/*- * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <getopt.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sched.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <rte_common.h> #include <rte_memcpy.h> #include <pqos.h> #include "cat.h" #define BITS_PER_HEX 4 #define PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS 8 #define PQOS_MAX_SOCKET_CORES 64 #define PQOS_MAX_CORES (PQOS_MAX_SOCKET_CORES * PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS) static const struct pqos_cap *m_cap; static const struct pqos_cpuinfo *m_cpu; static const struct pqos_capability *m_cap_l3ca; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 static unsigned m_sockets[PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS]; #else static unsigned int *m_sockets; #endif static unsigned m_sock_count; static struct cat_config m_config[PQOS_MAX_CORES]; static unsigned m_config_count; static unsigned bits_count(uint64_t bitmask) { unsigned count = 0; for (; bitmask != 0; count++) bitmask &= bitmask - 1; return count; } /* * Parse elem, the elem could be single number/range or '(' ')' group * 1) A single number elem, it's just a simple digit. e.g. 9 * 2) A single range elem, two digits with a '-' between. e.g. 2-6 * 3) A group elem, combines multiple 1) or 2) with '( )'. e.g (0,2-4,6) * Within group elem, '-' used for a range separator; * ',' used for a single number. */ static int parse_set(const char *input, rte_cpuset_t *cpusetp) { unsigned idx; const char *str = input; char *end = NULL; unsigned min, max; const unsigned num = PQOS_MAX_CORES; CPU_ZERO(cpusetp); while (isblank(*str)) str++; /* only digit or left bracket is qualify for start point */ if ((!isdigit(*str) && *str != '(') || *str == '\0') return -1; /* process single number or single range of number */ if (*str != '(') { errno = 0; idx = strtoul(str, &end, 10); if (errno || end == NULL || idx >= num) return -1; while (isblank(*end)) end++; min = idx; max = idx; if (*end == '-') { /* process single <number>-<number> */ end++; while (isblank(*end)) end++; if (!isdigit(*end)) return -1; errno = 0; idx = strtoul(end, &end, 10); if (errno || end == NULL || idx >= num) return -1; max = idx; while (isblank(*end)) end++; if (*end != ',' && *end != '\0') return -1; } if (*end != ',' && *end != '\0' && *end != '@') return -1; for (idx = RTE_MIN(min, max); idx <= RTE_MAX(min, max); idx++) CPU_SET(idx, cpusetp); return end - input; } /* process set within bracket */ str++; while (isblank(*str)) str++; if (*str == '\0') return -1; min = PQOS_MAX_CORES; do { /* go ahead to the first digit */ while (isblank(*str)) str++; if (!isdigit(*str)) return -1; /* get the digit value */ errno = 0; idx = strtoul(str, &end, 10); if (errno || end == NULL || idx >= num) return -1; /* go ahead to separator '-',',' and ')' */ while (isblank(*end)) end++; if (*end == '-') { if (min == PQOS_MAX_CORES) min = idx; else /* avoid continuous '-' */ return -1; } else if ((*end == ',') || (*end == ')')) { max = idx; if (min == PQOS_MAX_CORES) min = idx; for (idx = RTE_MIN(min, max); idx <= RTE_MAX(min, max); idx++) CPU_SET(idx, cpusetp); min = PQOS_MAX_CORES; } else return -1; str = end + 1; } while (*end != '\0' && *end != ')'); return str - input; } /* Test if bitmask is contiguous */ static int is_contiguous(uint64_t bitmask) { /* check if bitmask is contiguous */ unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; const unsigned max_idx = (sizeof(bitmask) * CHAR_BIT); if (bitmask == 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < max_idx; i++) { if (((1ULL << i) & bitmask) != 0) j++; else if (j > 0) break; } if (bits_count(bitmask) != j) { printf("PQOS: mask 0x%llx is not contiguous.