1. 新增UPF设备
This commit is contained in:
chenlinghy 2021-07-29 10:25:35 +08:00
parent 8d5191e609
commit 23c0b35c4a
5 changed files with 539 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
package com.dispose.ability.impl;
import com.dispose.common.DisposeCapacityType;
import com.dispose.common.DisposeConfigValue;
import com.dispose.common.DisposeObjectType;
import com.dispose.common.ErrorCode;
import com.dispose.common.Helper;
import com.dispose.common.IpAddrType;
import com.dispose.common.NetflowDirection;
import com.dispose.pojo.dto.protocol.base.ProtocolRespDTO;
import com.dispose.pojo.entity.ServiceInfo;
import com.dispose.pojo.po.MulReturnType;
import com.dispose.pojo.vo.DeviceFirewareInfo;
import com.pengxin.dispose.common.PengXinDisposeAbilityRsp;
import com.pengxin.dispose.common.PengXinStartTaskItem;
import com.pengxin.dispose.common.PengXinStartTaskRsp;
import com.pengxin.dispose.common.PengXinStopTaskRsp;
import com.pengxin.dispose.common.PengXinTaskStatusRsp;
import com.pengxin.dispose.protocol.PengXinInterface;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddress;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddressString;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* The type upf ability.
* @author Nicole
public class UpfAbilityImpl extends PengXinAbilityImpl {
* The Protect ip v 4.
private final List<String> protectIpV4 = new ArrayList<>();
* The Protect ip v 6.
private final List<String> protectIpV6 = new ArrayList<>();
* The Restful interface.
private final PengXinInterface restfulInterface = new PengXinInterface();
* The upf dispose type.
private final Integer[] upfDisposeType = new Integer[]{0, 4, 1, 3};
* The Task req id.
private Long taskReqId = System.currentTimeMillis();
* The Timer cnt.
private long timerCnt = 0;
* The Device link status.
private boolean deviceLinkStatus = false;
* The Url root path.
private String urlRootPath;
* The Username.
private String username;
* The Password.
private String password;
* The Token.
private String token;
* Gets upf task type.
* @param capType the cap type
* @return the upf task type
private int getUpfTaskType(DisposeCapacityType capType) {
return upfDisposeType[capType.getValue()];
* Gets upf object type.
* @param objType the obj type
* @return the upf object type
private int getUpfObjectType(DisposeObjectType objType) {
switch (objType) {
case URL:
return 2;
case DOMAIN:
return 1;
return 0;
* Init device env.
* @param urlPath the url path
* @param username the username
* @param password the password
public void initDeviceEnv(String urlPath, String username, String password) {
this.urlRootPath = urlPath;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
restfulInterface.setParams(1, 0);
* Run dispose mul return type.
* @param disposeObject the dispose object
* @param objectType the object type
* @param capType the cap type
* @param nfDirection the nf direction
* @param attackType the attack type
* @param duration the duration
* @return the mul return type
public MulReturnType<ErrorCode, String> runDispose(String disposeObject, DisposeObjectType objectType,
DisposeCapacityType capType,
@Nullable NetflowDirection nfDirection,
@Nullable Integer attackType,
@Nullable Long duration) {
List<PengXinStartTaskItem> reqItems = new ArrayList<>();
String url = urlRootPath + "dispose_device/task/start";
if (token == null || token.length() == 0) {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_LOGOUT, "");
try {"++++Begging UPF Start Cleanup Task: {}", disposeObject);
if (capType != DisposeCapacityType.BLACKHOOL) {
log.error("----Error UPF don't support dispose capacity type: {}", capType);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UNSUPPORT, null);
// 适配处置时间参数 -1为不限制处置时间
if (duration == null || duration < 0) {
duration = -1L;
ProtocolRespDTO<PengXinStartTaskRsp> rspInfo = restfulInterface.startDisposeTask(url, token, reqItems);
// upf设备不判断header认证消息中的token值
if (rspInfo == null || rspInfo.getCode() != ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getHttpCode()) {
log.error("----Error UPF start clean {} server return error", disposeObject);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UPF_ERROR, null);
if (rspInfo.getMsgContent().getItems().size() == 0) {
log.error("----Error UPF start clean {} server return nothing", disposeObject);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UPF_ERROR, null);
} else {
int errCode = rspInfo.getMsgContent().getItems().get(0).getStatus();
if (errCode != ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getCode()) {
log.error("----Error UPF start clean {} server return error: {}", disposeObject, errCode);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UPF_ERROR, null);
log.debug("----Finish UPF Start Cleanup Task: {}", disposeObject);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_OK, rspInfo.getMsgContent().getItems().get(0).getTaskId());
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("----Exception UPF Start Cleanup Task: {}, {}, {}", disposeObject, nfDirection, duration);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_SYSTEMEXCEPTION, null);
* Stop dispose mul return type.
