/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation */ #include #include "sw_evdev.h" #include "iq_chunk.h" enum xstats_type { /* common stats */ rx, tx, dropped, inflight, calls, credits, /* device instance specific */ no_iq_enq, no_cq_enq, sched_last_iter_bitmask, sched_progress_last_iter, /* port_specific */ rx_used, rx_free, tx_used, tx_free, pkt_cycles, poll_return, /* for zero-count and used also for port bucket loop */ /* qid_specific */ iq_used, /* qid port mapping specific */ pinned, pkts, /* note: qid-to-port pkts */ }; typedef uint64_t (*xstats_fn)(const struct sw_evdev *dev, uint16_t obj_idx, /* port or queue id */ enum xstats_type stat, int extra_arg); struct sw_xstats_entry { struct rte_event_dev_xstats_name name; xstats_fn fn; uint16_t obj_idx; enum xstats_type stat; enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode; int extra_arg; uint8_t reset_allowed; /* when set, this value can be reset */ uint64_t reset_value; /* an offset to be taken away to emulate resets */ }; static uint64_t get_dev_stat(const struct sw_evdev *sw, uint16_t obj_idx __rte_unused, enum xstats_type type, int extra_arg __rte_unused) { switch (type) { case rx: return sw->stats.rx_pkts; case tx: return sw->stats.tx_pkts; case dropped: return sw->stats.rx_dropped; case calls: return sw->sched_called; case no_iq_enq: return sw->sched_no_iq_enqueues; case no_cq_enq: return sw->sched_no_cq_enqueues; case sched_last_iter_bitmask: return sw->sched_last_iter_bitmask; case sched_progress_last_iter: return sw->sched_progress_last_iter; default: return -1; } } static uint64_t get_port_stat(const struct sw_evdev *sw, uint16_t obj_idx, enum xstats_type type, int extra_arg __rte_unused) { const struct sw_port *p = &sw->ports[obj_idx]; switch (type) { case rx: return p->stats.rx_pkts; case tx: return p->stats.tx_pkts; case dropped: return p->stats.rx_dropped; case inflight: return p->inflights; case pkt_cycles: return p->avg_pkt_ticks; case calls: return p->total_polls; case credits: return p->inflight_credits; case poll_return: return p->zero_polls; case rx_used: return rte_event_ring_count(p->rx_worker_ring); case rx_free: return rte_event_ring_free_count(p->rx_worker_ring); case tx_used: return rte_event_ring_count(p->cq_worker_ring); case tx_free: return rte_event_ring_free_count(p->cq_worker_ring); default: return -1; } } static uint64_t get_port_bucket_stat(const struct sw_evdev *sw, uint16_t obj_idx, enum xstats_type type, int extra_arg) { const struct sw_port *p = &sw->ports[obj_idx]; switch (type) { case poll_return: return p->poll_buckets[extra_arg]; default: return -1; } } static uint64_t get_qid_stat(const struct sw_evdev *sw, uint16_t obj_idx, enum xstats_type type, int extra_arg __rte_unused) { const struct sw_qid *qid = &sw->qids[obj_idx]; switch (type) { case rx: return qid->stats.rx_pkts; case tx: return qid->stats.tx_pkts; case dropped: return qid->stats.rx_dropped; case inflight: do { uint64_t infl = 0; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(qid->fids); i++) infl += qid->fids[i].pcount; return infl; } while (0); break; default: return -1; } } static uint64_t get_qid_iq_stat(const struct sw_evdev *sw, uint16_t obj_idx, enum xstats_type type, int extra_arg) { const struct sw_qid *qid = &sw->qids[obj_idx]; const int iq_idx = extra_arg; switch (type) { case iq_used: return iq_count(&qid->iq[iq_idx]); default: return -1; } } static uint64_t get_qid_port_stat(const struct sw_evdev *sw, uint16_t obj_idx, enum xstats_type type, int extra_arg) { const struct sw_qid *qid = &sw->qids[obj_idx]; uint16_t port = extra_arg; switch (type) { case pinned: do { uint64_t pin = 0; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(qid->fids); i++) if (qid->fids[i].cq == port) pin++; return pin; } while (0); break; case pkts: return qid->to_port[port]; default: return -1; } } int sw_xstats_init(struct sw_evdev *sw) { /* * define the stats names and types. Used to build up the device * xstats array * There are multiple set of stats: * - device-level, * - per-port, * - per-port-dequeue-burst-sizes * - per-qid, * - per-iq * - per-port-per-qid * * For each of these sets, we have three parallel arrays, one for the * names, the other for the stat type parameter to be passed in the fn * call to get that stat. The third array allows resetting or not. * All these arrays must be kept in sync */ static const char * const