\n", (unsigned long long)bitmask); return 0; } return 1; } /* * The format pattern: --l3ca='<cbm@cpus>[,<(ccbm,dcbm)@cpus>...]' * cbm could be a single mask or for a CDP enabled system, a group of two masks * ("code cbm" and "data cbm") * '(' and ')' are necessary if it's a group. * cpus could be a single digit/range or a group. * '(' and ')' are necessary if it's a group. * * e.g. '0x00F00@(1,3), 0x0FF00@(4-6), 0xF0000@7' * - CPUs 1 and 3 share its 4 ways with CPUs 4, 5 and 6; * - CPUs 4,5 and 6 share half (4 out of 8 ways) of its L3 with 1 and 3; * - CPUs 4,5 and 6 have exclusive access to 4 out of 8 ways; * - CPU 7 has exclusive access to all of its 4 ways; * * e.g. '(0x00C00,0x00300)@(1,3)' for a CDP enabled system * - cpus 1 and 3 have access to 2 ways for code and 2 ways for data, * code and data ways are not overlapping.; */ static int parse_l3ca(const char *l3ca) { unsigned idx = 0; const char *cbm_start = NULL; char *cbm_end = NULL; const char *end = NULL; int offset; rte_cpuset_t cpuset; uint64_t mask = 0; uint64_t cmask = 0; if (l3ca == NULL) goto err; /* Get cbm */ do { CPU_ZERO(&cpuset); mask = 0; cmask = 0; while (isblank(*l3ca)) l3ca++; if (*l3ca == '\0') goto err; /* record mask_set start point */ cbm_start = l3ca; /* go across a complete bracket */ if (*cbm_start == '(') { l3ca += strcspn(l3ca, ")"); if (*l3ca++ == '\0') goto err; } /* scan the separator '@', ','(next) or '\0'(finish) */ l3ca += strcspn(l3ca, "@,"); if (*l3ca != '@') goto err; /* explicit assign cpu_set */ offset = parse_set(l3ca + 1, &cpuset); if (offset < 0 || CPU_COUNT(&cpuset) == 0) goto err; end = l3ca + 1 + offset; if (*end != ',' && *end != '\0') goto err; /* parse mask_set from start point */ if (*cbm_start == '(') { cbm_start++; while (isblank(*cbm_start)) cbm_start++; if (!isxdigit(*cbm_start)) goto err; errno = 0; cmask = strtoul(cbm_start, &cbm_end, 16); if (errno != 0 || cbm_end == NULL || cmask == 0) goto err; while (isblank(*cbm_end)) cbm_end++; if (*cbm_end != ',') goto err; cbm_end++; while (isblank(*cbm_end)) cbm_end++; if (!isxdigit(*cbm_end)) goto err; errno = 0; mask = strtoul(cbm_end, &cbm_end, 16); if (errno != 0 || cbm_end == NULL || mask == 0) goto err; } else { while (isblank(*cbm_start)) cbm_start++; if (!isxdigit(*cbm_start)) goto err; errno = 0; mask = strtoul(cbm_start, &cbm_end, 16); if (errno != 0 || cbm_end == NULL || mask == 0) goto err; } if (mask == 0 || is_contiguous(mask) == 0) goto err; if (cmask != 0 && is_contiguous(cmask) == 0) goto err; rte_memcpy(&m_config[idx].cpumask, &cpuset, sizeof(rte_cpuset_t)); if (cmask != 0) { m_config[idx].cdp = 1; m_config[idx].code_mask = cmask; m_config[idx].data_mask = mask; } else m_config[idx].mask = mask; m_config_count++; l3ca = end + 1; idx++; } while (*end != '\0' && idx < PQOS_MAX_CORES); return 0; err: return -EINVAL; } static int check_cpus_overlapping(void) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; rte_cpuset_t mask; CPU_ZERO(&mask); for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < m_config_count; j++) { CPU_AND(&mask, &m_config[i].cpumask, &m_config[j].cpumask); if (CPU_COUNT(&mask) != 0) { printf("PQOS: Requested CPUs sets are " "overlapping.