mirror of https://github.com/F-Stack/f-stack.git
137 lines
4.7 KiB
137 lines
4.7 KiB
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import fileinput
import glob
import os
import uuid
dirs = set()
tlv1 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.c", recursive=True):
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
tlv1 = tlv1 + " <ClCompile Include=\"{}\" />\r\n".format(file)
tlv2 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.h", recursive=True):
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
tlv2 = tlv2 + " <ClInclude Include=\"{}\" />\r\n".format(file)
tlf1 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.c", recursive=True):
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
tlf1 = tlf1 + " <ClCompile Include=\"{}\">\r\n".format(file)
tlf1 = tlf1 + " <Filter>Source Files</Filter>\r\n"
tlf1 = tlf1 + " </ClCompile>\r\n"
tlf2 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.h", recursive=True):
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
tlf2 = tlf2 + " <ClInclude Include=\"{}\">\r\n".format(file)
tlf2 = tlf2 + " <Filter>Header Files</Filter>\r\n"
tlf2 = tlf2 + " </ClInclude>\r\n"
v1 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.c", recursive=True):
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
v1 = v1 + \
" <ClCompile Include=\"..\\..\\..\\..\\{}\" />\r\n".format(file)
v2 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.h", recursive=True):
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
v2 = v2 + \
" <ClInclude Include=\"..\\..\\..\\..\\{}\" />\r\n".format(file)
f1 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.c", recursive=True):
basedir = os.path.dirname(file).replace("src/libsodium/", "")
t = basedir
while t != '':
t = os.path.dirname(t)
basedir = basedir.replace("/", "\\")
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
f1 = f1 + " <ClCompile Include=\"..\\..\\..\\..\\{}\">\r\n".format(file)
f1 = f1 + " <Filter>{}</Filter>\r\n".format(basedir)
f1 = f1 + " </ClCompile>\r\n"
f2 = ""
for file in glob.iglob("src/libsodium/**/*.h", recursive=True):
basedir = os.path.dirname(file).replace("src/libsodium/", "")
t = basedir
while t != '':
t = os.path.dirname(t)
basedir = basedir.replace("/", "\\")
file = file.replace("/", "\\")
f2 = f2 + " <ClInclude Include=\"..\\..\\..\\..\\{}\">\r\n".format(file)
f2 = f2 + " <Filter>{}</Filter>\r\n".format(basedir)
f2 = f2 + " </ClInclude>\r\n"
fd = ""
dirs = list(dirs)
for dir in dirs:
dir = dir.replace("/", "\\")
uid = uuid.uuid3(uuid.UUID(bytes=b'LibSodiumMSVCUID'), dir)
fd = fd + " <Filter Include=\"{}\">\r\n".format(dir)
fd = fd + \
" <UniqueIdentifier>{{{}}}</UniqueIdentifier>\r\n".format(uid)
fd = fd + " </Filter>\r\n"
def apply_template(tplfile, outfile, sbox):
tpl = ""
with open(tplfile, 'rb') as fd:
tpl = fd.read()
for s in sbox.keys():
tpl = tpl.replace(str.encode(
"{{" + s + "}}", "utf8"), str.encode(str.strip(sbox[s]), "utf8"))
with open(outfile, 'wb') as fd:
sbox = {"tlv1": tlv1, "tlv2": tlv2, "tlf1": tlf1, "tlf2": tlf2, "v1": v1,
"v2": v2, "f1": f1, "f2": f2, "fd": fd}
sd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
apply_template(sd + "/tl_libsodium.vcxproj.filters.tpl",
"libsodium.vcxproj.filters", sbox)
sbox.update({"platform": "v140"})
apply_template(sd + "/tl_libsodium.vcxproj.tpl",
"libsodium.vcxproj", sbox)
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.filters.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2017/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj.filters", sbox)
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.filters.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2015/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj.filters", sbox)
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.filters.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2013/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj.filters", sbox)
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.filters.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2012/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj.filters", sbox)
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.filters.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2010/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj.filters", sbox)
sbox.update({"platform": "v141"})
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2017/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj", sbox)
sbox.update({"platform": "v140"})
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2015/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj", sbox)
sbox.update({"platform": "v120"})
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2013/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj", sbox)
sbox.update({"platform": "v110"})
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2012/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj", sbox)
sbox.update({"platform": "v100"})
apply_template(sd + "/libsodium.vcxproj.tpl",
"builds/msvc/vs2010/libsodium/libsodium.vcxproj", sbox)