/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/queue.h> #include <string.h> #include <rte_common.h> #include <rte_memory.h> #include <rte_per_lcore.h> #include <rte_launch.h> #include <rte_atomic.h> #include <rte_rwlock.h> #include <rte_eal.h> #include <rte_lcore.h> #include <rte_cycles.h> #include "test.h" /* * rwlock test * =========== * Provides UT for rte_rwlock API. * Main concern is on functional testing, but also provides some * performance measurements. * Obviously for proper testing need to be executed with more than one lcore. */ #define ITER_NUM 0x80 #define TEST_SEC 5 static rte_rwlock_t sl; static rte_rwlock_t sl_tab[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; static rte_atomic32_t synchro; enum { LC_TYPE_RDLOCK, LC_TYPE_WRLOCK, }; static struct { rte_rwlock_t lock; uint64_t tick; volatile union { uint8_t u8[RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE]; uint64_t u64[RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)]; } data; } __rte_cache_aligned try_rwlock_data; struct try_rwlock_lcore { int32_t rc; int32_t type; struct { uint64_t tick; uint64_t fail; uint64_t success; } stat; } __rte_cache_aligned; static struct try_rwlock_lcore try_lcore_data[RTE_MAX_LCORE]; static int test_rwlock_per_core(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg) { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&sl); printf("Global write lock taken on core %u\n", rte_lcore_id()); rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&sl); rte_rwlock_write_lock(&sl_tab[rte_lcore_id()]); printf("Hello from core %u !\n", rte_lcore_id()); rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&sl_tab[rte_lcore_id()]); rte_rwlock_read_lock(&sl); printf("Global read lock taken on core %u\n", rte_lcore_id()); rte_delay_ms(100); printf("Release global read lock on core %u\n", rte_lcore_id()); rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&sl); return 0; } static rte_rwlock_t lk = RTE_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER; static volatile uint64_t rwlock_data; static uint64_t time_count[RTE_MAX_LCORE] = {0}; #define MAX_LOOP 10000 #define TEST_RWLOCK_DEBUG 0 static int load_loop_fn(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg) { uint64_t time_diff = 0, begin; uint64_t hz = rte_get_timer_hz(); uint64_t lcount = 0; const unsigned int lcore = rte_lcore_id(); /* wait synchro for slaves */ if (lcore != rte_get_master_lcore()) while (rte_atomic32_read(&synchro) == 0) ; begin = rte_rdtsc_precise(); while (lcount < MAX_LOOP) { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&lk); ++rwlock_data; rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&lk); rte_rwlock_read_lock(&lk); if (TEST_RWLOCK_DEBUG && !(lcount % 100)) printf("Core [%u] rwlock_data = %"PRIu64"\n", lcore, rwlock_data); rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&lk); lcount++; /* delay to make lock duty cycle slightly realistic */ rte_pause(); } time_diff = rte_rdtsc_precise() - begin; time_count[lcore] = time_diff * 1000000 / hz; return 0; } static int test_rwlock_perf(void) { unsigned int i; uint64_t total = 0; printf("\nRwlock Perf Test on %u cores...\n", rte_lcore_count()); /* clear synchro and start slaves */ rte_atomic32_set(&synchro, 0); if (rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(load_loop_fn, NULL, SKIP_MASTER) < 0) return -1; /* start synchro and launch test on master */ rte_atomic32_set(&synchro, 1); load_loop_fn(NULL); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH(i) { printf("Core [%u] cost time = %"PRIu64" us\n", i, time_count[i]); total += time_count[i]; } printf("Total cost time = %"PRIu64" us\n", total); memset(time_count, 0, sizeof(time_count)); return 0; } /* * - There is a global rwlock and a table of rwlocks (one per lcore). * * - The test function takes all of these locks and launches the * ``test_rwlock_per_core()`` function on each core (except the master). * * - The function takes the global write lock, display something, * then releases the global lock. * - Then, it takes the per-lcore write lock, display something, and * releases