/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM INC. MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * cvmx-l2d-defs.h * * Configuration and status register (CSR) type definitions for * Octeon l2d. * * This file is auto generated. Do not edit. * * <hr>$Revision$<hr> * */ #ifndef __CVMX_L2D_DEFS_H__ #define __CVMX_L2D_DEFS_H__ #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_BST0 CVMX_L2D_BST0_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_BST0_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_BST0 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000780ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_BST0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000780ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_BST1 CVMX_L2D_BST1_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_BST1_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_BST1 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000788ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_BST1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000788ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_BST2 CVMX_L2D_BST2_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_BST2_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_BST2 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000790ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_BST2 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000790ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_BST3 CVMX_L2D_BST3_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_BST3_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_BST3 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000798ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_BST3 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000798ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_ERR CVMX_L2D_ERR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_ERR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_ERR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000010ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_ERR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000010ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_FADR CVMX_L2D_FADR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_FADR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_FADR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000018ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_FADR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000018ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_FSYN0 CVMX_L2D_FSYN0_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_FSYN0_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_FSYN0 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000020ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_FSYN0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000020ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_FSYN1 CVMX_L2D_FSYN1_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_FSYN1_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_FSYN1 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000028ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_FSYN1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001180080000028ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_FUS0 CVMX_L2D_FUS0_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_FUS0_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_FUS0 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007A0ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_FUS0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007A0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_FUS1 CVMX_L2D_FUS1_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_FUS1_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_FUS1 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007A8ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_FUS1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007A8ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_FUS2 CVMX_L2D_FUS2_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_FUS2_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_FUS2 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007B0ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_FUS2 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007B0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_L2D_FUS3 CVMX_L2D_FUS3_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_L2D_FUS3_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN3XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN5XXX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_L2D_FUS3 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007B8ull); } #else #define CVMX_L2D_FUS3 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00011800800007B8ull)) #endif /** * cvmx_l2d_bst0 * * L2D_BST0 = L2C Data Store QUAD0 BIST Status Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_bst0 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_35_63 : 29; uint64_t ftl : 1; /**< L2C Data Store Fatal Defect(across all QUADs) 2 or more columns were detected bad across all QUADs[0-3]. Please refer to individual quad failures for bad column = 0x7e to determine which QUAD was in error. */ uint64_t q0stat : 34; /**< Bist Results for QUAD0 Failure \#1 Status [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Status [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column NOTES: For bad high/low column reporting: 0x7f: No failure 0x7e: Fatal Defect: 2 or more bad columns 0-0x45: Bad column NOTE: If there are less than 2 failures then the bad bank will be 0x7. */ #else uint64_t q0stat : 34; uint64_t ftl : 1; uint64_t reserved_35_63 : 29; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst0_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_bst0 cvmx_l2d_bst0_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_bst1 * * L2D_BST1 = L2C Data Store QUAD1 BIST Status Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_bst1 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; uint64_t q1stat : 34; /**< Bist Results for QUAD1 Failure \#1 Status [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Status [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column NOTES: For bad high/low column reporting: 0x7f: No failure 0x7e: Fatal Defect: 2 or more bad columns 0-0x45: Bad column NOTE: If there are less than 2 failures then the bad bank will be 0x7. */ #else uint64_t q1stat : 34; uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst1_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_bst1 cvmx_l2d_bst1_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_bst2 * * L2D_BST2 = L2C Data Store QUAD2 BIST Status Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_bst2 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; uint64_t q2stat : 34; /**< Bist Results for QUAD2 Failure \#1 Status [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Status [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column NOTES: For bad high/low column reporting: 0x7f: No failure 0x7e: Fatal Defect: 2 or more bad columns 0-0x45: Bad column NOTE: If there are less than 2 failures then the bad bank will be 0x7. */ #else uint64_t q2stat : 34; uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst2_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_bst2 cvmx_l2d_bst2_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_bst3 * * L2D_BST3 = L2C Data Store QUAD3 BIST Status Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_bst3 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; uint64_t q3stat : 34; /**< Bist Results for QUAD3 Failure \#1 Status [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Status [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column NOTES: For bad high/low column reporting: 0x7f: No failure 0x7e: Fatal Defect: 2 or more bad columns 0-0x45: Bad column NOTE: If there are less than 2 failures then the bad bank will be 0x7. */ #else uint64_t q3stat : 34; uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_bst3_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_bst3 cvmx_l2d_bst3_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_err * * L2D_ERR = L2 Data Errors * * Description: L2 Data ECC SEC/DED Errors and Interrupt Enable */ union cvmx_l2d_err { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_6_63 : 58; uint64_t bmhclsel : 1; /**< L2 Bit Map Half CacheLine ECC Selector When L2C_DBG[L2T]=1/L2D_ERR[ECC_ENA]=0, the BMHCLSEL selects which half cacheline to conditionally latch into the L2D_FSYN0/L2D_FSYN1 registers when an LDD command is detected from the diagnostic PP (see L2C_DBG[PPNUM]). - 0: OW[0-3] ECC (from first 1/2 cacheline) is selected to be conditionally latched into the L2D_FSYN0/1 CSRs. - 1: OW[4-7] ECC (from last 1/2 cacheline) is selected to be conditionally latched into the L2D_FSYN0/1 CSRs. */ uint64_t ded_err : 1; /**< L2D Double Error detected (DED) */ uint64_t sec_err : 1; /**< L2D Single Error corrected (SEC) */ uint64_t ded_intena : 1; /**< L2 Data ECC Double Error Detect(DED) Interrupt Enable bit When set, allows interrupts to be reported on double bit (uncorrectable) errors from the L2 Data Arrays. */ uint64_t sec_intena : 1; /**< L2 Data ECC Single Error Correct(SEC) Interrupt Enable bit When set, allows interrupts to be reported on single bit (correctable) errors from the L2 Data Arrays. */ uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; /**< L2 Data ECC Enable When set, enables 10-bit SEC/DED codeword for 128bit L2 Data Arrays. */ #else uint64_t ecc_ena : 1; uint64_t sec_intena : 1; uint64_t ded_intena : 1; uint64_t sec_err : 1; uint64_t ded_err : 1; uint64_t bmhclsel : 1; uint64_t reserved_6_63 : 58; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_err_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_err cvmx_l2d_err_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_fadr * * L2D_FADR = L2 Failing Address * * Description: L2 Data ECC SEC/DED Failing Address * * Notes: * When L2D_SEC_ERR or L2D_DED_ERR are set, this field contains the failing L2 Data store index. * (A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ union cvmx_l2d_fadr { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_19_63 : 45; uint64_t fadru : 1; /**< Failing L2 Data Store Upper Index bit(MSB) */ uint64_t fowmsk : 4; /**< Failing OW Mask (which one of 4 OWs contained SEC/DED error) */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing SET# */ uint64_t fadr : 11; /**< Failing L2 Data Store Lower Index bits (NOTE: L2 Data Store Index is for each 1/2 cacheline) [FADRU, FADR[10:1]]: cacheline index[17:7] FADR[0]: 1/2 cacheline index NOTE: FADR[1] is used to select between upper/lower 1MB physical L2 Data Store banks. */ #else uint64_t fadr : 11; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; uint64_t fadru : 1; uint64_t reserved_19_63 : 45; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_cn30xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; /**< Failing OW Mask (which one of 4 OWs contained SEC/DED error) */ uint64_t reserved_13_13 : 1; uint64_t fset : 2; /**< Failing SET# */ uint64_t reserved_9_10 : 2; uint64_t fadr : 9; /**< Failing L2 Data Store Index(1of512 = 1/2 CL address) */ #else uint64_t fadr : 9; uint64_t reserved_9_10 : 2; uint64_t fset : 2; uint64_t reserved_13_13 : 1; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; #endif } cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_cn31xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; /**< Failing OW Mask (which one of 4 OWs contained SEC/DED error) */ uint64_t reserved_13_13 : 1; uint64_t fset : 2; /**< Failing SET# */ uint64_t reserved_10_10 : 1; uint64_t fadr : 10; /**< Failing L2 Data Store Index (1 of 1024 = half cacheline indices) */ #else uint64_t fadr : 10; uint64_t reserved_10_10 : 1; uint64_t fset : 2; uint64_t reserved_13_13 : 1; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; #endif } cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_cn38xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; /**< Failing OW Mask (which one of 4 OWs contained SEC/DED error) */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing SET# */ uint64_t fadr : 11; /**< Failing L2 Data Store Index (1of2K = 1/2 CL address) */ #else uint64_t fadr : 11; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; #endif } cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_cn38xx cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_cn50xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; /**< Failing OW Mask (which one of 4 OWs contained SEC/DED error) */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing SET# */ uint64_t reserved_8_10 : 3; uint64_t fadr : 8; /**< Failing L2 Data Store Lower Index bits (NOTE: L2 Data Store Index is for each 1/2 cacheline) FADR[7:1]: cacheline index[13:7] FADR[0]: 1/2 cacheline index */ #else uint64_t fadr : 8; uint64_t reserved_8_10 : 3; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; #endif } cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_cn52xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; /**< Failing OW Mask (which one of 4 OWs contained SEC/DED error) */ uint64_t fset : 3; /**< Failing SET# */ uint64_t reserved_10_10 : 1; uint64_t fadr : 10; /**< Failing L2 Data Store Lower Index bits (NOTE: L2 Data Store Index is for each 1/2 cacheline) FADR[9:1]: cacheline index[15:7] FADR[0]: 1/2 cacheline index */ #else uint64_t fadr : 10; uint64_t reserved_10_10 : 1; uint64_t fset : 3; uint64_t fowmsk : 4; uint64_t reserved_18_63 : 46; #endif } cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_cn52xx cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fadr_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_fadr cvmx_l2d_fadr_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_fsyn0 * * L2D_FSYN0 = L2 Failing Syndrome [OW0,4 / OW1,5] * * Description: L2 Data ECC SEC/DED Failing Syndrome for lower cache line * * Notes: * When L2D_SEC_ERR or L2D_DED_ERR are set, this field contains the failing L2 Data ECC 10b syndrome. * (A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ union cvmx_l2d_fsyn0 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; uint64_t fsyn_ow1 : 10; /**< Failing L2 Data Store SYNDROME OW[1,5] When L2D_ERR[ECC_ENA]=1 and either L2D_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2D_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, this field represents the failing OWECC syndrome for the half cacheline indexed by L2D_FADR[FADR]. NOTE: The L2D_FADR[FOWMSK] further qualifies which OW lane(1of4) detected the error. When L2C_DBG[L2T]=1 and L2D_ERR[ECC_ENA]=0, an LDD command from the diagnostic PP will conditionally latch the raw OWECC for the selected half cacheline. (see: L2D_ERR[BMHCLSEL] */ uint64_t fsyn_ow0 : 10; /**< Failing L2 Data Store SYNDROME OW[0,4] When L2D_ERR[ECC_ENA]=1 and either L2D_ERR[SEC_ERR] or L2D_ERR[DED_ERR] are set, this field represents the failing OWECC syndrome for the half cacheline indexed by L2D_FADR[FADR]. NOTE: The L2D_FADR[FOWMSK] further qualifies which OW lane(1of4) detected the error. When L2C_DBG[L2T]=1 and L2D_ERR[ECC_ENA]=0, an LDD (L1 load-miss) from the diagnostic PP will conditionally latch the raw OWECC for the selected half cacheline. (see: L2D_ERR[BMHCLSEL] */ #else uint64_t fsyn_ow0 : 10; uint64_t fsyn_ow1 : 10; uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_fsyn0 cvmx_l2d_fsyn0_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_fsyn1 * * L2D_FSYN1 = L2 Failing Syndrome [OW2,6 / OW3,7] * * Description: L2 Data ECC SEC/DED Failing Syndrome for upper cache line * * Notes: * When L2D_SEC_ERR or L2D_DED_ERR are set, this field contains the failing L2 Data ECC 10b syndrome. * (A DED Error will always overwrite a SEC Error SYNDROME and FADR). */ union cvmx_l2d_fsyn1 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; uint64_t fsyn_ow3 : 10; /**< Failing L2 Data Store SYNDROME OW[3,7] */ uint64_t fsyn_ow2 : 10; /**< Failing L2 Data Store SYNDROME OW[2,5] */ #else uint64_t fsyn_ow2 : 10; uint64_t fsyn_ow3 : 10; uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_fsyn1 cvmx_l2d_fsyn1_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_fus0 * * L2D_FUS0 = L2C Data Store QUAD0 Fuse Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_fus0 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; uint64_t q0fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD0 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuse are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q0fus : 34; uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus0_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_fus0 cvmx_l2d_fus0_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_fus1 * * L2D_FUS1 = L2C Data Store QUAD1 Fuse Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_fus1 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; uint64_t q1fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD1 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuse are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q1fus : 34; uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus1_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_fus1 cvmx_l2d_fus1_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_fus2 * * L2D_FUS2 = L2C Data Store QUAD2 Fuse Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_fus2 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; uint64_t q2fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD2 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuse are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q2fus : 34; uint64_t reserved_34_63 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus2_s cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_fus2 cvmx_l2d_fus2_t; /** * cvmx_l2d_fus3 * * L2D_FUS3 = L2C Data Store QUAD3 Fuse Register * */ union cvmx_l2d_fus3 { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; /**< L2 Data Store EMA Control These bits are used to 'observe' the EMA[1:0] inputs for the L2 Data Store RAMs which are controlled by either FUSES[141:140] or by MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] CSR. From poweron (dc_ok), the EMA_CTL are driven from FUSE[141:140]. However after the 1st CSR write to the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] bits, the EMA_CTL will source from the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] register permanently (until dc_ok). */ uint64_t reserved_34_36 : 3; uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t reserved_34_36 : 3; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn30xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_35_63 : 29; uint64_t crip_64k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. */ uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:15] UNUSED [14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:32] UNUSED [31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t crip_64k : 1; uint64_t reserved_35_63 : 29; #endif } cn30xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn31xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_35_63 : 29; uint64_t crip_128k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. */ uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:15] UNUSED [14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:32] UNUSED [31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t crip_128k : 1; uint64_t reserved_35_63 : 29; #endif } cn31xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn38xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_36_63 : 28; uint64_t crip_256k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. *** NOTE: Pass2 Addition */ uint64_t crip_512k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. *** NOTE: Pass2 Addition */ uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t crip_512k : 1; uint64_t crip_256k : 1; uint64_t reserved_36_63 : 28; #endif } cn38xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn38xx cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn50xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; /**< L2 Data Store EMA Control These bits are used to 'observe' the EMA[2:0] inputs for the L2 Data Store RAMs which are controlled by either FUSES[142:140] or by MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] CSR. From poweron (dc_ok), the EMA_CTL are driven from FUSE[141:140]. However after the 1st CSR write to the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] bits, the EMA_CTL will source from the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] register permanently (until dc_ok). */ uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t crip_32k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. */ uint64_t crip_64k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. */ uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] UNUSED (5020 uses single physical bank per quad) [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] UNUSED (5020 uses single physical bank per quad) [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t crip_64k : 1; uint64_t crip_32k : 1; uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; #endif } cn50xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn52xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; /**< L2 Data Store EMA Control These bits are used to 'observe' the EMA[2:0] inputs for the L2 Data Store RAMs which are controlled by either FUSES[142:140] or by MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] CSR. From poweron (dc_ok), the EMA_CTL are driven from FUSE[141:140]. However after the 1st CSR write to the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] bits, the EMA_CTL will source from the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] register permanently (until dc_ok). */ uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t crip_128k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. */ uint64_t crip_256k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. */ uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] UNUSED (5020 uses single physical bank per quad) [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] UNUSED (5020 uses single physical bank per quad) [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t crip_256k : 1; uint64_t crip_128k : 1; uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; #endif } cn52xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn52xx cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn56xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; /**< L2 Data Store EMA Control These bits are used to 'observe' the EMA[2:0] inputs for the L2 Data Store RAMs which are controlled by either FUSES[142:140] or by MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] CSR. From poweron (dc_ok), the EMA_CTL are driven from FUSE[141:140]. However after the 1st CSR write to the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] bits, the EMA_CTL will source from the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] register permanently (until dc_ok). */ uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t crip_512k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. *** NOTE: Pass2 Addition */ uint64_t crip_1024k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. *** NOTE: Pass2 Addition */ uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t crip_1024k : 1; uint64_t crip_512k : 1; uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t ema_ctl : 3; uint64_t reserved_40_63 : 24; #endif } cn56xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn56xx cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn58xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_39_63 : 25; uint64_t ema_ctl : 2; /**< L2 Data Store EMA Control These bits are used to 'observe' the EMA[1:0] inputs for the L2 Data Store RAMs which are controlled by either FUSES[141:140] or by MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] CSR. From poweron (dc_ok), the EMA_CTL are driven from FUSE[141:140]. However after the 1st CSR write to the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] bits, the EMA_CTL will source from the MIO_FUSE_EMA[EMA] register permanently (until dc_ok). */ uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t crip_512k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. *** NOTE: Pass2 Addition */ uint64_t crip_1024k : 1; /**< This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. If the FUSE is not-blown, then this bit should read as 0. If the FUSE is blown, then this bit should read as 1. *** NOTE: Pass2 Addition */ uint64_t q3fus : 34; /**< Fuse Register for QUAD3 This is purely for debug and not needed in the general manufacturing flow. Note that the fuses are complementary (Assigning a fuse to 1 will read as a zero). This means the case where no fuses are blown result in these csr's showing all ones. Failure \#1 Fuse Mapping [16:14] bad bank [13:7] bad high column [6:0] bad low column Failure \#2 Fuse Mapping [33:31] bad bank [30:24] bad high column [23:17] bad low column */ #else uint64_t q3fus : 34; uint64_t crip_1024k : 1; uint64_t crip_512k : 1; uint64_t reserved_36_36 : 1; uint64_t ema_ctl : 2; uint64_t reserved_39_63 : 25; #endif } cn58xx; struct cvmx_l2d_fus3_cn58xx cn58xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_l2d_fus3 cvmx_l2d_fus3_t; #endif