/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation */ #include <stdint.h> #include <rte_bus_pci.h> #include <rte_ethdev.h> #include <rte_pci.h> #include <rte_malloc.h> #include <rte_mbuf.h> #include <rte_sched.h> #include <rte_ethdev_driver.h> #include <rte_io.h> #include <rte_rawdev.h> #include <rte_rawdev_pmd.h> #include <rte_bus_ifpga.h> #include <ifpga_common.h> #include <ifpga_logs.h> #include <ifpga_rawdev.h> #include "ipn3ke_rawdev_api.h" #include "ipn3ke_flow.h" #include "ipn3ke_logs.h" #include "ipn3ke_ethdev.h" static const struct rte_afu_uuid afu_uuid_ipn3ke_map[] = { { MAP_UUID_10G_LOW, MAP_UUID_10G_HIGH }, { IPN3KE_UUID_10G_LOW, IPN3KE_UUID_10G_HIGH }, { IPN3KE_UUID_VBNG_LOW, IPN3KE_UUID_VBNG_HIGH}, { IPN3KE_UUID_25G_LOW, IPN3KE_UUID_25G_HIGH }, { 0, 0 /* sentinel */ }, }; struct ipn3ke_pub_func ipn3ke_bridge_func; static int ipn3ke_indirect_read(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw, uint32_t *rd_data, uint32_t addr, uint32_t dev_sel, uint32_t eth_group_sel) { uint32_t i, try_cnt; uint64_t indirect_value; volatile void *indirect_addrs; uint64_t target_addr; uint64_t read_data = 0; if (eth_group_sel != 0 && eth_group_sel != 1) return -1; target_addr = addr | dev_sel << 17; indirect_value = RCMD | target_addr << 32; indirect_addrs = hw->eth_group_bar[eth_group_sel] + 0x10; rte_delay_us(10); rte_write64((rte_cpu_to_le_64(indirect_value)), indirect_addrs); i = 0; try_cnt = 10; indirect_addrs = hw->eth_group_bar[eth_group_sel] + 0x18; do { read_data = rte_read64(indirect_addrs); if ((read_data >> 32) == 1) break; i++; } while (i <= try_cnt); if (i > try_cnt) return -1; *rd_data = rte_le_to_cpu_32(read_data); return 0; } static int ipn3ke_indirect_write(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw, uint32_t wr_data, uint32_t addr, uint32_t dev_sel, uint32_t eth_group_sel) { volatile void *indirect_addrs; uint64_t indirect_value; uint64_t target_addr; if (eth_group_sel != 0 && eth_group_sel != 1) return -1; target_addr = addr | dev_sel << 17; indirect_value = WCMD | target_addr << 32 | wr_data; indirect_addrs = hw->eth_group_bar[eth_group_sel] + 0x10; rte_write64((rte_cpu_to_le_64(indirect_value)), indirect_addrs); return 0; } static int ipn3ke_indirect_mac_read(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw, uint32_t *rd_data, uint32_t addr, uint32_t mac_num, uint32_t eth_group_sel) { uint32_t dev_sel; if (mac_num >= hw->port_num) return -1; mac_num &= 0x7; dev_sel = mac_num * 2 + 3; return ipn3ke_indirect_read(hw, rd_data, addr, dev_sel, eth_group_sel); } static int ipn3ke_indirect_mac_write(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw, uint32_t wr_data, uint32_t addr, uint32_t mac_num, uint32_t eth_group_sel) { uint32_t dev_sel; if (mac_num >= hw->port_num) return -1; mac_num &= 0x7; dev_sel = mac_num * 2 + 3; return ipn3ke_indirect_write(hw, wr_data, addr, dev_sel, eth_group_sel); } static void ipn3ke_hw_cap_init(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw) { hw->hw_cap.version_number = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.capability_registers_block_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x8), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.status_registers_block_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x10), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.control_registers_block_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x18), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.classify_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x20), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.classy_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x24), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.policer_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x28), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.policer_entry_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x2C), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.rss_key_array_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x30), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.rss_key_entry_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x34), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.rss_indirection_table_array_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x38), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.rss_indirection_table_entry_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x3C), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.dmac_map_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x40), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.dmac_map_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x44), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.qm_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x48), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.qm_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x4C), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.ccb_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x50), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.ccb_entry_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x54), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.qos_offset = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x58), 0, 0xFFFFFFFF); hw->hw_cap.qos_size = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, (IPN3KE_HW_BASE + 0x5C), 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.num_rx_flow = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, IPN3KE_CAPABILITY_REGISTERS_BLOCK_OFFSET, 0, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.num_rss_blocks = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, IPN3KE_CAPABILITY_REGISTERS_BLOCK_OFFSET, 4, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.num_dmac_map = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, IPN3KE_CAPABILITY_REGISTERS_BLOCK_OFFSET, 8, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.num_tx_flow = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, IPN3KE_CAPABILITY_REGISTERS_BLOCK_OFFSET, 0xC, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.num_smac_map = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, IPN3KE_CAPABILITY_REGISTERS_BLOCK_OFFSET, 0x10, 0xFFFF); hw->hw_cap.link_speed_mbps = IPN3KE_MASK_READ_REG(hw, IPN3KE_STATUS_REGISTERS_BLOCK_OFFSET, 0, 0xFFFFF); } static int ipn3ke_vbng_init_done(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw) { uint32_t timeout = 10000; while (timeout > 0) { if (IPN3KE_READ_REG(hw, IPN3KE_VBNG_INIT_STS) == IPN3KE_VBNG_INIT_DONE) break; rte_delay_us(1000); timeout--; } if (!timeout) { IPN3KE_AFU_PMD_ERR("IPN3KE vBNG INIT timeout.\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static uint32_t ipn3ke_mtu_cal(uint32_t tx, uint32_t rx) { uint32_t tmp; tmp = RTE_MIN(tx, rx); tmp = RTE_MAX(tmp, (uint32_t)RTE_ETHER_MIN_MTU); tmp = RTE_MIN(tmp, (uint32_t)(IPN3KE_MAC_FRAME_SIZE_MAX - IPN3KE_ETH_OVERHEAD)); return tmp; } static void ipn3ke_mtu_set(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw, uint32_t mac_num, uint32_t eth_group_sel, uint32_t txaddr, uint32_t rxaddr) { uint32_t tx; uint32_t rx; uint32_t tmp; if (!(*hw->f_mac_read) || !(*hw->f_mac_write)) return; (*hw->f_mac_read)(hw, &tx, txaddr, mac_num, eth_group_sel); (*hw->f_mac_read)(hw, &rx, rxaddr, mac_num, eth_group_sel); tmp = ipn3ke_mtu_cal(tx, rx); (*hw->f_mac_write)(hw, tmp, txaddr, mac_num, eth_group_sel); (*hw->f_mac_write)(hw, tmp, rxaddr, mac_num, eth_group_sel); } static void ipn3ke_10G_mtu_setup(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw, uint32_t mac_num, uint32_t eth_group_sel) { ipn3ke_mtu_set(hw, mac_num, eth_group_sel, IPN3KE_10G_TX_FRAME_MAXLENGTH, IPN3KE_10G_RX_FRAME_MAXLENGTH); } static void ipn3ke_25G_mtu_setup(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw, uint32_t mac_num, uint32_t