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* Copyright (c) 2015, Juniper Networks, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This SOFTWARE is licensed under the LICENSE provided in the
* ../Copyright file. By downloading, installing, copying, or otherwise
* using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of that
* Phil Shafer, August 2015
* CSV encoder generates comma-separated value files for specific
* subsets of data. This is not (and cannot be) a generalized
* facility, but for specific subsets of data, CSV data can be
* reasonably generated. For example, the df XML content:
* <filesystem>
* <name>procfs</name>
* <total-blocks>4</total-blocks>
* <used-blocks>4</used-blocks>
* <available-blocks>0</available-blocks>
* <used-percent>100</used-percent>
* <mounted-on>/proc</mounted-on>
* </filesystem>
* could be represented as:
* #+name,total-blocks,used-blocks,available-blocks,used-percent,mounted-on
* procfs,4,4,0,100,/proc
* Data is then constrained to be sibling leaf values. In addition,
* singular leafs can also be matched. The costs include recording
* the specific leaf names (to ensure consistency) and some
* buffering.
* Some escaping is needed for CSV files, following the rules of RFC4180:
* - Fields containing a line-break, double-quote or commas should be
* quoted. (If they are not, the file will likely be impossible to
* process correctly).
* - A (double) quote character in a field must be represented by two
* (double) quote characters.
* - Leading and trialing whitespace require fields be quoted.
* Cheesy, but simple. The RFC also requires MS-DOS end-of-line,
* which we only do with the "dos" option. Strange that we still live
* in a DOS-friendly world, but then again, we make spaceships based
* on the horse butts (http://www.astrodigital.org/space/stshorse.html
* though the "built by English expatriates” bit is rubbish; better to
* say the first engines used in America were built by Englishmen.)
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "xo.h"
#include "xo_encoder.h"
#include "xo_buf.h"
#ifndef UNUSED
#define UNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__))
#endif /* UNUSED */
* The CSV encoder has three moving parts:
* - The path holds the path we are matching against
* - This is given as input via "options" and does not change
* - The stack holds the current names of the open elements
* - The "open" operations push, while the "close" pop
* - Turns out, at this point, the stack is unused, but I've
* left "drippings" in the code because I see this as useful
* for future features (under CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED).
* - The leafs record the current set of leaf
* - A key from the parent list counts as a leaf (unless CF_NO_KEYS)
* - Once the path is matched, all other leafs at that level are leafs
* - Leafs are recorded to get the header comment accurately recorded
* - Once the first line is emited, the set of leafs _cannot_ change
* We use offsets into the buffers, since we know they can be
* realloc'd out from under us, as the size increases. The 'path'
* is fixed, we allocate it once, so it doesn't need offsets.
typedef struct path_frame_s {
char *pf_name; /* Path member name; points into c_path_buf */
uint32_t pf_flags; /* Flags for this path element (PFF_*) */
} path_frame_t;
typedef struct stack_frame_s {
ssize_t sf_off; /* Element name; offset in c_stack_buf */
uint32_t sf_flags; /* Flags for this frame (SFF_*) */
} stack_frame_t;
/* Flags for sf_flags */
typedef struct leaf_s {
ssize_t f_name; /* Name of leaf; offset in c_name_buf */
ssize_t f_value; /* Value of leaf; offset in c_value_buf */
uint32_t f_flags; /* Flags for this value (FF_*) */
ssize_t f_depth; /* Depth of stack when leaf was recorded */
#endif /* CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED */
} leaf_t;
/* Flags for f_flags */
#define LF_KEY (1<<0) /* Leaf is a key */
#define LF_HAS_VALUE (1<<1) /* Value has been set */
typedef struct csv_private_s {
uint32_t c_flags; /* Flags for this encoder */
/* The path for which we select leafs */
char *c_path_buf; /* Buffer containing path members */
path_frame_t *c_path; /* Array of path members */
ssize_t c_path_max; /* Depth of c_path[] */
ssize_t c_path_cur; /* Current depth in c_path[] */
/* A stack of open elements (xo_op_list, xo_op_container) */
xo_buffer_t c_stack_buf; /* Buffer used for stack content */
stack_frame_t *c_stack; /* Stack of open tags */
ssize_t c_stack_max; /* Maximum stack depth */
#endif /* CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED */
ssize_t c_stack_depth; /* Current stack depth */
/* List of leafs we are emitting (to ensure consistency) */
xo_buffer_t c_name_buf; /* String buffer for leaf names */
xo_buffer_t c_value_buf; /* String buffer for leaf values */
leaf_t *c_leaf; /* List of leafs */
ssize_t c_leaf_depth; /* Current depth of c_leaf[] (next free) */
ssize_t c_leaf_max; /* Max depth of c_leaf[] */
xo_buffer_t c_data; /* Buffer for creating data */
} csv_private_t;
#define C_STACK_MAX 32 /* default c_stack_max */
#define C_LEAF_MAX 32 /* default c_leaf_max */
/* Flags for this structure */
#define CF_HEADER_DONE (1<<0) /* Have already written the header */
#define CF_NO_HEADER (1<<1) /* Do not generate header */
#define CF_NO_KEYS (1<<2) /* Do not generate excess keys */
#define CF_VALUE_ONLY (1<<3) /* Only generate the value */
#define CF_DOS_NEWLINE (1<<4) /* Generate CR-NL, just like MS-DOS */
#define CF_LEAFS_DONE (1<<5) /* Leafs are already been recorded */
#define CF_NO_QUOTES (1<<6) /* Do not generate quotes */
#define CF_RECORD_DATA (1<<7) /* Record all sibling leafs */
#define CF_DEBUG (1<<8) /* Make debug output */
#define CF_HAS_PATH (1<<9) /* A "path" option was provided */
* A simple debugging print function, similar to psu_dbg. Controlled by
* the undocumented "debug" option.
