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The ILK interface should still be down * after this call. * * @param interface Interface to probe * * @return Number of ports on the interface. Zero to disable. */ int __cvmx_helper_ilk_probe(int interface) { int i, j, res = -1; static int pipe_base = 0, pknd_base = 0; static cvmx_ilk_pipe_chan_t *pch = NULL, *tmp; static cvmx_ilk_chan_pknd_t *chpknd = NULL, *tmp1; static cvmx_ilk_cal_entry_t *calent = NULL, *tmp2; if (!OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN68XX)) return 0; interface -= CVMX_ILK_GBL_BASE; if (interface >= CVMX_NUM_ILK_INTF) return 0; /* the configuration should be done only once */ if (cvmx_ilk_get_intf_ena (interface)) return cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; /* configure lanes and enable the link */ res = cvmx_ilk_start_interface (interface, cvmx_ilk_lane_mask[interface]); if (res < 0) return 0; /* set up the group of pipes available to ilk */ if (pipe_base == 0) pipe_base = __cvmx_pko_get_pipe (interface + CVMX_ILK_GBL_BASE, 0); if (pipe_base == -1) { pipe_base = 0; return 0; } res = cvmx_ilk_set_pipe (interface, pipe_base, cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]); if (res < 0) return 0; /* set up pipe to channel mapping */ i = pipe_base; if (pch == NULL) { pch = (cvmx_ilk_pipe_chan_t *) #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL kmalloc(CVMX_MAX_ILK_CHANS * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_pipe_chan_t), GFP_KERNEL); #else cvmx_bootmem_alloc (CVMX_MAX_ILK_CHANS * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_pipe_chan_t), sizeof(cvmx_ilk_pipe_chan_t)); #endif if (pch == NULL) return 0; } memset (pch, 0, CVMX_MAX_ILK_CHANS * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_pipe_chan_t)); tmp = pch; for (j = 0; j < cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; j++) { tmp->pipe = i++; tmp->chan = cvmx_ilk_chan_map[interface][j]; tmp++; } res = cvmx_ilk_tx_set_channel (interface, pch, cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]); if (res < 0) { res = 0; goto err_free_pch; } pipe_base += cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; /* set up channel to pkind mapping */ if (pknd_base == 0) pknd_base = cvmx_helper_get_pknd (interface + CVMX_ILK_GBL_BASE, 0); i = pknd_base; if (chpknd == NULL) { chpknd = (cvmx_ilk_chan_pknd_t *) #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL kmalloc(CVMX_MAX_ILK_PKNDS * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_chan_pknd_t), GFP_KERNEL); #else cvmx_bootmem_alloc (CVMX_MAX_ILK_PKNDS * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_chan_pknd_t), sizeof(cvmx_ilk_chan_pknd_t)); #endif if (chpknd == NULL) { pipe_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; res = 0; goto err_free_pch; } } memset (chpknd, 0, CVMX_MAX_ILK_PKNDS * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_chan_pknd_t)); tmp1 = chpknd; for (j = 0; j < cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; j++) { tmp1->chan = cvmx_ilk_chan_map[interface][j]; tmp1->pknd = i++; tmp1++; } res = cvmx_ilk_rx_set_pknd (interface, chpknd, cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]); if (res < 0) { pipe_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; res = 0; goto err_free_chpknd; } pknd_base += cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; /* Set up tx calendar */ if (calent == NULL) { calent = (cvmx_ilk_cal_entry_t *) #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL kmalloc(CVMX_MAX_ILK_PIPES * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_cal_entry_t), GFP_KERNEL); #else cvmx_bootmem_alloc (CVMX_MAX_ILK_PIPES * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_cal_entry_t), sizeof(cvmx_ilk_cal_entry_t)); #endif if (calent == NULL) { pipe_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; pknd_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; res = 0; goto err_free_chpknd; } } memset (calent, 0, CVMX_MAX_ILK_PIPES * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_cal_entry_t)); tmp1 = chpknd; tmp2 = calent; for (j = 0; j < cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; j++) { tmp2->pipe_bpid = tmp1->pknd; tmp2->ent_ctrl = PIPE_BPID; tmp1++; tmp2++; } res = cvmx_ilk_cal_setup_tx (interface, cvmx_ilk_chans[interface], calent, 1); if (res < 0) { pipe_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; pknd_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; res = 0; goto err_free_calent; } /* set up rx calendar. allocated memory can be reused. * this is because max pkind is always less than max pipe */ memset (calent, 0, CVMX_MAX_ILK_PIPES * sizeof(cvmx_ilk_cal_entry_t)); tmp = pch; tmp2 = calent; for (j = 0; j < cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; j++) { tmp2->pipe_bpid = tmp->pipe; tmp2->ent_ctrl = PIPE_BPID; tmp++; tmp2++; } res = cvmx_ilk_cal_setup_rx (interface, cvmx_ilk_chans[interface], calent, CVMX_ILK_RX_FIFO_WM, 1); if (res < 0) { pipe_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; pknd_base -= cvmx_ilk_chans[interface]; res = 0; goto err_free_calent; } res = __cvmx_helper_ilk_enumerate(interface + CVMX_ILK_GBL_BASE); goto out; err_free_calent: #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL kfree (calent); #else /* no free() for cvmx_bootmem_alloc() */ #endif err_free_chpknd: #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL kfree (chpknd); #else /* no free() for cvmx_bootmem_alloc() */ #endif err_free_pch: #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL kfree (pch); #else /* no free() for cvmx_bootmem_alloc() */ #endif out: return res; } /** * @INTERNAL * Bringup and enable ILK interface. After this call packet * I/O should be fully functional. This is called with IPD * enabled but PKO disabled. * * @param interface Interface to bring up * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ int __cvmx_helper_ilk_enable(int interface) { interface -= CVMX_ILK_GBL_BASE; return cvmx_ilk_enable(interface); } /** * @INTERNAL * Return the link state of an IPD/PKO port as returned by ILK link status. * * @param ipd_port IPD/PKO port to query * * @return Link state */ cvmx_helper_link_info_t __cvmx_helper_ilk_link_get(int ipd_port) { cvmx_helper_link_info_t result; int interface = cvmx_helper_get_interface_num(ipd_port); int retry_count = 0; cvmx_ilk_rxx_cfg1_t ilk_rxx_cfg1; cvmx_ilk_rxx_int_t ilk_rxx_int; int lanes = 0; result.u64 = 0; interface -= CVMX_ILK_GBL_BASE; retry: retry_count++; if (retry_count > 10) goto out; ilk_rxx_cfg1.u64 = cvmx_read_csr (CVMX_ILK_RXX_CFG1(interface)); ilk_rxx_int.u64 = cvmx_read_csr (CVMX_ILK_RXX_INT(interface)); /* Clear all RX status bits */ if (ilk_rxx_int.u64) cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_ILK_RXX_INT(interface), ilk_rxx_int.u64); if (ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_bdry_lock_ena == 0) { /* We need to start looking for work boundary lock */ ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_bdry_lock_ena = cvmx_ilk_get_intf_ln_msk(interface); ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_align_ena = 0; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_ILK_RXX_CFG1(interface), ilk_rxx_cfg1.u64); //cvmx_dprintf("ILK%d: Looking for word boundary lock\n", interface); goto retry; } if (ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_align_ena == 0) { if (ilk_rxx_int.s.word_sync_done) { ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_align_ena = 1; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_ILK_RXX_CFG1(interface), ilk_rxx_cfg1.u64); //printf("ILK%d: Looking for lane alignment\n", interface); goto retry; } goto out; } if (ilk_rxx_int.s.lane_align_fail) { ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_bdry_lock_ena = 0; ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_align_ena = 0; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_ILK_RXX_CFG1(interface), ilk_rxx_cfg1.u64); cvmx_dprintf("ILK%d: Lane alignment failed\n", interface); goto out; } if (ilk_rxx_int.s.lane_align_done) { //cvmx_dprintf("ILK%d: Lane alignment complete\n", interface); } lanes = cvmx_pop(ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.rx_bdry_lock_ena); result.s.link_up = 1; result.s.full_duplex = 1; result.s.speed = cvmx_qlm_get_gbaud_mhz(1+interface) * 64 / 67; result.s.speed *= lanes; out: /* If the link is down we will force disable the RX path. If it up, we'll set it to match the TX state set by the if_enable call */ if (result.s.link_up) { cvmx_ilk_txx_cfg1_t ilk_txx_cfg1; ilk_txx_cfg1.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_ILK_TXX_CFG1(interface)); ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.pkt_ena = ilk_txx_cfg1.s.pkt_ena; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_ILK_RXX_CFG1(interface), ilk_rxx_cfg1.u64); //cvmx_dprintf("ILK%d: link up, %d Mbps, Full duplex mode, %d lanes\n", interface, result.s.speed, lanes); } else { ilk_rxx_cfg1.s.pkt_ena = 0; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_ILK_RXX_CFG1(interface), ilk_rxx_cfg1.u64); //cvmx_dprintf("ILK link down\n"); } return result; } /** * @INTERNAL * Set the link state of an IPD/PKO port. * * @param ipd_port IPD/PKO port to configure * @param link_info The new link state * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ int __cvmx_helper_ilk_link_set(int ipd_port, cvmx_helper_link_info_t link_info) { /* nothing to do */ return 0; } /** * Display ilk interface statistics. * */ void __cvmx_helper_ilk_show_stats (void) { int i, j; unsigned char *pchans, num_chans; unsigned int chan_tmp[CVMX_MAX_ILK_CHANS]; cvmx_ilk_stats_ctrl_t ilk_stats_ctrl; for (i = 0; i < CVMX_NUM_ILK_INTF; i++) { cvmx_ilk_get_chan_info (i, &pchans, &num_chans); memset (chan_tmp, 0, CVMX_MAX_ILK_CHANS * sizeof (int)); for (j = 0; j < num_chans; j++) chan_tmp[j] = pchans[j]; ilk_stats_ctrl.chan_list = chan_tmp; ilk_stats_ctrl.num_chans = num_chans; ilk_stats_ctrl.clr_on_rd = 0; cvmx_ilk_show_stats (i, &ilk_stats_ctrl); } } #endif /* CVMX_ENABLE_PKO_FUNCTIONS */