Celina G. Val add1956688 Version 1.5.0 alexa-client-sdk
Changes in this update:

* Added the `ExternalMediaPlayer` Capability Agent. This allows playback from music providers that control their own playback queue. Example: Spotify.
* Added support for AU and NZ to the `SampleApp`.
* Firmware version can now be sent to Alexa via the `SoftwareInfo` event. The firmware version is specified in the config file under the `sampleApp` object as an integer value named [`firmwareVersion`](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L52).
* The new `f` command was added to the `SampleApp` which allows the firmware version to be updated at run-time.
* Optional configuration changes have been introduced. Now a [default log level](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/blob/master/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json#L93) can be set for `ACSDK_LOG_MODULE` components, globally or individually. This value is specified under a new root level configuration object called `logger`, and the value itself is named `logLevel`. This allows you to limit the degree of logging to that default value, such as `ERROR`or `INFO`.

**Bug Fixes**
* Fixed bug where `AudioPlayer` progress reports were not being sent, or were being sent incorrectly.
* [Issue 408](https://github.com/alexa/avs-device-sdk/issues/408) - Irrelevant code related to `UrlSource` was removed from the `GStreamer-based MediaPlayer` implementation.
* The `TZ` variable no longer needs to be set to `UTC` when building the `SampleApp`.
* Fixed a bug where `CurlEasyHandleWrapper` logged unwanted data on failure conditions.
* Fixed a bug to improve `SIGPIPE` handling.
* Fixed a bug where the filename and classname were mismatched. Changed `UrlToAttachmentConverter.h` to `UrlContentToAttachmentConverter.h`,and `UrlToAttachmentConverter.cpp` to `UrlContentToAttachmentConverter.cpp`

**Known Issues**
* The `ACL` may encounter issues if audio attachments are received but not consumed.
* Display Cards for Kindle don't render.
* If using the GStreamer-based `MediaPlayer` implementation, after muting and un-muting an audio item, the next item in the queue will begin playing rather than continuing playback of the originally muted audio item.
* `SpeechSynthesizerState` currently uses `GAINING_FOCUS` and `LOSING_FOCUS` as a workaround for handling intermediate state. These states may be removed in a future release.
* Music playback doesn't immediately stop when a user barges-in on iHeartRadio.
2018-02-12 15:34:18 -08:00
ExampleAuthDelegateClient Version 1.5.0 alexa-client-sdk 2018-02-12 15:34:18 -08:00
CMakeLists.txt Version 0.2 - Alexa Interaction Manager - Comprised of three components, the Alexa Communications Library (ACL), the Alexa Directive Sequencer Library (ADSL), and Activity Focus Manager Library (AFML), it handles communications with AVS and message routing to capability agents. 2017-03-09 16:01:46 -08:00