0x3ff, (int)(val >> 26) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 27) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 28) & 0x3ff); val = ssovf_read64(base + SSOW_VHWS_PENDTAG); fprintf(f, "\tptag=0x%x ptt=%d pgwi=%d pdesc=%d pgw=%d pgww=%d ps=%d\n", (uint32_t)(val & 0xffffffff), (int)(val >> 32) & 0x3, (int)(val >> 56) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 58) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 61) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 62) & 0x1, (int)(val >> 63) & 0x1); val = ssovf_read64(base + SSOW_VHWS_PENDWQP); fprintf(f, "\tpwqp=0x%"PRIx64"\n", val); } static int ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_caps_get(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, uint32_t *caps) { int ret; RTE_SET_USED(dev); ret = strncmp(eth_dev->data->name, "eth_octeontx", 12); if (ret) *caps = RTE_EVENT_ETH_RX_ADAPTER_SW_CAP; else *caps = RTE_EVENT_ETH_RX_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT; return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_queue_add(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, int32_t rx_queue_id, const struct rte_event_eth_rx_adapter_queue_conf *queue_conf) { const struct octeontx_nic *nic = eth_dev->data->dev_private; struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); uint16_t free_idx = UINT16_MAX; struct octeontx_rxq *rxq; pki_mod_qos_t pki_qos; uint8_t found = false; int i, ret = 0; void *old_ptr; ret = strncmp(eth_dev->data->name, "eth_octeontx", 12); if (ret) return -EINVAL; if (queue_conf->ev.sched_type == RTE_SCHED_TYPE_PARALLEL) return -ENOTSUP; /* eth_octeontx only supports one rq. */ rx_queue_id = rx_queue_id == -1 ? 0 : rx_queue_id; rxq = eth_dev->data->rx_queues[rx_queue_id]; /* Add rxq pool to list of used pools and reduce available events. */ for (i = 0; i < edev->rxq_pools; i++) { if (edev->rxq_pool_array[i] == (uintptr_t)rxq->pool) { edev->rxq_pool_rcnt[i]++; found = true; break; } else if (free_idx == UINT16_MAX && edev->rxq_pool_array[i] == 0) { free_idx = i; } } if (!found) { uint16_t idx; if (edev->available_events < rxq->pool->size) { ssovf_log_err( "Max available events %"PRIu32" requested events in rxq pool %"PRIu32"", edev->available_events, rxq->pool->size); return -ENOMEM; } if (free_idx != UINT16_MAX) { idx = free_idx; } else { old_ptr = edev->rxq_pool_array; edev->rxq_pools++; edev->rxq_pool_array = rte_realloc( edev->rxq_pool_array, sizeof(uint64_t) * edev->rxq_pools, 0); if (edev->rxq_pool_array == NULL) { edev->rxq_pools--; edev->rxq_pool_array = old_ptr; return -ENOMEM; } old_ptr = edev->rxq_pool_rcnt; edev->rxq_pool_rcnt = rte_realloc( edev->rxq_pool_rcnt, sizeof(uint8_t) * edev->rxq_pools, 0); if (edev->rxq_pool_rcnt == NULL) { edev->rxq_pools--; edev->rxq_pool_rcnt = old_ptr; return -ENOMEM; } idx = edev->rxq_pools - 1; } edev->rxq_pool_array[idx] = (uintptr_t)rxq->pool; edev->rxq_pool_rcnt[idx] = 1; edev->available_events -= rxq->pool->size; } memset(&pki_qos, 0, sizeof(pki_mod_qos_t)); pki_qos.port_type = 0; pki_qos.index = 0; pki_qos.mmask.f_tag_type = 1; pki_qos.mmask.f_port_add = 1; pki_qos.mmask.f_grp_ok = 1; pki_qos.mmask.f_grp_bad = 1; pki_qos.mmask.f_grptag_ok = 1; pki_qos.mmask.f_grptag_bad = 1; pki_qos.qos_entry.tag_type = queue_conf->ev.sched_type; pki_qos.qos_entry.port_add = 0; pki_qos.qos_entry.ggrp_ok = queue_conf->ev.queue_id; pki_qos.qos_entry.ggrp_bad = queue_conf->ev.queue_id; pki_qos.qos_entry.grptag_bad = 0; pki_qos.qos_entry.grptag_ok = 0; ret = octeontx_pki_port_modify_qos(nic->port_id, &pki_qos); if (ret < 0) ssovf_log_err("failed to modify QOS, port=%d, q=%d", nic->port_id, queue_conf->ev.queue_id); edev->rx_offload_flags = nic->rx_offload_flags; edev->tx_offload_flags = nic->tx_offload_flags; return ret; } static int ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_queue_del(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, int32_t rx_queue_id) { const struct octeontx_nic *nic = eth_dev->data->dev_private; struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); struct octeontx_rxq *rxq; pki_del_qos_t pki_qos; uint8_t found = false; int i, ret = 0; rx_queue_id = rx_queue_id == -1 ? 