
537 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* $Id: softidct.h 545 2006-01-07 22:26:35Z picard $
* The Core Pocket Media Player
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Gabor Kovacs
#ifndef __SOFTIDCT_H
#define __SOFTIDCT_H
#define SOFTIDCT_ID FOURCC('S','I','D','C')
// duplicate softidct for optimized mips code...
#define MPEG4IDCT_ID FOURCC('M','P','I','D')
#define MSMPEG4IDCT_ID FOURCC('M','S','I','D')
void SoftIDCT_Init();
void SoftIDCT_Done();
// MIPS version of all CopyBlock and AddBlock doesn't support general DstPitch, it's fixed to SrcPitch
// ARM version of AddBlock doesn't support general DstPitch, it's fixed to 8 bytes
// non MIPS64 version of CopyMBlock can be used only in Copy() (no source alignment)
#define EDGE 32
#define MAXBUF 5
typedef void(STDCALL *copyblock)(uint8_t*,uint8_t*,int,int);
typedef void(STDCALL *addblock)(uint8_t*,uint8_t*,int);
typedef void (*drawgmc)(void*,uint8_t*,int);
//#if defined(ARM) && defined(TARGET_PALMOS)
//#define FREESCALE_MX1
#ifndef MIPS64
#if defined(ARM) || defined(_M_IX86)
typedef struct softidct
idct IDCT;
copyblock AllCopyBlock[2][4]; //[Rounding][x][y]
#if !defined(MIPS64) && !defined(MIPS32)
addblock AddBlock[4]; //[x][y]
idctintra Intra8x8;
#if !defined(MIPS64)
idctinter Inter8x8[2];
drawgmc DrawGMC;
#if defined(CONFIG_IDCT_SWAP)
idctcopy Copy16x16Swap[3]; // pixelformat
idctprocess ProcessSwap[3]; // pixelformat
idctintra Intra8x8Swap;
#if !defined(MIPS64)
idctinter Inter8x8Swap[2];
int CurrPitch;
int* Ptr;
uint8_t* DstPtr;
uint8_t* RefPtr[2];
uint8_t* RefMin[2];
uint8_t* RefMax[2];
const int* MVBack;
const int* MVFwd;
copyblock CopyBlock[4];
const copyblock* CopyBlock4x4;
#ifdef MIPS64
const copyblock* CopyMBlock;
idctinter inter8x8uv;
pin Pin;
packetprocess Process;
packetformat Format;
} Out;
bool_t NeedLast;
int Mode;
int BufWidth; //16 aligned and edge added
int BufHeight; //16 aligned and edge added
int BufSize;
int BufWidthUV;
int YToU;
int UVX2;
int UVY2;
bool_t Rounding;
int Shift;
int OutWidth;
int OutHeight;
int BufferWidth;
int BufferHeight;
int ShowCurr;
int ShowNext;
int MaxCount;
int BufCount; //IDCT_BUFFERCOUNT + LastTemp
int LastTemp; //last buffer is temporary
uint8_t* Buffer[MAXBUF]; //aligned to 32bytes (example MIPSVR41XX cache hack needs cache block alignement)
block _Buffer[MAXBUF];
int BufFrameNo[MAXBUF];
bool_t BufBorder[MAXBUF];
int BufAlloc[MAXBUF];
#ifdef MIPS64
int NextIRQ;
bool_t KMode;
uint8_t* Dst;
uint8_t* Ref[2];
int Tab[6]; //inc[12] 4:1:1 2:1:1 1:1:1
uint8_t *Tmp; //aligned 8x8 or 16x16 temp buffer
int* MX1;
uint8_t* MX1Dst;
int MX1Pitch;
void (*MX1Pop)(struct softidct*);
uint8_t _Tmp[16+256];
int ModeSupported;
uint8_t* CodeBegin;
uint8_t* CodeEnd;
size_t CodePage;
copyblock QPELCopyBlockM;
idctinter QPELInter;
idctmcomp QPELMComp8x8;
idctmcomp QPELMComp16x16;
idctinter Inter8x8GMC;
} softidct;
extern void Copy420(softidct* p,int x,int y,int Forward);
extern void Process420(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process422(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process444(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Copy420Half(softidct* p,int x,int y,int Forward);
extern void Process420Half(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process422Half(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process444Half(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process420Quarter(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process422Quarter(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process444Quarter(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Copy420Swap(softidct* p,int x,int y,int Forward);
extern void Process420Swap(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process422Swap(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void Process444Swap(softidct* p,int x,int y);
extern void SoftMComp8x8(softidct* p,const int* MVBack,const int* MVFwd);
extern void SoftMComp16x16(softidct* p,const int* MVBack,const int* MVFwd);
extern void Intra8x8(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
extern void Inter8x8Back(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
extern void Inter8x8BackFwd(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
extern void Inter8x8QPEL(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length);
extern void Inter8x8GMC(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length);
extern void Intra8x8Half(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
extern void Inter8x8BackHalf(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
extern void Inter8x8BackFwdHalf(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
extern void Intra8x8Quarter(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
extern void SoftMComp8x8Swap(softidct* p,const int* MVBack,const int* MVFwd);
extern void SoftMComp16x16Swap(softidct* p,const int* MVBack,const int* MVFwd);
extern void Intra8x8Swap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
extern void Inter8x8BackSwap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
extern void Inter8x8BackFwdSwap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
// !MIPS64 source stride = 8
// MIPS64 source stride = dest stride
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Block4x8(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Block8x8(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Const8x8(int v,uint8_t * Dst,int DstStride,uint8_t * Src);
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Block4x4(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Block2x2(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Block4x8Swap(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Block8x8Swap(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
