/* * PCG Random Number Generation for C. * * Copyright 2014-2019 Melissa O'Neill <oneill@pcg-random.org>, * and the PCG Project contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (provided in * LICENSE-APACHE.txt and at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * or under the MIT license (provided in LICENSE-MIT.txt and at * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), at your option. This file may not * be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. * * Distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See your chosen license for details. * * For additional information about the PCG random number generation scheme, * visit http://www.pcg-random.org/. */ /* * This code is derived from the canonical C++ PCG implementation, which * has many additional features and is preferable if you can use C++ in * your project. * * Much of the derivation was performed mechanically. In particular, the * output functions were generated by compiling the C++ output functions * into LLVM bitcode and then transforming that using the LLVM C backend * (from https://github.com/draperlaboratory/llvm-cbe), and then * postprocessing and hand editing the output. * * Much of the remaining code was generated by C-preprocessor metaprogramming. */ #ifndef PCG_VARIANTS_H_INCLUDED #define PCG_VARIANTS_H_INCLUDED 1 #if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && __SIZEOF_INT128__ typedef __uint128_t pcg128_t; #define PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(high,low) \ ((((pcg128_t)high) << 64) + low) #define PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS 1 #else #define PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS 0 #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* * Rotate helper functions. */ static inline uint8_t pcg_rotr_8(uint8_t value, unsigned int rot) { /* Unfortunately, clang is kinda pathetic when it comes to properly * recognizing idiomatic rotate code, so for clang we actually provide * assembler directives (enabled with PCG_USE_INLINE_ASM). Boo, hiss. */ #if PCG_USE_INLINE_ASM && defined(__clang__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)) __asm__ ("rorb %%cl, %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value), "c" (rot)); return value; #else return (value >> rot) | (value << ((- rot) & 7)); #endif } static inline uint16_t pcg_rotr_16(uint16_t value, unsigned int rot) { #if PCG_USE_INLINE_ASM && defined(__clang__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)) __asm__ ("rorw %%cl, %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value), "c" (rot)); return value; #else return (value >> rot) | (value << ((- rot) & 15)); #endif } static inline uint32_t pcg_rotr_32(uint32_t value, unsigned int rot) { #if PCG_USE_INLINE_ASM && defined(__clang__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)) __asm__ ("rorl %%cl, %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value), "c" (rot)); return value; #else return (value >> rot) | (value << ((- rot) & 31)); #endif } static inline uint64_t pcg_rotr_64(uint64_t value, unsigned int rot) { #if 0 && PCG_USE_INLINE_ASM && defined(__clang__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)) /* For whatever reason, clang actually *does* generate rotq by itself, so we don't need this code. */ __asm__ ("rorq %%cl, %0" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value), "c" (rot)); return value; #else return (value >> rot) | (value << ((- rot) & 63)); #endif } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_rotr_128(pcg128_t value, unsigned int rot) { return (value >> rot) | (value << ((- rot) & 127)); } #endif /* * Output functions. These are the core of the PCG generation scheme. */ /* XSH RS */ static inline uint8_t pcg_output_xsh_rs_16_8(uint16_t state) { return (uint8_t)(((state >> 7u) ^ state) >> ((state >> 14u) + 3u)); } static inline uint16_t pcg_output_xsh_rs_32_16(uint32_t state) { return (uint16_t)(((state >> 11u) ^ state) >> ((state >> 30u) + 11u)); } static inline uint32_t pcg_output_xsh_rs_64_32(uint64_t state) { return (uint32_t)(((state >> 22u) ^ state) >> ((state >> 61u) + 22u)); } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_output_xsh_rs_128_64(pcg128_t state) { return (uint64_t)(((state >> 43u) ^ state) >> ((state >> 124u) + 45u)); } #endif /* XSH RR */ static inline uint8_t pcg_output_xsh_rr_16_8(uint16_t state) { return pcg_rotr_8(((state >> 5u) ^ state) >> 5u, state >> 13u); } static inline uint16_t pcg_output_xsh_rr_32_16(uint32_t state) { return pcg_rotr_16(((state >> 10u) ^ state) >> 12u, state >> 28u); } static inline uint32_t pcg_output_xsh_rr_64_32(uint64_t state) { return pcg_rotr_32(((state >> 18u) ^ state) >> 27u, state >> 59u); } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_output_xsh_rr_128_64(pcg128_t state) { return pcg_rotr_64(((state >> 35u) ^ state) >> 58u, state >> 122u); } #endif /* RXS M XS */ static inline uint8_t pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_8_8(uint8_t state) { uint8_t word = ((state >> ((state >> 6u) + 2u)) ^ state) * 217u; return (word >> 6u) ^ word; } static inline uint16_t pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_16_16(uint16_t state) { uint16_t word = ((state >> ((state >> 13u) + 3u)) ^ state) * 62169u; return (word >> 11u) ^ word; } static inline uint32_t pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_32_32(uint32_t state) { uint32_t word = ((state >> ((state >> 28u) + 4u)) ^ state) * 277803737u; return (word >> 22u) ^ word; } static inline uint64_t pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_64_64(uint64_t state) { uint64_t word = ((state >> ((state >> 59u) + 5u)) ^ state) * 12605985483714917081ull; return (word >> 43u) ^ word; } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_128_128(pcg128_t state) { pcg128_t word = ((state >> ((state >> 122u) + 6u)) ^ state) * (PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(17766728186571221404ULL, 12605985483714917081ULL)); /* 327738287884841127335028083622016905945 */ return (word >> 86u) ^ word; } #endif /* RXS M */ static inline uint8_t pcg_output_rxs_m_16_8(uint16_t state) { return (((state >> ((state >> 13u) + 3u)) ^ state) * 62169u) >> 8u; } static inline uint16_t pcg_output_rxs_m_32_16(uint32_t state) { return (((state >> ((state >> 28u) + 4u)) ^ state) * 277803737u) >> 16u; } static inline uint32_t pcg_output_rxs_m_64_32(uint64_t state) { return (((state >> ((state >> 59u) + 5u)) ^ state) * 12605985483714917081ull) >> 