diff --git a/config/application-dispose.properties b/config/application-dispose.properties
index 2e89a8a3..10f23ceb 100644
--- a/config/application-dispose.properties
+++ b/config/application-dispose.properties
@@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ kafka.producer.linger=1
+kafka.consumer.group-id = testGroup
+kafka.consumer.auto-offset-reset = earliest
+kafka.consumer.enable-auto-commit = true
+kafka.consumer.auto-commit-interval = 100
+kafka.consumer.max-poll-records =5
# 白名单开关
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index b5de00e0..626c9ace 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/dispose/PhoenixBootApplication.java b/src/main/java/com/dispose/PhoenixBootApplication.java
index 4ce40ae7..3a7d0795 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/dispose/PhoenixBootApplication.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/dispose/PhoenixBootApplication.java
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
+import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.kafka.KafkaAutoConfiguration;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.EnableAspectJAutoProxy;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableAsync;
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.EnableTransactionManagement;
* @author
+@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {KafkaAutoConfiguration.class})
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/dispose/controller/kafkaController.java b/src/main/java/com/dispose/controller/kafkaController.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..082154a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/dispose/controller/kafkaController.java
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package com.dispose.controller;
+import com.dispose.common.ErrorCode;
+import com.dispose.config.KafkaConfiguration;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.base.BaseRespStatus;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.base.ProtocolReqDTO;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.base.ProtocolRespDTO;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.kafka.AlarmInfo;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.kafka.AlarmInfoReq;
+import com.dispose.security.annotation.Decryption;
+import com.dispose.security.annotation.Encryption;
+import com.dispose.validation.group.ValidGroups;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
+import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
+import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
+import org.springframework.kafka.support.SendResult;
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
+import org.springframework.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
+import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
+import javax.annotation.Resource;
+import java.util.Objects;
+ * The type Auth controller.
+ *
+ * @author
+ */
+@RequestMapping(value = "/kafka")
+@Api(value = "处置平台发送消息接口", tags = "处置平台发送消息接口")
+public class kafkaController {
+ /**
+ * The Object mapper.
+ */
+ @Resource
+ private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
+ /**
+ * The Kafka configuration.
+ */
+// final private KafkaConfiguration kafkaConfiguration =
+// SpringBootBeanUtil.getBean(com.dispose.config.KafkaConfiguration.class);
+ @Resource
+ private KafkaConfiguration kafkaConfiguration;
+ /**
+ * Dispatch command sent to kafka.
+ *
+ * @param mr the mr
+ * @return the protocol resp dto
+ */
+ @PostMapping("/dispatchCommand")
+ @ResponseBody
+ @ApiOperation("发送消息")
+ public ProtocolRespDTO dispatchCommand(
+ @Validated(ValidGroups.ProtocolCommonValid.class)
+ @RequestBody ProtocolReqDTO mr) throws JsonProcessingException {
+ //获取入参信息,进行所需数据格式拼接
+ log.info("alarm message information :{}", mr.getMsgContent().getAlarmInfo());
+ AlarmInfo alarmInfo = objectMapper.readValue(mr.getMsgContent().getAlarmInfo(), new TypeReference() {
+ });
+ //推动数据格式到kafka
+ log.info("send alarm message :{}", alarmInfo.toString());
+ String sendMessage = mr.getMsgContent().getAlarmInfo();
+ ListenableFuture> sendResult = kafkaConfiguration
+ .kafkaTemplate()
+ .sendDefault(0, System.currentTimeMillis(), "dispose", sendMessage);
+ sendResult.addCallback(v -> log.info("Kafka send {} to {} at {}", sendMessage,
+ Objects.requireNonNull(v)
+ .getRecordMetadata()
+ .topic(), v.getRecordMetadata().partition()),
+ ex -> log.error("Kafka send error: {}", ex.getMessage()));
+ BaseRespStatus rspInfo = new BaseRespStatus();
+ rspInfo.setStatus(ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getCode());
+ rspInfo.setMessage(new String[]{ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getMsg()});
+ return ProtocolRespDTO.result(ErrorCode.ERR_OK, rspInfo);
+ }
+// @KafkaListener(topics = {"ddos-vip-customer-ck"})
+// public void kafkaListen(ConsumerRecord consumerRecord) {
+// //判断消息是否为null
+// Optional kafkaMessage = Optional.ofNullable(consumerRecord.value());
+// log.info(">>>>>>>>>>> record = " + kafkaMessage);
+// if (kafkaMessage.isPresent()) {
+// String consumerMsg = kafkaMessage.get();
+// log.info("消费消息:" + consumerMsg);
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/dispose/pojo/dto/protocol/kafka/AlarmInfo.java b/src/main/java/com/dispose/pojo/dto/protocol/kafka/AlarmInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bb85b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/dispose/pojo/dto/protocol/kafka/AlarmInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.kafka;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder;
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Builder;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
+import java.util.List;
+@JsonPropertyOrder({"alarmId", "dstIp", "attackType", "bpspps", "dstProvince", "dstCity", "srcIpLs", "startTime",
+ "endTime", "disposeType", "disposeTime", "maxBps", "maxPps"})
+public class AlarmInfo {
+ /**
+ * 告警id.