dev_stats[] = { "rx", "tx", "drop", "sched_calls", "sched_no_iq_enq", "sched_no_cq_enq", "sched_last_iter_bitmask", "sched_progress_last_iter", }; static const enum xstats_type dev_types[] = { rx, tx, dropped, calls, no_iq_enq, no_cq_enq, sched_last_iter_bitmask, sched_progress_last_iter, }; /* all device stats are allowed to be reset */ static const char * const port_stats[] = {"rx", "tx", "drop", "inflight", "avg_pkt_cycles", "credits", "rx_ring_used", "rx_ring_free", "cq_ring_used", "cq_ring_free", "dequeue_calls", "dequeues_returning_0", }; static const enum xstats_type port_types[] = { rx, tx, dropped, inflight, pkt_cycles, credits, rx_used, rx_free, tx_used, tx_free, calls, poll_return, }; static const uint8_t port_reset_allowed[] = {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, }; static const char * const port_bucket_stats[] = { "dequeues_returning" }; static const enum xstats_type port_bucket_types[] = { poll_return }; /* all bucket dequeues are allowed to be reset, handled in loop below */ static const char * const qid_stats[] = {"rx", "tx", "drop", "inflight" }; static const enum xstats_type qid_types[] = { rx, tx, dropped, inflight }; static const uint8_t qid_reset_allowed[] = {1, 1, 1, 0 }; static const char * const qid_iq_stats[] = { "used" }; static const enum xstats_type qid_iq_types[] = { iq_used }; /* reset allowed */ static const char * const qid_port_stats[] = { "pinned_flows", "packets" }; static const enum xstats_type qid_port_types[] = { pinned, pkts }; static const uint8_t qid_port_reset_allowed[] = {0, 1}; /* reset allowed */ /* ---- end of stat definitions ---- */ /* check sizes, since a missed comma can lead to strings being * joined by the compiler. */ RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(dev_stats) != RTE_DIM(dev_types)); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(port_stats) != RTE_DIM(port_types)); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(qid_stats) != RTE_DIM(qid_types)); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(qid_iq_stats) != RTE_DIM(qid_iq_types)); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(qid_port_stats) != RTE_DIM(qid_port_types)); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(port_bucket_stats) != RTE_DIM(port_bucket_types)); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(port_stats) != RTE_DIM(port_reset_allowed)); RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(RTE_DIM(qid_stats) != RTE_DIM(qid_reset_allowed)); /* other vars */ const uint32_t cons_bkt_shift = (MAX_SW_CONS_Q_DEPTH >> SW_DEQ_STAT_BUCKET_SHIFT); const unsigned int count = RTE_DIM(dev_stats) + sw->port_count * RTE_DIM(port_stats) + sw->port_count * RTE_DIM(port_bucket_stats) * (cons_bkt_shift + 1) + sw->qid_count * RTE_DIM(qid_stats) + sw->qid_count * SW_IQS_MAX * RTE_DIM(qid_iq_stats) + sw->qid_count * sw->port_count * RTE_DIM(qid_port_stats); unsigned int i, port, qid, iq, bkt, stat = 0; sw->xstats = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, sizeof(sw->xstats[0]) * count, 0, sw->data->socket_id); if (sw->xstats == NULL) return -ENOMEM; #define sname sw->xstats[stat].name.name for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(dev_stats); i++, stat++) { sw->xstats[stat] = (struct sw_xstats_entry){ .fn = get_dev_stat, .stat = dev_types[i], .mode = RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_DEVICE, .reset_allowed = 1, }; snprintf(sname, sizeof(sname), "dev_%s", dev_stats[i]); } sw->xstats_count_mode_dev = stat; for (port = 0; port < sw->port_count; port++) { sw->xstats_offset_for_port[port] = stat; uint32_t count_offset = stat; for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(port_stats); i++, stat++) { sw->xstats[stat] = (struct sw_xstats_entry){ .fn = get_port_stat, .obj_idx = port, .stat = port_types[i], .mode = RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_PORT, .reset_allowed = port_reset_allowed[i], }; snprintf(sname, sizeof(sname), "port_%u_%s", port, port_stats[i]); } for (bkt = 0; bkt < (rte_event_ring_get_capacity( sw->ports[port].cq_worker_ring) >> SW_DEQ_STAT_BUCKET_SHIFT) + 1; bkt++) { for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(port_bucket_stats); i++) { sw->xstats[stat] = (struct sw_xstats_entry){ .fn = get_port_bucket_stat, .obj_idx = port, .stat = port_bucket_types[i], .mode = RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_PORT, .extra_arg = bkt, .reset_allowed = 1, }; snprintf(sname, sizeof(sname), "port_%u_%s_%u-%u", port, port_bucket_stats[i], (bkt << SW_DEQ_STAT_BUCKET_SHIFT) + 1, (bkt + 1) << SW_DEQ_STAT_BUCKET_SHIFT); stat++; } } sw->xstats_count_per_port[port] = stat - count_offset; } sw->xstats_count_mode_port = stat - sw->xstats_count_mode_dev; for (qid = 0; qid < sw->qid_count; qid++) { uint32_t count_offset = stat; sw->xstats_offset_for_qid[qid] = stat; for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(qid_stats); i++, stat++) { sw->xstats[stat] = (struct sw_xstats_entry){ .fn = get_qid_stat, .obj_idx = qid, .stat = qid_types[i], .mode = RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_QUEUE, .reset_allowed = qid_reset_allowed[i], }; snprintf(sname, sizeof(sname), "qid_%u_%s", qid, qid_stats[i]); } for (iq = 0; iq < SW_IQS_MAX; iq++) for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(qid_iq_stats); i++, stat++) { sw->xstats[stat] = (struct sw_xstats_entry){ .fn = get_qid_iq_stat, .obj_idx = qid, .stat = qid_iq_types[i], .mode = RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_QUEUE, .extra_arg = iq, .reset_allowed = 0, }; snprintf(sname, sizeof(sname), "qid_%u_iq_%u_%s", qid, iq, qid_iq_stats[i]); } for (port = 0; port < sw->port_count; port++) for (i = 0; i < RTE_DIM(qid_port_stats); i++, stat++) { sw->xstats[stat] = (struct sw_xstats_entry){ .fn = get_qid_port_stat, .obj_idx = qid, .stat = qid_port_types[i], .mode = RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_QUEUE, .extra_arg = port, .reset_allowed = qid_port_reset_allowed[i], }; snprintf(sname, sizeof(sname), "qid_%u_port_%u_%s", qid, port, qid_port_stats[i]); } sw->xstats_count_per_qid[qid] = stat - count_offset; } sw->xstats_count_mode_queue = stat - (sw->xstats_count_mode_dev + sw->xstats_count_mode_port); #undef sname sw->xstats_count = stat; return stat; } int sw_xstats_uninit(struct sw_evdev *sw) { rte_free(sw->xstats); sw->xstats_count = 0; return 0; } int sw_xstats_get_names(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode, uint8_t queue_port_id, struct rte_event_dev_xstats_name *xstats_names, uint64_t *ids, unsigned int size) { const struct sw_evdev *sw = sw_pmd_priv_const(dev); unsigned int i; unsigned int xidx = 0; uint32_t xstats_mode_count = 0; uint32_t start_offset = 0; switch (mode) { case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_DEVICE: xstats_mode_count = sw->xstats_count_mode_dev; break; case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_PORT: if (queue_port_id >= (signed int)sw->port_count) break; xstats_mode_count = sw->xstats_count_per_port[queue_port_id]; start_offset = sw->xstats_offset_for_port[queue_port_id]; break; case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_QUEUE: if (queue_port_id >= (signed int)sw->qid_count) break; xstats_mode_count = sw->xstats_count_per_qid[queue_port_id]; start_offset = sw->xstats_offset_for_qid[queue_port_id]; break; default: SW_LOG_ERR("Invalid mode received in sw_xstats_get_names()\n"); return -EINVAL; }; if (xstats_mode_count > size || !ids || !xstats_names) return xstats_mode_count; for (i = 0; i < sw->xstats_count && xidx < size; i++) { if (sw->xstats[i].mode != mode) continue; if (mode != RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_DEVICE && queue_port_id != sw->xstats[i].obj_idx) continue; xstats_names[xidx] = sw->xstats[i].name; if (ids) ids[xidx] = start_offset + xidx; xidx++; } return xidx; } static int sw_xstats_update(struct sw_evdev *sw, enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode, uint8_t queue_port_id, const uint64_t ids[], uint64_t values[], unsigned int n, const uint32_t reset, const uint32_t ret_if_n_lt_nstats) { unsigned int i; unsigned int xidx = 0; RTE_SET_USED(mode); RTE_SET_USED(queue_port_id); uint32_t xstats_mode_count = 0; switch (mode) { case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_DEVICE: xstats_mode_count = sw->xstats_count_mode_dev; break; case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_PORT: if (queue_port_id >= (signed int)sw->port_count) goto invalid_value; xstats_mode_count = sw->xstats_count_per_port[queue_port_id]; break; case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_QUEUE: if (queue_port_id >= (signed int)sw->qid_count) goto invalid_value; xstats_mode_count = sw->xstats_count_per_qid[queue_port_id]; break; default: SW_LOG_ERR("Invalid mode received in sw_xstats_get()\n"); goto invalid_value; }; /* this