32u; } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_output_rxs_m_128_64(pcg128_t state) { return (((state >> ((state >> 122u) + 6u)) ^ state) * (PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(17766728186571221404ULL, 12605985483714917081ULL))) >> 64u; /* 327738287884841127335028083622016905945 */ } #endif /* XSL RR (only defined for >= 64 bits) */ static inline uint32_t pcg_output_xsl_rr_64_32(uint64_t state) { return pcg_rotr_32(((uint32_t)(state >> 32u)) ^ (uint32_t)state, state >> 59u); } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_output_xsl_rr_128_64(pcg128_t state) { return pcg_rotr_64(((uint64_t)(state >> 64u)) ^ (uint64_t)state, state >> 122u); } #endif /* XSL RR RR (only defined for >= 64 bits) */ static inline uint64_t pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_64_64(uint64_t state) { uint32_t rot1 = (uint32_t)(state >> 59u); uint32_t high = (uint32_t)(state >> 32u); uint32_t low = (uint32_t)state; uint32_t xored = high ^ low; uint32_t newlow = pcg_rotr_32(xored, rot1); uint32_t newhigh = pcg_rotr_32(high, newlow & 31u); return (((uint64_t)newhigh) << 32u) | newlow; } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_128_128(pcg128_t state) { uint32_t rot1 = (uint32_t)(state >> 122u); uint64_t high = (uint64_t)(state >> 64u); uint64_t low = (uint64_t)state; uint64_t xored = high ^ low; uint64_t newlow = pcg_rotr_64(xored, rot1); uint64_t newhigh = pcg_rotr_64(high, newlow & 63u); return (((pcg128_t)newhigh) << 64u) | newlow; } #endif #define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8 141U #define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16 12829U #define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32 747796405U #define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64 6364136223846793005ULL #define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_8 77U #define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_16 47989U #define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_32 2891336453U #define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_64 1442695040888963407ULL #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128 \ PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(2549297995355413924ULL,4865540595714422341ULL) #define PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128 \ PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(6364136223846793005ULL,1442695040888963407ULL) #endif /* * Static initialization constants (if you can't call srandom for some * bizarre reason). */ #define PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_8_INITIALIZER { 0xd7U } #define PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_16_INITIALIZER { 0x20dfU } #define PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_32_INITIALIZER { 0x46b56677U } #define PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_64_INITIALIZER { 0x4d595df4d0f33173ULL } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_128_INITIALIZER \ { PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(0xb8dc10e158a92392ULL, 0x98046df007ec0a53ULL) } #endif #define PCG_STATE_UNIQUE_8_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_8_INITIALIZER #define PCG_STATE_UNIQUE_16_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_16_INITIALIZER #define PCG_STATE_UNIQUE_32_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_32_INITIALIZER #define PCG_STATE_UNIQUE_64_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_64_INITIALIZER #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG_STATE_UNIQUE_128_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_128_INITIALIZER #endif #define PCG_STATE_MCG_8_INITIALIZER { 0xe5U } #define PCG_STATE_MCG_16_INITIALIZER { 0xa5e5U } #define PCG_STATE_MCG_32_INITIALIZER { 0xd15ea5e5U } #define PCG_STATE_MCG_64_INITIALIZER { 0xcafef00dd15ea5e5ULL } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG_STATE_MCG_128_INITIALIZER \ { PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(0x0000000000000000ULL, 0xcafef00dd15ea5e5ULL) } #endif #define PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_8_INITIALIZER { 0x9bU, 0xdbU } #define PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_16_INITIALIZER { 0xe39bU, 0x5bdbU } #define PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_32_INITIALIZER { 0xec02d89bU, 0x94b95bdbU } #define PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_64_INITIALIZER \ { 0x853c49e6748fea9bULL, 0xda3e39cb94b95bdbULL } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_128_INITIALIZER \ { PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(0x979c9a98d8462005ULL, 0x7d3e9cb6cfe0549bULL), \ PCG_128BIT_CONSTANT(0x0000000000000001ULL, 0xda3e39cb94b95bdbULL) } #endif /* Representations for the oneseq, mcg, and unique variants */ struct pcg_state_8 { uint8_t state; }; struct pcg_state_16 { uint16_t state; }; struct pcg_state_32 { uint32_t state; }; struct pcg_state_64 { uint64_t state; }; #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS struct pcg_state_128 { pcg128_t state; }; #endif /* Representations setseq variants */ struct pcg_state_setseq_8 { uint8_t state; uint8_t inc; }; struct pcg_state_setseq_16 { uint16_t state; uint16_t inc; }; struct pcg_state_setseq_32 { uint32_t state; uint32_t inc; }; struct pcg_state_setseq_64 { uint64_t state; uint64_t inc; }; #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS struct pcg_state_setseq_128 { pcg128_t state; pcg128_t inc; }; #endif /* Multi-step advance functions (jump-ahead, jump-back) */ extern uint8_t pcg_advance_lcg_8(uint8_t state, uint8_t delta, uint8_t cur_mult, uint8_t cur_plus); extern uint16_t pcg_advance_lcg_16(uint16_t state, uint16_t delta, uint16_t cur_mult, uint16_t cur_plus); extern uint32_t pcg_advance_lcg_32(uint32_t state, uint32_t delta, uint32_t cur_mult, uint32_t cur_plus); extern uint64_t pcg_advance_lcg_64(uint64_t state, uint64_t delta, uint64_t cur_mult, uint64_t cur_plus); #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS extern pcg128_t pcg_advance_lcg_128(pcg128_t state, pcg128_t delta, pcg128_t cur_mult, pcg128_t cur_plus); #endif /* Functions to advance the underlying LCG, one version for each size and * each style. These functions are considered semi-private. There is rarely * a good reason to call them directly. */ static inline void pcg_oneseq_8_step_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8 + PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_8; } static inline void