+ */
+ private String alarmId;
+ /**
+ * 被攻击ip.
+ */
+ private String dstIp;
+ /**
+ * 攻击类型(类似HTTP Flood字符串形式).
+ */
+ private String attackType;
+ /**
+ * 被攻击ip.
+ */
+ private String bpspps;
+ /**
+ * 目的ip省份.
+ */
+ private String dstProvince;
+ /**
+ * 目的ip市.
+ */
+ private String dstCity;
+ /**
+ * 告警源ip列表,没有就给empty的list.
+ */
+ private List srcIpLs;
+ /**
+ * 告警开始时间.
+ */
+ private String startTime;
+ /**
+ * 告警结束时间.
+ */
+ private String endTime;
+ /**
+ * 处置类型(1:清洗,2:黑洞,3:高防),默认清洗.
+ */
+ private Integer disposeType;
+ /**
+ * 处置时长.
+ */
+ private Integer disposeTime;
+ /**
+ * 流量峰值(单位:bps).
+ */
+ private String maxBps;
+ /**
+ * 包数峰值(单位:pps).
+ */
+ private String maxPps;
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/dispose/pojo/dto/protocol/kafka/AlarmInfoReq.java b/src/main/java/com/dispose/pojo/dto/protocol/kafka/AlarmInfoReq.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a44dd327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/dispose/pojo/dto/protocol/kafka/AlarmInfoReq.java
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.kafka;
+import com.dispose.validation.group.ValidGroups;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
+import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
+import lombok.Builder;
+import lombok.Data;
+import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
+import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
+ * The type Login req.
+ *
+ * @author
+ */
+public class AlarmInfoReq {
+ /**
+ * 告警信息.
+ */
+ @NotBlank(message = "alarmInfo 告警信息不能为空", groups = ValidGroups.ProtocolCommonValid.class)
+ private String alarmInfo;
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/dispose/test/dev/controller/KafkaControllerTest.java b/src/test/java/com/dispose/test/dev/controller/KafkaControllerTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..566c5600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/com/dispose/test/dev/controller/KafkaControllerTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+package com.dispose.test.dev.controller;
+import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject;
+import com.dispose.common.ConstValue;
+import com.dispose.common.ErrorCode;
+import com.dispose.common.ProtoCryptoType;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.base.BaseRespStatus;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.base.ProtocolReqDTO;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.base.ProtocolRespDTO;
+import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.kafka.AlarmInfoReq;
+import com.dispose.test.dev.Global.InitTestEnvironment;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import jodd.net.HttpStatus;
+import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
+import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMockMvc;
+import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
+import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
+import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext;
+import org.springframework.test.annotation.Rollback;
+import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;
+import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
+import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders;
+import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
+import javax.annotation.Resource;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print;
+import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath;
+import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;
+ * The type Auth controller test.