\n"); return -EINVAL; } } } return 0; } static int check_cpus(void) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned cpu_id = 0; unsigned cos_id = 0; int ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { for (cpu_id = 0; cpu_id < PQOS_MAX_CORES; cpu_id++) { if (CPU_ISSET(cpu_id, &m_config[i].cpumask) != 0) { ret = pqos_cpu_check_core(m_cpu, cpu_id); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: %u is not a valid " "logical core id.\n", cpu_id); ret = -ENODEV; goto exit; } #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 ret = pqos_l3ca_assoc_get(cpu_id, &cos_id); #else ret = pqos_alloc_assoc_get(cpu_id, &cos_id); #endif if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to read COS " "associated to cpu %u.\n", cpu_id); ret = -EFAULT; goto exit; } /* * Check if COS assigned to lcore is different * then default one (#0) */ if (cos_id != 0) { printf("PQOS: cpu %u has already " "associated COS#%u. " "Please reset L3CA.\n", cpu_id, cos_id); ret = -EBUSY; goto exit; } } } } exit: return ret; } static int check_cdp(void) { unsigned i = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { if (m_config[i].cdp == 1 && m_cap_l3ca->u.l3ca->cdp_on == 0) { if (m_cap_l3ca->u.l3ca->cdp == 0) { printf("PQOS: CDP requested but not " "supported.\n"); } else { printf("PQOS: CDP requested but not enabled. " "Please enable CDP.\n"); } return -ENOTSUP; } } return 0; } static int check_cbm_len_and_contention(void) { unsigned i = 0; uint64_t mask = 0; const uint64_t not_cbm = (UINT64_MAX << (m_cap_l3ca->u.l3ca->num_ways)); const uint64_t cbm_contention_mask = m_cap_l3ca->u.l3ca->way_contention; int ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { if (m_config[i].cdp == 1) mask = m_config[i].code_mask | m_config[i].data_mask; else mask = m_config[i].mask; if ((mask & not_cbm) != 0) { printf("PQOS: One or more of requested CBM masks not " "supported by system (too long).\n"); ret = -ENOTSUP; break; } /* Just a warning */ if ((mask & cbm_contention_mask) != 0) { printf("PQOS: One or more of requested CBM masks " "overlap CBM contention mask.\n"); break; } } return ret; } static int check_and_select_classes(unsigned cos_id_map[][PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS]) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; unsigned phy_pkg_id = 0; unsigned cos_id = 0; unsigned cpu_id = 0; unsigned phy_pkg_lcores[PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS][m_config_count]; const unsigned cos_num = m_cap_l3ca->u.l3ca->num_classes; unsigned used_cos_table[PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS][cos_num]; int ret = 0; memset(phy_pkg_lcores, 0, sizeof(phy_pkg_lcores)); memset(used_cos_table, 0, sizeof(used_cos_table)); /* detect currently used COS */ for (j = 0; j < m_cpu->num_cores; j++) { cpu_id = m_cpu->cores[j].lcore; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 ret = pqos_l3ca_assoc_get(cpu_id, &cos_id); #else ret = pqos_alloc_assoc_get(cpu_id, &cos_id); #endif if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to read COS associated to " "cpu %u on phy_pkg %u.\n", cpu_id, phy_pkg_id); ret = -EFAULT; goto exit; } ret = pqos_cpu_get_socketid(m_cpu, cpu_id, &phy_pkg_id); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to get socket for cpu %u\n", cpu_id); ret = -EFAULT; goto exit; } /* Mark COS as used */ if (used_cos_table[phy_pkg_id][cos_id] == 0) used_cos_table[phy_pkg_id][cos_id]++; } /* look for avail. COS to fulfill requested config */ for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m_cpu->num_cores; j++) { cpu_id = m_cpu->cores[j].lcore; if (CPU_ISSET(cpu_id, &m_config[i].cpumask) == 0) continue; ret = pqos_cpu_get_socketid(m_cpu, cpu_id, &phy_pkg_id); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to get socket for " "cpu %u\n", cpu_id); ret = -EFAULT; goto exit; } /* * Check if we already have COS selected * to be used for that group on that socket */ if (phy_pkg_lcores[phy_pkg_id][i] != 0) continue; phy_pkg_lcores[phy_pkg_id][i]++; /* Search for avail. COS to be used on that socket */ for (cos_id = 0; cos_id < cos_num; cos_id++) { if (used_cos_table[phy_pkg_id][cos_id] == 0) { used_cos_table[phy_pkg_id][cos_id]++; cos_id_map[i][phy_pkg_id] = cos_id; break; } } /* If there is no COS available ...*/ if (cos_id == cos_num) { ret = -E2BIG; goto exit; } } } exit: if (ret != 0) printf("PQOS: Not enough available COS to configure " "requested configuration.\n"); return ret; } static int configure_cat(unsigned cos_id_map[][PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS]) { unsigned phy_pkg_id = 0; unsigned cpu_id = 0; unsigned cos_id = 0; unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; struct pqos_l3ca l3ca = {0}; int ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { memset(&l3ca, 0, sizeof(l3ca)); l3ca.cdp = m_config[i].cdp; if (m_config[i].cdp == 1) { #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 l3ca.code_mask = m_config[i].code_mask; l3ca.data_mask = m_config[i].data_mask; #else l3ca.u.s.code_mask = m_config[i].code_mask; l3ca.u.s.data_mask = m_config[i].data_mask; #endif } else #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 l3ca.ways_mask = m_config[i].mask; #else l3ca.u.ways_mask = m_config[i].mask; #endif for (j = 0; j < m_sock_count; j++) { phy_pkg_id = m_sockets[j]; if (cos_id_map[i][phy_pkg_id] == 0) continue; l3ca.class_id = cos_id_map[i][phy_pkg_id]; ret = pqos_l3ca_set(phy_pkg_id, 1, &l3ca); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to set COS %u on " "phy_pkg %u.\n", l3ca.class_id, phy_pkg_id); ret = -EFAULT; goto exit; } } } for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m_cpu->num_cores; j++) { cpu_id = m_cpu->cores[j].lcore; if (CPU_ISSET(cpu_id, &m_config[i].cpumask) == 0) continue; ret = pqos_cpu_get_socketid(m_cpu, cpu_id, &phy_pkg_id); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to get socket for " "cpu %u\n", cpu_id); ret = -EFAULT; goto exit; } cos_id = cos_id_map[i][phy_pkg_id]; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 ret = pqos_l3ca_assoc_set(cpu_id, cos_id); #else ret = pqos_alloc_assoc_set(cpu_id, cos_id); #endif if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to associate COS %u to " "cpu %u\n", cos_id, cpu_id); ret = -EFAULT; goto exit; } } } exit: return ret; } /* Parse the argument given in the command line of the application */ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { int opt = 0; int retval = 0; int oldopterr = 0; char **argvopt = argv; char *prgname = argv[0]; static struct option lgopts[] = { { "l3ca", required_argument, 0, 0 }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* Disable printing messages within getopt() */ oldopterr = opterr; opterr = 0; opt = getopt_long(argc, argvopt, "", lgopts, NULL); if (opt == 0) { retval = parse_l3ca(optarg); if (retval != 0) { printf("PQOS: Invalid L3CA parameters!