223 lines
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223 lines
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* ExecutorTest.cpp
* Copyright 2016-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <list>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "ExecutorTestUtils.h"
#include "AVSCommon/Utils/Threading/Executor.h"
namespace alexaClientSDK {
namespace avsCommon {
namespace utils {
namespace threading {
namespace test {
class ExecutorTest: public ::testing::Test {
Executor executor;
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitStdFunctionAndVerifyExecution) {
std::function<void()> function = []() { };
auto future = executor.submit(function);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitStdBindAndVerifyExecution) {
auto future = executor.submit(std::bind(exampleFunctionParams, 0));
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitLambdaAndVerifyExecution) {
auto future = executor.submit([]() { });
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionPointerAndVerifyExecution) {
auto future = executor.submit(&exampleFunction);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctorAndVerifyExecution) {
ExampleFunctor exampleFunctor;
auto future = executor.submit(exampleFunctor);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithPrimitiveReturnTypeNoArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
int value = VALUE;
auto future = executor.submit([=]() { return value; });
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
ASSERT_EQ(future.get(), value);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithObjectReturnTypeNoArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
SimpleObject value(VALUE);
auto future = executor.submit([=]() { return value; });
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
ASSERT_EQ(future.get().getValue(), value.getValue());
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithNoReturnTypePrimitiveArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
int value = VALUE;
auto future = executor.submit([](int number) { }, value);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithNoReturnTypeObjectArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
SimpleObject arg(0);
auto future = executor.submit([](SimpleObject object) { }, arg);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithPrimitiveReturnTypeObjectArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
int value = VALUE;
SimpleObject arg(0);
auto future = executor.submit([=](SimpleObject object) { return value; }, arg);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
ASSERT_EQ(future.get(), value);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithObjectReturnTypePrimitiveArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
int arg = 0;
SimpleObject value(VALUE);
auto future = executor.submit([=](int primitive) { return value; }, arg);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
ASSERT_EQ(future.get().getValue(), value.getValue());
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithPrimitiveReturnTypePrimitiveArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
int arg = 0;
int value = VALUE;
auto future = executor.submit([=](int number) { return value; }, arg);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
ASSERT_EQ(future.get(), value);
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitFunctionWithObjectReturnTypeObjectArgsAndVerifyExecution) {
SimpleObject value(VALUE);
SimpleObject arg(0);
auto future = executor.submit([=](SimpleObject object) { return value; }, arg);
auto future_status = future.wait_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS);
ASSERT_EQ(future_status, std::future_status::ready);
ASSERT_EQ(future.get().getValue(), value.getValue());
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, submitToFront) {
std::atomic<bool> ready(false);
std::atomic<bool> blocked(false);
std::list<int> order;
// submit a task which will block the executor
[&] {
blocked = true;
while (!ready) {
// wait for it to block
while (!blocked) {
// submit a task to the empty queue
executor.submit([&] { order.push_back(1); });
// submit a task to the back of the queue
executor.submit([&] { order.push_back(2); });
// submit a task to the front of the queue
executor.submitToFront([&] { order.push_back(3); });
// unblock the executor
ready = true;
// wait for all tasks to complete
// verify execution order
ASSERT_EQ(order.size(), 3U);
ASSERT_EQ(order.front(), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(order.back(), 2);
/// Used by @c futureWaitsForTaskCleanup delay and timestamp the time of lambda parameter destruction.
struct SlowDestructor {
/// Constructor.
SlowDestructor() : cleanedUp{nullptr} {
/// Destructor which delays destruction, timestamps, and notifies a condition variable when it is done
~SlowDestructor() {
if (cleanedUp) {
/* Delay briefly so that there is a measurable delay between the completion of the lambda's content and the
cleanup of the lambda's parameters */
std::this_thread::sleep_for(SHORT_TIMEOUT_MS / 10);
// Note the time when the destructor has (nominally) completed.
*cleanedUp = true;
* Boolean indicating destruction is completed (if != nullptr). Mutable so that a lambda can write to it in a
* SlowDestructor parameter that is captured by value.
mutable std::atomic<bool> * cleanedUp;
/// This test verifies that the executor waits to fulfill its promise until after the task is cleaned up.
TEST_F(ExecutorTest, futureWaitsForTaskCleanup) {
std::atomic<bool> cleanedUp(false);
SlowDestructor slowDestructor;
// Submit a lambda to execute which captures a parameter by value that is slow to destruct.
[slowDestructor, &cleanedUp] {
// Update the captured copy of slowDestructor so that it will delay destruction and update the cleanedUp
// flag.
slowDestructor.cleanedUp = &cleanedUp;
// wait for the promise to be fulfilled.
} // namespace test
} // namespace threading
} // namespace avsCommon
} // namespace utils
} // namespace alexaClientSDK