Ken Cecka 1b712a1e97 v1.3.0 released 12/08/2017:
* ContextManager now passes the namespace/name of the desired state to StateProv
iderInterface::provideState().  This is helpful when a single StateProvider obje
ct provides multiple states, and needs to know which one ContextManager is askin
g for.
* The mime parser was hardened against duplicate boundaries.
* Added functionality to add and remove AudioPlayer observers to the DefaultClie
* Unit tests for Alerts were added.
* Added en-IN, en-CA and ja-JP to the SampleApp locale selection menu.
* Added default alert and timer audio data to the SDK SampleApp.  There is no lo
nger a requirement to download these audio files and configure them in the json
configuration file.
* Added support in SDS Reader and AttachmentReader for seeking into the future.
 This allows a reader to move to an index which has not yet arrived in the SDS a
nd poll/block until it arrives.
* Added support for blocking Writers in the SharedDataStream class.
* Changed the default status code sent by MessageRequestObserverInterface::onSen
dCompleted() to SERVER_OTHER_ERROR, and mapped HTTP code 500 to SERVER_INTERNAL_
* Added support for parsing stream duration out of playlists.
* Added a configuration option ("sampleApp":"displayCardsSupported") that allows
 the displaying of display cards to be enabled or disabled.
* Named Timers and Reminders have been updated to fall back to the on-device bac
kground audio sound when cloud urls cannot be accessed or rendered.

**Bug Fixes**
* Removed floating point dependencies from core SDK libraries.
* Fixed bug in SpeechSynthesizer where it's erroneously calling stop more than once.
* Fixed an issue in ContentFetcher where it could hang during destruction until an active GET request completed.
* Fixed a couple of parsing bugs in LibCurlHttpContentFetcher related to case-sensitivity and mime-type handling.
* Fixed a bug where MediaPlayerObserverInterface::onPlaybackResumed() wasn't being called after resuming from a pause with a pending play/resume.
* Fixed a bug in LibCurlContentFetcher where it could error out if data is written to the SDS faster than it is consumed.
* The GStreamer-based MediaPlayer reference implementation now uses the ACL HTTP configured client.
  * An API change has been made to MediaPlayerInterface::setSource(). This method now takes in an optional offset as well to allow for immediately streaming to the offset if possible.
  * Next and Previous buttons now work with Audible.
  * Pandora resume stuttering is addressed.
  * Pausing and resuming Amazon music no longer seeks back to the beginning of the song.
* libcurl CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL option is set to 1 (https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL.html) to avoid crashes  observed in SampleApp.
* Fixed the timing of the PlaybackReportIntervalEvent and PlaybackReportDelayEvent as specified in the directives.
* Fixed potential deadlocks in MediaPlayer during shutdown related to queued callbacks.
* Fixed a crash in MediaPlayer that could occur if the network is disconnected during playback.
* Fixed a bug where music could keep playing while Alexa is speaking.
* Fixed a bug which was causing problems with pause/resume and next/previous with Amazon Music.
* Fixed a bug where music could briefly start playing between speaks.
* Fixed a bug where HLS playlists would stop streaming after the initial playlist had been played to completion.
* Fixed a bug where Audible playback could not advance to the next chapter.
* Fixed some occurrences of SDK entering the IDLE state during the transition between Listening and Speaking states.
* Fixed a bug where PlaybackFinished events were not reporting the correct offset.
  * An API change has been made to MediaPlayerInterface::getOffset().  This method is now required to return the final offset when called after playback has stopped.
* Fixed a problem where AIP was erroneously resetting its state upon getting a cancelDirective() callback.

**Known Issues**
* Capability agent for Notifications is not included in this release.
* `ACL`'s asynchronous receipt of audio attachments may manage resources poorly in scenarios where attachments are received but not consumed.
* GUI cards don't show for Kindle.
* The new SpeechSynthesizerState state values GAINING_FOCUS and LOSING_FOCUS were added as part of a work-around.  The will likely be removed in subsequent releases.
* With the gstreamer-based MediaPlayer, after muting and unmuting, the next item starts playing rather than continuing with the current item.
2017-12-08 16:07:37 -08:00
AudioInputProcessorTest.cpp v1.3.0 released 12/08/2017: 2017-12-08 16:07:37 -08:00
CMakeLists.txt Version 0.5 alexa-client-sdk 2017-06-23 16:26:34 -07:00
MockObserver.h v1.3.0 released 12/08/2017: 2017-12-08 16:07:37 -08:00