# Development tool - utility commands plugin
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Devtool utility plugins"""

import os
import sys
import shutil
import tempfile
import logging
import argparse
import subprocess
import scriptutils
from devtool import exec_build_env_command, setup_tinfoil, check_workspace_recipe, DevtoolError
from devtool import parse_recipe

logger = logging.getLogger('devtool')

def edit_recipe(args, config, basepath, workspace):
    """Entry point for the devtool 'edit-recipe' subcommand"""
    if args.any_recipe:
        tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(config_only=False, basepath=basepath)
            rd = parse_recipe(config, tinfoil, args.recipename, True)
            if not rd:
                return 1
            recipefile = rd.getVar('FILE', True)
        check_workspace_recipe(workspace, args.recipename)
        recipefile = workspace[args.recipename]['recipefile']
        if not recipefile:
            raise DevtoolError("Recipe file for %s is not under the workspace" %

    return scriptutils.run_editor(recipefile)

def configure_help(args, config, basepath, workspace):
    """Entry point for the devtool 'configure-help' subcommand"""
    import oe.utils

    check_workspace_recipe(workspace, args.recipename)
    tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(config_only=False, basepath=basepath)
        rd = parse_recipe(config, tinfoil, args.recipename, appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
        if not rd:
            return 1
        b = rd.getVar('B', True)
        s = rd.getVar('S', True)
        configurescript = os.path.join(s, 'configure')
        confdisabled = 'noexec' in rd.getVarFlags('do_configure') or 'do_configure' not in (rd.getVar('__BBTASKS', False) or [])
        configureopts = oe.utils.squashspaces(rd.getVar('CONFIGUREOPTS', True) or '')
        extra_oeconf = oe.utils.squashspaces(rd.getVar('EXTRA_OECONF', True) or '')
        extra_oecmake = oe.utils.squashspaces(rd.getVar('EXTRA_OECMAKE', True) or '')
        do_configure = rd.getVar('do_configure', True) or ''
        do_configure_noexpand = rd.getVar('do_configure', False) or ''
        packageconfig = rd.getVarFlags('PACKAGECONFIG') or []
        autotools = bb.data.inherits_class('autotools', rd) and ('oe_runconf' in do_configure or 'autotools_do_configure' in do_configure)
        cmake = bb.data.inherits_class('cmake', rd) and ('cmake_do_configure' in do_configure)
        cmake_do_configure = rd.getVar('cmake_do_configure', True)
        pn = rd.getVar('PN', True)

    if 'doc' in packageconfig:
        del packageconfig['doc']

    if autotools and not os.path.exists(configurescript):
        logger.info('Running do_configure to generate configure script')
            stdout, _ = exec_build_env_command(config.init_path, basepath,
                                               'bitbake -c configure %s' % args.recipename,
        except bb.process.ExecutionError:

    if confdisabled or do_configure.strip() in ('', ':'):
        raise DevtoolError("do_configure task has been disabled for this recipe")
    elif args.no_pager and not os.path.exists(configurescript):
        raise DevtoolError("No configure script found and no other information to display")
        configopttext = ''
        if autotools and configureopts:
            configopttext = '''
Arguments currently passed to the configure script:


Some of those are fixed.''' % (configureopts + ' ' + extra_oeconf)
            if extra_oeconf:
                configopttext += ''' The ones that are specified through EXTRA_OECONF (which you can change or add to easily):

%s''' % extra_oeconf

        elif cmake:
            in_cmake = False
            cmake_cmd = ''
            for line in cmake_do_configure.splitlines():
                if in_cmake:
                    cmake_cmd = cmake_cmd + ' ' + line.strip().rstrip('\\')
                    if not line.endswith('\\'):
                if line.lstrip().startswith('cmake '):
                    cmake_cmd = line.strip().rstrip('\\')
                    if line.endswith('\\'):
                        in_cmake = True
            if cmake_cmd:
                configopttext = '''
The current cmake command line:


Arguments specified through EXTRA_OECMAKE (which you can change or add to easily)

%s''' % (oe.utils.squashspaces(cmake_cmd), extra_oecmake)
                configopttext = '''
The current implementation of cmake_do_configure:

cmake_do_configure() {

Arguments specified through EXTRA_OECMAKE (which you can change or add to easily)

%s''' % (cmake_do_configure.rstrip(), extra_oecmake)

        elif do_configure:
            configopttext = '''
The current implementation of do_configure:

do_configure() {
}''' % do_configure.rstrip()
            if '${EXTRA_OECONF}' in do_configure_noexpand:
                configopttext += '''

Arguments specified through EXTRA_OECONF (which you can change or add to easily):

%s''' % extra_oeconf

        if packageconfig:
            configopttext += '''

Some of these options may be controlled through PACKAGECONFIG; for more details please see the recipe.'''

        if args.arg:
            helpargs = ' '.join(args.arg)
        elif cmake:
            helpargs = '-LH'
            helpargs = '--help'

        msg = '''configure information for %s
%s''' % (pn, configopttext)

        if cmake:
            msg += '''

The cmake %s output for %s follows. After "-- Cache values" you should see a list of variables you can add to EXTRA_OECMAKE (prefixed with -D and suffixed with = followed by the desired value, without any spaces).
------------------------------------------''' % (helpargs, pn)
        elif os.path.exists(configurescript):
            msg += '''

The ./configure %s output for %s follows.
------------------------------------------''' % (helpargs, pn)

        olddir = os.getcwd()
        tmppath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as tf:
            if not args.no_header:
                tf.write(msg + '\n')
                    cmd = 'cat %s' % tf.name
                    if cmake:
                        cmd += '; cmake %s %s 2>&1' % (helpargs, s)
                    elif os.path.exists(configurescript):
                        cmd += '; %s %s' % (configurescript, helpargs)
                    if sys.stdout.isatty() and not args.no_pager:
                        pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', 'less')
                        cmd = '(%s) | %s' % (cmd, pager)
                    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
                except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                    return e.returncode

def register_commands(subparsers, context):
    """Register devtool subcommands from this plugin"""
    parser_edit_recipe = subparsers.add_parser('edit-recipe', help='Edit a recipe file in your workspace',
                                         description='Runs the default editor (as specified by the EDITOR variable) on the specified recipe. Note that the recipe file itself must be in the workspace (i.e. as a result of "devtool add" or "devtool upgrade"); you can override this with the -a/--any-recipe option.',
    parser_edit_recipe.add_argument('recipename', help='Recipe to edit')
    parser_edit_recipe.add_argument('--any-recipe', '-a', action="store_true", help='Edit any recipe, not just where the recipe file itself is in the workspace')

    # NOTE: Needed to override the usage string here since the default
    # gets the order wrong - recipename must come before --arg
    parser_configure_help = subparsers.add_parser('configure-help', help='Get help on configure script options',
                                         usage='devtool configure-help [options] recipename [--arg ...]',
                                         description='Displays the help for the configure script for the specified recipe (i.e. runs ./configure --help) prefaced by a header describing the current options being specified. Output is piped through less (or whatever PAGER is set to, if set) for easy browsing.',
    parser_configure_help.add_argument('recipename', help='Recipe to show configure help for')
    parser_configure_help.add_argument('-p', '--no-pager', help='Disable paged output', action="store_true")
    parser_configure_help.add_argument('-n', '--no-header', help='Disable explanatory header text', action="store_true")
    parser_configure_help.add_argument('--arg', help='Pass remaining arguments to the configure script instead of --help (useful if the script has additional help options)', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)