the per-core lock. * - Finally, a read lock is taken during 100 ms, then released. * * - The main function unlocks the per-lcore locks sequentially and * waits between each lock. This triggers the display of a message * for each core, in the correct order. * * Then, it tries to take the global write lock and display the last * message. The autotest script checks that the message order is correct. */ static int rwlock_test1(void) { int i; rte_rwlock_init(&sl); for (i=0; i<RTE_MAX_LCORE; i++) rte_rwlock_init(&sl_tab[i]); rte_rwlock_write_lock(&sl); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(i) { rte_rwlock_write_lock(&sl_tab[i]); rte_eal_remote_launch(test_rwlock_per_core, NULL, i); } rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&sl); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_SLAVE(i) { rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&sl_tab[i]); rte_delay_ms(100); } rte_rwlock_write_lock(&sl); /* this message should be the last message of test */ printf("Global write lock taken on master core %u\n", rte_lcore_id()); rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&sl); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); if (test_rwlock_perf() < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int try_read(uint32_t lc) { int32_t rc; uint32_t i; rc = rte_rwlock_read_trylock(&try_rwlock_data.lock); if (rc != 0) return rc; for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(try_rwlock_data.data.u64); i++) { /* race condition occurred, lock doesn't work properly */ if (try_rwlock_data.data.u64[i] != 0) { printf("%s(%u) error: unexpected data pattern\n", __func__, lc); rte_memdump(stdout, NULL, (void *)(uintptr_t)&try_rwlock_data.data, sizeof(try_rwlock_data.data)); rc = -EFAULT; break; } } rte_rwlock_read_unlock(&try_rwlock_data.lock); return rc; } static int try_write(uint32_t lc) { int32_t rc; uint32_t i, v; v = RTE_MAX(lc % UINT8_MAX, 1U); rc = rte_rwlock_write_trylock(&try_rwlock_data.lock); if (rc != 0) return rc; /* update by bytes in reverese order */ for (i = RTE_DIM(try_rwlock_data.data.u8); i-- != 0; ) { /* race condition occurred, lock doesn't work properly */ if (try_rwlock_data.data.u8[i] != 0) { printf("%s:%d(%u) error: unexpected data pattern\n", __func__, __LINE__, lc); rte_memdump(stdout, NULL, (void *)(uintptr_t)&try_rwlock_data.data, sizeof(try_rwlock_data.data)); rc = -EFAULT; break; } try_rwlock_data.data.u8[i] = v; } /* restore by bytes in reverese order */ for (i = RTE_DIM(try_rwlock_data.data.u8); i-- != 0; ) { /* race condition occurred, lock doesn't work properly */ if (try_rwlock_data.data.u8[i] != v) { printf("%s:%d(%u) error: unexpected data pattern\n", __func__, __LINE__, lc); rte_memdump(stdout, NULL, (void *)(uintptr_t)&try_rwlock_data.data, sizeof(try_rwlock_data.data)); rc = -EFAULT; break; } try_rwlock_data.data.u8[i] = 0; } rte_rwlock_write_unlock(&try_rwlock_data.lock); return rc; } static int try_read_lcore(__rte_unused void *data) { int32_t rc; uint32_t i, lc; uint64_t ftm, stm, tm; struct try_rwlock_lcore *lcd; lc = rte_lcore_id(); lcd = try_lcore_data + lc; lcd->type = LC_TYPE_RDLOCK; ftm = try_rwlock_data.tick; stm = rte_get_timer_cycles(); do { for (i = 0; i != ITER_NUM; i++) { rc = try_read(lc); if (rc == 0) lcd->stat.success++; else if (rc == -EBUSY) lcd->stat.fail++; else break; rc = 0; } tm = rte_get_timer_cycles() - stm; } while (tm < ftm && rc == 0); lcd->rc = rc; lcd->stat.tick = tm; return rc; } static int try_write_lcore(__rte_unused void *data) { int32_t rc; uint32_t i, lc; uint64_t ftm, stm, tm; struct try_rwlock_lcore *lcd; lc = rte_lcore_id(); lcd = try_lcore_data + lc; lcd->type = LC_TYPE_WRLOCK; ftm = try_rwlock_data.tick; stm = rte_get_timer_cycles(); do { for (i = 0; i != ITER_NUM; i++) { rc = try_write(lc); if (rc == 0) lcd->stat.success++; else if (rc == -EBUSY) lcd->stat.fail++; else break; rc = 0; } tm = rte_get_timer_cycles() - stm; } while (tm < ftm && rc == 0); lcd->rc = rc; lcd->stat.tick = tm; return rc; } static void print_try_lcore_stats(const struct try_rwlock_lcore *tlc, uint32_t lc) { uint64_t f, s; f = RTE_MAX(tlc->stat.fail, 1ULL); s = RTE_MAX(tlc->stat.success, 1ULL); printf("try_lcore_data[%u]={\n" "\trc=%d,\n" "\ttype=%s,\n" "\tfail=%" PRIu64 ",\n" "\tsuccess=%" PRIu64 ",\n" "\tcycles=%" PRIu64 ",\n" "\tcycles/op=%#Lf,\n" "\tcycles/success=%#Lf,\n" "\tsuccess/fail=%#Lf,\n" "};\n", lc, tlc->rc, tlc->type == LC_TYPE_RDLOCK ? "RDLOCK" : "WRLOCK", tlc->stat.fail, tlc->stat.success, tlc->stat.tick, (long double)tlc->stat.tick / (tlc->stat.fail + tlc->stat.success), (long double)tlc->stat.tick / s, (long double)tlc->stat.success / f); } static void collect_try_lcore_stats(struct try_rwlock_lcore *tlc, const struct try_rwlock_lcore *lc) { tlc->stat.tick += lc->stat.tick; tlc->stat.fail += lc->stat.fail; tlc->stat.success += lc->stat.success; } /* * Process collected results: * - check status * - collect and print statistics */ static int process_try_lcore_stats(void) { int32_t rc; uint32_t lc, rd, wr; struct try_rwlock_lcore rlc, wlc; memset(&rlc, 0, sizeof(rlc)); memset(&wlc, 0, sizeof(wlc)); rlc.type = LC_TYPE_RDLOCK; wlc.type = LC_TYPE_WRLOCK; rd = 0; wr = 0; rc = 0; RTE_LCORE_FOREACH(lc) { rc |= try_lcore_data[lc].rc; if (try_lcore_data[lc].type == LC_TYPE_RDLOCK) { collect_try_lcore_stats(&rlc, try_lcore_data + lc); rd++; } else { collect_try_lcore_stats(&wlc, try_lcore_data + lc); wr++; } } if (rc == 0) { RTE_LCORE_FOREACH(lc) print_try_lcore_stats(try_lcore_data + lc, lc); if (rd != 0) { printf("aggregated stats for %u RDLOCK cores:\n", rd); print_try_lcore_stats(&rlc, rd); } if (wr != 0) { printf("aggregated stats for %u WRLOCK cores:\n", wr); print_try_lcore_stats(&wlc, wr); } } return rc; } static void try_test_reset(void) { memset(&try_lcore_data, 0, sizeof(try_lcore_data)); memset(&try_rwlock_data, 0, sizeof(try_rwlock_data)); try_rwlock_data.tick = TEST_SEC * rte_get_tsc_hz(); } /* all lcores grab RDLOCK */ static int try_rwlock_test_rda(void) { try_test_reset(); /* start read test on all avaialble lcores */ rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(try_read_lcore, NULL, CALL_MASTER); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); return process_try_lcore_stats(); } /* all slave lcores grab RDLOCK, master one grabs WRLOCK */ static int try_rwlock_test_rds_wrm(void) { try_test_reset(); rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(try_read_lcore, NULL, SKIP_MASTER); try_write_lcore(NULL); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); return process_try_lcore_stats(); } /* master and even slave lcores grab RDLOCK, odd lcores grab WRLOCK */ static int try_rwlock_test_rde_wro(void) { uint32_t lc, mlc; try_test_reset(); mlc = rte_get_master_lcore(); RTE_LCORE_FOREACH(lc) { if (lc != mlc) { if ((lc & 1) == 0) rte_eal_remote_launch(try_read_lcore, NULL, lc); else rte_eal_remote_launch(try_write_lcore, NULL, lc); } } try_read_lcore(NULL); rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore(); return process_try_lcore_stats(); } static int test_rwlock(void) { uint32_t i; int32_t rc, ret; static const struct { const char *name; int (*ftst)(void); } test[] = { { .name = "rwlock_test1", .ftst = rwlock_test1, }, { .name = "try_rwlock_test_rda", .ftst = try_rwlock_test_rda, }, { .name = "try_rwlock_test_rds_wrm", .ftst = try_rwlock_test_rds_wrm, }, { .name = "try_rwlock_test_rde_wro", .ftst = try_rwlock_test_rde_wro, }, }; ret = 0; for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(test); i++) { printf("starting test %s;\n", test[i].name); rc = test[i].ftst(); printf("test %s completed with status %d\n", test[i].name, rc); ret |= rc; } return ret; } REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(rwlock_autotest, test_rwlock); /* subtests used in meson for CI */ REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(rwlock_test1_autotest, rwlock_test1); REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(rwlock_rda_autotest, try_rwlock_test_rda); REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(rwlock_rds_wrm_autotest, try_rwlock_test_rds_wrm); REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(rwlock_rde_wro_autotest, try_rwlock_test_rde_wro);