/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 * Copyright(c) 2001-2020 Intel Corporation

#ifndef _E1000_VF_H_
#define _E1000_VF_H_

#include "e1000_osdep.h"
#include "e1000_regs.h"
#include "e1000_defines.h"

struct e1000_hw;

#define E1000_DEV_ID_82576_VF		0x10CA
#define E1000_DEV_ID_I350_VF		0x1520

#define E1000_VF_INIT_TIMEOUT		200 /* Num of retries to clear RSTI */

/* Additional Descriptor Control definitions */
#define E1000_TXDCTL_QUEUE_ENABLE	0x02000000 /* Ena specific Tx Queue */
#define E1000_RXDCTL_QUEUE_ENABLE	0x02000000 /* Ena specific Rx Queue */

/* SRRCTL bit definitions */
#define E1000_SRRCTL(_n)	((_n) < 4 ? (0x0280C + ((_n) * 0x100)) : \
				 (0x0C00C + ((_n) * 0x40)))
#define E1000_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_SHIFT		10 /* Shift _right_ */
#define E1000_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDRSIZE_MASK		0x00000F00
#define E1000_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDRSIZE_SHIFT		2  /* Shift _left_ */
#define E1000_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_LEGACY		0x00000000
#define E1000_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_ADV_ONEBUF	0x02000000
#define E1000_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_HDR_SPLIT		0x04000000
#define E1000_SRRCTL_DESCTYPE_MASK		0x0E000000
#define E1000_SRRCTL_DROP_EN			0x80000000

#define E1000_SRRCTL_BSIZEPKT_MASK	0x0000007F
#define E1000_SRRCTL_BSIZEHDR_MASK	0x00003F00

/* Interrupt Defines */
#define E1000_EICR		0x01580 /* Ext. Interrupt Cause Read - R/clr */
#define E1000_EITR(_n)		(0x01680 + ((_n) << 2))
#define E1000_EICS		0x01520 /* Ext. Intr Cause Set -W0 */
#define E1000_EIMS		0x01524 /* Ext. Intr Mask Set/Read -RW */
#define E1000_EIMC		0x01528 /* Ext. Intr Mask Clear -WO */
#define E1000_EIAC		0x0152C /* Ext. Intr Auto Clear -RW */
#define E1000_EIAM		0x01530 /* Ext. Intr Ack Auto Clear Mask -RW */
#define E1000_IVAR0		0x01700 /* Intr Vector Alloc (array) -RW */
#define E1000_IVAR_MISC		0x01740 /* IVAR for "other" causes -RW */
#define E1000_IVAR_VALID	0x80

/* Receive Descriptor - Advanced */
union e1000_adv_rx_desc {
	struct {
		u64 pkt_addr; /* Packet buffer address */
		u64 hdr_addr; /* Header buffer address */
	} read;
	struct {
		struct {
			union {
				u32 data;
				struct {
					/* RSS type, Packet type */
					u16 pkt_info;
					/* Split Header, header buffer len */
					u16 hdr_info;
				} hs_rss;
			} lo_dword;
			union {
				u32 rss; /* RSS Hash */
				struct {
					u16 ip_id; /* IP id */
					u16 csum; /* Packet Checksum */
				} csum_ip;
			} hi_dword;
		} lower;
		struct {
			u32 status_error; /* ext status/error */
			u16 length; /* Packet length */
			u16 vlan; /* VLAN tag */
		} upper;
	} wb;  /* writeback */


/* Transmit Descriptor - Advanced */
union e1000_adv_tx_desc {
	struct {
		u64 buffer_addr;    /* Address of descriptor's data buf */
		u32 cmd_type_len;
		u32 olinfo_status;
	} read;
	struct {
		u64 rsvd;       /* Reserved */
		u32 nxtseq_seed;
		u32 status;
	} wb;

/* Adv Transmit Descriptor Config Masks */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DTYP_CTXT	0x00200000 /* Advanced Context Descriptor */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DTYP_DATA	0x00300000 /* Advanced Data Descriptor */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_EOP	0x01000000 /* End of Packet */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_IFCS	0x02000000 /* Insert FCS (Ethernet CRC) */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_RS	0x08000000 /* Report Status */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_DEXT	0x20000000 /* Descriptor extension (1=Adv) */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_VLE	0x40000000 /* VLAN pkt enable */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_TSE	0x80000000 /* TCP Seg enable */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_PAYLEN_SHIFT	14 /* Adv desc PAYLEN shift */

/* Context descriptors */
struct e1000_adv_tx_context_desc {
	u32 vlan_macip_lens;
	u32 seqnum_seed;
	u32 type_tucmd_mlhl;
	u32 mss_l4len_idx;