+ *
+ * @author
+ */
+@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
+@DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
+public class KafkaControllerTest extends InitTestEnvironment {
+ /**
+ * The Mock mvc.
+ */
+ @Resource
+ private MockMvc mockMvc;
+ /**
+ * The Object mapper.
+ */
+ @Resource
+ private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
+ /**
+ * A 1 login.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception the exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void a1_dispatchCommand() throws Exception {
+ JSONObject disposeParam = new JSONObject();
+ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+ disposeParam.set("alarmId", "1");
+ disposeParam.set("dstIp", "");
+ disposeParam.set("attackType", "1");
+ disposeParam.set("bpspps", "bps");
+ disposeParam.set("dstProvince", "ZHEJIANG");
+ disposeParam.set("dstCity", "HANGZHOU");
+ disposeParam.set("startTime", sdf.format(new Date()));
+ // 1清洗,2流控,3黑洞
+ disposeParam.set("disposeType", 1);
+ disposeParam.set("disposeTime", 30);
+ disposeParam.set("endTime", new Date());
+ List srcIp = new ArrayList<>();
+ srcIp.add("");
+ srcIp.add("");
+ disposeParam.set("srcIpLs", srcIp);
+ disposeParam.set("maxBps", "20bps");
+ disposeParam.set("maxPps", "20pps");
+ String jsonAlarmInfo = disposeParam.toString();
+ log.info("============ jsonAlarmInfo :{}", jsonAlarmInfo);
+ AlarmInfoReq alarmInfoReq = AlarmInfoReq.builder()
+ .alarmInfo(jsonAlarmInfo).build();
+ ProtocolReqDTO reqInfo = new ProtocolReqDTO<>();
+ reqInfo.setVer(ConstValue.Protocol.VERSION);
+ reqInfo.setCryptoType(ProtoCryptoType.CRYPTO_NONE.getCode());
+ reqInfo.setTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
+ reqInfo.setMsgContent(alarmInfoReq);
+ String ret = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders
+ .post("/kafka/dispatchCommand")
+ .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+ .header("Authorization", ConstValue.STRING_HTTP_AUTH_HEAD + getLoginToken())
+ .content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(reqInfo)))
+ .andDo(print()).andExpect(status().isOk())
+ .andExpect(jsonPath("$.code").value(HttpStatus.ok().status()))
+ .andReturn()
+ .getResponse()
+ .getContentAsString();
+ ProtocolRespDTO rspInfo = objectMapper.readValue(ret,
+ new TypeReference>() {
+ });
+ verifyRespProtocol(rspInfo);
+ log.debug(objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(rspInfo));
+ Assert.assertEquals(ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getCode(), (long) rspInfo.getMsgContent().getStatus());
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/dispose/test/dev/debug/demo.java b/src/test/java/com/dispose/test/dev/debug/demo.java
index 2f955ab6..03910ab1 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/dispose/test/dev/debug/demo.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/dispose/test/dev/debug/demo.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.dispose.test.dev.debug;
+import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject;
import com.dispose.common.ConstValue;
import com.dispose.common.DDoSAttackType;
import com.dispose.common.DisposeConfigValue;
@@ -26,8 +27,10 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@@ -141,29 +144,29 @@ public class demo {
public void classEnumValue() throws JsonProcessingException {
DisposeDevice dev = DisposeDevice.builder()
- .ipAddr("")
- .ipPort("")
- .deviceType(DisposeDeviceType.DPTECH_UMC)
- .areaCode(0)
- .deviceName("中移杭研实验室迪普清洗设备")
- .manufacturer("DPTech")
- .model("UMC")
- .version("5.7.13")
- .userName("admin")
- .password("UMCAdministrator")
- .urlPath("UMC/service/AbnormalFlowCleaningService")
- .urlType(HttpType.HTTP)
- .readme("实验室测试设备")
- .status(ObjectStatus.NORMAL)
- .build();
+ .ipAddr("")
+ .ipPort("")
+ .deviceType(DisposeDeviceType.DPTECH_UMC)
+ .areaCode(0)
+ .deviceName("中移杭研实验室迪普清洗设备")
+ .manufacturer("DPTech")
+ .model("UMC")
+ .version("5.7.13")
+ .userName("admin")
+ .password("UMCAdministrator")
+ .urlPath("UMC/service/AbnormalFlowCleaningService")
+ .urlType(HttpType.HTTP)
+ .readme("实验室测试设备")
+ .status(ObjectStatus.NORMAL)
+ .build();
DisposeDevice dev2 = DisposeDevice.builder()
- .version("5.7.135")
- .build();
+ .version("5.7.135")
+ .build();
log.debug(new ObjectMapper()
- .writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter()