pcg_oneseq_8_advance_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng, uint8_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_8(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8, PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_8); } static inline void pcg_mcg_8_step_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8; } static inline void pcg_mcg_8_advance_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng, uint8_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_8(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8, 0u); } static inline void pcg_unique_8_step_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8 + (uint8_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u); } static inline void pcg_unique_8_advance_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng, uint8_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_8(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8, (uint8_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u)); } static inline void pcg_setseq_8_step_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_8* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8 + rng->inc; } static inline void pcg_setseq_8_advance_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_8* rng, uint8_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_8(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_8, rng->inc); } static inline void pcg_oneseq_16_step_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16 + PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_16; } static inline void pcg_oneseq_16_advance_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_16( rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16, PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_16); } static inline void pcg_mcg_16_step_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16; } static inline void pcg_mcg_16_advance_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_16(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16, 0u); } static inline void pcg_unique_16_step_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16 + (uint16_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u); } static inline void pcg_unique_16_advance_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_16(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16, (uint16_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u)); } static inline void pcg_setseq_16_step_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16 + rng->inc; } static inline void pcg_setseq_16_advance_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng, uint16_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_16(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_16, rng->inc); } static inline void pcg_oneseq_32_step_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32 + PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_32; } static inline void pcg_oneseq_32_advance_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_32( rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32, PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_32); } static inline void pcg_mcg_32_step_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32; } static inline void pcg_mcg_32_advance_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_32(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32, 0u); } static inline void pcg_unique_32_step_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32 + (uint32_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u); } static inline void pcg_unique_32_advance_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_32(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32, (uint32_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u)); } static inline void pcg_setseq_32_step_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32 + rng->inc; } static inline void pcg_setseq_32_advance_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng, uint32_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_32(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_32, rng->inc); } static inline void pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64 + PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_64; } static inline void pcg_oneseq_64_advance_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_64( rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64, PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_64); } static inline void pcg_mcg_64_step_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64; } static inline void pcg_mcg_64_advance_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_64(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64, 0u); } static inline void pcg_unique_64_step_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64 + (uint64_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u); } static inline void pcg_unique_64_advance_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_64(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64, (uint64_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u)); } static inline void pcg_setseq_64_step_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64 + rng->inc; } static inline void pcg_setseq_64_advance_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint64_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_64(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_64, rng->inc); } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128 + PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128; } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_oneseq_128_advance_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_128(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128, PCG_DEFAULT_INCREMENT_128); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_mcg_128_step_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128; } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_mcg_128_advance_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_128(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128, 0u); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_unique_128_step_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128 + (pcg128_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_unique_128_advance_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_128(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128, (pcg128_t)(((intptr_t)rng) | 1u)); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_setseq_128_step_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng) { rng->state = rng->state * PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128 + rng->inc; } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_setseq_128_advance_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, pcg128_t delta) { rng->state = pcg_advance_lcg_128(rng->state, delta, PCG_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER_128, rng->inc); } #endif /* Functions to seed the RNG state, one version for each size and each * style. Unlike the step functions, regular users can and should call * these functions. */ static inline void pcg_oneseq_8_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng, uint8_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_oneseq_8_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_oneseq_8_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_mcg_8_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng, uint8_t initstate) { rng->state = initstate | 1u; } static inline void pcg_unique_8_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng, uint8_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_unique_8_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_unique_8_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_setseq_8_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_8* rng, uint8_t initstate, uint8_t initseq) { rng->state = 0U; rng->inc = (initseq << 1u) | 1u; pcg_setseq_8_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_setseq_8_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_oneseq_16_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_oneseq_16_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_oneseq_16_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_mcg_16_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t initstate) { rng->state = initstate | 1u; } static inline void pcg_unique_16_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_unique_16_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_unique_16_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_setseq_16_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng, uint16_t initstate, uint16_t initseq) { rng->state = 0U; rng->inc = (initseq << 1u) | 1u; pcg_setseq_16_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_setseq_16_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_oneseq_32_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_oneseq_32_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_oneseq_32_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_mcg_32_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t initstate) { rng->state = initstate | 1u; } static inline void pcg_unique_32_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_unique_32_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_unique_32_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_setseq_32_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng, uint32_t initstate, uint32_t initseq) { rng->state = 0U; rng->inc = (initseq << 1u) | 1u; pcg_setseq_32_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_setseq_32_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_oneseq_64_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_mcg_64_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t initstate) { rng->state = initstate | 1u; } static inline void pcg_unique_64_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); } static inline void pcg_setseq_64_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint64_t initstate, uint64_t initseq) { rng->state = 0U; rng->inc = (initseq << 1u) | 1u; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_oneseq_128_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_mcg_128_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t initstate) { rng->state = initstate | 1u; } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_unique_128_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t initstate) { rng->state = 0U; pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline void pcg_setseq_128_srandom_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, pcg128_t initstate, pcg128_t initseq) { rng->state = 0U; rng->inc = (initseq << 1u) | 1u; pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); rng->state += initstate; pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); } #endif /* Now, finally we create each of the individual generators. We provide * a random_r function that provides a random number of the appropriate * type (using the full range of the type) and a boundedrand_r version * that provides * * Implementation notes for boundedrand_r: * * To avoid bias, we need to make the range of the RNG a multiple of * bound, which we do by dropping output less than a threshold. * Let's consider a 32-bit case... A naive scheme to calculate the * threshold would be to do * * uint32_t threshold = 0x100000000ull % bound; * * but 64-bit div/mod is slower than 32-bit div/mod (especially on * 32-bit platforms). In essence, we do * * uint32_t threshold = (0x100000000ull-bound) % bound; * * because this version will calculate the same modulus, but the LHS * value is less than 2^32. * * (Note that using modulo is only wise for good RNGs, poorer RNGs * such as raw LCGs do better using a technique based on division.) * Empricical tests show that division is preferable to modulus for * reducting the range of an RNG. It's faster, and sometimes it can * even be statistically prefereable. */ /* Generation functions for XSH RS */ static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_16_xsh_rs_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_oneseq_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_32_xsh_rs_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_oneseq_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rs_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsh_rs_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_oneseq_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_unique_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_unique_16_xsh_rs_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_unique_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_32_xsh_rs_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_unique_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_xsh_rs_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_unique_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_xsh_rs_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_unique_