SUMMARY = "Enjoy music player"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=6a6a8e020838b23406c81b19c1d46df6"
DEPENDS = "evas ecore edje elementary emotion lightmediascanner eldbus gst-plugins-good"

SRCREV = "aa8fec69e885eec048a849c2b34059ec58404e02"
PV = "0.1.0+gitr${SRCPV}"

#1st needed for all formats
#2nd needed for mp3 playback
#3d needed for ogg playback
#4th needed for flac playback
#5th needed binary to create db
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\
       gst-plugins-base-typefindfunctions gst-plugins-base-playbin gst-plugins-base-volume gst-plugins-base-decodebin2 gst-plugins-good-autodetect \
       gst-plugins-base-ogg gst-plugins-base-ivorbisdec \
       gst-plugins-good-flac \
       lightmediascanner-test \

inherit e gettext
SRC_URI = " \
    git:// \
    file://0001-always-use-position-as-percent-and-define-a-1-second.patch \
    file://configure.patch \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/icons/"

    --with-edje-cc=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/edje_cc \

PACKAGECONFIG[mad] = ",,gst-plugins-ugly,gst-plugins-ugly-mad"
PACKAGECONFIG[id3demux] = ",,,gst-plugins-good-id3demux"

do_configure_prepend() {
    autopoint || touch config.rpath

pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
    echo "enjoy:    SCAN and LIBRARY MANAGER are not implemeted yet!"
    echo "enjoy:    Meanwhile please run:"
    echo "enjoy:    test-lms -m mono -p id3 -i 5000 -s /path/to/your/music/dir /home/root/.config/enjoy/media.db"
    echo "enjoy:"
    echo "enjoy:    Use test-lms -P to see available formats that can be scanned"