# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation # Copyright(c) 2023 PANTHEON.tech s.r.o. """ Base class for creating DTS test cases. """ import importlib import inspect import re from ipaddress import IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface, ip_interface from types import MethodType from typing import Union from scapy.layers.inet import IP # type: ignore[import] from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether # type: ignore[import] from scapy.packet import Packet, Padding # type: ignore[import] from .exception import ( BlockingTestSuiteError, ConfigurationError, SSHTimeoutError, TestCaseVerifyError, ) from .logger import DTSLOG, getLogger from .settings import SETTINGS from .test_result import BuildTargetResult, Result, TestCaseResult, TestSuiteResult from .testbed_model import SutNode, TGNode from .testbed_model.hw.port import Port, PortLink from .utils import get_packet_summaries class TestSuite(object): """ The base TestSuite class provides methods for handling basic flow of a test suite: * test case filtering and collection * test suite setup/cleanup * test setup/cleanup * test case execution * error handling and results storage Test cases are implemented by derived classes. Test cases are all methods starting with test_, further divided into performance test cases (starting with test_perf_) and functional test cases (all other test cases). By default, all test cases will be executed. A list of testcase str names may be specified in conf.yaml or on the command line to filter which test cases to run. The methods named [set_up|tear_down]_[suite|test_case] should be overridden in derived classes if the appropriate suite/test case fixtures are needed. """ sut_node: SutNode is_blocking = False _logger: DTSLOG _test_cases_to_run: list[str] _func: bool _result: TestSuiteResult _port_links: list[PortLink] _sut_port_ingress: Port _sut_port_egress: Port _sut_ip_address_ingress: Union[IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface] _sut_ip_address_egress: Union[IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface] _tg_port_ingress: Port _tg_port_egress: Port _tg_ip_address_ingress: Union[IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface] _tg_ip_address_egress: Union[IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface] def __init__( self, sut_node: SutNode, tg_node: TGNode, test_cases: list[str], func: bool, build_target_result: BuildTargetResult, ): self.sut_node = sut_node self.tg_node = tg_node self._logger = getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._test_cases_to_run = test_cases self._test_cases_to_run.extend(SETTINGS.test_cases) self._func = func self._result = build_target_result.add_test_suite(self.__class__.__name__) self._port_links = [] self._process_links() self._sut_port_ingress, self._tg_port_egress = ( self._port_links[0].sut_port, self._port_links[0].tg_port, ) self._sut_port_egress, self._tg_port_ingress = ( self._port_links[1].sut_port, self._port_links[1].tg_port, ) self._sut_ip_address_ingress = ip_interface("") self._sut_ip_address_egress = ip_interface("") self._tg_ip_address_egress = ip_interface("") self._tg_ip_address_ingress = ip_interface("") def _process_links(self) -> None: for sut_port in self.sut_node.ports: for tg_port in self.tg_node.ports: if (sut_port.identifier, sut_port.peer) == ( tg_port.peer, tg_port.identifier, ): self._port_links.append(PortLink(sut_port=sut_port, tg_port=tg_port)) def set_up_suite(self) -> None: """ Set up test fixtures common to all test cases; this is done before any test case is run. """ def tear_down_suite(self) -> None: """ Tear down the previously created test fixtures common to all test cases. """ def set_up_test_case(self) -> None: """ Set up test fixtures before each test case. """ def tear_down_test_case(self) -> None: """ Tear down the previously created test fixtures after each test case. """ def configure_testbed_ipv4(self, restore: bool = False) -> None: delete = True if restore else False enable = False if restore else True self._configure_ipv4_forwarding(enable) self.sut_node.configure_port_ip_address( self._sut_ip_address_egress, self._sut_port_egress, delete ) self.sut_node.configure_port_state(self._sut_port_egress, enable) self.sut_node.configure_port_ip_address( self._sut_ip_address_ingress, self._sut_port_ingress, delete ) self.sut_node.configure_port_state(self._sut_port_ingress, enable) self.tg_node.configure_port_ip_address( self._tg_ip_address_ingress, self._tg_port_ingress, delete ) self.tg_node.configure_port_state(self._tg_port_ingress, enable) self.tg_node.configure_port_ip_address( self._tg_ip_address_egress, self._tg_port_egress, delete ) self.tg_node.configure_port_state(self._tg_port_egress, enable) def _configure_ipv4_forwarding(self, enable: bool) -> None: self.sut_node.configure_ipv4_forwarding(enable) def send_packet_and_capture(self, packet: Packet, duration: float = 1) -> list[Packet]: """ Send a packet