static void
csv_dbg (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv UNUSED,
const char *fmt, ...)
if (csv == NULL || !(csv->c_flags & CF_DEBUG))
va_list vap;
va_start(vap, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, vap);
* Create the private data for this handle, initialize it, and record
* the pointer in the handle.
static int
csv_create (xo_handle_t *xop)
csv_private_t *csv = xo_realloc(NULL, sizeof(*csv));
if (csv == NULL)
return -1;
bzero(csv, sizeof(*csv));
#endif /* CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED */
xo_set_private(xop, csv);
return 0;
* Clean up and release any data in use by this handle
static void
csv_destroy (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv)
/* Clean up */
#endif /* CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED */
if (csv->c_leaf)
if (csv->c_path_buf)
* Return the element name at the top of the path stack. This is the
* item that we are currently trying to match on.
static const char *
csv_path_top (csv_private_t *csv, ssize_t delta)
if (!(csv->c_flags & CF_HAS_PATH) || csv->c_path == NULL)
return NULL;
ssize_t cur = csv->c_path_cur + delta;
if (cur < 0)
return NULL;
return csv->c_path[cur].pf_name;
* Underimplemented stack functionality
static inline void
csv_stack_push (csv_private_t *csv UNUSED, const char *name UNUSED)
csv->c_stack_depth += 1;
#endif /* CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED */
* Underimplemented stack functionality
static inline void
csv_stack_pop (csv_private_t *csv UNUSED, const char *name UNUSED)
csv->c_stack_depth -= 1;
#endif /* CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED */
/* Flags for csv_quote_flags */
#define QF_NEEDS_QUOTES (1<<0) /* Needs to be quoted */
#define QF_NEEDS_ESCAPE (1<<1) /* Needs to be escaped */
* Determine how much quote processing is needed. The details of the
* quoting rules are given at the top of this file. We return a set
* of flags, indicating what's needed.
static uint32_t
csv_quote_flags (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv UNUSED,
const char *value)
static const char quoted[] = "\n\r\",";
static const char escaped[] = "\"";
if (csv->c_flags & CF_NO_QUOTES) /* User doesn't want quotes */
return 0;
size_t len = strlen(value);
uint32_t rc = 0;
if (strcspn(value, quoted) != len)
else if (isspace((int) value[0])) /* Leading whitespace */
else if (isspace((int) value[len - 1])) /* Trailing whitespace */
if (strcspn(value, escaped) != len)
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: quote flags [%s] -> %x (%zu/%zu)\n",
value, rc, len, strcspn(value, quoted));
return rc;
* Escape the string, following the rules in RFC4180
static void
csv_escape (xo_buffer_t *xbp, const char *value, size_t len)
const char *cp, *ep, *np;
for (cp = value, ep = value + len; cp && cp < ep; cp = np) {
np = strchr(cp, '"');
if (np) {
np += 1;
xo_buf_append(xbp, cp, np - cp);
xo_buf_append(xbp, "\"", 1);
} else
xo_buf_append(xbp, cp, ep - cp);
* Append a newline to the buffer, following the settings of the "dos"
* flag.
