SUMMARY = "Generic data test program" DESCRIPTION = "The Data Test Program (dt) is a generic data test program used to verify proper \ operation of peripherals, file systems, device drivers, or any data stream supported by the \ operating system." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "console/tests" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=be8bb25bbcfaa0725710d188e5152668" # Source URI taken from Fedora RPM spec file at: # SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \ file://dt-default-source-define.patch \ file://dt-wformat-security.patch \ file://Stop-using-relative-path-for-scsilib.c-link.patch \ file://Use-tcsh-shell.patch \ " SRC_URI[md5sum] = "3054aeaaba047a1dbe90c2132a382ee2" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "10d164676e918a4d07f233bcd11e4cb6bfd1052c996182cd1827ccd0c063fcc6" S = "${WORKDIR}/dt.v${PV}" TARGET_CC_ARCH += "${LDFLAGS}" EXTRA_OEMAKE += "-f Makefile.linux \ OS=linux \ CFLAGS="-I.. -DAIO -DFIFO -DMMAP -D__linux__ -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DTHREADS -DSCSI"" do_compile() { oe_runmake } do_install() { install -Dm755 dt ${D}${sbindir}/dt install -Dm644 Documentation/ ${D}${mandir}/man8/dt.8 install -d ${D}${datadir}/dt/ install -d ${D}${docdir}/dt/html/ install -m755 Scripts/dt? ${D}${datadir}/dt/ install -m644 data/pattern_* ${D}${datadir}/dt/ install -m644 html/* ${D}${docdir}/dt/html/ } RDEPENDS_${PN} += "tcsh"