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<desc>index for key1</desc>
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<desc>index for key4</desc>
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<desc>index for key7</desc>
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87.16 213 87.16 217.76 L87.16 239.33 L87.16 239.33 L87.16 252.27 L87.16 252.27 C87.16 257.05 83.3 260.9
78.52 260.9 L36.32 260.9 L18.46 270.98 L14.53 260.9 L8.64 260.9 C3.87 260.9 0 257.05 0 252.27 L0 239.33
L0 239.33 L0 217.76 Z" class="st6"/>
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<desc>CRC32 (32</desc>
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<g id="shape96-89" v:mID="96" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(222.123,-210.835)">
<desc>bit output)</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)"/>
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220.39 128.22 223.28 128.22 226.84 L128.22 242.97 L128.22 242.97 L128.22 252.65 L128.22 252.65 C128.22 256.21
125.34 259.09 121.77 259.09 L53.42 259.09 L38.73 270.98 L21.37 259.09 L6.47 259.09 C2.9 259.09 0 256.21
0 252.65 L0 242.97 L0 242.97 L0 226.84 Z" class="st6"/>
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<desc>Goal: Find a valid</desc>
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<text x="6.51" y="267.39" class="st7" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>hash_index</text> </g>
<g id="shape100-103" v:mID="100" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(438.135,-185.939)">
<path d="M0 217.36 C0 213.8 2.91 210.89 6.48 210.89 L21.37 210.89 L21.37 210.89 L53.42 210.89 L121.77 210.89 C125.34
210.89 128.22 213.8 128.22 217.36 L128.22 233.48 L128.22 233.48 L128.22 243.15 L128.22 243.15 C128.22 246.72
125.34 249.59 121.77 249.59 L53.42 249.59 L54.75 270.98 L21.37 249.59 L6.48 249.59 C2.91 249.59 0 246.72
0 243.15 L0 233.48 L0 233.48 L0 217.36 Z" class="st6"/>
<g id="shape101-105" v:mID="101" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(448.763,-224.802)">
<desc>Lookup Table has</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)"/>
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<text x="10.98" y="267.39" class="st7" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Lookup Table has </text> </g>
<g id="shape102-109" v:mID="102" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(484.549,-210.423)">
<desc>16 bits</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)"/>
<v:textRect cx="22.2166" cy="263.792" width="44.44" height="14.3829"/>
<path d="M44.43 256.6 L0 256.6 L0 270.98 L44.43 270.98 L44.43 256.6" class="st3"/>
<text x="4.56" y="267.39" class="st7" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>16 bits</text> </g>
<g id="shape103-113" v:mID="103" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(369.583,-90.8555)">
<path d="M0 227.76 C0 222.98 3.89 219.1 8.67 219.1 L14.53 219.1 L34.47 205.09 L36.32 219.1 L78.5 219.1 C83.29 219.1 87.16
222.98 87.16 227.76 L87.16 227.76 L87.16 240.73 L87.16 262.34 C87.16 267.12 83.29 270.98 78.5 270.98 L36.32
270.98 L14.53 270.98 L14.53 270.98 L8.67 270.98 C3.89 270.98 0 267.12 0 262.34 L0 240.73 L0 227.76 L0 227.76
Z" class="st6"/>
<g id="shape104-115" v:mID="104" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(383.264,-114.932)">
<desc>CRC32 (32</desc>
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<g id="shape105-119" v:mID="105" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(386.505,-100.553)">
<desc>bit output)</desc>
<v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)"/>
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262.06 C355.96 267 351.97 270.98 347.02 270.98 L8.94 270.98 C4.02 270.98 0 267 0 262.06 L0 226.35 Z"
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<desc>Goal is to find a hash_index that produces</desc>
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