
46 lines
1.8 KiB

SUMMARY = "strictures - turn on strict and make all warnings fatal"
DESCRIPTION = "I've been writing the equivalent of this module at the top \
of my code for about a year now. I figured it was time to make it shorter. \
Things like the importer in \"use Moose\" don't help me because they turn \
warnings on but don't make them fatal -- which from my point of view is \
useless because I want an exception to tell me my code isn't warnings-clean. \
Any time I see a warning from my code, that indicates a mistake. \
Any time my code encounters a mistake, I want a crash -- not spew to STDERR \
and then unknown (and probably undesired) subsequent behaviour. \
I also want to ensure that obvious coding mistakes, like indirect object \
syntax (and not so obvious mistakes that cause things to accidentally compile \
as such) get caught, but not at the cost of an XS dependency and not at the \
cost of blowing things up on another machine. \
Therefore, \"strictures\" turns on additional checking, but only when it \
thinks it's running in a test file in a VCS checkout -- although if this \
causes undesired behaviour this can be overridden by setting the \
PERL_STRICTURES_EXTRA environment variable."
SECTION = "libs"
HOMEPAGE = "https://metacpan.org/pod/strictures"
LICENSE = "Artistic-1.0 | GPL-1.0+"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://README;beginline=246;endline=262;md5=43be558cf4f19823cdd6af22135cf5f8"
SRC_URI = "${CPAN_MIRROR}/authors/id/H/HA/HAARG/strictures-${PV}.tar.gz"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "fb1fada8260992bc85e126c21ffcc6d5"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "130355dcb3afd8c3c8213c24b924e71deb7e1e1197da8f90c5ae191766aa4100"
S = "${WORKDIR}/strictures-${PV}"
inherit cpan
RDEPENDS_${PN} = " perl-module-carp \
perl-module-strict \
perl-module-test-more \
perl-module-warnings \