static void
csv_append_newline (xo_buffer_t *xbp, csv_private_t *csv)
if (csv->c_flags & CF_DOS_NEWLINE)
xo_buf_append(xbp, "\r\n", 2);
xo_buf_append(xbp, "\n", 1);
* Create a 'record' of 'fields' from our recorded leaf values. If
* this is the first line and "no-header" isn't given, make a record
* containing the leaf names.
static void
csv_emit_record (xo_handle_t *xop, csv_private_t *csv)
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: emit: ...\n");
ssize_t fnum;
uint32_t quote_flags;
leaf_t *lp;
/* If we have no data, then don't bother */
if (csv->c_leaf_depth == 0)
if (!(csv->c_flags & (CF_HEADER_DONE | CF_NO_HEADER))) {
csv->c_flags |= CF_HEADER_DONE;
for (fnum = 0; fnum < csv->c_leaf_depth; fnum++) {
lp = &csv->c_leaf[fnum];
const char *name = xo_buf_data(&csv->c_name_buf, lp->f_name);
if (fnum != 0)
xo_buf_append(&csv->c_data, ",", 1);
xo_buf_append(&csv->c_data, name, strlen(name));
csv_append_newline(&csv->c_data, csv);
for (fnum = 0; fnum < csv->c_leaf_depth; fnum++) {
lp = &csv->c_leaf[fnum];
const char *value;
if (lp->f_flags & LF_HAS_VALUE) {
value = xo_buf_data(&csv->c_value_buf, lp->f_value);
} else {
value = "";
quote_flags = csv_quote_flags(xop, csv, value);
if (fnum != 0)
xo_buf_append(&csv->c_data, ",", 1);
if (quote_flags & QF_NEEDS_QUOTES)
xo_buf_append(&csv->c_data, "\"", 1);
if (quote_flags & QF_NEEDS_ESCAPE)
csv_escape(&csv->c_data, value, strlen(value));
xo_buf_append(&csv->c_data, value, strlen(value));
if (quote_flags & QF_NEEDS_QUOTES)
xo_buf_append(&csv->c_data, "\"", 1);
csv_append_newline(&csv->c_data, csv);
/* We flush if either flush flag is set */
if (xo_get_flags(xop) & (XOF_FLUSH | XOF_FLUSH_LINE))
/* Clean out values from leafs */
for (fnum = 0; fnum < csv->c_leaf_depth; fnum++) {
lp = &csv->c_leaf[fnum];
lp->f_flags &= ~LF_HAS_VALUE;
lp->f_value = 0;
* Once we emit the first line, our set of leafs is locked and
* cannot be changed.
csv->c_flags |= CF_LEAFS_DONE;
* Open a "level" of hierarchy, either a container or an instance. Look
* for a match in the path=x/y/z hierarchy, and ignore if not a match.
* If we're at the end of the path, start recording leaf values.
static int
csv_open_level (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv,
const char *name, int instance)
/* An new "open" event means we stop recording */
if (csv->c_flags & CF_RECORD_DATA) {
csv->c_flags &= ~CF_RECORD_DATA;
csv_emit_record(xop, csv);
return 0;
const char *path_top = csv_path_top(csv, 0);
/* If the top of the stack does not match the name, then ignore */
if (path_top == NULL) {
if (instance && !(csv->c_flags & CF_HAS_PATH)) {
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: recording (no-path) ...\n");
csv->c_flags |= CF_RECORD_DATA;
} else if (xo_streq(path_top, name)) {
csv->c_path_cur += 1; /* Advance to next path member */
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: match: [%s] (%zd/%zd)\n", name,
csv->c_path_cur, csv->c_path_max);
/* If we're all the way thru the path members, start recording */
if (csv->c_path_cur == csv->c_path_max) {
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: recording ...\n");
csv->c_flags |= CF_RECORD_DATA;
/* Push the name on the stack */
csv_stack_push(csv, name);
return 0;
* Close a "level", either a container or an instance.
static int
csv_close_level (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv, const char *name)
/* If we're recording, a close triggers an emit */
if (csv->c_flags & CF_RECORD_DATA) {
csv->c_flags &= ~CF_RECORD_DATA;
csv_emit_record(xop, csv);
const char *path_top = csv_path_top(csv, -1);
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: close: [%s] [%s] (%zd)\n", name,
path_top ?: "", csv->c_path_cur);
/* If the top of the stack does not match the name, then ignore */
if (path_top != NULL && xo_streq(path_top, name)) {
csv->c_path_cur -= 1;
return 0;
/* Pop the name off the stack */
csv_stack_pop(csv, name);
return 0;
* Return the index of a given leaf in the c_leaf[] array, where we
* record leaf values. If the leaf is new and we haven't stopped recording
* leafs, then make a new slot for it and record the name.