0 : rx_queue_id; rxq = eth_dev->data->rx_queues[rx_queue_id]; for (i = 0; i < edev->rxq_pools; i++) { if (edev->rxq_pool_array[i] == (uintptr_t)rxq->pool) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { edev->rxq_pool_rcnt[i]--; if (edev->rxq_pool_rcnt[i] == 0) edev->rxq_pool_array[i] = 0; edev->available_events += rxq->pool->size; } ret = strncmp(eth_dev->data->name, "eth_octeontx", 12); if (ret) return -EINVAL; pki_qos.port_type = 0; pki_qos.index = 0; memset(&pki_qos, 0, sizeof(pki_del_qos_t)); ret = octeontx_pki_port_delete_qos(nic->port_id, &pki_qos); if (ret < 0) ssovf_log_err("Failed to delete QOS port=%d, q=%d", nic->port_id, rx_queue_id); return ret; } static int ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_start(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev) { RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(eth_dev); return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_stop(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev) { RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(eth_dev); return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_caps_get(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, uint32_t *caps) { int ret; RTE_SET_USED(dev); ret = strncmp(eth_dev->data->name, "eth_octeontx", 12); if (ret) *caps = 0; else *caps = RTE_EVENT_ETH_TX_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT; return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_create(uint8_t id, const struct rte_eventdev *dev) { RTE_SET_USED(id); RTE_SET_USED(dev); return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_free(uint8_t id, const struct rte_eventdev *dev) { RTE_SET_USED(id); RTE_SET_USED(dev); return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_queue_add(uint8_t id, const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, int32_t tx_queue_id) { RTE_SET_USED(id); RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(eth_dev); RTE_SET_USED(tx_queue_id); return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_queue_del(uint8_t id, const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev, int32_t tx_queue_id) { RTE_SET_USED(id); RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(eth_dev); RTE_SET_USED(tx_queue_id); return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_start(uint8_t id, const struct rte_eventdev *dev) { RTE_SET_USED(id); RTE_SET_USED(dev); return 0; } static int ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_stop(uint8_t id, const struct rte_eventdev *dev) { RTE_SET_USED(id); RTE_SET_USED(dev); return 0; } static void ssovf_dump(struct rte_eventdev *dev, FILE *f) { struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); uint8_t port; /* Dump SSOWVF debug registers */ for (port = 0; port < edev->nb_event_ports; port++) ssows_dump(dev->data->ports[port], f); } static int ssovf_start(struct rte_eventdev *dev) { struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); struct ssows *ws; uint8_t *base; uint8_t i; ssovf_func_trace(); for (i = 0; i < edev->nb_event_ports; i++) { ws = dev->data->ports[i]; ssows_reset(ws); ws->swtag_req = 0; } for (i = 0; i < edev->nb_event_queues; i++) { /* Consume all the events through HWS0 */ ssows_flush_events(dev->data->ports[0], i, NULL, NULL); base = ssovf_bar(OCTEONTX_SSO_GROUP, i, 0); base += SSO_VHGRP_QCTL; ssovf_write64(1, base); /* Enable SSO group */ } ssovf_fastpath_fns_set(dev); return 0; } static void ssows_handle_event(void *arg, struct rte_event event) { struct rte_eventdev *dev = arg; if (dev->dev_ops->dev_stop_flush != NULL) dev->dev_ops->dev_stop_flush(dev->data->dev_id, event, dev->data->dev_stop_flush_arg); } static void ssovf_stop(struct rte_eventdev *dev) { struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); struct ssows *ws; uint8_t *base; uint8_t i; ssovf_func_trace(); for (i = 0; i < edev->nb_event_ports; i++) { ws = dev->data->ports[i]; ssows_reset(ws); ws->swtag_req = 0; } for (i = 0; i < edev->nb_event_queues; i++) { /* Consume all the events through HWS0 */ ssows_flush_events(dev->data->ports[0], i, ssows_handle_event, dev); base = ssovf_bar(OCTEONTX_SSO_GROUP, i, 0); base += SSO_VHGRP_QCTL; ssovf_write64(0, base); /* Disable SSO group */ } } static int ssovf_close(struct rte_eventdev *dev) { struct ssovf_evdev *edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(dev); uint8_t all_queues[RTE_EVENT_MAX_QUEUES_PER_DEV]; uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < edev->nb_event_queues; i++) all_queues[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < edev->nb_event_ports; i++) ssovf_port_unlink(dev, dev->data->ports[i], all_queues, edev->nb_event_queues); return 0; } static int ssovf_parsekv(const char *key __rte_unused, const char *value, void *opaque) { int *flag = opaque; *flag = !!atoi(value); return 0; } static int ssovf_timvf_caps_get(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, uint64_t flags, uint32_t *caps, const struct event_timer_adapter_ops **ops) { return timvf_timer_adapter_caps_get(dev, flags, caps, ops, timvf_enable_stats); } static int ssovf_crypto_adapter_caps_get(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_cryptodev *cdev, uint32_t *caps) { RTE_SET_USED(dev); RTE_SET_USED(cdev); *caps = RTE_EVENT_CRYPTO_ADAPTER_CAP_INTERNAL_PORT_OP_FWD | RTE_EVENT_CRYPTO_ADAPTER_CAP_SESSION_PRIVATE_DATA; return 0; } static int ssovf_crypto_adapter_qp_add(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_cryptodev *cdev, int32_t queue_pair_id, const struct rte_event_crypto_adapter_queue_conf *conf) { struct cpt_instance *qp; uint8_t qp_id; RTE_SET_USED(conf); if (queue_pair_id == -1) { for (qp_id = 0; qp_id < cdev->data->nb_queue_pairs; qp_id++) { qp = cdev->data->queue_pairs[qp_id]; qp->ca_enabled = 1; } } else { qp = cdev->data->queue_pairs[queue_pair_id]; qp->ca_enabled = 1; } ssovf_fastpath_fns_set((struct rte_eventdev *)(uintptr_t)dev); return 0; } static int ssovf_crypto_adapter_qp_del(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const struct rte_cryptodev *cdev, int32_t queue_pair_id) { struct cpt_instance *qp; uint8_t qp_id; RTE_SET_USED(dev); if (queue_pair_id == -1) { for (qp_id = 0; qp_id < cdev->data->nb_queue_pairs; qp_id++) { qp = cdev->data->queue_pairs[qp_id]; qp->ca_enabled = 0; } } else { qp = cdev->data->queue_pairs[queue_pair_id]; qp->ca_enabled = 0; } return 0; } /* Initialize and register event driver with DPDK Application */ static struct eventdev_ops ssovf_ops = { .dev_infos_get = ssovf_info_get, .dev_configure = ssovf_configure, .queue_def_conf = ssovf_queue_def_conf, .queue_setup = ssovf_queue_setup, .queue_release = ssovf_queue_release, .port_def_conf = ssovf_port_def_conf, .port_setup = ssovf_port_setup, .port_release = ssovf_port_release, .port_link = ssovf_port_link, .port_unlink = ssovf_port_unlink, .timeout_ticks = ssovf_timeout_ticks, .eth_rx_adapter_caps_get = ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_caps_get, .eth_rx_adapter_queue_add = ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_queue_add, .eth_rx_adapter_queue_del = ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_queue_del, .eth_rx_adapter_start = ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_start, .eth_rx_adapter_stop = ssovf_eth_rx_adapter_stop, .eth_tx_adapter_caps_get = ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_caps_get, .eth_tx_adapter_create = ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_create, .eth_tx_adapter_free = ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_free, .eth_tx_adapter_queue_add = ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_queue_add, .eth_tx_adapter_queue_del = ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_queue_del, .eth_tx_adapter_start = ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_start, .eth_tx_adapter_stop = ssovf_eth_tx_adapter_stop, .timer_adapter_caps_get = ssovf_timvf_caps_get, .crypto_adapter_caps_get = ssovf_crypto_adapter_caps_get, .crypto_adapter_queue_pair_add = ssovf_crypto_adapter_qp_add, .crypto_adapter_queue_pair_del = ssovf_crypto_adapter_qp_del, .dev_selftest = test_eventdev_octeontx, .dump = ssovf_dump, .dev_start = ssovf_start, .dev_stop = ssovf_stop, .dev_close = ssovf_close }; static int ssovf_vdev_probe(struct rte_vdev_device *vdev) { struct ssovf_info oinfo; struct ssovf_mbox_dev_info info; struct ssovf_evdev *edev; struct rte_eventdev *eventdev; static int ssovf_init_once; const char *name; const char *params; int ret; static const char *const args[] = { TIMVF_ENABLE_STATS_ARG, NULL }; name = rte_vdev_device_name(vdev); /* More than one instance is not supported */ if (ssovf_init_once) { ssovf_log_err("Request to create >1 %s instance", name); return -EINVAL; } params = rte_vdev_device_args(vdev); if (params != NULL && params[0] != '\0') { struct rte_kvargs *kvlist = rte_kvargs_parse(params, args); if (!kvlist) { ssovf_log_info( "Ignoring unsupported params supplied '%s'", name); } else { ret = rte_kvargs_process(kvlist, TIMVF_ENABLE_STATS_ARG, ssovf_parsekv, &timvf_enable_stats); if (ret != 0) { ssovf_log_err("%s: Error in timvf stats", name); rte_kvargs_free(kvlist); return ret; } } rte_kvargs_free(kvlist); } eventdev = rte_event_pmd_vdev_init(name, sizeof(struct ssovf_evdev), rte_socket_id()); if (eventdev == NULL) { ssovf_log_err("Failed to create eventdev vdev %s", name); return -ENOMEM; } eventdev->dev_ops = &ssovf_ops; timvf_set_eventdevice(eventdev); /* For secondary processes, the primary has done all the work */ if (rte_eal_process_type() != RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) { ssovf_fastpath_fns_set(eventdev); return 0; } octeontx_mbox_init(); ret = ssovf_info(&oinfo); if (ret) { ssovf_log_err("Failed to probe and validate ssovfs %d", ret); goto error; } edev = ssovf_pmd_priv(eventdev); edev->max_event_ports = oinfo.total_ssowvfs; edev->max_event_queues = oinfo.total_ssovfs; edev->is_timeout_deq = 0; ret = ssovf_mbox_dev_info(&info); if (ret < 0 || ret != sizeof(struct ssovf_mbox_dev_info)) { ssovf_log_err("Failed to get mbox devinfo %d", ret); goto error; } edev->min_deq_timeout_ns = info.min_deq_timeout_ns; edev->max_deq_timeout_ns = info.max_deq_timeout_ns; edev->max_num_events = info.max_num_events; edev->available_events = info.max_num_events; ssovf_log_dbg("min_deq_tmo=%" PRId64 " max_deq_tmo=%" PRId64 " max_evts=%d", info.min_deq_timeout_ns, info.max_deq_timeout_ns, info.max_num_events); if (!edev->max_event_ports || !edev->max_event_queues) { ssovf_log_err("Not enough eventdev resource queues=%d ports=%d", edev->max_event_queues, edev->max_event_ports); ret = -ENODEV; goto error; } ssovf_log_info("Initializing %s domain=%d max_queues=%d max_ports=%d", name, oinfo.domain, edev->max_event_queues, edev->max_event_ports); ssovf_init_once = 1; event_dev_probing_finish(eventdev); return 0; error: rte_event_pmd_vdev_uninit(name); return ret; } static int ssovf_vdev_remove(struct rte_vdev_device *vdev) { const char *name; name = rte_vdev_device_name(vdev); ssovf_log_info("Closing %s", name); return rte_event_pmd_vdev_uninit(name); } static struct rte_vdev_driver vdev_ssovf_pmd = { .probe = ssovf_vdev_probe, .remove = ssovf_vdev_remove }; RTE_PMD_REGISTER_VDEV(EVENTDEV_NAME_OCTEONTX_PMD, vdev_ssovf_pmd);