extern void STDCALL IDCT_Const4x4(int v,uint8_t * Dst,int DstStride,uint8_t * Src);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlockHorRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlockVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlockHorVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlockM(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern const addblock TableAddBlock4x4[16];
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_00(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_01(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_02(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_03(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_10(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_11(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_12(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_13(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_20(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_21(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_22(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_23(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_30(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_31(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_32(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_33(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_01R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_02R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_03R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_10R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_11R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_12R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_13R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_20R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_21R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_22R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_23R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_30R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_31R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_32R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4_33R(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
#ifdef MMX
#define CopyBlock8x8 CopyBlock
#define CopyBlock16x16 CopyBlockM
#ifndef MIPS64
#define SoftMComp16x16Swap SoftMComp8x8Swap
#define SoftMComp16x16 SoftMComp8x8
#if defined(FREESCALE_MX1)
void MX1PopNone(softidct* p);
void MX1Intra8x8(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
void MX1Inter8x8Back(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void MX1Inter8x8BackFwd(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void MX1Inter8x8QPEL(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void MX1Inter8x8GMC(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void MX1Intra8x8Swap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
void MX1Inter8x8BackSwap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void MX1Inter8x8BackFwdSwap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
#if defined(ARM)
void WMMXIntra8x8(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
void WMMXInter8x8Back(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void WMMXInter8x8BackFwd(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void WMMXIntra8x8Swap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Data,int Length,int ScanType);
void WMMXInter8x8QPEL(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void WMMXInter8x8GMC(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void WMMXInter8x8BackSwap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void WMMXInter8x8BackFwdSwap(softidct* p,idct_block_t* Block,int Length);
void STDCALL WMMXIDCT_Block8x4(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
void STDCALL WMMXIDCT_Block8x8(idct_block_t *Block, uint8_t *Dest, int DestStride, const uint8_t *Src);
void STDCALL WMMXIDCT_Const8x8(int v,uint8_t * Dst,int DstStride,uint8_t * Src);
void STDCALL WMMXIDCT_Const4x4(int v,uint8_t * Dst,int DstStride,uint8_t * Src);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlockM(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlockHorRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlockVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXCopyBlockHorVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXAddBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXAddBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXAddBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL WMMXAddBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL FastCopyBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL FastCopyBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL FastCopyBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL FastCopyBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL FastCopyBlockHorRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL FastCopyBlockVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL FastCopyBlockHorVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL FastAddBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL FastAddBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL FastAddBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL FastAddBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadCopyBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadCopyBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadCopyBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadCopyBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadCopyBlockHorRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadCopyBlockVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadCopyBlockHorVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadAddBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadAddBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadAddBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
