/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation */ #include <rte_errno.h> #include <rte_malloc.h> #include <rte_prefetch.h> #include <rte_random.h> #include <rte_log.h> #include "rte_member.h" #include "rte_member_ht.h" #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86) #include "rte_member_x86.h" #endif /* Search bucket for entry with tmp_sig and update set_id */ static inline int update_entry_search(uint32_t bucket_id, member_sig_t tmp_sig, struct member_ht_bucket *buckets, member_set_t set_id) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if (buckets[bucket_id].sigs[i] == tmp_sig) { buckets[bucket_id].sets[i] = set_id; return 1; } } return 0; } static inline int search_bucket_single(uint32_t bucket_id, member_sig_t tmp_sig, struct member_ht_bucket *buckets, member_set_t *set_id) { uint32_t iter; for (iter = 0; iter < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; iter++) { if (tmp_sig == buckets[bucket_id].sigs[iter] && buckets[bucket_id].sets[iter] != RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH) { *set_id = buckets[bucket_id].sets[iter]; return 1; } } return 0; } static inline void search_bucket_multi(uint32_t bucket_id, member_sig_t tmp_sig, struct member_ht_bucket *buckets, uint32_t *counter, uint32_t matches_per_key, member_set_t *set_id) { uint32_t iter; for (iter = 0; iter < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; iter++) { if (tmp_sig == buckets[bucket_id].sigs[iter] && buckets[bucket_id].sets[iter] != RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH) { set_id[*counter] = buckets[bucket_id].sets[iter]; (*counter)++; if (*counter >= matches_per_key) return; } } } int rte_member_create_ht(struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const struct rte_member_parameters *params) { uint32_t i, j; uint32_t size_bucket_t; uint32_t num_entries = rte_align32pow2(params->num_keys); if ((num_entries > RTE_MEMBER_ENTRIES_MAX) || !rte_is_power_of_2(RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES) || num_entries < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES) { rte_errno = EINVAL; RTE_MEMBER_LOG(ERR, "Membership HT create with invalid parameters\n"); return -EINVAL; } uint32_t num_buckets = num_entries / RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; size_bucket_t = sizeof(struct member_ht_bucket); struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, num_buckets * size_bucket_t, RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, ss->socket_id); if (buckets == NULL) { RTE_MEMBER_LOG(ERR, "memory allocation failed for HT " "setsummary\n"); return -ENOMEM; } ss->table = buckets; ss->bucket_cnt = num_buckets; ss->bucket_mask = num_buckets - 1; ss->cache = params->is_cache; for (i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++) { for (j = 0; j < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; j++) buckets[i].sets[j] = RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH; } #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86) if (rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled(RTE_CPUFLAG_AVX2) && RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES == 16) ss->sig_cmp_fn = RTE_MEMBER_COMPARE_AVX2; else #endif ss->sig_cmp_fn = RTE_MEMBER_COMPARE_SCALAR; RTE_MEMBER_LOG(DEBUG, "Hash table based filter created, " "the table has %u entries, %u buckets\n", num_entries, num_buckets); return 0; } static inline void get_buckets_index(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const void *key, uint32_t *prim_bkt, uint32_t *sec_bkt, member_sig_t *sig) { uint32_t first_hash = MEMBER_HASH_FUNC(key, ss->key_len, ss->prim_hash_seed); uint32_t sec_hash = MEMBER_HASH_FUNC(&first_hash, sizeof(uint32_t), ss->sec_hash_seed); /* * We use the first hash value for the signature, and the second hash * value to derive the primary and secondary bucket locations. * * For non-cache mode, we use the lower bits for the primary bucket * location. Then we xor primary bucket location and the signature * to get the secondary bucket location. This is called "partial-key * cuckoo hashing" proposed by B. Fan, et al's paper * "Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom". The benefit to use * xor is that one could derive the alternative bucket location * by only