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2022-05-13 08:02:31 +00:00
SUMMARY = "Linux SCSi tools to service maintain disk storage devices"
DESCRIPTION = "scsirastools were designed to add to the Serviceability of \
SCSI devices under Linux so that the system does not have \
to be rebooted or taken out of service to perform common \
maintenance or service functions. It handles SCSI, \
Linux SW RAID, SAS, SATA, and USB devices via SCSI emulation."
HOMEPAGE = "http://scsirastools.sourceforge.net/"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=687ea108478d26152ae46eb29d9d1545"
SRC_URI = "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scsirastools/scsirastools-${PV}.tar.gz"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2d775111b62e2dfc1960a722f5fda211"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "38d2c6c9b04a2c594e528927b950754f94c0522718d17c78e6589ba778339bf8"
inherit autotools update-rc.d
# mdadm Makefile has CC set to gcc, hence override CC to ${CC}
INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "${PN}-diskmon ${PN}-raidmon"
INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-diskmon = "sgdisk"
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_${PN}-diskmon = "defaults 80 20"
INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-raidmon = "sgraid"
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_${PN}-raidmon = "defaults 80 20"
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-diskmon ${PN}-diskmon-dbg"
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-raidmon ${PN}-raidmon-dbg"
FILES_${PN}-dbg += "/usr/share/scsirastools/.debug"
FILES_${PN}-diskmon = "${sbindir}/sgdiskmon ${sysconfdir}/init.d/sgdisk"
FILES_${PN}-diskmon-dbg = "${sbindir}/.debug/sgdiskmon"
FILES_${PN}-raidmon = "${sbindir}/sgraidmon ${sysconfdir}/init.d/sgraid"
FILES_${PN}-raidmon-dbg = "${sbindir}/.debug/sgraidmon"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"
RDEPENDS_${PN}-diskmon += "${PN}"
RDEPENDS_${PN}-raidmon += "${PN}"