/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation */ #ifndef _OPDL_EVDEV_H_ #define _OPDL_EVDEV_H_ #include #include #include #include "opdl_ring.h" #define OPDL_QID_NUM_FIDS 1024 #define OPDL_IQS_MAX 1 #define OPDL_Q_PRIORITY_MAX 1 #define OPDL_PORTS_MAX 64 #define MAX_OPDL_CONS_Q_DEPTH 128 /* OPDL size */ #define OPDL_INFLIGHT_EVENTS_TOTAL 4096 /* allow for lots of over-provisioning */ #define OPDL_FRAGMENTS_MAX 1 /* report dequeue burst sizes in buckets */ #define OPDL_DEQ_STAT_BUCKET_SHIFT 2 /* how many packets pulled from port by sched */ #define SCHED_DEQUEUE_BURST_SIZE 32 /* size of our history list */ #define OPDL_PORT_HIST_LIST (MAX_OPDL_PROD_Q_DEPTH) /* how many data points use for average stats */ #define NUM_SAMPLES 64 #define EVENTDEV_NAME_OPDL_PMD event_opdl #define OPDL_PMD_NAME RTE_STR(event_opdl) #define OPDL_PMD_NAME_MAX 64 #define OPDL_INVALID_QID 255 #define OPDL_SCHED_TYPE_DIRECT (RTE_SCHED_TYPE_PARALLEL + 1) #define OPDL_NUM_POLL_BUCKETS \ (MAX_OPDL_CONS_Q_DEPTH >> OPDL_DEQ_STAT_BUCKET_SHIFT) enum { QE_FLAG_VALID_SHIFT = 0, QE_FLAG_COMPLETE_SHIFT, QE_FLAG_NOT_EOP_SHIFT, _QE_FLAG_COUNT }; enum port_type { OPDL_INVALID_PORT = 0, OPDL_REGULAR_PORT = 1, OPDL_PURE_RX_PORT, OPDL_PURE_TX_PORT, OPDL_ASYNC_PORT }; enum queue_type { OPDL_Q_TYPE_INVALID = 0, OPDL_Q_TYPE_SINGLE_LINK = 1, OPDL_Q_TYPE_ATOMIC, OPDL_Q_TYPE_ORDERED }; enum queue_pos { OPDL_Q_POS_START = 0, OPDL_Q_POS_MIDDLE, OPDL_Q_POS_END }; #define QE_FLAG_VALID (1 << QE_FLAG_VALID_SHIFT) /* for NEW FWD, FRAG */ #define QE_FLAG_COMPLETE (1 << QE_FLAG_COMPLETE_SHIFT) /* set for FWD, DROP */ #define QE_FLAG_NOT_EOP (1 << QE_FLAG_NOT_EOP_SHIFT) /* set for FRAG only */ static const uint8_t opdl_qe_flag_map[] = { QE_FLAG_VALID /* NEW Event */, QE_FLAG_VALID | QE_FLAG_COMPLETE /* FWD Event */, QE_FLAG_COMPLETE /* RELEASE Event */, /* Values which can be used for future support for partial * events, i.e. where one event comes back to the scheduler * as multiple which need to be tracked together */ QE_FLAG_VALID | QE_FLAG_COMPLETE | QE_FLAG_NOT_EOP, }; enum port_xstat_name { claim_pkts_requested = 0, claim_pkts_granted, claim_non_empty, claim_empty, total_cycles, max_num_port_xstat }; #define OPDL_MAX_PORT_XSTAT_NUM (OPDL_PORTS_MAX * max_num_port_xstat) struct opdl_port; typedef uint16_t (*opdl_enq_operation)(struct opdl_port *port, const struct rte_event ev[], uint16_t num); typedef uint16_t (*opdl_deq_operation)(struct opdl_port *port, struct rte_event ev[], uint16_t num); struct opdl_evdev; struct opdl_stage_meta_data { uint32_t num_claimed; /* number of entries claimed by this stage */ uint32_t burst_sz; /* Port claim burst size */ }; struct opdl_port { /* back pointer */ struct opdl_evdev *opdl; /* enq handler & stage instance */ opdl_enq_operation enq; struct opdl_stage *enq_stage_inst; /* deq handler & stage instance */ opdl_deq_operation deq; struct opdl_stage *deq_stage_inst; /* port id has correctly been set */ uint8_t configured; /* set when the port is initialized */ uint8_t initialized; /* A numeric ID for the port */ uint8_t id; /* Space for claimed entries */ struct rte_event *entries[MAX_OPDL_CONS_Q_DEPTH]; /* RX/REGULAR/TX/ASYNC - determined on position in queue */ enum port_type p_type; /* if the claim is static atomic type */ bool atomic_claim; /* Queue linked to this port - internal queue id*/ uint8_t queue_id; /* Queue linked to this port - external queue id*/ uint8_t external_qid; /* Next queue linked to this port - external queue id*/ uint8_t next_external_qid; /* number of instances of this stage */ uint32_t num_instance; /* instance ID of this stage*/ uint32_t instance_id; /* track packets in and out of this port */ uint64_t port_stat[max_num_port_xstat]; uint64_t start_cycles; }; struct opdl_queue_meta_data { uint8_t ext_id; enum queue_type type; int8_t setup; }; struct opdl_xstats_entry { struct rte_event_dev_xstats_name stat; unsigned int id; uint64_t *value; }; struct opdl_queue { /* Opdl ring this queue is associated with */ uint32_t opdl_id; /* type and position have correctly been set */ uint8_t configured; /* port number and associated ports have been associated */ uint8_t initialized; /* type of this queue (Atomic, Ordered, Parallel, Direct)*/ enum queue_type q_type; /* position of queue (START, MIDDLE, END) */ enum queue_pos q_pos; /* external queue id. It is mapped to the queue position */ uint8_t external_qid; struct opdl_port *ports[OPDL_PORTS_MAX]; uint32_t nb_ports; /* priority, reserved for future */ uint8_t priority; }; #define OPDL_TUR_PER_DEV 12 /* PMD needs an extra queue per Opdl */ #define OPDL_MAX_QUEUES (RTE_EVENT_MAX_QUEUES_PER_DEV - OPDL_TUR_PER_DEV) struct opdl_evdev { struct rte_eventdev_data *data; uint8_t started; /* Max number of ports and queues*/ uint32_t max_port_nb; uint32_t max_queue_nb; /* slots in the opdl ring */ uint32_t nb_events_limit; /* * Array holding all opdl for this device */ struct opdl_ring *opdl[OPDL_TUR_PER_DEV]; uint32_t nb_opdls; struct opdl_queue_meta_data q_md[OPDL_MAX_QUEUES]; uint32_t nb_q_md; /* Internal queues - one per logical queue */ struct opdl_queue queue[RTE_EVENT_MAX_QUEUES_PER_DEV] __rte_cache_aligned; uint32_t nb_queues; struct opdl_stage_meta_data s_md[OPDL_PORTS_MAX]; /* Contains all ports - load balanced and directed */ struct opdl_port ports[OPDL_PORTS_MAX] __rte_cache_aligned; uint32_t nb_ports; uint8_t q_map_ex_to_in[OPDL_INVALID_QID]; /* Stats */ struct opdl_xstats_entry port_xstat[OPDL_MAX_PORT_XSTAT_NUM]; char service_name[OPDL_PMD_NAME_MAX]; int socket; int do_validation; int do_test; }; static inline struct opdl_evdev * opdl_pmd_priv(const struct rte_eventdev *eventdev) { return eventdev->data->dev_private; } static inline uint8_t opdl_pmd_dev_id(const struct opdl_evdev *opdl) { return opdl->data->dev_id; } static inline const struct opdl_evdev * opdl_pmd_priv_const(const struct rte_eventdev *eventdev) { return eventdev->data->dev_private; } uint16_t opdl_event_enqueue(void *port, const struct rte_event *ev); uint16_t opdl_event_enqueue_burst(void *port, const struct rte_event ev[], uint16_t num); uint16_t opdl_event_dequeue(void *port, struct rte_event *ev, uint64_t wait); uint16_t opdl_event_dequeue_burst(void *port, struct rte_event *ev, uint16_t num, uint64_t wait); void opdl_event_schedule(struct rte_eventdev *dev); void opdl_xstats_init(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int opdl_xstats_uninit(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int opdl_xstats_get_names(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode, uint8_t queue_port_id, struct rte_event_dev_xstats_name *xstats_names, uint64_t *ids, unsigned int size); int opdl_xstats_get(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode, uint8_t queue_port_id, const uint64_t ids[], uint64_t values[], unsigned int n); uint64_t opdl_xstats_get_by_name(const struct rte_eventdev *dev, const char *name, uint64_t *id); int opdl_xstats_reset(struct rte_eventdev *dev, enum rte_event_dev_xstats_mode mode, int16_t queue_port_id, const uint64_t ids[], uint32_t nb_ids); int opdl_add_event_handlers(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int build_all_dependencies(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int check_queues_linked(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int create_queues_and_rings(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int initialise_all_other_ports(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int initialise_queue_zero_ports(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int assign_internal_queue_ids(struct rte_eventdev *dev); void destroy_queues_and_rings(struct rte_eventdev *dev); int opdl_selftest(void); #endif /* _OPDL_EVDEV_H_ */