using the current bucket location and the signature. This is * generally required by non-cache mode's eviction and deletion * process without the need to store alternative hash value nor the full * key. * * For cache mode, we use the lower bits for the primary bucket * location and the higher bits for the secondary bucket location. In * cache mode, keys are simply overwritten if bucket is full. We do not * use xor since lower/higher bits are more independent hash values thus * should provide slightly better table load. */ *sig = first_hash; if (ss->cache) { *prim_bkt = sec_hash & ss->bucket_mask; *sec_bkt = (sec_hash >> 16) & ss->bucket_mask; } else { *prim_bkt = sec_hash & ss->bucket_mask; *sec_bkt = (*prim_bkt ^ *sig) & ss->bucket_mask; } } int rte_member_lookup_ht(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const void *key, member_set_t *set_id) { uint32_t prim_bucket, sec_bucket; member_sig_t tmp_sig; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; *set_id = RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH; get_buckets_index(ss, key, &prim_bucket, &sec_bucket, &tmp_sig); switch (ss->sig_cmp_fn) { #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86) && defined(RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_AVX2) case RTE_MEMBER_COMPARE_AVX2: if (search_bucket_single_avx(prim_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, set_id) || search_bucket_single_avx(sec_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, set_id)) return 1; break; #endif default: if (search_bucket_single(prim_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, set_id) || search_bucket_single(sec_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, set_id)) return 1; } return 0; } uint32_t rte_member_lookup_bulk_ht(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const void **keys, uint32_t num_keys, member_set_t *set_id) { uint32_t i; uint32_t num_matches = 0; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; member_sig_t tmp_sig[RTE_MEMBER_LOOKUP_BULK_MAX]; uint32_t prim_buckets[RTE_MEMBER_LOOKUP_BULK_MAX]; uint32_t sec_buckets[RTE_MEMBER_LOOKUP_BULK_MAX]; for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) { get_buckets_index(ss, keys[i], &prim_buckets[i], &sec_buckets[i], &tmp_sig[i]); rte_prefetch0(&buckets[prim_buckets[i]]); rte_prefetch0(&buckets[sec_buckets[i]]); } for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) { switch (ss->sig_cmp_fn) { #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86) && defined(RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_AVX2) case RTE_MEMBER_COMPARE_AVX2: if (search_bucket_single_avx(prim_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &set_id[i]) || search_bucket_single_avx(sec_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &set_id[i])) num_matches++; else set_id[i] = RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH; break; #endif default: if (search_bucket_single(prim_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &set_id[i]) || search_bucket_single(sec_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &set_id[i])) num_matches++; else set_id[i] = RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH; } } return num_matches; } uint32_t rte_member_lookup_multi_ht(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const void *key, uint32_t match_per_key, member_set_t *set_id) { uint32_t num_matches = 0; uint32_t prim_bucket, sec_bucket; member_sig_t tmp_sig; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; get_buckets_index(ss, key, &prim_bucket, &sec_bucket, &tmp_sig); switch (ss->sig_cmp_fn) { #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86) && defined(RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_AVX2) case RTE_MEMBER_COMPARE_AVX2: search_bucket_multi_avx(prim_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, &num_matches, match_per_key, set_id); if (num_matches < match_per_key) search_bucket_multi_avx(sec_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, &num_matches, match_per_key, set_id); return num_matches; #endif default: search_bucket_multi(prim_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, &num_matches, match_per_key, set_id); if (num_matches < match_per_key) search_bucket_multi(sec_bucket, tmp_sig, buckets, &num_matches, match_per_key, set_id); return