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_16_xsh_rs_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_setseq_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_32_xsh_rs_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_setseq_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rs_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng) { pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_xsh_rs_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_setseq_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_mcg_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_mcg_16_xsh_rs_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_mcg_16_xsh_rs_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_mcg_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_mcg_32_xsh_rs_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_mcg_32_xsh_rs_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rs_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_mcg_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rs_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_xsh_rs_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_mcg_128_xsh_rs_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif /* Generation functions for XSH RR */ static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_16_xsh_rr_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_oneseq_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_32_xsh_rr_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_oneseq_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsh_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_oneseq_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_unique_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_unique_16_xsh_rr_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_unique_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_32_xsh_rr_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_unique_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_xsh_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_unique_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_xsh_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_unique_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_16_xsh_rr_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_setseq_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_32_xsh_rr_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_setseq_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng) { pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_xsh_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_setseq_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_mcg_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_mcg_16_xsh_rr_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_mcg_16_xsh_rr_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_mcg_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_mcg_32_xsh_rr_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_mcg_32_xsh_rr_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_mcg_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsh_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_xsh_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_mcg_128_xsh_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif /* Generation functions for RXS M XS (no MCG versions because they * don't make sense when you want to use the entire state) */ static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng) { uint8_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_8_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_8_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_8* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_oneseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_16_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_32_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_64_64(oldstate); } static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_128_128(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t bound) { pcg128_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { pcg128_t r = pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_16_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_16_rxs_m_xs_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_unique_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_32_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_32_rxs_m_xs_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_unique_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_64_64(oldstate); } static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_64_rxs_m_xs_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_unique_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_unique_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_128_128(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_unique_128_rxs_m_xs_128_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t bound) { pcg128_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { pcg128_t r = pcg_unique_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_8* rng) { uint8_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_8_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_8_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_8* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_setseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_16_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_32_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_64_64(oldstate); } static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng) { pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_xs_128_128(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, pcg128_t bound) { pcg128_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { pcg128_t r = pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif /* Generation functions for RXS M */ static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_unique_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_unique_16_rxs_m_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_unique_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_unique_32_rxs_m_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_unique_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_rxs_m_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_unique_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_rxs_m_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_unique_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng) { pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint8_t