# Test replication of blocking lists and zset operations. # Unlike stream operations such operations are "pop" style, so they consume # the list or sorted set, and must be replicated correctly. proc start_bg_block_op {host port db ops tls} { set tclsh [info nameofexecutable] exec $tclsh tests/helpers/bg_block_op.tcl $host $port $db $ops $tls & } proc stop_bg_block_op {handle} { catch {exec /bin/kill -9 $handle} } start_server {tags {"repl"}} { start_server {} { set master [srv -1 client] set master_host [srv -1 host] set master_port [srv -1 port] set slave [srv 0 client] set load_handle0 [start_bg_block_op $master_host $master_port 9 100000 $::tls] set load_handle1 [start_bg_block_op $master_host $master_port 9 100000 $::tls] set load_handle2 [start_bg_block_op $master_host $master_port 9 100000 $::tls] test {First server should have role slave after SLAVEOF} { $slave slaveof $master_host $master_port after 1000 s 0 role } {slave} test {Test replication with blocking lists and sorted sets operations} { after 25000 stop_bg_block_op $load_handle0 stop_bg_block_op $load_handle1 stop_bg_block_op $load_handle2 wait_for_condition 100 100 { [$master debug digest] == [$slave debug digest] } else { set csv1 [csvdump r] set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}] set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w] puts -nonewline $fd $csv1 close $fd set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w] puts -nonewline $fd $csv2 close $fd fail "Master - Replica inconsistency, Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info" } } } }