void STDCALL PreLoadAddBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
#if defined(MIPS64)
#define CopyBlock8x8 CopyBlock
#define CopyBlock16x16 CopyMBlock
extern void STDCALL CopyMBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyMBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyMBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyMBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyMBlockHorRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyMBlockVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyMBlockHorVerRound(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch, int DstPitch);
extern void Inter8x8Add(softidct* p,idct_block_t *Block,int Length);
// Src must be aligned
extern void AddBlock8x8(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
extern void AddBlock16x16(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
#if defined(TARGET_WINCE) || defined(TARGET_WIN32)
#define MIPS64_WIN32
#ifdef MIPS64_WIN32
static INLINE void DisableInterrupts() {
__asm( ".set noreorder;"
"mfc0 $4,$12;"
"li $5,-1;"
"sll $5,$5,1;"
"and $4,$4,$5;"
"mtc0 $4,$12;"
".set reorder;"
static INLINE void EnableInterrupts() {
__asm( ".set noreorder;"
"mfc0 $4,$12;"
"ori $4,$4,0x001;"
"mtc0 $4,$12;"
".set reorder;"
#elif defined(MIPS32)
// Src must be aligned
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock8x8(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock16x16(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock8x8(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
// AddBlock DstPitch=8
extern void STDCALL AddBlock(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlockHor(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlockVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlockHorVer(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_00(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_01(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_02(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_03(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_10(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_11(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_12(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_13(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_20(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_21(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_22(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_23(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_30(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_31(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_32(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
extern void STDCALL AddBlock4x4_33(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch);
// Src must be aligned
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock4x4(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock8x8(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
extern void STDCALL CopyBlock16x16(uint8_t * Src, uint8_t * Dst, int SrcPitch,int DstPitch);
#ifdef MMX
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if defined(TARGET_WINCE) || defined(_M_AMD64)
extern void STDCALL EMMS();
static INLINE void EMMS() { __asm { emms } }
#define EMMS() __asm__ __volatile__ ("emms")
static INLINE void EMMS() {}
#ifdef ARM
#define SAT(Value) Value = Value < 0 ? 0: (Value > 255 ? 255: Value);
// upper bits are trashed! use only lower 8 bits afterward
#define SAT(Value) Value <<= Value >> 16; Value |= (Value << 23) >> 31;
static INLINE void ProcessHead(softidct* p,int x,int y)
#ifdef MIPS64_WIN32
if (y != p->NextIRQ)
static INLINE void ProcessTail(softidct* p,int x,int y)
#ifdef MIPS64_WIN32
if (y != p->NextIRQ)
p->NextIRQ = y;
static INLINE void SetPtr420(softidct* p,int x,int y,int shift)
x <<= 4-shift;
y <<= 4-shift;
x += EDGE;
y += EDGE;
y *= p->BufWidth;
p->CurrPitch = p->BufWidth;
p->DstPtr = p->Dst+x+y;
p->RefPtr[0] = p->Ref[0]+x+y;
p->RefPtr[1] = p->Ref[1]+x+y;
p->Ptr = p->Tab;
p->Tab[3] = 1 | 2*(-y-x-(8>>shift)*p->BufWidth-(8>>shift) +
p->YToU + (x>>1) + (y>>2)); //Y[1;1] -> U
static INLINE void SetPtr422(softidct* p,int x,int y,int shift)
x <<= 4-shift;
y <<= 3-shift;
x += EDGE;
y += EDGE;
y *= p->BufWidth;
p->CurrPitch = p->BufWidth;
p->DstPtr = p->Dst+x+y;
p->RefPtr[0] = p->Ref[0]+x+y;
p->RefPtr[1] = p->Ref[1]+x+y;
p->Ptr = p->Tab;
p->Tab[1] = 1 | 2*(-y-x-(8>>shift) +
p->YToU + (x>>1) + (y>>1)); //Y[0;1] -> U
static INLINE void SetPtr444(softidct* p,int x,int y,int shift)
x <<= 3-shift;
y <<= 3-shift;
x += EDGE;
y += EDGE;
y *= p->BufWidth;
p->CurrPitch = p->BufWidth;
p->DstPtr = p->Dst+x+y;
p->RefPtr[0] = p->Ref[0]+x+y;
p->RefPtr[1] = p->Ref[1]+x+y;
p->Ptr = p->Tab;
static INLINE void IncPtr(softidct* p,bool_t Ref0,bool_t Ref1)
uint8_t* DstPtr = p->DstPtr;
int v = *(p->Ptr++);
if (v & 1) p->CurrPitch >>= 1;
v >>= 1;
p->DstPtr = DstPtr + v;
if (Ref0) p->RefPtr[0] += v;
if (Ref1) p->RefPtr[1] += v;
static INLINE void IncPtrLum(softidct* p)
int v = (p->Tab[0]+p->Tab[1]+p->Tab[2]+p->Tab[3]) >> 1;
p->CurrPitch >>= 1;
p->DstPtr += v;
p->RefPtr[0] += v;
p->RefPtr[1] += v;
p->Ptr = &p->Tab[4];