\n"); goto exit; } argv[optind - 1] = prgname; retval = optind - 1; } else retval = 0; exit: /* reset getopt lib */ optind = 1; /* Restore opterr value */ opterr = oldopterr; return retval; } static void print_cmd_line_config(void) { char cpustr[PQOS_MAX_CORES * 3] = {0}; unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { unsigned len = 0; memset(cpustr, 0, sizeof(cpustr)); /* Generate CPU list */ for (j = 0; j < PQOS_MAX_CORES; j++) { if (CPU_ISSET(j, &m_config[i].cpumask) != 1) continue; len += snprintf(cpustr + len, sizeof(cpustr) - len - 1, "%u,", j); if (len >= sizeof(cpustr) - 1) break; } if (m_config[i].cdp == 1) { printf("PQOS: CPUs: %s cMASK: 0x%llx, dMASK: " "0x%llx\n", cpustr, (unsigned long long)m_config[i].code_mask, (unsigned long long)m_config[i].data_mask); } else { printf("PQOS: CPUs: %s MASK: 0x%llx\n", cpustr, (unsigned long long)m_config[i].mask); } } } /** * @brief Prints CAT configuration */ static void print_cat_config(void) { int ret = PQOS_RETVAL_OK; unsigned i = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_sock_count; i++) { struct pqos_l3ca tab[PQOS_MAX_L3CA_COS] = {{0} }; unsigned num = 0; unsigned n = 0; ret = pqos_l3ca_get(m_sockets[i], PQOS_MAX_L3CA_COS, &num, tab); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Error retrieving COS!\n"); return; } printf("PQOS: COS definitions for Socket %u:\n", m_sockets[i]); for (n = 0; n < num; n++) { if (tab[n].cdp == 1) { printf("PQOS: COS: %u, cMASK: 0x%llx, " "dMASK: 0x%llx\n", tab[n].class_id, #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 (unsigned long long)tab[n].code_mask, (unsigned long long)tab[n].data_mask); #else (unsigned long long)tab[n].u.s.code_mask, (unsigned long long)tab[n].u.s.data_mask); #endif } else { printf("PQOS: COS: %u, MASK: 0x%llx\n", tab[n].class_id, #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 (unsigned long long)tab[n].ways_mask); #else (unsigned long long)tab[n].u.ways_mask); #endif } } } for (i = 0; i < m_sock_count; i++) { #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 unsigned lcores[PQOS_MAX_SOCKET_CORES] = {0}; #else unsigned int *lcores = NULL; #endif unsigned lcount = 0; unsigned n = 0; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 ret = pqos_cpu_get_cores(m_cpu, m_sockets[i], PQOS_MAX_SOCKET_CORES, &lcount, &lcores[0]); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { #else lcores = pqos_cpu_get_cores(m_cpu, m_sockets[i], &lcount); if (lcores == NULL || lcount == 0) { #endif printf("PQOS: Error retrieving core information!\n"); return; } printf("PQOS: CPU information for socket %u:\n", m_sockets[i]); for (n = 0; n < lcount; n++) { unsigned class_id = 0; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 ret = pqos_l3ca_assoc_get(lcores[n], &class_id); #else ret = pqos_alloc_assoc_get(lcores[n], &class_id); #endif if (ret == PQOS_RETVAL_OK) printf("PQOS: CPU: %u, COS: %u\n", lcores[n], class_id); else printf("PQOS: CPU: %u, ERROR\n", lcores[n]); } #if PQOS_VERSION > 103 free(lcores); #endif } } static int cat_validate(void) { int ret = 0; ret = check_cpus(); if (ret != 0) return ret; ret = check_cdp(); if (ret != 0) return ret; ret = check_cbm_len_and_contention(); if (ret != 0) return ret; ret = check_cpus_overlapping(); if (ret != 0) return ret; return 0; } static int cat_set(void) { int ret = 0; unsigned cos_id_map[m_config_count][PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS]; memset(cos_id_map, 0, sizeof(cos_id_map)); ret = check_and_select_classes(cos_id_map); if (ret != 0) return ret; ret = configure_cat(cos_id_map); if (ret != 0) return ret; return 0; } static void cat_fini(void) { int ret = 0; printf("PQOS: Shutting down PQoS library...\n"); /* deallocate all the resources */ ret = pqos_fini(); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK && ret != PQOS_RETVAL_INIT) printf("PQOS: Error shutting down PQoS library!