through the appropriate interface and receive on the appropriate interface. Modify the packet with l3/l2 addresses corresponding to the testbed and desired traffic. """ packet = self._adjust_addresses(packet) return self.tg_node.send_packet_and_capture( packet, self._tg_port_egress, self._tg_port_ingress, duration ) def get_expected_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> Packet: return self._adjust_addresses(packet, expected=True) def _adjust_addresses(self, packet: Packet, expected: bool = False) -> Packet: """ Assumptions: Two links between SUT and TG, one link is TG -> SUT, the other SUT -> TG. """ if expected: # The packet enters the TG from SUT # update l2 addresses packet.src = self._sut_port_egress.mac_address packet.dst = self._tg_port_ingress.mac_address # The packet is routed from TG egress to TG ingress # update l3 addresses packet.payload.src = self._tg_ip_address_egress.ip.exploded packet.payload.dst = self._tg_ip_address_ingress.ip.exploded else: # The packet leaves TG towards SUT # update l2 addresses packet.src = self._tg_port_egress.mac_address packet.dst = self._sut_port_ingress.mac_address # The packet is routed from TG egress to TG ingress # update l3 addresses packet.payload.src = self._tg_ip_address_egress.ip.exploded packet.payload.dst = self._tg_ip_address_ingress.ip.exploded return Ether(packet.build()) def verify(self, condition: bool, failure_description: str) -> None: if not condition: self._fail_test_case_verify(failure_description) def _fail_test_case_verify(self, failure_description: str) -> None: self._logger.debug("A test case failed, showing the last 10 commands executed on SUT:") for command_res in self.sut_node.main_session.remote_session.history[-10:]: self._logger.debug(command_res.command) self._logger.debug("A test case failed, showing the last 10 commands executed on TG:") for command_res in self.tg_node.main_session.remote_session.history[-10:]: self._logger.debug(command_res.command) raise TestCaseVerifyError(failure_description) def verify_packets(self, expected_packet: Packet, received_packets: list[Packet]) -> None: for received_packet in received_packets: if self._compare_packets(expected_packet, received_packet): break else: self._logger.debug( f"The expected packet {get_packet_summaries(expected_packet)} " f"not found among received {get_packet_summaries(received_packets)}" ) self._fail_test_case_verify("An expected packet not found among received packets.") def _compare_packets(self, expected_packet: Packet, received_packet: Packet) -> bool: self._logger.debug( f"Comparing packets: \n{expected_packet.summary()}\n{received_packet.summary()}" ) l3 = IP in expected_packet.layers() self._logger.debug("Found l3 layer") received_payload = received_packet expected_payload = expected_packet while received_payload and expected_payload: self._logger.debug("Comparing payloads:") self._logger.debug(f"Received: {received_payload}") self._logger.debug(f"Expected: {expected_payload}") if received_payload.__class__ == expected_payload.__class__: self._logger.debug("The layers are the same.") if received_payload.__class__ == Ether: if not self._verify_l2_frame(received_payload, l3): return False elif received_payload.__class__ == IP: if not self._verify_l3_packet(received_payload, expected_payload): return False else: # Different layers => different packets return False received_payload = received_payload.payload expected_payload = expected_payload.payload if expected_payload: self._logger.debug(f"The expected packet did not contain {expected_payload}.") return False if received_payload and received_payload.__class__ != Padding: self._logger.debug("The received payload had extra layers which were not padding.") return False return True def _verify_l2_frame(self, received_packet: Ether, l3: bool) -> bool: self._logger.debug("Looking at the Ether layer.") self._logger.debug( f"Comparing received dst mac '{received_packet.dst}' " f"with expected '{self._tg_port_ingress.mac_address}'." ) if received_packet.dst != self._tg_port_ingress.mac_address: return False expected_src_mac = self._tg_port_egress.mac_address if l3: expected_src_mac = self._sut_port_egress.mac_address self._logger.debug( f"Comparing received src mac '{received_packet.src}' " f"with expected '{expected_src_mac}'." ) if received_packet.src != expected_src_mac: return False return True def _verify_l3_packet(self, received_packet: IP, expected_packet: IP) -> bool: self._logger.debug("Looking at the IP layer.") if received_packet.src != expected_packet.src or received_packet.dst != expected_packet.dst: return False return True def run(self) -> None: """ Setup, execute and teardown the whole suite. Suite execution consists of running all test cases scheduled to be executed. A test cast run consists of setup, execution and teardown of said test case. """ test_suite_name = self.__class__.