num_matches; } } uint32_t rte_member_lookup_multi_bulk_ht(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const void **keys, uint32_t num_keys, uint32_t match_per_key, uint32_t *match_count, member_set_t *set_ids) { uint32_t i; uint32_t num_matches = 0; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; uint32_t match_cnt_tmp; member_sig_t tmp_sig[RTE_MEMBER_LOOKUP_BULK_MAX]; uint32_t prim_buckets[RTE_MEMBER_LOOKUP_BULK_MAX]; uint32_t sec_buckets[RTE_MEMBER_LOOKUP_BULK_MAX]; for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) { get_buckets_index(ss, keys[i], &prim_buckets[i], &sec_buckets[i], &tmp_sig[i]); rte_prefetch0(&buckets[prim_buckets[i]]); rte_prefetch0(&buckets[sec_buckets[i]]); } for (i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) { match_cnt_tmp = 0; switch (ss->sig_cmp_fn) { #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86) && defined(RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_AVX2) case RTE_MEMBER_COMPARE_AVX2: search_bucket_multi_avx(prim_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &match_cnt_tmp, match_per_key, &set_ids[i*match_per_key]); if (match_cnt_tmp < match_per_key) search_bucket_multi_avx(sec_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &match_cnt_tmp, match_per_key, &set_ids[i*match_per_key]); match_count[i] = match_cnt_tmp; if (match_cnt_tmp != 0) num_matches++; break; #endif default: search_bucket_multi(prim_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &match_cnt_tmp, match_per_key, &set_ids[i*match_per_key]); if (match_cnt_tmp < match_per_key) search_bucket_multi(sec_buckets[i], tmp_sig[i], buckets, &match_cnt_tmp, match_per_key, &set_ids[i*match_per_key]); match_count[i] = match_cnt_tmp; if (match_cnt_tmp != 0) num_matches++; } } return num_matches; } static inline int try_insert(struct member_ht_bucket *buckets, uint32_t prim, uint32_t sec, member_sig_t sig, member_set_t set_id) { int i; /* If not full then insert into one slot */ for (i = 0; i < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if (buckets[prim].sets[i] == RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH) { buckets[prim].sigs[i] = sig; buckets[prim].sets[i] = set_id; return 0; } } /* If prim failed, we need to access second bucket */ for (i = 0; i < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if (buckets[sec].sets[i] == RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH) { buckets[sec].sigs[i] = sig; buckets[sec].sets[i] = set_id; return 0; } } return -1; } static inline int try_update(struct member_ht_bucket *buckets, uint32_t prim, uint32_t sec, member_sig_t sig, member_set_t set_id, enum rte_member_sig_compare_function cmp_fn) { switch (cmp_fn) { #if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86) && defined(RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_AVX2) case RTE_MEMBER_COMPARE_AVX2: if (update_entry_search_avx(prim, sig, buckets, set_id) || update_entry_search_avx(sec, sig, buckets, set_id)) return 0; break; #endif default: if (update_entry_search(prim, sig, buckets, set_id) || update_entry_search(sec, sig, buckets, set_id)) return 0; } return -1; } static inline int evict_from_bucket(void) { /* For now, we randomly pick one entry to evict */ return rte_rand() & (RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES - 1); } /* * This function is similar to the cuckoo hash make_space function in hash * library */ static inline int make_space_bucket(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, uint32_t bkt_idx, unsigned int *nr_pushes) { unsigned int i, j; int ret; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; uint32_t next_bucket_idx; struct member_ht_bucket *next_bkt[RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES]; struct member_ht_bucket *bkt = &buckets[bkt_idx]; /* MSB is set to indicate if an entry has been already pushed */ member_set_t flag_mask = 1U << (sizeof(member_set_t) * 8 - 1); /* * Push existing item (search for bucket with space in * alternative locations) to its alternative location */ for (i = 0; i < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { /* Search for space in alternative locations */ next_bucket_idx = (bkt->sigs[i] ^ bkt_idx) & ss->bucket_mask; next_bkt[i] = &buckets[next_bucket_idx]; for (j = 0; j < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; j++) { if (next_bkt[i]->sets[j] == RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH) break; } if (j != RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES) break; } /* Alternative location has spare room (end of recursive function) */ if (i != RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES) { next_bkt[i]->sigs[j] = bkt->sigs[i]; next_bkt[i]->sets[j] = bkt->sets[i]; return i; } /* Pick entry that has not been pushed yet */ for (i = 0; i < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) if ((bkt->sets[i] & flag_mask) == 0) break; /* All entries have been pushed, so entry cannot be added */ if (i == RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES || ++(*nr_pushes) > RTE_MEMBER_MAX_PUSHES) return -ENOSPC; next_bucket_idx = (bkt->sigs[i] ^ bkt_idx) & ss->bucket_mask; /* Set flag to indicate that this entry is going to be pushed */ bkt->sets[i] |= flag_mask; /* Need room in alternative bucket to insert the pushed entry */ ret = make_space_bucket(ss, next_bucket_idx, nr_pushes); /* * After recursive function. * Clear flags and insert the pushed entry * in its alternative location if successful, * or return error */ bkt->sets[i] &= ~flag_mask; if (ret >= 0) { next_bkt[i]->sigs[ret] = bkt->sigs[i]; next_bkt[i]->sets[ret] = bkt->sets[i]; return i; } else return ret; } int rte_member_add_ht(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const void *key, member_set_t set_id) { int ret; unsigned int nr_pushes = 0; uint32_t prim_bucket, sec_bucket; member_sig_t tmp_sig; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; member_set_t flag_mask = 1U << (sizeof(member_set_t) * 8 - 1); if (set_id == RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH || (set_id & flag_mask) != 0) return -EINVAL; get_buckets_index(ss, key, &prim_bucket, &sec_bucket, &tmp_sig); /* * If it is cache based setsummary, we try overwriting (updating) * existing entry with the same signature first. In cache mode, we allow * false negatives and only cache the most recent keys. * * For non-cache mode, we do not update existing entry with the same * signature. This is because if two keys with same signature update * each other, false negative may happen, which is not the expected * behavior for non-cache setsummary. */ if (ss->cache) { ret = try_update(buckets, prim_bucket, sec_bucket, tmp_sig, set_id, ss->sig_cmp_fn); if (ret != -1) return ret; } /* If not full then insert into one slot */ ret = try_insert(buckets, prim_bucket, sec_bucket, tmp_sig, set_id); if (ret != -1) return ret; /* Random pick prim or sec for recursive displacement */ uint32_t select_bucket = (tmp_sig && 1U) ? prim_bucket : sec_bucket; if (ss->cache) { ret = evict_from_bucket(); buckets[select_bucket].sigs[ret] = tmp_sig; buckets[select_bucket].sets[ret] = set_id; return 1; } ret = make_space_bucket(ss, select_bucket, &nr_pushes); if (ret >= 0) { buckets[select_bucket].sigs[ret] = tmp_sig; buckets[select_bucket].sets[ret] = set_id; ret = 1; } return ret; } void rte_member_free_ht(struct rte_member_setsum *ss) { rte_free(ss->table); } int rte_member_delete_ht(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss, const void *key, member_set_t set_id) { int i; uint32_t prim_bucket, sec_bucket; member_sig_t tmp_sig; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; get_buckets_index(ss, key, &prim_bucket, &sec_bucket, &tmp_sig); for (i = 0; i < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if (tmp_sig == buckets[prim_bucket].sigs[i] && set_id == buckets[prim_bucket].sets[i]) { buckets[prim_bucket].sets[i] = RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH; return 0; } } for (i = 0; i < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; i++) { if (tmp_sig == buckets[sec_bucket].sigs[i] && set_id == buckets[sec_bucket].sets[i]) { buckets[sec_bucket].sets[i] = RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH; return 0; } } return -ENOENT; } void rte_member_reset_ht(const struct rte_member_setsum *ss) { uint32_t i, j; struct member_ht_bucket *buckets = ss->table; for (i = 0; i < ss->bucket_cnt; i++) { for (j = 0; j < RTE_MEMBER_BUCKET_ENTRIES; j++) buckets[i].sets[j] = RTE_MEMBER_NO_MATCH; } }