static int
csv_leaf_num (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv,
const char *name, xo_xff_flags_t flags)
ssize_t fnum;
leaf_t *lp;
xo_buffer_t *xbp = &csv->c_name_buf;
for (fnum = 0; fnum < csv->c_leaf_depth; fnum++) {
lp = &csv->c_leaf[fnum];
const char *fname = xo_buf_data(xbp, lp->f_name);
if (xo_streq(fname, name))
return fnum;
/* If we're done with adding new leafs, then bail */
if (csv->c_flags & CF_LEAFS_DONE)
return -1;
/* This leaf does not exist yet, so we need to create it */
/* Start by checking if there's enough room */
if (csv->c_leaf_depth + 1 >= csv->c_leaf_max) {
/* Out of room; realloc it */
ssize_t new_max = csv->c_leaf_max * 2;
if (new_max == 0)
new_max = C_LEAF_MAX;
lp = xo_realloc(csv->c_leaf, new_max * sizeof(*lp));
if (lp == NULL)
return -1; /* No luck; bail */
/* Zero out the new portion */
bzero(&lp[csv->c_leaf_max], csv->c_leaf_max * sizeof(*lp));
/* Update csv data */
csv->c_leaf = lp;
csv->c_leaf_max = new_max;
lp = &csv->c_leaf[csv->c_leaf_depth++];
lp->f_depth = csv->c_stack_depth;
#endif /* CSV_STACK_IS_NEEDED */
lp->f_name = xo_buf_offset(xbp);
char *cp = xo_buf_cur(xbp);
xo_buf_append(xbp, name, strlen(name) + 1);
if (flags & XFF_KEY)
lp->f_flags |= LF_KEY;
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: leaf: name: %zd [%s] [%s] %x\n",
fnum, name, cp, lp->f_flags);
return fnum;
* Record a new value for a leaf
static void
csv_leaf_set (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv, leaf_t *lp,
const char *value)
xo_buffer_t *xbp = &csv->c_value_buf;
lp->f_value = xo_buf_offset(xbp);
lp->f_flags |= LF_HAS_VALUE;
char *cp = xo_buf_cur(xbp);
xo_buf_append(xbp, value, strlen(value) + 1);
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "csv: leaf: value: [%s] [%s] %x\n",
value, cp, lp->f_flags);
* Record the requested set of leaf names. The input should be a set
* of leaf names, separated by periods.
static int
csv_record_leafs (xo_handle_t *xop, csv_private_t *csv, const char *leafs_raw)
char *cp, *ep, *np;
ssize_t len = strlen(leafs_raw);
char *leafs_buf = alloca(len + 1);
memcpy(leafs_buf, leafs_raw, len + 1); /* Make local copy */
for (cp = leafs_buf, ep = leafs_buf + len; cp && cp < ep; cp = np) {
np = strchr(cp, '.');
if (np)
*np++ = '\0';
if (*cp == '\0') /* Skip empty names */
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "adding leaf: [%s]\n", cp);
csv_leaf_num(xop, csv, cp, 0);
* Since we've been told explicitly what leafs matter, ignore the rest
csv->c_flags |= CF_LEAFS_DONE;
return 0;
* Record the requested path elements. The input should be a set of
* container or instances names, separated by slashes.