- .writeValueAsString(upgradeDisposeDeviceProperties(dev, dev2)));
+ .writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter()
+ .writeValueAsString(upgradeDisposeDeviceProperties(dev, dev2)));
@@ -204,250 +207,250 @@ public class demo {
public void ipRang() {
String[] src = new String[]{"", "", "" +
- ".175.255", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", ""
- , "", "", "", "112" +
- ".17.42.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".29.255", "", "", "", "112.13" +
- ".218.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".13.210.255", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "112" +
- ".13.106.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".13.87.255", "", "", "", "112" +
- ".13.84.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".179.255", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "112" +
- ".13.103.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".205.91.255", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "112.13" +
- ".67.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".148.176.255", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "218.205.80" +
- ".0-", "", "", "" +
- ".77.255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "211" +
- ".138.126.104-", "", "", "211" +
- ".138.120.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".47.255", "", "", "", "111.1.16" +
- ".0-", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".0.34.0-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".154.255", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".0.29.0-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "117" +
- ".148.162.0-", "", "", "112.13" +
- ".223.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".13.220.255", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "112.13.76" +
- ".0-", "", "", ""
- , "", "", "", "" +
- ".13.68.255", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".1.32.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".38", "", "", "", "120.199.68" +
- ".46-", "", "", "" +
- ".1.41.252", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "111.1.41" +
- ".26-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".41.42", "", "", ""
- , "", "", "", "120" +
- ".199.85.180-", "", "", "120.199" +
- ".68.122-", "", "", "120.199.78" +
- ".145-", "", "", "120.199.78" +
- ".151-", "", "", "120.199.78" +
- ".146-", "", "", "" +
- ".199.94.127", "", "", "" +
- ".127", "", "", ""
- , "", "", "", "120" +
- ".199.78.133-", "", "", "120.199" +
- ".78.130-", "", "", "111.1.42" +
- ".128-", "", "", "" +
- ".85.95", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "120" +
- ".199.70.0-", "", "", "120.199.80" +
- ".64-", "", "", "" +
- ".93.127", "", "", "", "183" +
- ".247.184.0-", "", "", "112.17.37" +
- ".16-", "", "", "183.247.184" +
- ".64-", "", "", "" +
- ".113.175", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "112.17.33" +
- ".16-", "", "", "" +
- ".205.113.190", "", "", "218.205.113" +
- ".187-", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".113.202-", "", "", "" +
- ".205.113.222", "", "", "" +
- ".37.15", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "112.17.33" +
- ".88-", "", "", "" +
- ".114.207", "", "", "" +
- ".247.184.139", "", "", "" +
- ".247.184.133", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".3.71.159", "", "", "", "111.3.71" +
- ".34-", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".121.0-", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".119.36-", "", "", "218.205.123" +
- ".67-", "", "", "218.205.123" +
- ".70-", "", "", "" +
- ".38.255", "", "", "" +
- ".17", "", "", "" +
- ".115", "", "", "" +
- ".150.118", "", "", "" +
- ".149.150.121", "", "", "" +
- ".140", "", "", "" +
- ".83", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "117" +
- ".149.150.56-", "", "", "117" +
- ".149.150.103-", "", "",
- "", "", "", "117" +
- ".149.150.98-", "", "", "111.1.162" +
- ".128-", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "111.1.160" +
- ".0-", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "111.1" +
- ".60.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".95.255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".17.10.255", "", "", "", "211.138" +
- ".113.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "" +
- ".1.57.255", "", "", "", "111.1.48" +