eth_group_sel) { ipn3ke_mtu_set(hw, mac_num, eth_group_sel, IPN3KE_25G_MAX_TX_SIZE_CONFIG, IPN3KE_25G_MAX_RX_SIZE_CONFIG); } static void ipn3ke_mtu_setup(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw) { int i; if (hw->retimer.mac_type == IFPGA_RAWDEV_RETIMER_MAC_TYPE_10GE_XFI) { for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { ipn3ke_10G_mtu_setup(hw, i, 0); ipn3ke_10G_mtu_setup(hw, i, 1); } } else if (hw->retimer.mac_type == IFPGA_RAWDEV_RETIMER_MAC_TYPE_25GE_25GAUI) { for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { ipn3ke_25G_mtu_setup(hw, i, 0); ipn3ke_25G_mtu_setup(hw, i, 1); } } } static int ipn3ke_hw_init(struct rte_afu_device *afu_dev, struct ipn3ke_hw *hw) { struct rte_rawdev *rawdev; int ret; int i; uint64_t port_num, mac_type, index; rawdev = afu_dev->rawdev; hw->afu_id.uuid.uuid_low = afu_dev->id.uuid.uuid_low; hw->afu_id.uuid.uuid_high = afu_dev->id.uuid.uuid_high; hw->afu_id.port = afu_dev->id.port; hw->hw_addr = (uint8_t *)(afu_dev->mem_resource[0].addr); hw->f_mac_read = ipn3ke_indirect_mac_read; hw->f_mac_write = ipn3ke_indirect_mac_write; hw->rawdev = rawdev; rawdev->dev_ops->attr_get(rawdev, "LineSideBARIndex", &index); hw->eth_group_bar[0] = (uint8_t *)(afu_dev->mem_resource[index].addr); rawdev->dev_ops->attr_get(rawdev, "NICSideBARIndex", &index); hw->eth_group_bar[1] = (uint8_t *)(afu_dev->mem_resource[index].addr); rawdev->dev_ops->attr_get(rawdev, "LineSideLinkPortNum", &port_num); hw->retimer.port_num = (int)port_num; hw->port_num = hw->retimer.port_num; rawdev->dev_ops->attr_get(rawdev, "LineSideMACType", &mac_type); hw->retimer.mac_type = (int)mac_type; hw->acc_tm = 0; hw->acc_flow = 0; if (afu_dev->id.uuid.uuid_low == IPN3KE_UUID_VBNG_LOW && afu_dev->id.uuid.uuid_high == IPN3KE_UUID_VBNG_HIGH) { /* After power on, wait until init done */ if (ipn3ke_vbng_init_done(hw)) return -1; ipn3ke_hw_cap_init(hw); /* Reset vBNG IP */ IPN3KE_WRITE_REG(hw, IPN3KE_CTRL_RESET, 1); rte_delay_us(10); IPN3KE_WRITE_REG(hw, IPN3KE_CTRL_RESET, 0); /* After reset, wait until init done */ if (ipn3ke_vbng_init_done(hw)) return -1; hw->acc_tm = 1; hw->acc_flow = 1; IPN3KE_AFU_PMD_DEBUG("UPL_version is 0x%x\n", IPN3KE_READ_REG(hw, 0)); } if (hw->retimer.mac_type == IFPGA_RAWDEV_RETIMER_MAC_TYPE_10GE_XFI) { /* Enable inter connect channel */ for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { /* Enable the TX path */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_enable(hw, i, 1); /* Disables source address override */ ipn3ke_xmac_smac_ovd_dis(hw, i, 1); /* Enable the RX path */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_enable(hw, i, 1); /* Clear NIC side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear NIC side RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear line side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 0); /* Clear line RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 0); } } else if (hw->retimer.mac_type == IFPGA_RAWDEV_RETIMER_MAC_TYPE_25GE_25GAUI) { /* Enable inter connect channel */ for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { /* Clear NIC side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear NIC side RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear line side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 0); /* Clear line side RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 0); } } /* init mtu */ ipn3ke_mtu_setup(hw); ret = rte_eth_switch_domain_alloc(&hw->switch_domain_id); if (ret) IPN3KE_AFU_PMD_WARN("failed to allocate switch domain for device %d", ret); hw->tm_hw_enable = 0; hw->flow_hw_enable = 0; if (afu_dev->id.uuid.uuid_low == IPN3KE_UUID_VBNG_LOW && afu_dev->id.uuid.uuid_high == IPN3KE_UUID_VBNG_HIGH) { ret = ipn3ke_hw_tm_init(hw); if (ret) return ret; hw->tm_hw_enable = 1; ret = ipn3ke_flow_init(hw); if (ret) return ret; hw->flow_hw_enable = 1; } return 0; } static void ipn3ke_hw_uninit(struct ipn3ke_hw *hw) { int i; if (hw->retimer.mac_type == IFPGA_RAWDEV_RETIMER_MAC_TYPE_10GE_XFI) { for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { /* Disable the TX path */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_disable(hw, i, 1); /* Disable the RX path */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_disable(hw, i, 1); /* Clear NIC side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear NIC side RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear line side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 0); /* Clear line side RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_10G_stcs(hw, i, 0); } } else if (hw->retimer.mac_type == IFPGA_RAWDEV_RETIMER_MAC_TYPE_25GE_25GAUI) { for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { /* Clear NIC side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear NIC side RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 1); /* Clear line side TX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_tx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 0); /* Clear line side RX statistics counters */ ipn3ke_xmac_rx_clr_25G_stcs(hw, i, 0); } } } static int ipn3ke_vswitch_probe(struct rte_afu_device *afu_dev) { char name[RTE_ETH_NAME_MAX_LEN]; struct ipn3ke_hw *hw; struct rte_eth_dev *i40e_eth; struct ifpga_rawdev *ifpga_dev; uint16_t port_id; int i, j, retval; char *fvl_bdf; /* check if the AFU device has been probed already */ /* allocate shared mcp_vswitch structure */ if (!afu_dev->shared.data) { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "net_%s_hw", afu_dev->device.name); hw = rte_zmalloc_socket(name, sizeof(struct ipn3ke_hw), RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, afu_dev->device.numa_node); if (!hw) { IPN3KE_AFU_PMD_ERR("failed to allocate hardwart data"); retval = -ENOMEM; return -ENOMEM; } afu_dev->shared.data = hw; rte_spinlock_init(&afu_dev->shared.lock); } else { hw = afu_dev->shared.data; } retval = ipn3ke_hw_init(afu_dev, hw); if (retval) return retval; if (ipn3ke_bridge_func.get_ifpga_rawdev == NULL) return -ENOMEM; ifpga_dev = ipn3ke_bridge_func.get_ifpga_rawdev(hw->rawdev); if (!ifpga_dev) IPN3KE_AFU_PMD_ERR("failed to find ifpga_device."); /* probe representor ports */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { struct ipn3ke_rpst rpst = { .port_id = i, .switch_domain_id = hw->switch_domain_id, .hw = hw }; /* representor port net_bdf_port */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "net_%s_representor_%d", afu_dev->device.name, i); for (; j < 8; j++) { fvl_bdf = ifpga_dev->fvl_bdf[j]; retval = rte_eth_dev_get_port_by_name(fvl_bdf, &port_id); if (retval) { continue; } else { i40e_eth = &rte_eth_devices[port_id]; rpst.i40e_pf_eth = i40e_eth; rpst.i40e_pf_eth_port_id = port_id; j++; break; } } retval = rte_eth_dev_create(&afu_dev->device, name, sizeof(struct ipn3ke_rpst), NULL, NULL, ipn3ke_rpst_init, &rpst); if (retval) IPN3KE_AFU_PMD_ERR("failed to create ipn3ke representor %s.", name); } return 0; } static int ipn3ke_vswitch_remove(struct rte_afu_device *afu_dev) { char name[RTE_ETH_NAME_MAX_LEN]; struct ipn3ke_hw *hw; struct rte_eth_dev *ethdev; int i, ret; hw = afu_dev->shared.data; /* remove representor ports */ for (i = 0; i < hw->port_num; i++) { /* representor port net_bdf_port */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "net_%s_representor_%d", afu_dev->device.name, i); ethdev = rte_eth_dev_allocated(afu_dev->device.name); if (ethdev != NULL) rte_eth_dev_destroy(ethdev, ipn3ke_rpst_uninit); } ret = rte_eth_switch_domain_free(hw->switch_domain_id); if (ret) IPN3KE_AFU_PMD_WARN("failed to free switch domain: %d", ret); /* hw uninit*/ ipn3ke_hw_uninit(hw); return 0; } static struct rte_afu_driver afu_ipn3ke_driver = { .id_table = afu_uuid_ipn3ke_map, .probe = ipn3ke_vswitch_probe, .remove = ipn3ke_vswitch_remove, }; RTE_PMD_REGISTER_AFU(net_ipn3ke_afu, afu_ipn3ke_driver); RTE_LOG_REGISTER(ipn3ke_afu_logtype, pmd.afu.ipn3ke, NOTICE);