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* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <AVSCommon/SDKInterfaces/LocaleAssetsManagerInterface.h>
#include <RegistrationManager/RegistrationObserverInterface.h>
#include "ConsoleReader.h"
#include "InteractionManager.h"
#include "SampleApplicationReturnCodes.h"
namespace alexaClientSDK {
namespace sampleApp {
/// Observes user input from the console and notifies the interaction manager of the user's intentions.
class UserInputManager
: public avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::AuthObserverInterface
, public avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::CapabilitiesDelegateObserverInterface
, public registrationManager::RegistrationObserverInterface {
* Create a UserInputManager.
* @param interactionManager An instance of the @c InteractionManager used to manage user input.
* @param consoleReader The @c ConsoleReader to read inputs from console.
* @param localeAssetsManager The @c LocaleAssetsManagerInterface that provides the supported locales.
* @param defaultEndpointId The @c EndpointIdentifier of the default endpoint.
* @return Returns a new @c UserInputManager, or @c nullptr if the operation failed.
static std::unique_ptr<UserInputManager> create(
std::shared_ptr<InteractionManager> interactionManager,
std::shared_ptr<ConsoleReader> consoleReader,
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::LocaleAssetsManagerInterface> localeAssetsManager,
const avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::endpoints::EndpointIdentifier& defaultEndpointId);
* Processes user input until a quit command or a device reset is triggered.
* @return Returns a @c SampleAppReturnCode.
SampleAppReturnCode run();
/// @name RegistrationObserverInterface Functions
/// @{
void onLogout() override;
/// @}
* Constructor.
* @param interactionManager An instance of the @c InteractionManager used to manage user input.
* @param consoleReader The @c ConsoleReader to read inputs from console.
* @param localeAssetsManager The @c LocaleAssetsManagerInterface that provides the supported locales.
* @param defaultEndpointId The @c EndpointIdentifier of the default endpoint.
std::shared_ptr<InteractionManager> interactionManager,
std::shared_ptr<ConsoleReader> consoleReader,
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::LocaleAssetsManagerInterface> localeAssetsManager,
const avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::endpoints::EndpointIdentifier& defaultEndpointId);
* Reads an input from the console. This is a blocking call until an input is read from the console or if m_restart
* flag is set. This should only be used in the root level of the menu because we only want to return at the root.
* @param[out] inputChar A pointer to input from the console.
* @return Returns @c true if a character is read from console. @c false if m_restart flag is set.
bool readConsoleInput(char* input);
* Send dtmf tones if input from console are valid dtmf tones.
* @param dtmfTones dtmf tones from user input.
* @return @c true if dtmf tones are sent; otherwise, return @c false.
bool sendDtmf(const std::string& dtmfTones);
* Implement speaker control options.
void controlSpeaker();
* Implement phone control options.
void controlPhone();
* Implement meeting control options.
void controlMeeting();
* Implement device reset confirmation.
* @return @c true if device was reset; otherwise, return @c false.
bool confirmReset();
* Settings menu.
void settingsMenu();
* Dynamic endpoint modification Menu.
void dynamicEndpointModificationMenu();
* Endpoint Controller menu.
void endpointControllerMenu();
* Prompt the user to confirm before initiating re-authorization of the device.
* @return @c true if re-authorization was confirmed and initiated.
bool confirmReauthorizeDevice();
/// @name AuthObserverInterface Function
/// @{
void onAuthStateChange(AuthObserverInterface::State newState, AuthObserverInterface::Error newError) override;
/// @}
/// @name CapabilitiesDelegateObserverInterface Methods
void onCapabilitiesStateChange(
avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::CapabilitiesDelegateObserverInterface::State newState,
avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::CapabilitiesDelegateObserverInterface::Error newError,
const std::vector<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::endpoints::EndpointIdentifier>& addedOrUpdatedEndpoints,
const std::vector<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::endpoints::EndpointIdentifier>& deletedEndpoints) override;
/// }
* The diagnostics menu.
void diagnosticsMenu();
* The device properties menu.
void devicePropertiesMenu();
* The device protocol tracer menu.
void deviceProtocolTracerMenu();
* The audio injection menu.
void audioInjectionMenu();
* Send @c DeviceSetup DeviceSetupComplete Event.
bool deviceSetupCompleted();
/// The main interaction manager that interfaces with the SDK.
std::shared_ptr<InteractionManager> m_interactionManager;
/// The @c ConsoleReader to read input from console.
std::shared_ptr<ConsoleReader> m_consoleReader;
/// The @c LocaleAssetsManagerInterface that provides the supported locales.
std::shared_ptr<avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::LocaleAssetsManagerInterface> m_localeAssetsManager;
/// The @c EndpointIdentifier of the default endpoint.
const avsCommon::sdkInterfaces::endpoints::EndpointIdentifier& m_defaultEndpointId;
/// Flag to indicate that a fatal failure occurred. In this case, customer can either reset the device or kill
/// the app.
std::atomic_bool m_limitedInteraction;
/// Flag to indicate that the @c run() should stop and return @c SampleAppReturnCode::RESTART.
std::atomic_bool m_restart;
} // namespace sampleApp
} // namespace alexaClientSDK