function can check num stats and return them (xstats_get() style * behaviour) or ignore n for reset() of a single stat style behaviour. */ if (ret_if_n_lt_nstats && xstats_mode_count > n) return xstats_mode_count; for (i = 0; i < n && xidx < xstats_mode_count; i++) { struct sw_xstats_entry *xs = &sw->xstats[ids[i]]; if (ids[i] > sw->xstats_count || xs->mode != mode) continue; if (mode != RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_DEVICE && queue_port_id != xs->obj_idx) continue; uint64_t val = xs->fn(sw, xs->obj_idx, xs->stat, xs->extra_arg) - xs->reset_value; if (values) values[xidx] = val; if (xs->reset_allowed && reset) xs->reset_value += val; xidx++; } return xidx; invalid_value: return -EINVAL; } int sw_xstats_get(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode, uint8_t queue_port_id, const uint64_t ids[], uint64_t values[], unsigned int n) { struct sw_evdev *sw = sw_pmd_priv(dev); const uint32_t reset = 0; const uint32_t ret_n_lt_stats = 0; return sw_xstats_update(sw, mode, queue_port_id, ids, values, n, reset, ret_n_lt_stats); } uint64_t sw_xstats_get_by_name(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const char *name, uint64_t *id) { const struct sw_evdev *sw = sw_pmd_priv_const(dev); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sw->xstats_count; i++) { struct sw_xstats_entry *xs = &sw->xstats[i]; if (strncmp(xs->name.name, name, RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_NAME_SIZE) == 0){ if (id != NULL) *id = i; return xs->fn(sw, xs->obj_idx, xs->stat, xs->extra_arg) - xs->reset_value; } } if (id != NULL) *id = (uint32_t)-1; return (uint64_t)-1; } static void sw_xstats_reset_range(struct sw_evdev *sw, uint32_t start, uint32_t num) { uint32_t i; for (i = start; i < start + num; i++) { struct sw_xstats_entry *xs = &sw->xstats[i]; if (!xs->reset_allowed) continue; uint64_t val = xs->fn(sw, xs->obj_idx, xs->stat, xs->extra_arg); xs->reset_value = val; } } static int sw_xstats_reset_queue(struct sw_evdev *sw, uint8_t queue_id, const uint64_t ids[], uint32_t nb_ids) { const uint32_t reset = 1; const uint32_t ret_n_lt_stats = 0; if (ids) { uint32_t nb_reset = sw_xstats_update(sw, RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_QUEUE, queue_id, ids, NULL, nb_ids, reset, ret_n_lt_stats); return nb_reset == nb_ids ? 0 : -EINVAL; } if (ids == NULL) sw_xstats_reset_range(sw, sw->xstats_offset_for_qid[queue_id], sw->xstats_count_per_qid[queue_id]); return 0; } static int sw_xstats_reset_port(struct sw_evdev *sw, uint8_t port_id, const uint64_t ids[], uint32_t nb_ids) { const uint32_t reset = 1; const uint32_t ret_n_lt_stats = 0; int offset = sw->xstats_offset_for_port[port_id]; int nb_stat = sw->xstats_count_per_port[port_id]; if (ids) { uint32_t nb_reset = sw_xstats_update(sw, RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_PORT, port_id, ids, NULL, nb_ids, reset, ret_n_lt_stats); return nb_reset == nb_ids ? 0 : -EINVAL; } sw_xstats_reset_range(sw, offset, nb_stat); return 0; } static int sw_xstats_reset_dev(struct sw_evdev *sw, const uint64_t ids[], uint32_t nb_ids) { uint32_t i; if (ids) { for (i = 0; i < nb_ids; i++) { uint64_t id = ids[i]; if (id >= sw->xstats_count_mode_dev) return -EINVAL; sw_xstats_reset_range(sw, id, 1); } } else { for (i = 0; i < sw->xstats_count_mode_dev; i++) sw_xstats_reset_range(sw, i, 1); } return 0; } int sw_xstats_reset(struct rte_eventdev *dev, enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode, int16_t queue_port_id, const uint64_t ids[], uint32_t nb_ids) { struct sw_evdev *sw = sw_pmd_priv(dev); uint32_t i, err; /* handle -1 for queue_port_id here, looping over all ports/queues */ switch (mode) { case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_DEVICE: sw_xstats_reset_dev(sw, ids, nb_ids); break; case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_PORT: if (queue_port_id == -1) { for (i = 0; i < sw->port_count; i++) { err = sw_xstats_reset_port(sw, i, ids, nb_ids); if (err) return -EINVAL; } } else if (queue_port_id < (int16_t)sw->port_count) sw_xstats_reset_port(sw, queue_port_id, ids, nb_ids); break; case RTE_EVENT_DEV_XSTATS_QUEUE: if (queue_port_id == -1) { for (i = 0; i < sw->qid_count; i++) { err = sw_xstats_reset_queue(sw, i, ids, nb_ids); if (err) return -EINVAL; } } else if (queue_port_id < (int16_t)sw->qid_count) sw_xstats_reset_queue(sw, queue_port_id, ids, nb_ids); break; }; return 0; }