79 lines
2.2 KiB
79 lines
2.2 KiB
import filecmp
import os
g_key_table = None
class hsm_param:
def __init__(self):
#you can add parameter required by your HSM here
self.m_ref_key_path = ""
self.m_key_id = 0
self.m_attr1 = 0
self.m_attr2 = 0
self.m_padding_dict = {"raw": 0, "pss": 1}
self.m_padding = 0 #default: raw
def create_key_table():
global g_key_table
if None == g_key_table:
#create key table
#here is reference design, please customize
#this part according to your HSM spec.
script_folder, script_name = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))
key_folder = os.path.join(script_folder, "keys")
key_folder = os.path.join(key_folder, "hsm")
g_key_table = list()
#key1 parameter
key1_param = hsm_param()
key1_param.m_ref_key_path = os.path.join(key_folder, 'pubk1.pem')
key1_param.m_key_id = 0
key1_param.m_attr1 = 1
key1_param.m_attr2 = 1
#key2 parameter
key2_param = hsm_param()
key2_param.m_ref_key_path = os.path.join(key_folder, 'pubk2.pem')
key2_param.m_key_id = 1
key2_param.m_attr1 = 2
key2_param.m_attr2 = 2
def query_key_table(key):
global g_key_table
for key_table_entry in g_key_table:
if filecmp.cmp(key, key_table_entry.m_ref_key_path):
print "key index: " + hex(key_table_entry.m_key_id)
return key_table_entry
print "no valid key entry found in table"
return None
def hsm_rsa_sign(data, key, padding, sig):
hsm_param_obj = None
#note that key is pubk actually, use it as index for
#HSM parameters such as key selection
hsm_param_obj = query_key_table(key)
if None == hsm_param_obj:
return -1
hsm_param_obj.m_padding = hsm_param_obj.m_padding_dict[padding]
print "========================"
print "HSM parameter:"
print " m_key_id = " + hex(hsm_param_obj.m_key_id)
print " m_padding = " + hex(hsm_param_obj.m_padding)
print " m_attr1 = " + hex(hsm_param_obj.m_attr1)
print " m_attr2 = " + hex(hsm_param_obj.m_attr2)
print "========================"
#place hsm request here -- start
#create dummy sig for now
sig_file = open(sig, 'wb')
for i in range(0, 256):
#place hsm request here -- end
return 0