115 lines
4.0 KiB
115 lines
4.0 KiB
SUMMARY = "GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats"
HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gdal.org/"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.TXT;md5=0952e17969fab12227096b5228f23149"
DEPENDS = "proj sqlite3 tiff json-c"
SRC_URI = "ftp://download.osgeo.org/gdal/${PV}/${BP}.tar.xz"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2e126d7c6605691d38f3e71b945f5c73"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "20e1042cff15a71038459a299732fb342428aea9912f32df30c85790fcab6302"
inherit autotools-brokensep lib_package binconfig
EXTRA_OECONF = "--without-perl \
--without-php \
--without-ruby \
--without-python \
--without-grass \
--without-libgrass \
--without-cfitsio \
--without-dds \
--without-gta \
--without-pcidsk \
--without-ogdi \
--without-fme \
--without-hdf4 \
--without-hdf5 \
--without-pg \
--without-jpeg12 \
--without-ogdi \
--without-netcdf \
--without-openjpeg \
--without-fgdb \
--without-ecw \
--without-kakadu \
--without-mrsid \
--without-jp2mrsid \
--without-mrsid_lidar \
--without-msg \
--without-bsb \
--without-grib \
--without-mysql \
--without-ingres \
--without-odbc \
--without-dods_root \
--without-xml2 \
--without-spatialite \
--without-pcre \
--without-dwgdirect \
--without-dwgdirect \
--without-idb \
--without-sde \
--without-sde-version \
--without-epsilon \
--without-webp \
--without-opencl \
--without-opencl-include \
--without-opencl-lib \
--without-freexl \
--without-pam \
--without-poppler \
--without-podofo \
--without-podofo-lib \
--without-podofo-extra-lib-for-test \
--without-static_proj4 \
--without-perl \
--without-php \
--without-ruby \
--without-python \
--without-java \
--without-mdb \
--without-jvm-lib \
--without-jvm-lib-add-rpath \
--without-rasdaman \
--without-armadillo \
--with-pcraster=internal \
--with-geotiff=internal \
--with-sqlite3=${STAGING_EXECPREFIXDIR} \
--with-libtiff=${STAGING_EXECPREFIXDIR} \
--with-libjson-c=${STAGING_EXECPREFIXDIR} \
EXTRA_OEMAKE += "INST_DATA="${datadir}/gdal""
PACKAGECONFIG ?= "geos png jasper"
PACKAGECONFIG[geos] = "--with-geos,--without-geos,geos"
PACKAGECONFIG[lzma] = "--with-liblzma,--without-liblzma,xz"
PACKAGECONFIG[png] = "--with-png,--without-png,libpng"
PACKAGECONFIG[gif] = "--with-gif,--without-gif,giflib"
PACKAGECONFIG[jpeg] = "--with-jpeg,--without-jpeg,jpeg"
PACKAGECONFIG[z] = "--with-libz,--without-libz,zlib"
PACKAGECONFIG[jasper] = "--with-jasper,--without-jasper,jasper"
PACKAGECONFIG[curl] = "--with-curl,--without-curl,curl"
do_configure_prepend () {
# The configure script has many hardcoded paths to search
# for the library headers when using external libraries,
# workaround it.
sed -e 's,/usr/include,NON_EXISTENT_DIR,g' \
-e 's,/usr/lib,NON_EXISTENT_DIR,g' \
-i ${S}/configure.in
FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/gdalplugins"
# | gdalserver.c:124:21: error: storage size of 'sHints' isn't known
# | struct addrinfo sHints;
# | ^
PNBLACKLIST[gdal] ?= "BROKEN: fails to build with gcc-5"