pcg_mcg_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng) { uint16_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_16_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_16_8(oldstate); } static inline uint8_t pcg_mcg_16_rxs_m_8_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_16* rng, uint8_t bound) { uint8_t threshold = ((uint8_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint8_t r = pcg_mcg_16_rxs_m_8_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint16_t pcg_mcg_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng) { uint32_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_32_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_32_16(oldstate); } static inline uint16_t pcg_mcg_32_rxs_m_16_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_32* rng, uint16_t bound) { uint16_t threshold = ((uint16_t)(-bound)) % bound; for (;;) { uint16_t r = pcg_mcg_32_rxs_m_16_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_rxs_m_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_mcg_64_rxs_m_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_mcg_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_rxs_m_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_rxs_m_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_mcg_128_rxs_m_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif /* Generation functions for XSL RR (only defined for "large" types) */ static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsl_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_oneseq_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_unique_64_xsl_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_unique_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_setseq_64_xsl_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_setseq_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng) { pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_mcg_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_64_32(oldstate); } static inline uint32_t pcg_mcg_64_xsl_rr_32_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint32_t bound) { uint32_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint32_t r = pcg_mcg_64_xsl_rr_32_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_mcg_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_128_64(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline uint64_t pcg_mcg_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_mcg_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif /* Generation functions for XSL RR RR (only defined for "large" types) */ static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_oneseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_64_64(oldstate); } static inline uint64_t pcg_oneseq_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_oneseq_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_oneseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_128_128(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t bound) { pcg128_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { pcg128_t r = pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_unique_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_64_64(oldstate); } static inline uint64_t pcg_unique_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_64* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_unique_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_random_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng) { pcg_unique_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_128_128(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_128* rng, pcg128_t bound) { pcg128_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { pcg128_t r = pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng) { uint64_t oldstate = rng->state; pcg_setseq_64_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_64_64(oldstate); } static inline uint64_t pcg_setseq_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_64* rng, uint64_t bound) { uint64_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { uint64_t r = pcg_setseq_64_xsl_rr_rr_64_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_random_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng) { pcg_setseq_128_step_r(rng); return pcg_output_xsl_rr_rr_128_128(rng->state); } #endif #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS static inline pcg128_t pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_boundedrand_r(struct pcg_state_setseq_128* rng, pcg128_t bound) { pcg128_t threshold = -bound % bound; for (;;) { pcg128_t r = pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_rr_128_random_r(rng); if (r >= threshold) return r % bound; } } #endif /*** Typedefs */ typedef struct pcg_state_setseq_64 pcg32_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_64 pcg32s_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_64 pcg32u_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_64 pcg32f_random_t; /*** random_r */ #define pcg32_random_r pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r #define pcg32s_random_r pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r #define pcg32u_random_r pcg_unique_64_xsh_rr_32_random_r #define pcg32f_random_r pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rs_32_random_r /*** boundedrand_r */ #define pcg32_boundedrand_r pcg_setseq_64_xsh_rr_32_boundedrand_r #define pcg32s_boundedrand_r pcg_oneseq_64_xsh_rr_32_boundedrand_r #define pcg32u_boundedrand_r pcg_unique_64_xsh_rr_32_boundedrand_r #define pcg32f_boundedrand_r pcg_mcg_64_xsh_rs_32_boundedrand_r /*** srandom_r */ #define pcg32_srandom_r pcg_setseq_64_srandom_r #define pcg32s_srandom_r pcg_oneseq_64_srandom_r #define pcg32u_srandom_r pcg_unique_64_srandom_r #define pcg32f_srandom_r pcg_mcg_64_srandom_r /*** advance_r */ #define pcg32_advance_r pcg_setseq_64_advance_r #define pcg32s_advance_r pcg_oneseq_64_advance_r #define pcg32u_advance_r pcg_unique_64_advance_r #define pcg32f_advance_r pcg_mcg_64_advance_r #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS /*** Typedefs */ typedef struct pcg_state_setseq_128 pcg64_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_128 pcg64s_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_128 pcg64u_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_128 pcg64f_random_t; /*** random_r */ #define pcg64_random_r pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r #define pcg64s_random_r pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r #define pcg64u_random_r pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r #define pcg64f_random_r pcg_mcg_128_xsl_rr_64_random_r /*** boundedrand_r */ #define pcg64_boundedrand_r pcg_setseq_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r #define pcg64s_boundedrand_r pcg_oneseq_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r #define pcg64u_boundedrand_r pcg_unique_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r #define pcg64f_boundedrand_r pcg_mcg_128_xsl_rr_64_boundedrand_r /*** srandom_r */ #define pcg64_srandom_r pcg_setseq_128_srandom_r #define pcg64s_srandom_r pcg_oneseq_128_srandom_r #define pcg64u_srandom_r pcg_unique_128_srandom_r #define pcg64f_srandom_r pcg_mcg_128_srandom_r /*** advance_r */ #define pcg64_advance_r pcg_setseq_128_advance_r #define pcg64s_advance_r pcg_oneseq_128_advance_r #define pcg64u_advance_r pcg_unique_128_advance_r #define pcg64f_advance_r pcg_mcg_128_advance_r #endif /*** Typedefs */ typedef struct pcg_state_8 pcg8si_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_16 pcg16si_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_32 pcg32si_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_64 pcg64si_random_t; /*** random_r */ #define pcg8si_random_r pcg_oneseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_random_r #define pcg16si_random_r pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r #define pcg32si_random_r pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r #define pcg64si_random_r pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r /*** boundedrand_r */ #define pcg8si_boundedrand_r pcg_oneseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_boundedrand_r #define pcg16si_boundedrand_r pcg_oneseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_boundedrand_r #define pcg32si_boundedrand_r pcg_oneseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_boundedrand_r #define pcg64si_boundedrand_r pcg_oneseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_boundedrand_r /*** srandom_r */ #define pcg8si_srandom_r pcg_oneseq_8_srandom_r #define pcg16si_srandom_r pcg_oneseq_16_srandom_r #define pcg32si_srandom_r pcg_oneseq_32_srandom_r #define pcg64si_srandom_r pcg_oneseq_64_srandom_r /*** advance_r */ #define pcg8si_advance_r pcg_oneseq_8_advance_r #define pcg16si_advance_r pcg_oneseq_16_advance_r #define pcg32si_advance_r pcg_oneseq_32_advance_r #define pcg64si_advance_r pcg_oneseq_64_advance_r #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS typedef struct pcg_state_128 pcg128si_random_t; #define pcg128si_random_r pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r #define pcg128si_boundedrand_r pcg_oneseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_boundedrand_r #define pcg128si_srandom_r pcg_oneseq_128_srandom_r #define pcg128si_advance_r pcg_oneseq_128_advance_r #endif /*** Typedefs */ typedef struct pcg_state_setseq_8 pcg8i_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_setseq_16 pcg16i_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_setseq_32 pcg32i_random_t; typedef struct pcg_state_setseq_64 pcg64i_random_t; /*** random_r */ #define pcg8i_random_r pcg_setseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_random_r #define pcg16i_random_r pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_random_r #define pcg32i_random_r pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_random_r #define pcg64i_random_r pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_random_r /*** boundedrand_r */ #define pcg8i_boundedrand_r pcg_setseq_8_rxs_m_xs_8_boundedrand_r #define pcg16i_boundedrand_r pcg_setseq_16_rxs_m_xs_16_boundedrand_r #define pcg32i_boundedrand_r pcg_setseq_32_rxs_m_xs_32_boundedrand_r #define pcg64i_boundedrand_r pcg_setseq_64_rxs_m_xs_64_boundedrand_r /*** srandom_r */ #define pcg8i_srandom_r pcg_setseq_8_srandom_r #define pcg16i_srandom_r pcg_setseq_16_srandom_r #define pcg32i_srandom_r pcg_setseq_32_srandom_r #define pcg64i_srandom_r pcg_setseq_64_srandom_r /*** advance_r */ #define pcg8i_advance_r pcg_setseq_8_advance_r #define pcg16i_advance_r pcg_setseq_16_advance_r #define pcg32i_advance_r pcg_setseq_32_advance_r #define pcg64i_advance_r pcg_setseq_64_advance_r #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS typedef struct pcg_state_setseq_128 pcg128i_random_t; #define pcg128i_random_r pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_random_r #define pcg128i_boundedrand_r pcg_setseq_128_rxs_m_xs_128_boundedrand_r #define pcg128i_srandom_r pcg_setseq_128_srandom_r #define pcg128i_advance_r pcg_setseq_128_advance_r #endif /* * Static initialization constants (if you can't call srandom for some * bizarre reason). */ #define PCG32_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_64_INITIALIZER #define PCG32U_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_UNIQUE_64_INITIALIZER #define PCG32S_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_64_INITIALIZER #define PCG32F_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_MCG_64_INITIALIZER #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG64_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_128_INITIALIZER #define PCG64U_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_UNIQUE_128_INITIALIZER #define PCG64S_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_128_INITIALIZER #define PCG64F_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_MCG_128_INITIALIZER #endif #define PCG8SI_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_8_INITIALIZER #define PCG16SI_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_16_INITIALIZER #define PCG32SI_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_32_INITIALIZER #define PCG64SI_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_64_INITIALIZER #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG128SI_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_ONESEQ_128_INITIALIZER #endif #define PCG8I_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_8_INITIALIZER #define PCG16I_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_16_INITIALIZER #define PCG32I_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_32_INITIALIZER #define PCG64I_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_64_INITIALIZER #if PCG_HAS_128BIT_OPS #define PCG128I_INITIALIZER PCG_STATE_SETSEQ_128_INITIALIZER #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* PCG_VARIANTS_H_INCLUDED */