/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sched.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <rte_errno.h> #include <rte_lcore.h> #include <rte_log.h> #include <rte_memory.h> #include <rte_trace_point.h> #include "eal_internal_cfg.h" #include "eal_private.h" #include "eal_thread.h" #include "eal_trace.h" RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(unsigned int, _lcore_id) = LCORE_ID_ANY; RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(int, _thread_id) = -1; static RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(unsigned int, _socket_id) = (unsigned int)SOCKET_ID_ANY; static RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(rte_cpuset_t, _cpuset); unsigned rte_socket_id(void) { return RTE_PER_LCORE(_socket_id); } static int eal_cpuset_socket_id(rte_cpuset_t *cpusetp) { unsigned cpu = 0; int socket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY; int sid; if (cpusetp == NULL) return SOCKET_ID_ANY; do { if (!CPU_ISSET(cpu, cpusetp)) continue; if (socket_id == SOCKET_ID_ANY) socket_id = eal_cpu_socket_id(cpu); sid = eal_cpu_socket_id(cpu); if (socket_id != sid) { socket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY; break; } } while (++cpu < CPU_SETSIZE); return socket_id; } static void thread_update_affinity(rte_cpuset_t *cpusetp) { unsigned int lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); /* store socket_id in TLS for quick access */ RTE_PER_LCORE(_socket_id) = eal_cpuset_socket_id(cpusetp); /* store cpuset in TLS for quick access */ memmove(&RTE_PER_LCORE(_cpuset), cpusetp, sizeof(rte_cpuset_t)); if (lcore_id != (unsigned)LCORE_ID_ANY) { /* EAL thread will update lcore_config */ lcore_config[lcore_id].socket_id = RTE_PER_LCORE(_socket_id); memmove(&lcore_config[lcore_id].cpuset, cpusetp, sizeof(rte_cpuset_t)); } } int rte_thread_set_affinity(rte_cpuset_t *cpusetp) { if (pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(rte_cpuset_t), cpusetp) != 0) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "pthread_setaffinity_np failed\n"); return -1; } thread_update_affinity(cpusetp); return 0; } void rte_thread_get_affinity(rte_cpuset_t *cpusetp) { assert(cpusetp); memmove(cpusetp, &RTE_PER_LCORE(_cpuset), sizeof(rte_cpuset_t)); } int eal_thread_dump_affinity(rte_cpuset_t *cpuset, char *str, unsigned int size) { unsigned cpu; int ret; unsigned int out = 0; for (cpu = 0; cpu < CPU_SETSIZE; cpu++) { if (!CPU_ISSET(cpu, cpuset)) continue; ret = snprintf(str + out, size - out, "%u,", cpu); if (ret < 0 || (unsigned)ret >= size - out) { /* string will be truncated */ ret = -1; goto exit; } out += ret; } ret = 0; exit: /* remove the last separator */ if (out > 0) str[out - 1] = '\0'; return ret; } int eal_thread_dump_current_affinity(char *str, unsigned int size) { rte_cpuset_t cpuset; rte_thread_get_affinity(&cpuset); return eal_thread_dump_affinity(&cpuset, str, size); } void __rte_thread_init(unsigned int lcore_id, rte_cpuset_t *cpuset) { /* set the lcore ID in per-lcore memory area */ RTE_PER_LCORE(_lcore_id) = lcore_id; /* acquire system unique id */ rte_gettid(); thread_update_affinity(cpuset); __rte_trace_mem_per_thread_alloc(); } void __rte_thread_uninit(void) { trace_mem_per_thread_free(); RTE_PER_LCORE(_lcore_id) = LCORE_ID_ANY; } enum __rte_ctrl_thread_status { CTRL_THREAD_LAUNCHING, /* Yet to call pthread_create function */ CTRL_THREAD_RUNNING, /* Control thread is running successfully */ CTRL_THREAD_ERROR /* Control thread encountered an error */ }; struct rte_thread_ctrl_params { void *(*start_routine)(void *); void *arg; int ret; /* Control thread status. * If the status is CTRL_THREAD_ERROR, 'ret' has the error code. */ enum __rte_ctrl_thread_status ctrl_thread_status; }; static void *ctrl_thread_init(void *arg) { struct internal_config *internal_conf = eal_get_internal_configuration(); rte_cpuset_t *cpuset = &internal_conf->ctrl_cpuset; struct rte_thread_ctrl_params *params = arg; void *(*start_routine)(void *) = params->start_routine; void *routine_arg = params->arg; __rte_thread_init(rte_lcore_id(), cpuset); params->ret = pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(*cpuset), cpuset); if (params->ret != 0) { __atomic_store_n(¶ms->ctrl_thread_status, CTRL_THREAD_ERROR, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); return NULL; } __atomic_store_n(¶ms->ctrl_thread_status, CTRL_THREAD_RUNNING, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); return start_routine(routine_arg); } int rte_ctrl_thread_create(pthread_t *thread, const char *name, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg) { struct rte_thread_ctrl_params *params; enum __rte_ctrl_thread_status ctrl_thread_status; int ret; params = malloc(sizeof(*params)); if (!params) return -ENOMEM; params->start_routine = start_routine; params->arg = arg; params->ret = 0; params->ctrl_thread_status = CTRL_THREAD_LAUNCHING; ret = pthread_create(thread, attr, ctrl_thread_init, (void *)params); if (ret != 0) { free(params); return -ret; } if (name != NULL) { ret = rte_thread_setname(*thread, name); if (ret < 0) RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, "Cannot set name for ctrl thread\n"); } /* Wait for the control thread to initialize successfully */ while ((ctrl_thread_status = __atomic_load_n(¶ms->ctrl_thread_status, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)) == CTRL_THREAD_LAUNCHING) { /* Yield the CPU. Using sched_yield call requires maintaining * another implementation for Windows as sched_yield is not * supported on Windows. */ rte_delay_us_sleep(1); } /* Check if the control thread encountered an error */ if (ctrl_thread_status == CTRL_THREAD_ERROR) { /* ctrl thread is exiting */ pthread_join(*thread, NULL); } ret = params->ret; free(params); return -ret; } int rte_thread_register(void) { unsigned int lcore_id; rte_cpuset_t cpuset; /* EAL init flushes all lcores, we can't register before. */ if (eal_get_internal_configuration()->init_complete != 1) { RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, "Called %s before EAL init.\n", __func__); rte_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (!rte_mp_disable()) { RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Multiprocess in use, registering non-EAL threads is not supported.\n"); rte_errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (pthread_getaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpuset), &cpuset) != 0) CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); lcore_id = eal_lcore_non_eal_allocate(); if (lcore_id >= RTE_MAX_LCORE) lcore_id = LCORE_ID_ANY; __rte_thread_init(lcore_id, &cpuset); if (lcore_id == LCORE_ID_ANY) { rte_errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, "Registered non-EAL thread as lcore %u.\n", lcore_id); return 0; } void rte_thread_unregister(void) { unsigned int lcore_id = rte_lcore_id(); if (lcore_id != LCORE_ID_ANY) eal_lcore_non_eal_release(lcore_id); __rte_thread_uninit(); if (lcore_id != LCORE_ID_ANY) RTE_LOG(DEBUG, EAL, "Unregistered non-EAL thread (was lcore %u).\n", lcore_id); }