static int
csv_record_path (xo_handle_t *xop, csv_private_t *csv, const char *path_raw)
int count;
char *cp, *ep, *np;
ssize_t len = strlen(path_raw);
char *path_buf = xo_realloc(NULL, len + 1);
memcpy(path_buf, path_raw, len + 1);
for (cp = path_buf, ep = path_buf + len, count = 2;
cp && cp < ep; cp = np) {
np = strchr(cp, '/');
if (np) {
np += 1;
count += 1;
path_frame_t *path = xo_realloc(NULL, sizeof(path[0]) * count);
if (path == NULL) {
xo_failure(xop, "allocation failure for path '%s'", path_buf);
return -1;
bzero(path, sizeof(path[0]) * count);
for (count = 0, cp = path_buf; cp && cp < ep; cp = np) {
path[count++].pf_name = cp;
np = strchr(cp, '/');
if (np)
*np++ = '\0';
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "path: [%s]\n", cp);
path[count].pf_name = NULL;
if (csv->c_path) /* In case two paths are given */
if (csv->c_path_buf) /* In case two paths are given */
csv->c_path_buf = path_buf;
csv->c_path = path;
csv->c_path_max = count;
csv->c_path_cur = 0;
return 0;
* Extract the option values. The format is:
* -libxo encoder=csv:kw=val:kw=val:kw=val,pretty
* -libxo encoder=csv+kw=val+kw=val+kw=val,pretty
static int
csv_options (xo_handle_t *xop, csv_private_t *csv,
const char *raw_opts, char opts_char)
ssize_t len = strlen(raw_opts);
char *options = alloca(len + 1);
memcpy(options, raw_opts, len);
options[len] = '\0';
char *cp, *ep, *np, *vp;
for (cp = options, ep = options + len + 1; cp && cp < ep; cp = np) {
np = strchr(cp, opts_char);
if (np)
*np++ = '\0';
vp = strchr(cp, '=');
if (vp)
*vp++ = '\0';
if (xo_streq(cp, "path")) {
/* Record the path */
if (vp != NULL && csv_record_path(xop, csv, vp))
return -1;
csv->c_flags |= CF_HAS_PATH; /* Yup, we have an explicit path now */
} else if (xo_streq(cp, "leafs")
|| xo_streq(cp, "leaf")
|| xo_streq(cp, "leaves")) {
/* Record the leafs */
if (vp != NULL && csv_record_leafs(xop, csv, vp))
return -1;
} else if (xo_streq(cp, "no-keys")) {
csv->c_flags |= CF_NO_KEYS;
} else if (xo_streq(cp, "no-header")) {
csv->c_flags |= CF_NO_HEADER;
} else if (xo_streq(cp, "value-only")) {
csv->c_flags |= CF_VALUE_ONLY;
} else if (xo_streq(cp, "dos")) {
csv->c_flags |= CF_DOS_NEWLINE;
} else if (xo_streq(cp, "no-quotes")) {
csv->c_flags |= CF_NO_QUOTES;
} else if (xo_streq(cp, "debug")) {
csv->c_flags |= CF_DEBUG;
} else {
xo_warn_hc(xop, -1,
"unknown encoder option value: '%s'", cp);
return -1;
return 0;
* Handler for incoming data values. We just record each leaf name and
* value. The values are emittd when the instance is closed.
static int
csv_data (xo_handle_t *xop UNUSED, csv_private_t *csv UNUSED,
const char *name, const char *value,
xo_xof_flags_t flags)
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "data: [%s]=[%s] %llx\n", name, value, (unsigned long long) flags);
if (!(csv->c_flags & CF_RECORD_DATA))
return 0;
/* Find the leaf number */
int fnum = csv_leaf_num(xop, csv, name, flags);
if (fnum < 0)
return 0; /* Don't bother recording */
leaf_t *lp = &csv->c_leaf[fnum];
csv_leaf_set(xop, csv, lp, value);
return 0;
* The callback from libxo, passing us operations/events as they
* happen.
static int
int rc = 0;
csv_private_t *csv = private;
xo_buffer_t *xbp = csv ? &csv->c_data : NULL;
csv_dbg(xop, csv, "op %s: [%s] [%s]\n", xo_encoder_op_name(op),
name ?: "", value ?: "");
/* If we don't have private data, we're sunk */
if (csv == NULL && op != XO_OP_CREATE)
return -1;
switch (op) {
case XO_OP_CREATE: /* Called when the handle is init'd */
rc = csv_create(xop);
rc = csv_options(xop, csv, value, ':');
rc = csv_options(xop, csv, value, '+');
break; /* Ignore these ops */
rc = csv_open_level(xop, csv, name, 0);
rc = csv_open_level(xop, csv, name, 1);
rc = csv_close_level(xop, csv, name);
case XO_OP_STRING: /* Quoted UTF-8 string */
case XO_OP_CONTENT: /* Other content */
rc = csv_data(xop, csv, name, value, flags);
case XO_OP_FINISH: /* Clean up function */
case XO_OP_FLUSH: /* Clean up function */
rc = write(1, xbp->xb_bufp, xbp->xb_curp - xbp->xb_bufp);
if (rc > 0)
rc = 0;
case XO_OP_DESTROY: /* Clean up function */
csv_destroy(xop, csv);
case XO_OP_ATTRIBUTE: /* Attribute name/value */
case XO_OP_VERSION: /* Version string */
return rc;
* Callback when our encoder is loaded.
xo_encoder_library_init (XO_ENCODER_INIT_ARGS)
arg->xei_handler = csv_handler;
arg->xei_version = XO_ENCODER_VERSION;
return 0;