\n"); m_cap = NULL; m_cpu = NULL; m_cap_l3ca = NULL; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 memset(m_sockets, 0, sizeof(m_sockets)); #else if (m_sockets != NULL) free(m_sockets); #endif m_sock_count = 0; memset(m_config, 0, sizeof(m_config)); m_config_count = 0; } void cat_exit(void) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; unsigned cpu_id = 0; int ret = 0; /* if lib is not initialized, do nothing */ if (m_cap == NULL && m_cpu == NULL) return; printf("PQOS: Reverting CAT configuration...\n"); for (i = 0; i < m_config_count; i++) { for (j = 0; j < m_cpu->num_cores; j++) { cpu_id = m_cpu->cores[j].lcore; if (CPU_ISSET(cpu_id, &m_config[i].cpumask) == 0) continue; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 ret = pqos_l3ca_assoc_set(cpu_id, 0); #else ret = pqos_alloc_assoc_set(cpu_id, 0); #endif if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Failed to associate COS 0 to " "cpu %u\n", cpu_id); } } } cat_fini(); } static void signal_handler(int signum) { if (signum == SIGINT || signum == SIGTERM) { printf("\nPQOS: Signal %d received, preparing to exit...\n", signum); cat_exit(); /* exit with the expected status */ signal(signum, SIG_DFL); kill(getpid(), signum); } } int cat_init(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; int args_num = 0; struct pqos_config cfg = {0}; if (m_cap != NULL || m_cpu != NULL) { printf("PQOS: CAT module already initialized!\n"); return -EEXIST; } /* Parse cmd line args */ ret = parse_args(argc, argv); if (ret <= 0) goto err; args_num = ret; /* Print cmd line configuration */ print_cmd_line_config(); /* PQoS Initialization - Check and initialize CAT capability */ cfg.fd_log = STDOUT_FILENO; cfg.verbose = 0; #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 cfg.cdp_cfg = PQOS_REQUIRE_CDP_ANY; #endif ret = pqos_init(&cfg); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { printf("PQOS: Error initializing PQoS library!\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto err; } /* Get capability and CPU info pointer */ ret = pqos_cap_get(&m_cap, &m_cpu); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK || m_cap == NULL || m_cpu == NULL) { printf("PQOS: Error retrieving PQoS capabilities!\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto err; } /* Get L3CA capabilities */ ret = pqos_cap_get_type(m_cap, PQOS_CAP_TYPE_L3CA, &m_cap_l3ca); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK || m_cap_l3ca == NULL) { printf("PQOS: Error retrieving PQOS_CAP_TYPE_L3CA " "capabilities!\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto err; } /* Get CPU socket information */ #if PQOS_VERSION <= 103 ret = pqos_cpu_get_sockets(m_cpu, PQOS_MAX_SOCKETS, &m_sock_count, m_sockets); if (ret != PQOS_RETVAL_OK) { #else m_sockets = pqos_cpu_get_sockets(m_cpu, &m_sock_count); if (m_sockets == NULL) { #endif printf("PQOS: Error retrieving CPU socket information!\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto err; } /* Validate cmd line configuration */ ret = cat_validate(); if (ret != 0) { printf("PQOS: Requested CAT configuration is not valid!\n"); goto err; } /* configure system */ ret = cat_set(); if (ret != 0) { printf("PQOS: Failed to configure CAT!\n"); goto err; } signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); ret = atexit(cat_exit); if (ret != 0) { printf("PQOS: Cannot set exit function\n"); goto err; } /* Print CAT configuration */ print_cat_config(); return args_num; err: /* deallocate all the resources */ cat_fini(); return ret; }