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streaminfo_t Struct Reference

mpc stream properties structure More...

#include <musepack.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

core mpc stream properties
mpc_uint32_t SampleFreq
 sample frequency of stream
mpc_uint32_t Channels
 number of channels in stream
streaminfo_off_t HeaderPosition
 byte offset of position of header in stream
mpc_uint32_t StreamVersion
 streamversion of stream
mpc_uint32_t Bitrate
 bitrate of stream file (in bps)
double AverageBitrate
 average bitrate of stream (in bits/sec)
mpc_uint32_t Frames
 number of frames in stream
mpc_int64_t PCMSamples
mpc_uint32_t MaxBand
 maximum band-index used in stream (0...31)
mpc_uint32_t IS
 intensity stereo (0: off, 1: on)
mpc_uint32_t MS
 mid/side stereo (0: off, 1: on)
mpc_uint32_t BlockSize
 only needed for SV4...SV6 -> not supported
mpc_uint32_t Profile
 quality profile of stream
const char * ProfileName
 name of profile used by stream
replaygain related fields
mpc_int16_t GainTitle
 replaygain title value
mpc_int16_t GainAlbum
 replaygain album value
mpc_uint16_t PeakAlbum
 peak album loudness level
mpc_uint16_t PeakTitle
 peak title loudness level
true gapless support data
mpc_uint32_t IsTrueGapless
 true gapless? (0: no, 1: yes)
mpc_uint32_t LastFrameSamples
 number of valid samples within last frame
mpc_uint32_t EncoderVersion
 version of encoder used
char Encoder [256]
 encoder name
streaminfo_off_t TagOffset
 offset to file tags
streaminfo_off_t TotalFileLength
 total length of underlying file

Detailed Description

mpc stream properties structure

Structure containing all the properties of an mpc stream. Populated by the streaminfo_read function.

Definition at line 68 of file musepack.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Dec 11 14:43:51 2004 for libmusepack by  doxygen