- ".0-", "", "", ""
- , "", "", "", "" +
- ".2.182.255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "112.13.203" +
- ".0-", "", "", "" +
- ".200.255", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "112.13.193" +
- ".0-", "", "", "" +
- ".110.255", "", "", "", "112" +
- ".13.88.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".13.99.255", "", "", "" +
- ".240.213", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "112.13" +
- ".92.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".191", "", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".117.98-", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".117.116-", "", "", "" +
- ".72.207", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".117.74-", "", "", "218.205.117" +
- ".82-", "", "", "218.205.117" +
- ".102-", "", "", "" +
- ".3.72.131", "", "", "" +
- ".26", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "218" +
- ".205.117.32-", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".117.76-", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".124.64-", "", "", "218.205" +
- ".124.84-", "", "", "218.205.124" +
- ".48-", "", "", "218.205.124" +
- ".0-", "", "", "218.205.125" +
- ".96-", "", "", "" +
- ".73.157", "", "", "", "111.1.43" +
- ".26-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".75", "", "", "", "111.1.40" +
- ".128-", "", "", "", "111.1.3" +
- ".208-", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".1.3.128-", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".1.2.64-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
- ".2.155-", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".1.1.90-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
- ".1.234-", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".1.0.166-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "112.12.58" +
- ".20-", "", "", "" +
- ".159", "", "", "", "112" +
- ".12.18.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".127.255", "", "", "", "" +
- ".1.8.61", "", "", "", "" +
- ".8.174", "", "", "", "" +
- ".1.8.134", "", "", "", "111.1.8" +
- ".113-", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".1.10.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".17.24.255", "", "", "", "223" +
- ".95.58.0-", "", "", "" +
- ".74.255", "", "", "" +
- ".77", "", "", "" +
- ".206", "", "", "" +
- ".141.153", "", "", "" +
- ".38", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "183" +
- ".248.128.0-", "", "", "117.149.39" +
- ".64-", "", "", "" +
- ".149.39.63", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "111" +
- ".1.26.0-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".15", "", "", "", "111.1.25" +
- ".10-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".154", "", "", "", "" +
- ".1.5.185", "", "", "", "" +
- ".5.23", "", "", "", ""
- , "", "", "", "", "111.1" +
- ".5.77-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
- ".12-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
- ".149-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
- ".6.160-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
- ".200-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
- ".40-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
- ".88-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "183" +
- ".245.10.0-", "", "", "183.245.12" +
- ".32-", "", "", "" +
- ".255", "", "", "", "111.1.15" +
- ".11-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".16.230.255", "", "", "" +
- ".223", "", "", "" +
- ".63", "", "", "",
- "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "117" +
- ".149.249.0-", "", "", "117" +
- ".149.251.16-", "", "", "117.149" +
- ".252.0-", "", "", "117.149" +
- ".255.160-", "", "", "120.193.39" +
- ".13-", "", "", "" +
- ".39.24", "", "", "", "120" +
- ".193.39.74-", "", "", "120.193.39" +
- ".94-", "", "", "" +
- ".140.62.239", "", "", "" +
- ".255.143", "", "", "" +
- ".255.47", "", "", "" +
- ".99", "", "", "", "103.107" +
- ".195.0-", "", "", ""
- , "", "", "", "111.1.31" +
- ".158-", "", "", "" +
- ".176", "", "", "", "111.1.31" +
- ".196-", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "" +
- ".28", "", "", "", "111.1.31" +
- ".65-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
- ".31.99-", "", "", "" +
- ".238", "", "", "", "183.131" +
- ".16.138-", "", "", "183.134.107" +
- ".7-", "", "", "" +