__name__ try: self._logger.info(f"Starting test suite setup: {test_suite_name}") self.set_up_suite() self._result.update_setup(Result.PASS) self._logger.info(f"Test suite setup successful: {test_suite_name}") except Exception as e: self._logger.exception(f"Test suite setup ERROR: {test_suite_name}") self._result.update_setup(Result.ERROR, e) else: self._execute_test_suite() finally: try: self.tear_down_suite() self.sut_node.kill_cleanup_dpdk_apps() self._result.update_teardown(Result.PASS) except Exception as e: self._logger.exception(f"Test suite teardown ERROR: {test_suite_name}") self._logger.warning( f"Test suite '{test_suite_name}' teardown failed, " f"the next test suite may be affected." ) self._result.update_setup(Result.ERROR, e) if len(self._result.get_errors()) > 0 and self.is_blocking: raise BlockingTestSuiteError(test_suite_name) def _execute_test_suite(self) -> None: """ Execute all test cases scheduled to be executed in this suite. """ if self._func: for test_case_method in self._get_functional_test_cases(): test_case_name = test_case_method.__name__ test_case_result = self._result.add_test_case(test_case_name) all_attempts = SETTINGS.re_run + 1 attempt_nr = 1 self._run_test_case(test_case_method, test_case_result) while not test_case_result and attempt_nr < all_attempts: attempt_nr += 1 self._logger.info( f"Re-running FAILED test case '{test_case_name}'. " f"Attempt number {attempt_nr} out of {all_attempts}." ) self._run_test_case(test_case_method, test_case_result) def _get_functional_test_cases(self) -> list[MethodType]: """ Get all functional test cases. """ return self._get_test_cases(r"test_(?!perf_)") def _get_test_cases(self, test_case_regex: str) -> list[MethodType]: """ Return a list of test cases matching test_case_regex. """ self._logger.debug(f"Searching for test cases in {self.__class__.__name__}.") filtered_test_cases = [] for test_case_name, test_case in inspect.getmembers(self, inspect.ismethod): if self._should_be_executed(test_case_name, test_case_regex): filtered_test_cases.append(test_case) cases_str = ", ".join((x.__name__ for x in filtered_test_cases)) self._logger.debug(f"Found test cases '{cases_str}' in {self.__class__.__name__}.") return filtered_test_cases def _should_be_executed(self, test_case_name: str, test_case_regex: str) -> bool: """ Check whether the test case should be executed. """ match = bool(re.match(test_case_regex, test_case_name)) if self._test_cases_to_run: return match and test_case_name in self._test_cases_to_run return match def _run_test_case( self, test_case_method: MethodType, test_case_result: TestCaseResult ) -> None: """ Setup, execute and teardown a test case in this suite. Exceptions are caught and recorded in logs and results. """ test_case_name = test_case_method.__name__ try: # run set_up function for each case self.set_up_test_case() test_case_result.update_setup(Result.PASS) except SSHTimeoutError as e: self._logger.exception(f"Test case setup FAILED: {test_case_name}") test_case_result.update_setup(Result.FAIL, e) except Exception as e: self._logger.exception(f"Test case setup ERROR: {test_case_name}") test_case_result.update_setup(Result.ERROR, e) else: # run test case if setup was successful self._execute_test_case(test_case_method, test_case_result) finally: try: self.tear_down_test_case() test_case_result.update_teardown(Result.PASS) except Exception as e: self._logger.exception(f"Test case teardown ERROR: {test_case_name}") self._logger.warning( f"Test case '{test_case_name}' teardown failed, " f"the next test case may be affected." ) test_case_result.update_teardown(Result.ERROR, e) test_case_result.update(Result.ERROR) def _execute_test_case( self, test_case_method: MethodType, test_case_result: TestCaseResult ) -> None: """ Execute one test case and handle failures. """ test_case_name = test_case_method.__name__ try: self._logger.info(f"Starting test case execution: {test_case_name}") test_case_method() test_case_result.update(Result.PASS) self._logger.info(f"Test case execution PASSED: {test_case_name}") except TestCaseVerifyError as e: self._logger.exception(f"Test case execution FAILED: {test_case_name}") test_case_result.update(Result.FAIL, e) except Exception as e: self._logger.exception(f"Test case execution ERROR: {test_case_name}") test_case_result.update(Result.ERROR, e) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._logger.error(f"Test case execution INTERRUPTED by user: {test_case_name}") test_case_result.update(Result.SKIP) raise KeyboardInterrupt("Stop DTS") def get_test_suites(testsuite_module_path: str) -> list[type[TestSuite]]: def is_test_suite(object) -> bool: try: if issubclass(object, TestSuite) and object is not TestSuite: return True except TypeError: return False return False try: testcase_module = importlib.import_module(testsuite_module_path) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ConfigurationError(f"Test suite '{testsuite_module_path}' not found.") from e return [ test_suite_class for _, test_suite_class in inspect.getmembers(testcase_module, is_test_suite) ]