* @param disposeObject the dispose object
* @param capType the cap type
* @param nfDirection the nf direction
* @param attackType the attack type
* @param taskId the task id
* @return the mul return type
public MulReturnType<ErrorCode, Long> stopDispose(String disposeObject, DisposeCapacityType capType,
@Nullable NetflowDirection nfDirection,
@Nullable Integer attackType,
@Nullable String taskId) {
String url = urlRootPath + "dispose_device/task/stop";
if (token == null || token.length() == 0) {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_LOGOUT, null);
try {"++++Begging UPF Stop Cleanup Task: {}", taskId);
if (capType != DisposeCapacityType.BLACKHOOL) {
log.error("----Error UPF don't support dispose capacity type: {}", capType);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UNSUPPORT, null);
if (taskId == null) {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_PARAMS, null);
ProtocolRespDTO<PengXinStopTaskRsp> rspInfo = restfulInterface.stopDisposeTask(url, token,
new String[]{taskId});
if (rspInfo == null || rspInfo.getCode() != ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getHttpCode()) {
log.error("----Error UPF stop task{} server return error", taskId);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UPF_ERROR, null);
if (rspInfo.getMsgContent().getItems().size() == 0) {
log.error("----Error UPF stop clean {} server return nothing", disposeObject);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UPF_ERROR, null);
} else {
int errCode = rspInfo.getMsgContent().getItems().get(0).getStatus();
if (errCode != ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getCode()) {
log.error("----Error UPF stop clean {} server return error: {}", disposeObject, errCode);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_UPF_ERROR, null);
log.debug("----Finish UPF Stop Cleanup Task: {}", taskId);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_OK, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("----Exception UPF Stop Cleanup Task: {}, {}, {}", disposeObject, nfDirection, taskId);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_SYSTEMEXCEPTION, null);
* Gets ability device fireware.
* @return the ability device fireware
public MulReturnType<ErrorCode, DeviceFirewareInfo> getAbilityDeviceFireware() {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_OK,
.os("Linux Server")
* To device attack type long.
* @param ddosAttackTypeMask the ddos attack type mask
* @return the long
public Long toDeviceAttackType(Long ddosAttackTypeMask) {
return ddosAttackTypeMask;
* Gets device link status.
* @return the device link status
public boolean getDeviceLinkStatus() {
return deviceLinkStatus;
* Dev get link status.
private void devGetLinkStatus() {
try {
String url = urlRootPath + "dispose_device/information/linkstatus";
if (token == null || token.length() == 0) {
deviceLinkStatus = false;
ErrorCode err = restfulInterface.getLinkStatus(url, token);
if (err == ErrorCode.ERR_LOGOUT) {
// 重新登录获取 token
err = restfulInterface.getLinkStatus(url, token);
if (err == ErrorCode.ERR_OK) {
deviceLinkStatus = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
deviceLinkStatus = false;
* Gets dispose device protect object.
public void getDisposeDeviceProtectObject() {
if (token == null || token.length() == 0) {
try {
String url = urlRootPath + "dispose_device/information/capacity";
ProtocolRespDTO<PengXinDisposeAbilityRsp> rspInfo = restfulInterface.getDeviceDisposeAbility(url, token);
if (rspInfo != null && rspInfo.getCode() == ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getHttpCode()
&& rspInfo.getMsgContent().getStatus() == ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getCode()) {
rspInfo.getMsgContent().getCapacity().forEach(v -> {
if (v.getObjectType().equals(DisposeObjectType.DOMAIN.getValue())) {
log.error("Unsupported: {}", v.getObjectType());
} else if (v.getObjectType().equals(DisposeObjectType.URL.getValue())) {
log.error("Unsupported: {}", v.getObjectType());
} else {
synchronized (this) {
if (v.getIpType() == null || v.getIpType().equals(IpAddrType.IPV4_IPV6.getValue())) {
if (v.getDisposeIp() == null) {
} else if (v.getIpType().equals(IpAddrType.IPV4.getValue())) {
} else if (v.getIpType().equals(IpAddrType.IPV6.getValue())) {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
* Is carry protect ip boolean.
* @param ipAddress the ip address
* @return the boolean
public boolean isCarryProtectIp(String ipAddress) {
boolean ret = false;
IPAddress address = new IPAddressString(ipAddress).getAddress();
synchronized (this) {
if (address.isIPv4()) {
ret = -> Helper.ipInRange(v, ipAddress));
if (address.isIPv6()) {
ret = -> Helper.ipInRange(v, ipAddress));
if (!ret) {
// 更新设备防护IP
synchronized (this) {
if (address.isIPv4()) {
ret = -> Helper.ipInRange(v, ipAddress));
if (address.isIPv6()) {
ret = -> Helper.ipInRange(v, ipAddress));
return ret;
* Task status mul return type.
