#include "svr4_assym.h" /* system definitions */ #include <machine/asmacros.h> /* miscellaneous asm macros */ #include <compat/svr4/svr4_syscall.h> /* system call numbers */ /* $FreeBSD$ */ NON_GPROF_ENTRY(svr4_sigcode) call *SVR4_SIGF_HANDLER(%esp) leal SVR4_SIGF_UC(%esp),%eax /* ucp (the call may have clobbered the copy at SIGF_UCP(%esp)) */ #ifdef VM86 #warning "VM86 doesn't work yet - do you really want this?" testl $PSL_VM,SVR4_UC_EFLAGS(%eax) jnz 1f #endif mov SVR4_UC_GS(%eax),%gs 1: pushl %eax # pointer to ucontext pushl $1 # set context movl $svr4_sys_context,%eax int $0x80 # enter kernel with args on stack 0: jmp 0b ALIGN_TEXT svr4_esigcode: .data .globl svr4_szsigcode svr4_szsigcode: .long svr4_esigcode - svr4_sigcode .text