/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 * Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation

 * @file rte_stack.h
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * RTE Stack
 * librte_stack provides an API for configuration and use of a bounded stack of
 * pointers. Push and pop operations are MT-safe, allowing concurrent access,
 * and the interface supports pushing and popping multiple pointers at a time.

#ifndef _RTE_STACK_H_
#define _RTE_STACK_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <rte_atomic.h>
#include <rte_compat.h>
#include <rte_debug.h>
#include <rte_errno.h>
#include <rte_memzone.h>
#include <rte_spinlock.h>

/** The maximum length of a stack name. */
			   sizeof(RTE_STACK_MZ_PREFIX) + 1)

struct rte_stack_lf_elem {
	void *data;			/**< Data pointer */
	struct rte_stack_lf_elem *next;	/**< Next pointer */

struct rte_stack_lf_head {
	struct rte_stack_lf_elem *top; /**< Stack top */
	uint64_t cnt; /**< Modification counter for avoiding ABA problem */

struct rte_stack_lf_list {
	/** List head */
	struct rte_stack_lf_head head __rte_aligned(16);
	/** List len */
	uint64_t len;

/* Structure containing two lock-free LIFO lists: the stack itself and a list
 * of free linked-list elements.
struct rte_stack_lf {
	/** LIFO list of elements */
	struct rte_stack_lf_list used __rte_cache_aligned;
	/** LIFO list of free elements */
	struct rte_stack_lf_list free __rte_cache_aligned;
	/** LIFO elements */
	struct rte_stack_lf_elem elems[] __rte_cache_aligned;

/* Structure containing the LIFO, its current length, and a lock for mutual
 * exclusion.
struct rte_stack_std {
	rte_spinlock_t lock; /**< LIFO lock */
	uint32_t len; /**< LIFO len */
	void *objs[]; /**< LIFO pointer table */

/* The RTE stack structure contains the LIFO structure itself, plus metadata
 * such as its name and memzone pointer.
struct rte_stack {
	/** Name of the stack. */
	char name[RTE_STACK_NAMESIZE] __rte_cache_aligned;
	/** Memzone containing the rte_stack structure. */
	const struct rte_memzone *memzone;
	uint32_t capacity; /**< Usable size of the stack. */
	uint32_t flags; /**< Flags supplied at creation. */
	union {
		struct rte_stack_lf stack_lf; /**< Lock-free LIFO structure. */
		struct rte_stack_std stack_std;	/**< LIFO structure. */
} __rte_cache_aligned;

 * The stack uses lock-free push and pop functions. This flag is only
 * supported on x86_64 platforms, currently.
#define RTE_STACK_F_LF 0x0001

#include "rte_stack_std.h"
#include "rte_stack_lf.h"

 * @warning
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * Push several objects on the stack (MT-safe).
 * @param s
 *   A pointer to the stack structure.
 * @param obj_table
 *   A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects).
 * @param n
 *   The number of objects to push on the stack from the obj_table.
 * @return
 *   Actual number of objects pushed (either 0 or *n*).
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_stack_push(struct rte_stack *s, void * const *obj_table, unsigned int n)
	RTE_ASSERT(obj_table != NULL);

	if (s->flags & RTE_STACK_F_LF)
		return __rte_stack_lf_push(s, obj_table, n);
		return __rte_stack_std_push(s, obj_table, n);

 * @warning
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * Pop several objects from the stack (MT-safe).
 * @param s
 *   A pointer to the stack structure.
 * @param obj_table
 *   A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects).
 * @param n
 *   The number of objects to pull from the stack.
 * @return
 *   Actual number of objects popped (either 0 or *n*).
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_stack_pop(struct rte_stack *s, void **obj_table, unsigned int n)
	RTE_ASSERT(obj_table != NULL);

	if (s->flags & RTE_STACK_F_LF)
		return __rte_stack_lf_pop(s, obj_table, n);
		return __rte_stack_std_pop(s, obj_table, n);

 * @warning
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * Return the number of used entries in a stack.
 * @param s
 *   A pointer to the stack structure.
 * @return
 *   The number of used entries in the stack.
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_stack_count(struct rte_stack *s)

	if (s->flags & RTE_STACK_F_LF)
		return __rte_stack_lf_count(s);
		return __rte_stack_std_count(s);

 * @warning
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * Return the number of free entries in a stack.
 * @param s
 *   A pointer to the stack structure.
 * @return
 *   The number of free entries in the stack.
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int
rte_stack_free_count(struct rte_stack *s)

	return s->capacity - rte_stack_count(s);

 * @warning
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * Create a new stack named *name* in memory.
 * This function uses ``memzone_reserve()`` to allocate memory for a stack of
 * size *count*. The behavior of the stack is controlled by the *flags*.
 * @param name
 *   The name of the stack.
 * @param count
 *   The size of the stack.
 * @param socket_id
 *   The *socket_id* argument is the socket identifier in case of
 *   NUMA. The value can be *SOCKET_ID_ANY* if there is no NUMA
 *   constraint for the reserved zone.
 * @param flags
 *   An OR of the following:
 *    - RTE_STACK_F_LF: If this flag is set, the stack uses lock-free
 *      variants of the push and pop functions. Otherwise, it achieves
 *      thread-safety using a lock.
 * @return
 *   On success, the pointer to the new allocated stack. NULL on error with
 *    rte_errno set appropriately. Possible errno values include:
 *    - ENOSPC - the maximum number of memzones has already been allocated
 *    - EEXIST - a stack with the same name already exists
 *    - ENOMEM - insufficient memory to create the stack
 *    - ENAMETOOLONG - name size exceeds RTE_STACK_NAMESIZE
struct rte_stack *
rte_stack_create(const char *name, unsigned int count, int socket_id,
		 uint32_t flags);

 * @warning
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * Free all memory used by the stack.
 * @param s
 *   Stack to free
rte_stack_free(struct rte_stack *s);

 * @warning
 * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
 * Lookup a stack by its name.
 * @param name
 *   The name of the stack.
 * @return
 *   The pointer to the stack matching the name, or NULL if not found,
 *   with rte_errno set appropriately. Possible rte_errno values include:
 *    - ENOENT - Stack with name *name* not found.
 *    - EINVAL - *name* pointer is NULL.
struct rte_stack *
rte_stack_lookup(const char *name);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _RTE_STACK_H_ */