* @param taskId the task id
* @return the mul return type
public MulReturnType<ErrorCode, Long> taskStatus(String taskId) {
if (token == null || token.length() == 0) {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_LOGOUT, -1L);
try {
String url = urlRootPath + "dispose_device/task/get";
ProtocolRespDTO<PengXinTaskStatusRsp> rspInfo = restfulInterface.getDeviceTaskStatus(url, token,
new String[]{taskId});
if (rspInfo != null && rspInfo.getCode() == ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getHttpCode()) {
int errCode = rspInfo.getMsgContent().getItems().get(0).getStatus();
if (rspInfo.getMsgContent().getItems().size() == 0 || errCode != ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getCode()) {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_NOSUCHTASK, -1L);
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_OK,
} else {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_CALLDEVICE, -1L);
} catch (Exception ignored) {
return new MulReturnType<>(ErrorCode.ERR_SYSTEMEXCEPTION, -1L);
* Upgrade token.
private void upgradeToken() {
try {
this.token = RandomStringUtils.random(10);
// //方案2
// String url = urlRootPath + "dispose_device/auth/login";
// ProtocolRespDTO<PengXinLoginRsp> logInfo = restfulInterface.login(url, username, password);
// if (logInfo != null && logInfo.getMsgContent().getStatus() == ErrorCode.ERR_OK.getCode()) {
// this.token = logInfo.getMsgContent().getToken();
// }
} catch (Exception ignored) {
* Period task runtime.
public void periodTaskRuntime() {
log.debug("++++UPF Period Task Running");
// 更新防护对象
// 更新心跳状态
if (timerCnt++ % DisposeConfigValue.HEART_PERIOD_OF_SECOND == 0) {
log.debug("----UPF Period Task Running");
* Device ready boolean.
* @return the boolean
public boolean deviceReady() {
return true;
* Upgrade service group.
* @param svrList the svr list
public void upgradeServiceGroup(List<ServiceInfo> svrList) {
* Is carry attack type boolean.
* @param attackType the attack type
* @return the boolean
public boolean isCarryAttackType(Long attackType) {
return true;

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@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ public enum DisposeDeviceType implements BaseEnum {
* The Huawei FireWall platform. * The Huawei FireWall platform.
*/ */
* The upf platform.
/** /**
* The Virtual dispose. * The Virtual dispose.
*/ */

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@ -240,7 +240,10 @@ public enum ErrorCode {
* The Err pengxin error. * The Err pengxin error.
*/ */
ERR_PENGXIN_ERROR(117, "鹏信设备返回错误"), ERR_PENGXIN_ERROR(117, "鹏信设备返回错误"),
* The Err upf error.
ERR_UPF_ERROR(118, "UPF设备返回错误"),
/** /**
* The Err nosuchumcprotectobject. * The Err nosuchumcprotectobject.
*/ */

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@ -588,6 +588,10 @@ public class DeviceTaskManagerServiceImpl implements DeviceTaskManagerService {
restfulDeviceTaskRun(ai, v, task, DisposeDeviceType.HUAWEI_FIREWALL_PLATFORM); restfulDeviceTaskRun(ai, v, task, DisposeDeviceType.HUAWEI_FIREWALL_PLATFORM);
break; break;
restfulDeviceTaskRun(ai, v, task, DisposeDeviceType.UPF_PLATFORM);
default: default:
log.error("Unknown dispose device type: {}", ai.getDev()); log.error("Unknown dispose device type: {}", ai.getDev());
break; break;
@ -669,6 +673,10 @@ public class DeviceTaskManagerServiceImpl implements DeviceTaskManagerService {
restfulDeviceTaskStop(ai, v, task, DisposeDeviceType.HUAWEI_FIREWALL_PLATFORM); restfulDeviceTaskStop(ai, v, task, DisposeDeviceType.HUAWEI_FIREWALL_PLATFORM);
break; break;
restfulDeviceTaskStop(ai, v, task, DisposeDeviceType.UPF_PLATFORM);
default: default:
log.error("Unknown dispose device type: {}", ai.getDev()); log.error("Unknown dispose device type: {}", ai.getDev());
break; break;

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import com.dispose.ability.impl.HaoHanAbilityImpl;
import com.dispose.ability.impl.HuaWeiAbilityImpl; import com.dispose.ability.impl.HuaWeiAbilityImpl;
import com.dispose.ability.impl.HuaWeiFireWallAbilityImpl; import com.dispose.ability.impl.HuaWeiFireWallAbilityImpl;
import com.dispose.ability.impl.PengXinAbilityImpl; import com.dispose.ability.impl.PengXinAbilityImpl;
import com.dispose.ability.impl.UpfAbilityImpl;
import com.dispose.ability.impl.VirtualAbilityImpl; import com.dispose.ability.impl.VirtualAbilityImpl;
import com.dispose.common.DisposeCapacityType; import com.dispose.common.DisposeCapacityType;
import com.dispose.common.ErrorCode; import com.dispose.common.ErrorCode;
@ -172,6 +173,9 @@ public class DisposeAbilityRouterServiceImpl implements DisposeAbilityRouterServ
db = new HuaWeiFireWallAbilityImpl(); db = new HuaWeiFireWallAbilityImpl();
break; break;
db = new UpfAbilityImpl();
default: default:
log.error("Unknown dispose device type: {}", dev.getDeviceType()); log.error("Unknown dispose device type: {}", dev.getDeviceType());
return ErrorCode.ERR_PARAMS; return ErrorCode.ERR_PARAMS;