require u-boot-common_${PV}.inc inherit deploy u-boot-fitimage UBOOT_SRC = "${TOPDIR}/../src/bsp/u-boot-201611" UBOOT_OUT = "${WORKDIR}/out" PROVIDES = "virtual/bootloader" PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" PROJECT = "mtk" # Some versions of u-boot use .bin and others use .img. By default use .bin # but enable individual recipes to change this value. UBOOT_SUFFIX ??= "bin" UBOOT_IMAGE ?= "u-boot-${PROJECT}.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" UBOOT_BINARY ?= "u-boot.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" UBOOT_FIT_IMAGE ?= "u-boot-fit.${UBOOT_SUFFIX}" UBOOT_MAKE_TARGET ?= "all" EXTRA_OEMAKE = 'CROSS_COMPILE="${TARGET_PREFIX}" KBUILD_OUTPUT="${UBOOT_OUT}" STRIP=true V=1' do_compile () { cd ${UBOOT_SRC} oe_runmake mrproper oe_runmake mt8521_defconfig oe_runmake -f Makefile cd - } do_deploy () { install -d ${DEPLOYDIR} install ${UBOOT_OUT}/${UBOOT_FIT_IMAGE} ${DEPLOYDIR}/${UBOOT_FIT_IMAGE} } addtask deploy before do_build after do_assemble_fitimage