- ".205.87.94", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "111.1" +
- ".49.100/32", "", ""};
+ ".175.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", ""
+ , "", "", "", "112" +
+ ".17.42.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".29.255", "", "", "", "112.13" +
+ ".218.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".13.210.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "112" +
+ ".13.106.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".13.87.255", "", "", "", "112" +
+ ".13.84.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".179.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "112" +
+ ".13.103.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".205.91.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "112.13" +
+ ".67.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".148.176.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "218.205.80" +
+ ".0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".77.255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "211" +
+ ".138.126.104-", "", "", "211" +
+ ".138.120.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".47.255", "", "", "", "111.1.16" +
+ ".0-", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".0.34.0-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".154.255", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".0.29.0-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "117" +
+ ".148.162.0-", "", "", "112.13" +
+ ".223.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".13.220.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "112.13.76" +
+ ".0-", "", "", ""
+ , "", "", "", "" +
+ ".13.68.255", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".1.32.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".38", "", "", "", "120.199.68" +
+ ".46-", "", "", "" +
+ ".1.41.252", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "111.1.41" +
+ ".26-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".41.42", "", "", ""
+ , "", "", "", "120" +
+ ".199.85.180-", "", "", "120.199" +
+ ".68.122-", "", "", "120.199.78" +
+ ".145-", "", "", "120.199.78" +
+ ".151-", "", "", "120.199.78" +
+ ".146-", "", "", "" +
+ ".199.94.127", "", "", "" +
+ ".127", "", "", ""
+ , "", "", "", "120" +
+ ".199.78.133-", "", "", "120.199" +
+ ".78.130-", "", "", "111.1.42" +
+ ".128-", "", "", "" +
+ ".85.95", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "120" +
+ ".199.70.0-", "", "", "120.199.80" +
+ ".64-", "", "", "" +
+ ".93.127", "", "", "", "183" +
+ ".247.184.0-", "", "", "112.17.37" +
+ ".16-", "", "", "183.247.184" +
+ ".64-", "", "", "" +
+ ".113.175", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "112.17.33" +
+ ".16-", "", "", "" +
+ ".205.113.190", "", "", "218.205.113" +
+ ".187-", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".113.202-", "", "", "" +
+ ".205.113.222", "", "", "" +
+ ".37.15", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "112.17.33" +
+ ".88-", "", "", "" +
+ ".114.207", "", "", "" +
+ ".247.184.139", "", "", "" +
+ ".247.184.133", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".3.71.159", "", "", "", "111.3.71" +
+ ".34-", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".121.0-", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".119.36-", "", "", "218.205.123" +
+ ".67-", "", "", "218.205.123" +
+ ".70-", "", "", "" +
+ ".38.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".17", "", "", "" +
+ ".115", "", "", "" +
+ ".150.118", "", "", "" +
+ ".149.150.121", "", "", "" +
+ ".140", "", "", "" +
+ ".83", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "117" +
+ ".149.150.56-", "", "", "117" +
+ ".149.150.103-", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "117" +
+ ".149.150.98-", "", "", "111.1.162" +
+ ".128-", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "111.1.160" +
+ ".0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "111.1" +
+ ".60.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".95.255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".17.10.255", "", "", "", "211.138" +
+ ".113.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "" +
+ ".1.57.255", "", "", "", "111.1.48" +
+ ".0-", "", "", ""
+ , "", "", "", "" +
+ ".2.182.255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "112.13.203" +