#define E1000_ADVTXD_MACLEN_SHIFT	9  /* Adv ctxt desc mac len shift */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_TUCMD_IPV4		0x00000400  /* IP Packet Type: 1=IPv4 */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_TUCMD_L4T_TCP	0x00000800  /* L4 Packet TYPE of TCP */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_L4LEN_SHIFT	8  /* Adv ctxt L4LEN shift */
#define E1000_ADVTXD_MSS_SHIFT		16  /* Adv ctxt MSS shift */

enum e1000_mac_type {
	e1000_undefined = 0,
	e1000_num_macs  /* List is 1-based, so subtract 1 for true count. */

struct e1000_vf_stats {
	u64 base_gprc;
	u64 base_gptc;
	u64 base_gorc;
	u64 base_gotc;
	u64 base_mprc;
	u64 base_gotlbc;
	u64 base_gptlbc;
	u64 base_gorlbc;
	u64 base_gprlbc;

	u32 last_gprc;
	u32 last_gptc;
	u32 last_gorc;
	u32 last_gotc;
	u32 last_mprc;
	u32 last_gotlbc;
	u32 last_gptlbc;
	u32 last_gorlbc;
	u32 last_gprlbc;

	u64 gprc;
	u64 gptc;
	u64 gorc;
	u64 gotc;
	u64 mprc;
	u64 gotlbc;
	u64 gptlbc;
	u64 gorlbc;
	u64 gprlbc;

#include "e1000_mbx.h"

struct e1000_mac_operations {
	/* Function pointers for the MAC. */
	s32  (*init_params)(struct e1000_hw *);
	s32  (*check_for_link)(struct e1000_hw *);
	void (*clear_vfta)(struct e1000_hw *);
	s32  (*get_bus_info)(struct e1000_hw *);
	s32  (*get_link_up_info)(struct e1000_hw *, u16 *, u16 *);
	void (*update_mc_addr_list)(struct e1000_hw *, u8 *, u32);
	s32  (*reset_hw)(struct e1000_hw *);
	s32  (*init_hw)(struct e1000_hw *);
	s32  (*setup_link)(struct e1000_hw *);
	void (*write_vfta)(struct e1000_hw *, u32, u32);
	int  (*rar_set)(struct e1000_hw *, u8*, u32);
	s32  (*read_mac_addr)(struct e1000_hw *);

struct e1000_mac_info {
	struct e1000_mac_operations ops;
	u8 addr[6];
	u8 perm_addr[6];

	enum e1000_mac_type type;

	u16 mta_reg_count;
	u16 rar_entry_count;

	bool get_link_status;

struct e1000_mbx_operations {
	s32 (*init_params)(struct e1000_hw *hw);
	s32 (*read)(struct e1000_hw *, u32 *, u16,  u16);
	s32 (*write)(struct e1000_hw *, u32 *, u16, u16);
	s32 (*read_posted)(struct e1000_hw *, u32 *, u16,  u16);
	s32 (*write_posted)(struct e1000_hw *, u32 *, u16, u16);
	s32 (*check_for_msg)(struct e1000_hw *, u16);
	s32 (*check_for_ack)(struct e1000_hw *, u16);
	s32 (*check_for_rst)(struct e1000_hw *, u16);

struct e1000_mbx_stats {
	u32 msgs_tx;
	u32 msgs_rx;

	u32 acks;
	u32 reqs;
	u32 rsts;

struct e1000_mbx_info {
	struct e1000_mbx_operations ops;
	struct e1000_mbx_stats stats;
	u32 timeout;
	u32 usec_delay;
	u16 size;

struct e1000_dev_spec_vf {
	u32 vf_number;
	u32 v2p_mailbox;

struct e1000_hw {
	void *back;

	u8 *hw_addr;
	u8 *flash_address;
	unsigned long io_base;

	struct e1000_mac_info  mac;
	struct e1000_mbx_info mbx;

	union {
		struct e1000_dev_spec_vf vf;
	} dev_spec;

	u16 device_id;
	u16 subsystem_vendor_id;
	u16 subsystem_device_id;
	u16 vendor_id;

	u8  revision_id;

enum e1000_promisc_type {
	e1000_promisc_disabled = 0,   /* all promisc modes disabled */
	e1000_promisc_unicast = 1,    /* unicast promiscuous enabled */
	e1000_promisc_multicast = 2,  /* multicast promiscuous enabled */
	e1000_promisc_enabled = 3,    /* both uni and multicast promisc */

/* These functions must be implemented by drivers */
s32  e1000_read_pcie_cap_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 reg, u16 *value);
void e1000_vfta_set_vf(struct e1000_hw *, u16, bool);
void e1000_rlpml_set_vf(struct e1000_hw *, u16);
s32 e1000_promisc_set_vf(struct e1000_hw *, enum e1000_promisc_type);
#endif /* _E1000_VF_H_ */