+ ".0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".200.255", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "112.13.193" +
+ ".0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".110.255", "", "", "", "112" +
+ ".13.88.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".13.99.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".240.213", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "112.13" +
+ ".92.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".191", "", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".117.98-", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".117.116-", "", "", "" +
+ ".72.207", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".117.74-", "", "", "218.205.117" +
+ ".82-", "", "", "218.205.117" +
+ ".102-", "", "", "" +
+ ".3.72.131", "", "", "" +
+ ".26", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "218" +
+ ".205.117.32-", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".117.76-", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".124.64-", "", "", "218.205" +
+ ".124.84-", "", "", "218.205.124" +
+ ".48-", "", "", "218.205.124" +
+ ".0-", "", "", "218.205.125" +
+ ".96-", "", "", "" +
+ ".73.157", "", "", "", "111.1.43" +
+ ".26-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".75", "", "", "", "111.1.40" +
+ ".128-", "", "", "", "111.1.3" +
+ ".208-", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".1.3.128-", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".1.2.64-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
+ ".2.155-", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".1.1.90-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
+ ".1.234-", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".1.0.166-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "112.12.58" +
+ ".20-", "", "", "" +
+ ".159", "", "", "", "112" +
+ ".12.18.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".127.255", "", "", "", "" +
+ ".1.8.61", "", "", "", "" +
+ ".8.174", "", "", "", "" +
+ ".1.8.134", "", "", "", "111.1.8" +
+ ".113-", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".1.10.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".17.24.255", "", "", "", "223" +
+ ".95.58.0-", "", "", "" +
+ ".74.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".77", "", "", "" +
+ ".206", "", "", "" +
+ ".141.153", "", "", "" +
+ ".38", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "183" +
+ ".248.128.0-", "", "", "117.149.39" +
+ ".64-", "", "", "" +
+ ".149.39.63", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "111" +
+ ".1.26.0-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".15", "", "", "", "111.1.25" +
+ ".10-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".154", "", "", "", "" +
+ ".1.5.185", "", "", "", "" +
+ ".5.23", "", "", "", ""
+ , "", "", "", "", "111.1" +
+ ".5.77-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
+ ".12-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
+ ".149-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
+ ".6.160-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
+ ".200-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
+ ".40-", "", "", "", "111.1.6" +
+ ".88-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "183" +
+ ".245.10.0-", "", "", "183.245.12" +
+ ".32-", "", "", "" +
+ ".255", "", "", "", "111.1.15" +
+ ".11-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".16.230.255", "", "", "" +
+ ".223", "", "", "" +
+ ".63", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "117" +
+ ".149.249.0-", "", "", "117" +
+ ".149.251.16-", "", "", "117.149" +
+ ".252.0-", "", "", "117.149" +
+ ".255.160-", "", "", "120.193.39" +
+ ".13-", "", "", "" +
+ ".39.24", "", "", "", "120" +
+ ".193.39.74-", "", "", "120.193.39" +
+ ".94-", "", "", "" +
+ ".140.62.239", "", "", "" +
+ ".255.143", "", "", "" +
+ ".255.47", "", "", "" +
+ ".99", "", "", "", "103.107" +
+ ".195.0-", "", "", ""
+ , "", "", "", "111.1.31" +
+ ".158-", "", "", "" +
+ ".176", "", "", "", "111.1.31" +
+ ".196-", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "" +
+ ".28", "", "", "", "111.1.31" +
+ ".65-", "", "", "", "111.1" +
+ ".31.99-", "", "", "" +
+ ".238", "", "", "", "183.131" +
+ ".16.138-", "", "", "183.134.107" +
+ ".7-", "", "", "" +
+ ".205.87.94", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "", "111.1" +
+ ".49.100/32", "", ""};
String ip = "";
for (String n : src) {
log.info("{} network {}contains {}", n,
- Helper.ipInRange(n, ip) ? "is " : "not ",
- ip);
+ Helper.ipInRange(n, ip) ? "is " : "not ",
+ ip);
@@ -459,8 +462,8 @@ public class demo {
String n = "";
log.info("{} network {}contains {}", n,
- Helper.ipInRange(n, ip) ? "is " : "not ",
- ip);
+ Helper.ipInRange(n, ip) ? "is " : "not ",
+ ip);
@@ -468,7 +471,7 @@ public class demo {
public void haohanStartError() {
String errMsg = "[{ip=, 任务名称=三方接口任务467}, {ip=, 任务名称=三方接口任务468}, {ip=192.168" +
- ".50.2, 任务名称=三方接口任务470}, {ip=, 任务名称=三方接口任务469}]";
+ ".50.2, 任务名称=三方接口任务470}, {ip=, 任务名称=三方接口任务469}]";
String reg = "(\\[(.*?)])";
@@ -477,8 +480,8 @@ public class demo {
while (n.find()) {
log.info("\tsub items: {}", n.group(1)
- .substring(n.group(1).lastIndexOf("=") + 1)
- .replaceAll("\\D", ""));
+ .substring(n.group(1).lastIndexOf("=") + 1)
+ .replaceAll("\\D", ""));
@@ -487,11 +490,11 @@ public class demo {
public void ipaddrVariety() {
String[] ipAddrs = new String[]{
- "ffff::8fff:ffff:0:ffff",
- "::1",
- "",
- "",
- ""
+ "ffff::8fff:ffff:0:ffff",
+ "::1",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
for (String s : ipAddrs) {
@@ -515,7 +518,7 @@ public class demo {
Map> groupMap = orgList.stream()
- .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(diffList::contains));
+ .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(diffList::contains));
log.info("Result: {}", groupMap);
@@ -572,12 +575,12 @@ public class demo {
* @throws NoSuchPaddingException the no such padding exception
public void aes() throws IllegalBlockSizeException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException,
- NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException {
+ NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException {
String plainText = "{\"disposeTime\":60,\"flowDirection\":0,\"mulDisposeIp\":[\"\"],\"type\":0}";
String aesKey = "hkoUV5ZWh0q1jSxMnpjovVn19Qg99HY6DD40";
byte[] encode = CryptoHelper.aes128Encryption(plainText.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8),
- aesKey);
+ aesKey);
log.info("AES Key: {}", aesKey);
log.info("Src: {}", plainText);
log.info("AES256: {}", CryptoHelper.base64Encryption(encode));
@@ -593,9 +596,9 @@ public class demo {
* @throws NoSuchPaddingException the no such padding exception
public void aesdec() throws IllegalBlockSizeException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException,
- NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException {
+ NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException {
String plainText = "6PgUrZa8zZUzDAxAFpV307JfUDVI1gFNo3ZFT7LKtVzRXc3UbwFh6+5i6" +
- "+667frPR5j1p0XOG1i7Nhy85uHUDWUBZUxHF3vXNkgiKtbWLHw=";
+ "+667frPR5j1p0XOG1i7Nhy85uHUDWUBZUxHF3vXNkgiKtbWLHw=";
String aesKey = "hkoUV5ZWh0q1jSxMnpjovVn19Qg99HY6DD40";
@@ -674,14 +677,40 @@ public class demo {
public void ipPortMatchTest() {
- String[] srcPort = new String[] {"", "80", "443", "81", null};
- String[] dstPort = new String[] {"", "80", "443", "81", null};
+ String[] srcPort = new String[]{"", "80", "443", "81", null};
+ String[] dstPort = new String[]{"", "80", "443", "81", null};
- for(String s : srcPort) {
- for(String d : dstPort) {
+ for (String s : srcPort) {
+ for (String d : dstPort) {
log.info("HTTP: [{}] match [{}] is {}", s, d, Helper.isIpPortMatch(s, d, HttpType.HTTP));
log.info("HTTPS: [{}] match [{}] is {}", s, d, Helper.isIpPortMatch(s, d, HttpType.HTTPS));
+ @Test
+ public void alarmInfoTest() {
+ JSONObject disposeParam = new JSONObject();
+ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+ disposeParam.set("alarmId", "1");
+ disposeParam.set("dstIp", "");
+ disposeParam.set("attackType", "1");
+ disposeParam.set("bpspps", "bps");
+ disposeParam.set("dstProvince", "ZHEJIANG");
+ disposeParam.set("dstCity", "HANGZHOU");
+ disposeParam.set("startTime", sdf.format(new Date()));
+ // 1清洗,2流控,3黑洞
+ disposeParam.set("disposeType", 1);
+ disposeParam.set("disposeTime", 30);
+ disposeParam.set("endTime", "");
+ List srcIp = new ArrayList<>();
+ srcIp.add("");
+ srcIp.add("");
+ disposeParam.set("srcIpLs", srcIp);
+ disposeParam.set("maxBps", "20bps");
+ disposeParam.set("maxPps", "20pps");
+ String jsonAlarmInfo = disposeParam.toString();
+ log.info("============ jsonAlarmInfo :{}", jsonAlarmInfo);
+ }